The advantages of offering a disabled child medicine or doing surgery by a medical doctor to prevent their growth To appreciate why many doctors would take the stoppage of growth of the disabled children, you first need to understand the work that goes into the caring of the child. Most parents of this children are aging as their children are growing. It therefore becomes hard to take care of a child who is for example 95 pounds, needs to be moved from maybe a wheelchair to their bed or even be taken to the bathroom for short calls or long calls. The aging parents would therefore prefer to have a child that has their growth stopped than have to take care of them daily, which is tiresome and hard for them. The medicine that will be offered will only stop their growth of height but not their cognitive abilities. The medicine, which is estrogen, that is offered in daily doses only stops the growth of the bones. When the medicine is offered at an early age, the growth of the…

Coronavirus among the Elderly The elderly are at the risk of contracting coronavirus. It means that they will be isolated to the countryside far from their families. The retirees will be safer in the countryside since they are vulnerable to contracting the fate illness. Older adults have other underlying medical conditions and this is the primary reason they are at significant risk of contracting coronavirus. Coronavirus has a great connection with the viral age and since the older adults lack a strong immune system, this makes them vulnerable to contracting the disease. They are likely to have conditions such as diabetes, lung disease, kidney disease, and heart disease that weakens the ability of their body to fight infectious disease (Garg et al., 2016). In most countries, the elderly are likely to be institutionalized in settings such as nursing or retirement homes or living with their families in crowded situations and this places them at high risk of infection (Yip et al., 2016). The elderly might have isolation or mobility challenges and because they are isolated, they may lack information regarding…

Are dominant designs good for consumers? Competitors? Complementors? Suppliers? The level of market share is one of the factors which determine if an industry is likely to have one or few dominant designs. If consumers’ network externality needs are met at low levels of market share, then more than one dominant design may be developed. Similarly, if consumers’ network externality needs are met at high levels of market share, then more than fewer dominant designs are developed. Another key factor is the path dependency that affects the trajectory of technology development that, in turn, impacts the number of dominant designs. Also, sponsorship of technology by a powerful firm. Under this factor, helping the technology attain a controlling share of the market that locks out alternative technologies, thus leading to the development of one dominant design. Are dominant designs good for consumers? Competitors? Complementors? Suppliers? Dominant designs are good for consumers if the benefits accrued by consumers through the widespread adoption of technologies outweigh the cost associated with a monopoly. But, they are not good for consumers if the benefits realized…

Post-Coital Emergency Contraceptive Emergency contraception, also known as post-coital contraception is a form of birth control that a woman may use to reduce the chances of getting pregnant after having unprotected sexual intercourse. There are four methods of emergency contraception. They include ECPs containing Levonorgestrel (LNG), ECPs containing ulipristal acetate (UPA), combined oral contraceptive pills, and copper-bearing intrauterine devices (IUD). However, the treatment is intended for specific situations, and therefore, it’s not supposed to be used as a regular form of birth control. How does this method work? The most common oral emergency contraceptive is the Levonorgestrel emergency contraception pill, which prevents pregnancy by delaying or stopping the release of an egg from a woman’s ovaries until the sperms become inactive. The pill does this by preventing a fertilized egg from becoming implanted in the uterus (Matyanga et al., 2018). In other words, the Levonorgestrel pill prevents follicular development when taken before the level of luteinizing hormones increases. On the other hand, the ulipristal acetate pill hinders follicular rupture even after the level of luteinizing hormone has started to increase.…

Criticism and Analysis of Modern Medicine One of the greatest risks to modern medicine has been rampant corruption within health institutions, which has jeopardized the delivery of health care services. Also, widespread corruption has deviated the focus of health care from health promotion to health corruption. Doctors and insurance companies have exacerbated the situation. The primary source of corruption has been the norm by doctors to overcharge patients and the tendency by the insurance companies to overpay the insurance premiums. As a way of augmenting our understanding of this subject, this study will assess the reasons and the players who have contributed to modern medicine is for purposes other than health promotion. The story of Alexa Kasdan perfectly elucidates the state of private health care today (Harris, 2019). It encapsulates how doctors and medical insurers are working in unison to defraud the patients. The fact that Alexa was significantly overcharged for just a sore throat that was remedied by taking some antibiotics exhibits the utter greed that exists in private health facilities in the world today (Harris, 2019). Also, the…

What are the benefits of telemedicine that support quality initiatives? Telemedicine allows remote and primary care providers to seek professional advice from expert physicians at the tertiary levels (Bashshur &Shanon, 2009). This enables the patients in remote areas receive expert diagnosis without physical contact. Furthermore, more people are reached using telemedicine since large medical centers can integrate their services across many remote health centers. This improves the healthcare system. How can organizations minimize potential risks and maximize safeguards when using telemedicine? Organizations should ensure that they have reliable and accurate technology. Since telemedicine relies heavily on communication technology, accurate and reliable technology would minimize risks of miscommunication and enhance understanding of the diagnosis. Furthermore, the communication technology should be enabled to follow-up on a patient. This would maximize the effectiveness of telemedicine through telenursing a patient who is under bed-rest. What are the educational and training needs for telemedicine? Telemedicine clinicians should assess the most appropriate methods of delivering their services (Loane & Wootton, 2002). The lack of face-to-face communication means that chances of miscommunication are high. As such, these…

Precision medicine Precision medicine was the new concept in health care, which was introduced by the president to Obama in 2015. Precision medicine is of the best strategies presented in health care to eliminate health care disparities in the United States. Since health care has been a critical issue of cost, ethical discrimination matters, among others. It aims to reduce the value of health care in our country significantly. It is vital to reduce the cost of drugs for many Americans. The cost of drugs it’s too high for many to afford. Precision medicines use the new tools technology and available data in the medicine filed to come with the most effective approach of treatment of the patients. Precision medicine brings proper early diagnoses and early preventions of the of many of the chronic illnesses such as cancer, which is the leading cause of death among Americans. It was the best way to move away from conservative treatments. Since already happened, and the damage has already being felt by Americans. Precision medicine is significant to both the patients and physicians…

What is rank math plugin Hey!you want to know about rank math plugin. Rank math is a free WordPress plugin which help you to write SEO content and which help you to rank higher in search engine. It automate your WordPress SEO and helps you to optimize your posts. Its helps every website owner get access to the SEO tools they need to improve their SEO and attract more traffic to their website. What is rank math Rank math is a plugin that is designed to show the right example at the right time.rank math interface is shown simple but powerful interface there is lots of information which help you to improve your post its is used in multiple fields like Bloggers,eCommerce Store Owners, Niche Sites, Businesses, Local Businesses, Startups, The Real Estate Artists & Photographers, The Solution Offerer, DirectoriesOr any WordPress Website Feature of rank math that beat the competitor in the market 1)Setup Wizard : Rank Math features a step-by-step installation 2) Google Schema Markup aka Rich Snippets Integrated: With the help of 14 types of rich snippets,…

nuclear medicine and the advancements that it has made since its first use Medical imaging is used to create a visual representation of the internal parts of a body, critical for therapeutic interventions and clinical analysis. Nuclear Medicine is a techniques that uses radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals for research, diagnosis, and treatment. By use of radioactive materials, doctors can detect and determine the level of severity in diseases like; cancer, neurological disorders, and heart problems. This method presents a painless and a less expansive technique for making the diagnosis in the internal components of a body. Gamma rays are emitted from radioactive chemical tracers, and these rays give the diagnostic information of a patient’s anatomy. Approximately 5 in every ten people in the developed nations have benefitted from this technique. This method functions by recording more body radiations as compared to the emissions of the external sources. There are different nuclear medicine scans in this method and the primary emphasis is not the imaging modality (Chandra & Rahmim, 2017). The two commonly used techniques in nuclear medicine are; Positron emission and…

Admission Essay for Medicine Studies Medicine is not only about treating conditions using existing treatment methods, but it also entails research into modern and new methods of combating a growing number of healthcare challenges. In the process of researching the causes and possible cures for some of the most chronic diseases affecting humanity today, medical scholars and scientist have narrowed down the unitary cell as the key to solving these healthcare challenges. Certain virulent diseases such as plaques and HIV, as well as cancer, diabetes, degenerative diseases such as ALS, Alzheimers and Parkinson’s continue to be evasive in terms of modern methods of treatment (Jackson and Chester 262). Unfortunately, most of these diseases are terminal, more so when diagnosed at a relatively advanced stage. However, gene therapy promises to reverse this status quo if recent scientific breakthroughs made at the MIT are anything to go by. I have always wanted to study medicine since it became clear that certain diseases could not be cured. It did not make much sense to me why doctors would not be able to treat…

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