Migrating To The Cloud Abstract The current study focuses on the processes and facts associated with migrating to the cloud. For this, the study reveals the typical requirements of the system that the user must consider before moving any application to the cloud. Moreover, it discussed the requirements of consulting for any company before proceeding with cloud migrating along with the specific skills are that can be identified in these consultants. Further, the study sheds light on the characteristics of resource utilization that can be monitored before any application can be migrated to the cloud. Regarding this, the training requirements for SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS solution integrations have been identified for further evaluation of the application migration process. System requirements for considering cloud applications Moving applications through cloud migration is a significant risk that cannot be justified in most of the cases. For this, it is required to consider some system requirements before moving any such applications to the cloud. Network needs In case there is more space requirement for high bandwidth of application, it will not be valid for…

Combine Advisors Have you heard about Half-Life? Half-Life involves a series of video games that was developed and published by Valve. The games have been in existence since 1998 when the first and original Half-Life was released. Over the years, the game has developed ad has many episodes and series. As the player, you control a character known as Gordon Freeman, who is a physicist who fights an invasion by aliens. It involves many activities such as storytelling, puzzles, and combat. In 2020, Valve has released the flagship virtual reality game for Half-Life, which is known as Half-Life: Alyx. This game, which was released after many years of speculation, is set in the events between Half-Life and Half-Life 2. In this game, the players control Gordon Freeman’s partner, known as Alyx Vance, as she tries to fight the alien Combine. So what or who is Combine Advisor? You are just about to find out what Combine Advisor is by reading through this article. What Is Combine Advisors?       Combine Advisors are the main antagonists in the entire Half-Life series. The…

Climate engineering Climate engineering refers to the deliberate attempts to employ new technologies to stop rapid climate change (Editor, UCUSA). The most common and harmful form of climate change currently is global warming. The environmental hazard, caused mainly by the build-up of Carbon (iv) Oxide in the atmosphere, has numerous adverse effects. Top most among these is the rapid rise in global temperatures due to trapping of heat by the excess Carbon (iv) Oxide. The rise in temperature then has a chain effect to some measure, as it leads to melting of ice caps on both poles, hence rise in water levels and consequent flooding, while it may directly cause drought in extreme circumstances in the long run. Climate engineering is, therefore, divided into both measures to reduce Carbon (iv) Oxide concentration in the atmosphere, and other measures to regulate solar energy absorption by the earth. The process of solar climate engineering usually entails reflecting solar energy back to the atmosphere, to reduce the amount being absorbed into the ground. Removing Carbon (iv) oxide, on the other hand, involves a…

CHEMISTRY REPORT Introduction Erosion of metallic substances and solid rocks depend on various factors. Some inhibit the reaction while others catalyze the reaction. For example, the surrounding PH and the chemical composition of the substances. In this case, the investigation of the effect of nitric acid in the erosion of marble will  be considered Hypothesis and Prediction The hypothesis states: Marble may erode in a shorter time because of the concentration of nitric acid in the rain in higher. Prediction Acids are corrosive and tend to impact different reactions depending on their concentration. Due to this scientific fact, it can be predicted that erosion of marble may be more in water containing nitric acid. Equipment The equipment will be used in giving accurate results in the experiment and also used in prevention measures against the corrosive acid.   Clamp Stand Boss Clamp Conical flask Rubber bung Delivery tube Measuring cylinder Funnel Weighing boat Top pan balance Spatula Gas syringe Safety goggles Gloves Stopwatch       Reagents 0.5M HCL 1.0M HCL 2.0MHCL 3 grams of Calcium Carbonate chips/powder Variables The…

Chemistry of Cake Baking Without Baking Powder Introduction It is my friend’s birthday party, and the celebrations cannot be complete without a cake. So I decided to bake and a lemon cake for the birthday and decided to name it Liam, after his name. The main ingredients for the cake will be eggs, milk and flour and no baking powder, no yeast, no flour with yeast. After giving the recipe, I will explain the chemistry below the baking process and the rising of the dough without the use of baking powder. The secret in rising of the dough lays behind the chemical properties of both milk and eggs. Ingredients 225 gms All-purpose Flour 225 gms Granulated Sugar 225 gms Softened Unsalted Butter Four eggs 100 ml of milk Finely grated zest of 1 lemon (Only the yellow part) One teaspoon of Pure Vanilla Extract Juice of 1.5 lemons 85 gm of Granulated Sugar   Procedure   The oven was Preheated to about 170 0 C, and baking tin was prepared by greasing it or lining it with greaseproof paper. The Unsalted Butter and sugar were beaten…

Utilization of the PDCA cycle. According to Dudin et al. (2016), Deming’s PDCA cycle is the productivity cycle that outlines the planning, checking, and action order in an organization. The PDCA has put a step-by-step plan that organizations can utilize to cover the contingencies and ensure the project’s roles to perfection. With the cycle, the operational procedures are methodological and provide swift action plans for the success of the organization. Although PDCA has many potentials, its complexity is inherent and may lead to several challenges in its utilization. In this paper, the challenges that occur due to the failure to ensure the right application of the approach will get defined. The intended result of the PDCA methodology is to ensure organizational learning and informed actions that allow the user to achieve their goals efficiently. In most cases, the cycle gets used in making changes within the organization. In most cases, the process of change may seem linear and easy to handle to achieve the intended improvement goal. Whether the processes were planned in the sight of the most expert level,…

Coronavirus among the Elderly The elderly are at the risk of contracting coronavirus. It means that they will be isolated to the countryside far from their families. The retirees will be safer in the countryside since they are vulnerable to contracting the fate illness. Older adults have other underlying medical conditions and this is the primary reason they are at significant risk of contracting coronavirus. Coronavirus has a great connection with the viral age and since the older adults lack a strong immune system, this makes them vulnerable to contracting the disease. They are likely to have conditions such as diabetes, lung disease, kidney disease, and heart disease that weakens the ability of their body to fight infectious disease (Garg et al., 2016). In most countries, the elderly are likely to be institutionalized in settings such as nursing or retirement homes or living with their families in crowded situations and this places them at high risk of infection (Yip et al., 2016). The elderly might have isolation or mobility challenges and because they are isolated, they may lack information regarding…

Mobile computing – reasons for its increased popularity Mobile devices have become an integral part of our life on the date. Its use is not limited to communication over distance only but a wide range of other facilities such as scheduling, setting reminders, file browsing, internet browsing, and many more. This is because of a variety of reasons that have increased the popularity of mobile devices among users. Factors influencing the popularity of mobile computing Socio-cultural factors It is one of the most influential factors over the popularity of mobile computing in the current market. Increased usage of the social media platforms for advertisement, product/service endorsement, and reaching out to the masses has surged the use of mobile devices among individuals. The mobile manufacturers also adopt a variety of cultural elements to make the product more acceptable among the masses (Brandenburg et. al., 2013). Geographic factors Globalization is one of the necessary elements in all spheres. Be it business, education, or any other thing, and we are not limited by geographic boundaries anymore. Businesses are spread across multiple locations, and…

Twitter Summary Safe with Autonomous Navigation Demonstration (SAND) shall be held in Langley Research Center later this year. The competition shall include opportunities to small businesses in America to take part in a contest of UAV (autonomous uncrewed vehicles). This shall aid NASA in addressing critical risk safety measures related to the flying UAVs within various national spaces. Safeguard is the technological challenge which shall be showcased during the competition. The issue of safeguarding has been proven to work in multiple areas. By the use of competition act in America, SAND will aid in preparing small businesses in the competition which might take place in future dates. The UAV flights and showcasing of technological devices from NASA shall assist in assuring the safety of participants. The primary goal for this competition is to open skies so those drone operators can as well utilize the space safely without problems.  Full Summary A competition has been scheduled to take place later this year. This will take place in the Langley Research Center. The event shall be hosted by Safeguard with Autonomous Navigation…

Hiroshima and the Inheritance of Trauma The paper context unveils the inheritance of trauma depicted in Hiroshima. Precisely, the selected option for the project is an explanation of whether the decision to use nuclear weapons at Hiroshima was ethical or unethical. The reason behind choosing the topic is to bring into limelight the profound impacts allied with the decision. The essay focuses on evaluating the inheritance of trauma basing arguments from Stillman’s article. The essay also proposes to bring a comprehensive understanding that trauma can be a contagious disease with profound impacts on the current and future generations. Concisely, the paper focus on explaining to the readers that trauma can be inherited, as seen in Hiroshima. The explanation is of much significance as it will ensure that people avoid actions causing trauma. In general, the discussion will play a pivotal role and ensure people work towards eliminating trauma backed by the fact that it can have diverse impacts on the victims but also the future generation. Backed by the Stillman argument on the use of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima,…

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