Pathophysiology of Ulcerative Colitis Introduction (Criteria 1 & 2): Ulcerative colitis affects the colon or the large intestines and involves the inflammation of the lining of the colon leading to ulcers or small sores. The ulcers generate mucous and pus, causing abdominal pain plus the feeling to empty the bowel frequently. It develops as a result of various factors that are not appropriately understood. Some of the causal factors for ulcerative colitis include genetics, microbiome, abnormal immune response, as well as the environmental factors. The interaction between bacterial or viral infection and the immune response of the body triggers ulcerative colitis. It comes at any age, although various people are identified or diagnosed at around the mid-30s of age. Both the women and the men are affected almost equally, but it has been reported that the older males are at risk than aged women. Among the two main inflammatory diseases, ulcerative colitis is one of them, and the other is the Crohn disease. The condition is life long and involves the development of profound social and emotional impact on the…

Tolerance to own tissue and rejection of transplanted organs Typically, the immune system can differentiate between self-cells and non-self-cells (particularly germs and viruses) in the human body. Although scientists have been investigating how the immune system differentiates self-cells from non-self-cells, the immune’s unresponsiveness to its cells is referred to as self-tolerance or tolerance to its tissue. The concept of self-tolerance can be discussed through consideration of the lymphocytes—the B cells and T cells. The lymphocytes’ ability to ignore self-cells can be explained through the concept of central tolerance and peripheral tolerance (see the diagram below).   Figure 1: Central and peripheral tolerance. Source: (Gregersen & Behrens, 2006) Central tolerance, which is scientifically referred to as the negative selection, is the process through which lymphocytes with receptors that are responsive to self-cells, are eliminated during the early stages of lymphocyte development. In other words, when the lymphocytes are developing in the primary lymphoid—such as thymus and bone marrow—developing T cells and B cells that are reactive to self-cells undergo apoptosis or undergo a modification of the antigen receptors. On the other…

Stigma by Association (Mental Illness) The friends, family, and caregivers who are associated with those individuals who suffer from mental illness experience stigma by association (SBA) that is a phenomenon that requires more attention. Some of the social injustices can be considered in the present surrounding of improved focus on social justice followed by the person’s stigmatization of those who are stressed with the task to support a friend or family member who is mentally ill (Ebsworth & Foster, 2017). This essay explains the concept of stigma and stigma by association with their relevant examples. It also provides an overview of the negative effects of stigma and SBA on the mental health of the caregivers, friends, as well as on the family by considering some case studies based on stigma by association. Finally, the case also considers the effective methods and enhances awareness to combat with SBA that should be initiated to support people experiencing SBA and to deal with people with mental illness (PWMI) as impacted by SBA on the family members, friends, and the support structure of mentally ill…

Medical malpractice claim requirements Errors in medical matters are common. Some errors occur as a result of the risks involving the practice of medicine in general, while many of them happen as a result of negligence. When this happens, a malpractice claim is the next thing that takes a cause. Handling a medical malpractice claim is not easy. The complainant must be able to prove the following facts during the lawsuit. Doctor-patient relationship The complainant must prove that a doctor-patient relationship existed with the physician. This means they both agreed to work together for treatment purposes. This is easy to prove as long as the doctor began treating the patient. Violation of standard of care Standard of care places the patient under the doctors’ care. The doctor is, therefore, required to follow the medical standards of practice and deliver consistent care. Failure to do this will attract a lawsuit. The injury was as a result of the negligence Simple violation of standard care is not enough to warrant a malpractice claim. The complainant must prove that the injury occurred as…

Advertisements make Socially Acceptable Goods through psychological Manipulation Introduction Language is an imperative aspect of advertising because it is how companies communicate their products to the public. In modern cultures, various styles are identified differently and through learning distinctively. According to Haarman (249), the French language is classified as a tasteful and elegant, while German is typified with technical reliability and precision. How advertisers use words to appeal to audiences impact on how the public accepts a good or service. Adverts are an integral part of life and pervasive because they persuade diverse demographics to purchase items, and hence advertising plays a significant role in augmenting demand and production. The messages communicated through language are likely to become successful if the targeted group believed in the advert. For instance, luxury goods are associated with sophistication, and hence the language used must communicate complexity. Thus, unlike using a local African language, it is likely that product development will likely adopt English because it might convey prestige, quality, exclusivity, and use of regional signs in the advert messages may fail to create…

Association of blood groups with body mass index in medical students Introduction Blood is a significant fluid of the human body that is responsible for the flow of essential nutrients, hormones, enzymes, as well as oxygen in our body [1]. The term blood group discusses the complete blood group system that contains red blood cell antigens, a series of allelic genes or linked genes controls the specificity of blood group system. Blood type refers to the precise pattern of reactions to test antisera in the specific system [2] In the 20th century, many types of blood groups were identified but ABO, as well as Rhesus (Rh), are the most important blood groups. Human blood groups were discovered for the first time by Karl Landsteiner at the University of Vienna in 1901 [3]. Rh blood group was found in 1941 by Weiner and Landsteiner. ABO blood groups, as well as Rhesus, are significant for blood transfusions. Blood groups are essential for blood transfusions, organ transplantation. Blood groups antigens can be used in forensic pathology, genetic research and anthropology [4]. ABO gene…

Reflection of Past Assignments Over the past weeks’ assignments, I have learned including exploration of energy and how it is captured and utilized by Prochlorococcus, analyzed the termite’s patterns in savanna landscape, the keystone species and trophic cascades and the bird flu in Alaskan water. For me, the most interesting topic is the keystone species. The concept of tropic cascade gave me an insight into how predators play a vital role in maintaining ecological factors. The concept of green hypothesis and how the herbivores are controlled on both up and bottom upfronts. It explains the energy transfer and ecological balance between the organisms. Through the video, I can understand how or why the Whales affects the coastal ecosystem. Additionally, I found the topic of Prochlorococcus as very interesting. The organism plays a significant role in ocean photosynthesis and were it not for them, then human beings would not be living. The rattlesnakes and squirrel case offers an insight into medication and resistance which is crucial for human diseases eradication. Although analyzing the termites’ patterns in savanna landscape showcased the concept…

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Abstract Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ASL is one of the most common degenerative disorders of the motor neuron systems. Despite the fact that ASL has been found to be incurable and is fatal in natures, the median survival age for the diseases has been established to be three years. This can also be extended according to the survey conducted on the survival levels of the disorder, depending on the meaningful quality of life and life for the patients. It has been established from the various research that in 75-80 of the patients who suffered ALS, the major symptoms of the condition does begin with the involvement of the limbs. Other minor signs often follow this and, if not monitored correctly in good time, can result in the death of the victims within a relatively shorter period of rime. Introduction ALS is considerably short for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. The disease, which was first detected in 1869 by a doctor, Jean-Martin haricot, is a progressives disease, which means it gets worse over time. It majorly affects the nerves of the…

Simple steps to be followed to remove VPN easily from an iPhone VPN stands of Virtual private network. You can use a VPN to connect to a public network. Having a VPN on your phone can have some adverse effects on your iPhone. You should also note that not all VPNs are right for your iPhone. Some of the problems of VPN on iPhone are They can slow down your internet connection speed because a VPN encrypts all your online activity, and it can take time. Your iPhone VPN connection can suddenly fall, which can cause some inconvenience while you are trying to connect to the internet, and so you have to keep on reconnecting. Configuration of the VPN can be difficult if you do not know how to go about it. And if it is not configured well, it can leak your IP address, which can make you vulnerable to online threats and hackers. There are so many iOS apps online that claim to provide excellent VPN services for an iPhone user. But most of them are either not…

Summary of Texas ‘Free to Believe Act’ (HB 1035) bill Introduction Texas ‘Free to Believe Act’ (HB 1035) bill concerned in ruling about religious and moral convictions under which the law protects such beliefs. The Bill held that marriage was to be regarded as the union between one man and one woman. Moreover, the Bill contained that when referring to males and females, it is relying on the biological sex determined by genetics during birth time. A critical concern of the HB 1035 bill is chapter B: Discriminatory action by governmental entity prohibited. The chapter limits the discriminatory actions to the activities relating to religion (Tomlinson, 2015). The section prevents government entities from taking any acts of discrimination against religious concerns. The ruling leading to protecting any form discriminations holds that the activities consisted of the organization activities are protected the chapter. Among the religious beliefs and moral convictions protected by Chapter B of the Bill include; Employment decisions. The chapter protects the religious organization to any decision they make when recruiting a candidate for a particular job (Tomlinson, 2015).…

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