Race, Racialization and Latino Population in the United States Part 1 Race, Racialization and Latino Population in the United States is a nice article put on paper by Tomás Almaguer. In this article, the author emphasizes on the black skinned people in the United States of America prior to 1970. He goes ahead to give out a definite comparison of Latino population in the pre-colonial era and the years later. His comparison cuts across legal status, national origins, and ethnicity among the Latino Americans.  I believe Tomas is so innocent to put it that racial identity has been allowed to take its way in that country where he puts it that Latinos do not fit neatly into the Americas category. They have continued to be discriminated socially and politically on the basis of skin color and origin.  Over the number of years, the differences among Latinos and Americans are thought to diminish while those of Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans seem to show change. This paper elucidates how the racial formation in the United States during the colonial period shapes…

Create a Toy from things available in a home Create a Toy from things available in a home. This should be a toy for a baby in early, middle or late infancy. Make sure you have used materials that are safe, or at least explain how you would ensure the toy would be safe. Draw or take a photo of this toy and submit with a detailed desсrіption. Be sure to answer the following guiding questions: Describe the toy and how you created it.What age will benefit from the toy and why?Explain how it will benefit an infant in all of the developmental domains.What developmental theory informed the design? Be sure to use references to theories or research discussed in your textbook. I expect this paper be about 2-3 pages. Be specific. If it is for a child who is 9 months old, where is he developmentally and what would he do with it? Would he be likely to put it in his mouth? Throw it? Stand on it?  Please share photos if available! References: Neysmith-Roy, J. M. (1994). Constructing toys to integrate knowledge…

Teratogens             Teratogens include substances which may produce physical or functional abnormalities to developing human fetus, especially when the pregnant woman is exposed to them. Teratogens cause congenital disabilities or halt pregnancy in extreme cases. Broad classifications of teratogens are maternal infections, chemicals, radiation, and drugs. These drugs include inhibitors, acne medication, alcohol, antidepressants, such as lithium, anti-cancer drug methotrexate, and blood thinner medication. At the onset of the pregnancy, teratogens kill the embryo while exposure during organogenesis causes congenital malformations to the fetus, therefore, pregnant women are advised to refrain entirely from alcoholic drinks. In particular, alcohol consumption is harmful to the development of a baby, as its intake by pregnant women directs the drug to the umbilical cord, and its effect starts taking a course. Alcoholic drinks, such as wine and beer, are equally harmful to the woman’s health and cause miscarriage and stillbirths to the developing fetus or disorders to babies born later (Popova et al., 2017). Taking alcohol during pregnancy leads to physical disabilities in children, such as small head size, low body weight, and shorter-than-normal…

How microbes affect who we are through the presentation on microbes, among the significant factors that I managed to learn is that similar to genes, everyone has microbes that are unique to them. The microbes have the possibility of influencing and determining the health patterns of individuals and the way people behave. For instance, it was interesting to find out that the microbes that individuals have would affect can affect as simple things as attracting mosquitoes. They could also impact health conditions, including eating disorders such as obesity, in addition to the determination of the levels to which individuals are vulnerable to getting infections such as gut infections and breathing disorders. Among the factors that I found interesting is that although individuals, precisely identical twins could have a similarity of up to 99% in their genetic makeup, there is no possibility of two individual having a high similarity in the composition of their microbes. The possible similarity that individuals could have with their microbes is only up to 10%. Another interesting factor in the presentation includes the fact that the…

How Technology Is Being Used To Better Train Medical Professionals Medical education is not exempted from changes stemmed from technology advancements. The changes can be seen in the medical science, diversity of techniques of pedagogy, the roles of physicians and expectations in the society. Technology is changing the goals of education. In the past medical professionals were taught through seeing, doing then teaching someone else. However, today focus lies on decision making, rehearse critical and rare events, psychomotor skills and better skill coordination. Emergency Vehicle Operators The work of emergency vehicle operators requires quick decision making, coordination and efficiency. Today, technology is widely used to train these professionals. Simulations form an inherent part of their training. Simulation training exposes drivers to challenging, realistic scenarios that increase critical driving skills, strengthens decision-making abilities and improves the overall safety of your operators. When driving an emergency vehicle, the driver has to deal with a lot of responsibilities. These include the information transmitted through the radio, traffic, and the public. Emergency simulations are typically conducted in trailers that resemble emergency vehicles like fire…

CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS[CDA] Introduction   The research is set to conduct a critical discourse analysis of the short news article. Since the publication of Norman Fairclough’s Language and Power and Ruth Wodak’s Language, Power and Ideology Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) has not only grown into a significant field of research in its own but also has been widely adopted by researchers in a range of disciplines from Biblical studies (Van Noppen 1996) to urban planning (Hastings 1999).In the overall introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis (1995), a collection of his papers written during the 1980s,  Fairclough described CDA as having “passed through the first flush of youth” and “embarked upon the maturation process”. CDA has indeed sought a reputation, although it has built up formidable weaponry, and demonstrated considerable skill in using its manoeuvres. In my opinion, it has hardly if ever, advanced beyond a guerilla sniping from the margins to a successful assault on the cannon’s mouth. The main innovation incorporated by Critical Discourse Analysis is the integration of the role of audiences in the interpretation of discourse and the…

factors indicating excellent female fertility Every culture has a way to tell if a person is fertile and most of these theories-especially when it comes to female-are flawed. For men, it is almost self-evident. But what about a woman who carries a child and gives the body rest in between births? And does a person’s fertility determine their wellbeing? A person (male or female) who has conceived several times has to be in overall good shape. Superb fertility means the person has a good exercise regime (not excess), healthy meals, genetics on his side, and lack of certain medical conditions. Some factors indicate excellent female fertility. Note that it is not shown by one factor but a combination of several factors. They include precise predictability of your periods, other women around you syncing with your cycle, or you experience all those PMS symptoms everybody hates. Also, a clear discharge during ovulation, lack of UTIs and STIs such as Chlamydia, hormonal balance, pelvic wellbeing, and maybe you’ve gotten pregnant while using pills. One thing we notice is that most indicators of…

Mental Illness and Creative Genius Mental illness is defined as a health condition that involves changes in behavior, emotion, and/or thinking. The condition is connected to distress as well as problems operating in family, social, or even work events. Although many people believe that mental diseases are rare, they are common and widespread across the world (Pavitra, Chandrashekar, & Choudhury, 2007). For instance, research indicates many Americans suffer from a number of mental illness in a particular year. It is unfortunate that most families are never prepared to cope with recognizing that their loved ones have the problem. The situation can be both emotionally as well as physically trying and make many individuals feel vulnerable to judgments as well as opinions of others. Creative genius is associated with various qualities that define it. Studies indicate that creative geniuses are open to new experiences. Specifically, a number of psychologies have determined the idea of openness to experience as the most vital trait of creative individuals. Scholars maintain that creative geniuses make a substantial conscious effort to introduce transformation into their lives.…

Macro and Micro Linguistics Micro linguistics adopts the narrow view of language and is concerned with the structures of the language scheme in itself as well as for itself. Some of the aspects of micro linguistics consist of phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, as well as pragmatics. The aforementioned aspects are covered in sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, and computational linguistics. To begin with, phonetics is recognized as the scientific study of speech sounds, which studies the way speech sounds are articulated, transmitted, as well as received. The preceding aspect is covered in sociolinguistics where individuals understand the correlation existing between language and a specific society (Muñoz Luna, 2016). In this case, the branch indicates the way language use is influenced with social aspects including ethnicity, social class, age, and gender. Precisely, sociolinguistics affects people’s speech sound and the way they articulate, transmit, and receive sound. Phonology is the study on the way speech sounds function in a language. Specifically, it studies the way speech sounds are organized and this is observed as the functional phonetics of a specific language. In this…

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