Investigation on Freestyle Kicking in Swimming Introduction   I discovered my interest in swimming ever since Grade 4, during which I first learned how to swim. However, swimming has not been my focused sport until Grade 11, when I accidentally broke my meniscus. An injured meniscus means that I could no longer play competitive golf. Being one of the few sports that do not involve knees that much, I shifted my focus to swimming. After swimming regularly for half a year, I figured out that I really enjoy this sport and could participate in competitive tournaments. Out of the 4 strokes—breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, and butterfly—freestyle has been my favorite, and the biggest reason is because it is the fastest stroke. I always like to feel myself ‘flying in water’ when swimming freestyle. More importantly, freestyle is a stoke that hurts my knees the least. Breaststroke requires outward, or lateral kicking of the legs, hurting my meniscus. Whereas freestyle only requires the up and down kicks of the legs. The knees move vertically only. I love swimming freestyle especially when I…

To what extent does the antimicrobial property of Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) work like antibiotics in order to reduce the growth of E.coli bacteria? Introduction-   Before modern medicine, herbs and spices were frequently used and popularized around the world due to their natural antimicrobial properties used not only as antioxidants and flavorings, but for the treatment of various infectious diseases caused by food spoilage bacteria, such as E.coli. The practice of traditional medicine is highly demanded until now causing an increase in the amount of attention given to the potential of cinnamon (Cinnamomum) antibacterial characteristics to become an alternate source of antimicrobial activity reduction. According to the World Health Organization, infections are responsible for one-third of all deaths. This indicates to us that the amount of exposure to infection is incredibly high and therefore the consumption of antibiotics has increased dramatically. The high exposure to antibiotics has created for many microorganisms a type of resistance, in which the antibiotic does not respond effectively to drugs. Consequently, the option of developing and analyzing the antimicrobial agents of Cinnamomum, can potentially lead…

Hereditary Emphysema Emphysema is a pulmonary condition that causes difficulty in breathing. Emphysema results in damaging of air sacs in the lungs. The lung walls enlarge and rupture, which leads to large air sacs being created instead of small air holes. For people suffering from Emphysema it means that they have large and damaged air sacs, which results in reduced surface area for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in and outside the bloodstream (Molfino, 375). At the early stages, symptoms of Emphysema may include chronic cough and shortness of breath. The primary cause of Emphysema is smoking, but the condition is also genetic, meaning it can be inherited from one family generation to the other. In the case of inherited Emphysema, the condition is caused by Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (Alpha-1). The damage caused by Emphysema is a permanent one; recovering to breath properly is almost impossible to be fully recovered. Mutation of the SERPINA 1 gene is the leading cause of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (Alpha-1), which is inherited in a co-dominant way.  SERPINA 1 is a gene that…

Important Thing You Should Know About Medical Practice Consultant   {Any professional service provider or business owner can get stuck when running the business.|Any service providers to get stuck when running the business.|It is possible to get stuck when running the firms.} { A medical practice consultant is essential to get a new and refreshed insight about your business and help you solve any problem.|It is vital to hire a medical practice consultant because they will refresh your insight and solve any underlining issues.|A medical practice consultant is necessary because they handle all the matters in the business and restore your idea.} { Medical practice consultant has the expertise that is required to identify the problems that are hindering the growth and productivity of a practice.|A consultant is skilled to determine any problem preventing the smooth running of the business and solving it immediately.|A medical practice consultant has knowledge that is needed to troubleshoot issues in your business and addressing them as soon as possible.} {A medical practice consultant offer services to dentist, nurses, physician, hospital, clinic, etc.|A consultant is…

Review 3 scientific publications You are tasked to review 3 scientific publications (i.e., publications in peer-reviewed academic journals) that report on original, empirical research (i.e., not a review paper, letter to the editor, or commentary). One of these should be chosen from the course paper reading list provided on Blackboard (I already picked a topic “anxiety disorder”. I have provided you with the pdf for it). You will then find 2 additional publications that relate to the initial paper. Additional publications can be found using online scientific databases (e.g., PubMed, Google Scholar). You should select only papers that report on original research. These include methods and results sections that describe, respectively, how the research was conducted and what the authors found. First, you should review all 3 publications focusing on the methods employed and major findings. Second, you will synthesize the 3 publications to identify and discuss common findings among them. [unique_solution]Third, you will identify and discuss at least 3 original ideas (i.e., your own ideas) of ways that work in these 3 papers is limited including how each limitation…

Ergonomics and Anthropometry in Design The main aim of the paper is to illustrate the importance of ergonomics in the design process. Ergonomics is a science that is mainly concentrated on research concerning human fit. In other words, it can have described as the adaptation of work to humans. It is related to human performance capabilities, systems, work environments, and product design. Ergonomics is considered as a vital aspect in the design process because it makes integration of data and techniques from several disciplines. Some of the areas that are taken into consideration include biomechanics, anthropometry, environmental physics, and psychology. Ergonomics utilized to make sure that best design practices are achieved. There are three main categories of Ergonomics. Physical ergonomics is used in the study of human anatomical, biomechanical, and physiological features on physical activity. The sections in critical in design because it used in the evaluation of work environment, work factors, working postures, and repetitive motion. Psychological mechanics is used in assessing the impact of mental processes such as emotions, memory, cognition, and reasoning. The category plays a major…

Airspace Systems and nextgen Define Avionics and equipment required for the use of the next-gen and timeline for compliance. Avionics is a term that refers to the type of electronics used in making and designing airborne bodies such as space crafts, satellites, or aircraft but does not add to the weight. These may include surveillance systems, searchlights, among others. In compliance with the Federal Aviation Administration, airborne body operators are required to equip their aircraft and other space bodies with some avionics to enhance safety and efficiency. Firstly Automatic Dependent Surveillance will support the next-gen capability in navigation. Secondly, operators are also mandated to equip their aviation bodies to wit Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance. It is a GPS that specializes in providing the highest precision that will ensure 95 percent accuracy for a 20-meter vertical distance (National Academics of Sciences and Engineering, n.d). This technology will help in prevention airborne bodies from the collision and more to that detect lousy weather and send early warnings to the pilot. Thirdly, all aviation bodies should have a Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications…



Airspace Define Avionics and equipment required for the use of the next-gen and timeline for compliance. Avionics is a term that refers to the type of electronics used in making and designing airborne bodies such as space crafts, satellites, or aircraft but does not add to the weight. These may include surveillance systems, searchlights, among others. In compliance with the Federal Aviation Administration, airborne body operators are required to equip their aircraft and other space bodies with some avionics to enhance safety and efficiency. Firstly Automatic Dependent Surveillance will support the next-gen capability in navigation. Secondly, operators are also mandated to equip their aviation bodies to wit Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance. It is a GPS that specializes in providing the highest precision that will ensure 95 percent accuracy for a 20-meter vertical distance (National Academics of Sciences and Engineering, n.d). This technology will help in prevention airborne bodies from the collision and more to that detect lousy weather and send early warnings to the pilot. Thirdly, all aviation bodies should have a Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) to enhance…

Enterprise architecture The core business activity and processes include the manufacturing of personal computers. Besides, the company provides other infrastructure and hardware solutions in different countries around the world. Regarding the business process, the company is involved in the distribution of its products and services to a different parts of the world as ordered by customers. With several years of business operation, the dynamics of doing business have changed significantly. For any company to survive in a dynamic market, it must have a competitive edge. As such, for Dell to remain relevant in the computing industry, the company started its transformation from being a hardware infrastructure provider to a service and software solution provider. Such a transformation requires careful consideration to ensure the successful incorporation of the necessary enterprise architecture. The move would also help the company to meet the increasing demand from the customers. As such, from the case study, the company is involved in the acquisition business process. And this added layer of additional capabilities to the Dell IT infrastructure. Additional capabilities, of course, come with several challenges,…

experimental Astrophysics I have learned about the RIT from a review of a current student of RIT on a higher study Facebook group. When I have browsed their website of school of Physics and Astronomy, I have learned about their multidisciplinary research including general relativity, theoretical and experimental astrophysics, numerical relativity, gravitational wave astronomy, instrumentation development, and many other related areas to explore the depths of the origin and evolution of the universe. I have found three strong and very well-organized research centers: Center for Computational Relativity and Gravity, Center for Detectors & Laboratory for Multi-wavelength Astrophysics, respectively. I have found that the MS program offers both research and professional options to the students to explore the depths of the universe through multidisciplinary research, whether it be general relativity, theoretical astrophysics, observational or instrumentation development, or another area related to astrophysics. I have found the experimental Astrophysics group fascinating since this group interests cosmological observations, including studies of diffuse radiation in the cosmos, particularly the cosmic microwave and infra-red backgrounds, and measures the large-scale cosmic structure, the epoch of reionization…

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