corpus analysis study in Applied Linguistics Computational Linguistics is the branch of linguistics in which the techniques of computer science are applied to the analysis and synthesis of language and speech. Corpus-based studies follow two main pathways; either exploring available electronic corpora , or analyzing selected texts via computational analysis tools. In a research paper, develop a corpus analysis study in the one of the following fields of Applied Linguistics: Stylistics, Discourse Analysis, Translation & Contrastive Studies, TEFL. Suggested levels of analysis are: Semantic prosody Collocations Idioms Lexical choices – Neologisms Syntactic structures (verbs, adverbs, modal verbs, conjunctions) Pragmatic structures: hedges, deixis (pronouns)   Paper Introduction Background Aim of your paper / Research Question Theoretical Background (use 3 sources) Review of Literature (Mention at least 2 previous studies on your topic. You should mention the aim of each study and the findings of each study[unique_solution] Methodology Materials / Tools Data Analysis (including snapshots) Results & Discussion Conclusion Summary Limitations Implications/Recommendations for further research References Appendix (snapshots of your data which is excluded from the word count)   *  Remarks Include…

Difference between dominant hand and non-dominant hand when using a forehand shot with practice Introduction The main goal of this report is to show the difference that can be exhibited between non-dominant hand and dominant hand when players are participating in any sport activity, specifically with a racket. Testing was mainly done by use of students within the university. The students used comprised of those with limited skills and those with a lot of experience in playing tennis ball. The experiment was done by making use of tennis racket and ball in order to test any successful shots that can be achieved while using different hands. It aimed on testing capability of both hands in shooting tennis ball. A hypothesis was used to test while evaluating which hand exhibits more capability and was more effective with forehand in regard to the set evaluation hypothesis. The stated hypothesis used in carrying out the experiment was that, the more dominant hand was to give effective results while using forehand shot when compared to non-dominant while in practice. Hopefully, when using this hypothesis…

Genre as Used in Discourse Analysis Summary Discourse analysis is a set of techniques for language learning in action and the examination of texts concerning the social contexts. Still, the broad definition has been interpreted in different ways throughout the humanities. Genre analysis has emerged as one of the most common and efficient mechanisms in which specialist communication can be studied in universities, professions, institutions, and marketing. This paper provides an overview of the significance of genre in discourse analysis and its applications in the analysis of promotional texts. The discourse examples proposed in this essay focuses more on an understanding of the vocabulary or debate, rather than relying on linguistic differences as indicated by the strategy employed by people to achieve specific effects deliberately for marketing purposes. In the first example, a memorial sale promotional text is given. It aims to attract customers based on its color and presentation of language. For instance, the use of exclamation marks is meant to capture the attention of audiences. As a result, rhetoric research is generally indifferent to visual identification and interpretation, but…

Challenges of Poem Translation             During poem translation, a literary translator is likely to encounter problems such as linguistic, socio-cultural, as well as aesthetic problems that include metaphorical expressions, dramatic structure, and sound. The main problem faced in the translation of the Vietnamese poem below is the problem of linguistics. There are two points that the writer needs to take into account; obscured and collocation syntactical structures. Collocation refers to a word or a group of words that can typically combine with other words or group of words. For example, the phrase, run a meeting means not to do a session. A collocation in one language may not say the same thing in a different language. Can collocation be seen in the poem through the phrase; khi ho co gay? Translated to (We’ll get back to this in a bit). Vietnamese is a highly idiomatic language, and this phrase cannot be adequately translated into another language; otherwise, it would mean something else. The second point to take into account is the obscured syntactical structure which plays the moving parts in…

Lecture Report True or False   Lecture between week three to week thirteen involves a discussion about; music is an international language that crosses the boundary of languages, The bourgeois piano, music modernization, model piece, camera movement and music as narrator. Music can communicate across all culture. Music crosses boundaries of languages in that is not just for an individual to speak a particular to enjoy the composition of music in that language. One universal feature of people’s experience is music. People can sense or detect any emotion shift in the unknown idiom, either sadness or happiness. The prosody of languages is expressed in musical feature tempo, rhythm and pitch that are used to express speech that is universal amongst all linguistics (Ludden 1). The bourgeois piano This chapter explains about the piano and politics both during the social and post-social era. During the revolution of the culture of China, the keyboard was connected to the coffin where notes flustered about like bourgeoisie bone. Great pianist during this era did not feel the impact of piano music compost by composers…

Critical Discourse Analysis of President Donald Trump’s First White House Interview 1.0 INTRODUCTION Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) exercises are meant to understand the processes of social practice from the perspective of discourse. Communication has a big role in many aspects of social practice through the establishment of societal power relations (Baranov, Mamychev and Ovchinnikov, 2015). CDAs are an important aspect of identifying the underlying impact of political speeches and interviews other than looking them at face value. Politicians are trained or themselves skilled in manipulating communications to suit their agendas. Unfortunately, some of these agendas might not be in the best interests of their electorate. This CDA exercise targets one of the most studied presidents in the world in recent history. United States President Donald Trump has been the focus of various CDA and communication-oriented studies based on his reckless communication practices. He is rude, sometimes outright abusive, divisive, and prejudicial in terms of race and gender. The transcript from which this CDA exercise borrows shall be his first interview in the White House with famed ABC journalist David Muir.…



Race Race is a sensitive issue which affects most individuals, and some have experienced it from time to time. Race health disparities from a health perspective is primarily a social construct since poor whites in the United States are faced with the same level of infant mortality rate when compared to other countries despite the huge U.S medical care expenditure. The birth outcomes in any countries are primarily affected by the voter turnout. It may sound crazy, but according to David et al. (2007), the more voter turnout, the lower the levels of mortality rate and vice verse. Besides, when the comparison is carried out between the past and the current generation, it shows that substantial secular change. For example, the low birth weights for black infants in the European nations is not the same as birth weights for infants from current immigrants from Africa. Those two scenarios on the voter turnout and the geographical movement of blacks clearly illustrate that race should be considered a social construct when it comes to health issues. Reference David, R. & Collins, J.…

How image schemas underpin the conceptual and linguistic structure Introduction An image schema can be defined as a recurring, dynamic pattern of people’s perceptual interactions and motor programs that provides coherence and structure to people’s experience.  According to Oakley (2010), image schema is the condensed re-description of the perceptual experience of spatial mapping structure onto the conceptual structure. Despite the researchers in cognitive linguistics having several interpretations of what it means to possess linguistic primitives, the research on the formal domain of image schema takes a straightforward view. Image schema is the highly schematic gestalts that consume the structural continuity of sensorimotor experience through integrating information from numerous modalities. According to gestalts work, image schemas exist as internal structures. It implies that image schema is composed of highly flexible few parts.  The degree of their flexibility is manifested in the various transformations they pass through in their different experiential contexts. In addition to the ability of the cognitive metaphor, which supports human beings to map experiential structures from imagistic domains to abstracts domains, image schema has been hypothesized to give…

Three-step priming in lexical decision   The main objective that the article seeks to attain is to evaluate the compound cue Model of Ratcliff and McKoon as well as the distributed memory model of Masson. Apparently, the article primarily dwells on the concept of automatic priming and as a result, a comprehensive evaluation of the above models will be attained by carrying out a test for mediated priming, which essentially refers to the priming of the target words which are perceived to be indirectly related to the semantic memory. Every research work conducted seeks to fill a niche that was left by previous research studies. This study was motivated by research conducted by McNamara and Altarriba in 1988 and  Chwilla, Kolk, and Mulder (2000) all of whom conducted research on the same topic. The research conducted by McNamara and Altarriba (1988) noted that the presence of direct associates was one of the main reasons why mediated priming was inherently absent. In addition to that, they were able to clearly demonstrate two-step priming using concrete and substantial evidence. On the other…

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