Progressive Spastic Para-paresis Abstract The term Progressive Spastic Para-paresis is used to refer to the group of inherited diseases with a feature of the progressive gait disorder. The condition shows mild progressive stiffness and the lower limbs contraction[1]. Progressive Spastic Paraparesis is caused by abnormal protein transport, structural proteins and lipid and other substances through the cell. The onset age of the disorder varies greatly, and victims may experience no symptoms for year’s even decades after infection[2]. According to the study, is familial spatial para-paresis and is highly inheritable. Most of the patient who is suffering from the condition have inherited the disease from their member of their biological patients most often who have hard the situation in the linage. Introduction Patients suffering from Progressive Spastic Para-paresis do report non-specific symptoms, and even the neurological syndrome is not likely to be obvious in the referral letters[3]. Some characteristic gaits may appear if a victim is able to walk through the door[4]. The symptoms usually depend on the type of Progressive Spastic Paraparesis inherited[5]. However, the primary features of Progressive Spastic…

CNS lymphoma: A Critical review Abstract CNS lymphoma is a rare form of the extra-nodal non-Hodgkin Lymphoma that is primarily confined to the brains, the eyes, and the cerebrospinal fluid without any existing knowledge or evidence of a systematic kind of spread[1].  The patient’s prognosis with the illness has, over time, improved notably during the last decade following the introduction of the higher doses of the methotrexate[2]. However, despite this new kind of progress, the result after the treatments are durable in half of the population of those suffering from the disorder.  The therapy can, however, be associated with considerably late neurotoxicity[3]. CNS lymphoma is considered an uncommon tumor, and only for a randomized trials in the way has been completed so far, all in the first timeline set[4]. Keywords: extra-nodal, non-Hodgkin, Lymphoma, neurotoxicity, tumor     Introduction The CNS Lymphoma is considered a rare non-Hodgkin type of lymphoma in which the malignant or the cancer cells from the body lymphoid systems form in the brain and or in the spinal cord.  It can also spread to the other parts…

Are dominant designs good for consumers? Competitors? Complementors? Suppliers? The level of market share is one of the factors which determine if an industry is likely to have one or few dominant designs. If consumers’ network externality needs are met at low levels of market share, then more than one dominant design may be developed. Similarly, if consumers’ network externality needs are met at high levels of market share, then more than fewer dominant designs are developed. Another key factor is the path dependency that affects the trajectory of technology development that, in turn, impacts the number of dominant designs. Also, sponsorship of technology by a powerful firm. Under this factor, helping the technology attain a controlling share of the market that locks out alternative technologies, thus leading to the development of one dominant design. Are dominant designs good for consumers? Competitors? Complementors? Suppliers? Dominant designs are good for consumers if the benefits accrued by consumers through the widespread adoption of technologies outweigh the cost associated with a monopoly. But, they are not good for consumers if the benefits realized…

A PROPOSAL ARGUMENT For this assignment, you will write a proposal argument in response to a problem that you would like to be solved. A proposal argument defines a problem and calls for action by presenting a viable solution to that problem. Successful proposals are specific in both their desсrіption of a problem and the details required to solve that problem. Proposals should address practical considerations about the costs, feasibility, acceptability, and benefits of a specific solution. A proposal outlines the steps or processes required to bring a solution to action. Processes, which describe the order in which certain action is supposed to be taken, require you to think about the resources and constraints available when applying or implementing certain ideas or actions. Because actions have consequences, you should also think about the implications of your recommendations. Consequences often present ethical, moral, and practical challenges or objections to proposed solutions or parts of a solution. These challenges must be resolved before most audiences will accept your proposal. [unique_solution]Formatting Details Formatting your proposal argument will differ from essay format in that…

Post-Coital Emergency Contraceptive Emergency contraception, also known as post-coital contraception is a form of birth control that a woman may use to reduce the chances of getting pregnant after having unprotected sexual intercourse. There are four methods of emergency contraception. They include ECPs containing Levonorgestrel (LNG), ECPs containing ulipristal acetate (UPA), combined oral contraceptive pills, and copper-bearing intrauterine devices (IUD). However, the treatment is intended for specific situations, and therefore, it’s not supposed to be used as a regular form of birth control. How does this method work? The most common oral emergency contraceptive is the Levonorgestrel emergency contraception pill, which prevents pregnancy by delaying or stopping the release of an egg from a woman’s ovaries until the sperms become inactive. The pill does this by preventing a fertilized egg from becoming implanted in the uterus (Matyanga et al., 2018). In other words, the Levonorgestrel pill prevents follicular development when taken before the level of luteinizing hormones increases. On the other hand, the ulipristal acetate pill hinders follicular rupture even after the level of luteinizing hormone has started to increase.…

Importance of Observation in Science Have you ever seen a comet flashing across the sky at night? Or been burned by a hot beverage. Or you may have perhaps chocked because of fumes at one point or another. Such actions are part of our day to day experiences where we are aware of the world around us and interact with it through sight, smell, hearing, tasting, or touching. This is what is known as observation, and it forms part of the scientific process of collecting data. Through experiments generated either naturally and in the laboratory, scientists have been able to collect a huge deal of evidence that they use to develop theories and laws as well as making scientific discoveries. Taking the case of the silver fox experiments, observation was a key component of determining whether the adaptation for tameness that is highly likely to have occurred in domestic dogs is a characteristic that could be repeated in silver foxes. The brainchild of the experiment was Dmitri Belyaev. He wanted to establish whether tameness was as a result of exposure…

Difference between strategic planning and tactical planning Strategic planning is planning that is as a result of developing and reflecting on the missions of the organization and looking at the organization in terms of its market, showing its vision, which will help them understand its values. Tactical planning, on the other hand, merely outlines the actions and steps to be observed on a short-term basis so that the organization can effectively achieve the objectives outlined in the strategic plan. Why is it important to HIS and technology planning for a healthcare organization to have developed its strategic business plan? If the organization or business does not have a strategic business plan, what should HIS planners do? Importance of a strategic business plan His framework represents the authoritative vital arrangement, and its hierarchical arrangement resembles both clinical and business view. It also encourages the association to finish the procedures and to work in line with their goals, values and goals. Its vital arrangement points towards the yearly spending, activities and objectives of the organization. As such fundamental marketable strategy is more…

parents love spending time with their kids Answers Most parents love spending time with their kids. However, other responsibilities, like work, shopping, or going out, are also essential. Traffic has become a common road feature across the world. Most parents get stuck in traffic, thus get home late and have no time with their children. Children can also get stuck in traffic when getting from places like school. People watch action-adventurous movies because of the excitement and thrill that the film gives to them. The excitement is usually electrifying, and it helps the people get out of their dull lives while introducing them to heroes they can glorify. Lessons learned from the titanic sinking are that a person’s greatest achievements can sometimes turn into a disaster. Every moment that we live should be appreciated, and it should count since no one knows what will happen the next moment Science fiction movies teach us how to take care of the world for a better future. The movies give people a glimpse of what the future would be like and what should…

5 Things to Consider when Repurposing Content for DOOH   The annual Spend on digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising in the US is expected to grow from the $3.47 billion of 2019 to $5.22 billion by the end of 2023. Whereas other forms of advertising are becoming less effective, DOOH, capitalizing on digital signage, is fast becoming the go-to option for marketers. Consumers have become accustomed to screens. This is why digital signage is more effective than traditional out-of-home advertisements. Compared to static billboards, DOOH allows advertisers to use video and other forms of dynamic content. More importantly, updating digital screens is easier and costs less. And, thanks to features such as live audience analysis, marketers can choose where and when to broadcast ads for maximum reach. One of the main challenges when it comes to digital signage marketing is content selection. A lot of thought needs to be put into content selection to ensure that your ad is engaging and elicits the desired reaction from viewers.. In many cases, advertisers are guilty of overusing or ineffectively repurposing Content for DOOH.…

Investigation on Freestyle Kicking in Swimming Introduction   I discovered my interest in swimming ever since Grade 4, during which I first learned how to swim. However, swimming has not been my focused sport until Grade 11, when I accidentally broke my meniscus. An injured meniscus means that I could no longer play competitive golf. Being one of the few sports that do not involve knees that much, I shifted my focus to swimming. After swimming regularly for half a year, I figured out that I really enjoy this sport and could participate in competitive tournaments. Out of the 4 strokes—breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, and butterfly—freestyle has been my favorite, and the biggest reason is because it is the fastest stroke. I always like to feel myself ‘flying in water’ when swimming freestyle. More importantly, freestyle is a stoke that hurts my knees the least. Breaststroke requires outward, or lateral kicking of the legs, hurting my meniscus. Whereas freestyle only requires the up and down kicks of the legs. The knees move vertically only. I love swimming freestyle especially when I…

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