white privilege and colorism in America America has made great strides toward racial equality since the end of slavery. However, several racial problems persist, and they include white privilege. White people continue to have an advantage over some opportunities compared to other people of color. This essay will discuss the issue of white privilege and colorism in America. This will be achieved by defining the terms and giving examples to illustrate the problems in society. White privilege refers to the advantages possessed by white people based on their race in a society plagued by racial injustice and inequality. Collins (2018) note that white privilege is described using Peggy McIntosh’s essay published in 1988. This essay illuminated white privilege by making the problem tangible and personal. Indeed, white privilege is a concept that has become a victim of its connotations. The term contains two words that have a double whammy, which instigates pushback. The first word “white” creates discomfort among people who loathe being defined by their race. The second word, “privilege,” make rural and poor white people feel like the…

Increasing Depth And Breadth of Product Mix Product depth is essential to the company and consumers. It enables the company to provide consumers with different categories of products of a particular product line. In the digital error, we live today. Young consumers have a different perspective on a similar commodity. Product depth helps to provide products that satisfy different consumers according to their preferences. In our case, we will increase the depth of our product mix by categorizing our products according to Industry; our products will be based on the technology as we are producing a more advanced portable phone case with charging solar batteries. This will ensure our products compete in modern world. The functionality will be another categorization; we will provide phone cases with different features, some with the capability of charging large, small, and medium phones. This will ensure consumers buy cases that best fit their phones. Customer preference will be considered in our categories. We will provide products with different colors, different qualities, etc. each person and especially the young generation have their favorite color; hence…

 Ph.D. Engineering According to Too and Weaver (2014), globalization made the world a small village, and closer than ever before, thus enhancing the global economy. The increasing role of project management in the project cannot go unnoticed. Meeting the demands of a project requires the utilization of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques in project activities to form a perception of project management. Project management has, for a long time, been seen as an academic domain for planning-based methods, and in diverse fields, as an application of engineering science and optimization theory. Goleman (2017) says that to meet the challenges like competition, efficient and economical uses of sources, and maximum output, knowledge of management and theories of management is an essential requirement. Among Management Theories, Classical Management Theories are fundamental as they provide the basis for all other opinions of management.  The contribution of classical views towards project management in project activities cannot go unnoticed. Nevertheless, this must be increasingly criticized for being insufficient for praxis. Many reasons play a significant role in this. First, this paper will compare diverse views…

Sustainable Palm Oil                                                                      Introduction             Palm oil is considered one of the most valuable and profitable sources for different industries such as food, chemical products, and biofuels. The production and importation of it mostly come from plantations that are mainly located in Indonesia and Malaysia amongst other countries. The cultivation of palm oil, however, entails environmental risks, which include deforestation, displacement of indigenous inhabitants, and impacts on climate change that eventually drew the attention of various environment and sustainability-focused non-governmental organizations (NGOs).                                                 Current Supply Chain for Palm Oil                            Supply Chain Management is the active management of supply chain activities to maximize customer value and achieve sustainable competitive advantage. The practice of supply chain management is meant to develop and run supply chains in such a way as to reduce delays and unnecessary waste, as well as to foment right customer and supplier relationships. Activities covered under supply chain management include product development, sourcing, production, and logistics, accompanying these activities are the information systems necessary to integrate them. The events that fall under supply chain management represent the flow…

Pearl Ainabe RE: Emeruwa_Ben_Mamie_ Initial Post EBP Collapse Hello Mamie, In my role as DNP, Just like you stated, I will have a better understanding of evidence-based practice and be in the position to apply it a my place of work and hopefully precept students or be a mentor to other staff members. As a DNP, I plan to utilize evidence based practice in all aspects of care, looking for ways to improve healthcare and health outcome for my patients and their families. In my understanding of the difference between research and evidence-based practice, evidence-based practice is getting evidence into practice . It is the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of patients. Research is planned, logical process, which may be undertaken for the purpose of analyzing relationships between events, or for predicting outcomes. Research entails a systematic inquiry that uses orderly scientific methods to answer questions or solve problems. Research is used to conduct an investigation, the results of which will add to existing evidence. Evidence-based practice, on the other hand,…



OUTER SPACE From the earthling perspective, outer space denotes the zone that is found around one hundred kilometers (100km, or 60 miles) above the globe. Scientist claims that there is no enough air in the outer space that can support human life or even scatter the light. A large portion of the outer space is empty, mostly regarded as a vacuum; however, the vacuum is imperfect since it contains cosmic rays, space plasma, and interstellar dust. There exist interstellar dust clouds and small particles that form the solar wind. The outer space consists of numerous hydrogen atoms and isolated particles, which are believed to form “nebulae,” nebulae denotes to the clouds formed by the hydrogen atoms and the isolated particles in the space that are a billion kilometers wide. Apart from the interstellar dust and nebulae, the outer space also contains rubble bits, which range from different sizes. The numerous rubble bits are regarded as the asteroids and planetoids. Outer space is not a complete vacuum space; it contains various components in it. The essay is going to explore facts…

Decentralization – what does it mean in the organizational context? When the power, responsibility, and activities of planning and related decision-making are distributed among the considered groups of the organization instead of a single authority, the organization is said to follow a decentralized structure. Decentralization refers to the spread of management and decision-making abilities among various departments of the organization, rather than staying maintaining dependence on a singular administrative center (Wegner, 2018). Analyzing an article to understand the term To understand the concept of decentralization and how it applies to the current business structures, a study from earlier sources of literature were chosen. The study chosen evaluates the performance of an organization as a result of decentralized decision making for investment in the organization’s IT infrastructure. During the study, the researchers concentrate on the paradoxical issue of IT productivity, especially in the regions external to the USA and Europe. In addition, the study was also designed to know more about the moderating role played by the decentralized structure in terms of making important management decisions. The Balanced Scorecard was used…

 topics of fundamental physics During my undergraduate, I have come across various topics of fundamental physics, e.g., Atomic and Molecular Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Classical Mechanics, Solid State Physics, and Nuclear Physics. Calculus, Mathematical Method in Physics and Computational Physics have built my solid basic to understand the physics well. Introduction to Astrophysics and Theory of Relativity & Cosmology have played my significant rule in the understanding of astrophysics and cosmology. Since I have the determination be to build my carrier as an astrophysicist, I have developed myself more through the MOOCs courses. My first MOOC certificate course was “Astrophysics: Cosmology” offered by ANUX at edX and coordinated by Paul Francis and Nobel winner astrophysicist Brain Schmidt. This course plays a vital role in my understanding of cosmology. In this course, I have come closer to the detailed about the basics of astrophysics: cosmology. Theory of cosmic inflation & an interview on inflation from theoretical particle physicist Lawrence Krauss amused & excited me about the mystery of inflation. Then I have come across about the observational cosmology- Tully-Fisher relation, Dark energy,…

How To Ensure You Have Enough Time On Your Wedding Day For Your Wedding Photographs   Image by Birgit Bollinger from Pixabay Image showing a bride and a groom posing for a photo, two photographers and a guy looking on.   You have done all that is required before planning a wedding. Contacted a photographer, set up an interview, reviewed their work and your personalities blended. You’ve spent a substantial amount of cash planning the wedding. And therefore you expect quality photos to preserve the memories. You are now wondering how to ensure you get enough time for your photographs? Read on for tips to ensure enough time to capture the memorable moments of the day.   1.Prior Discussion With Your Wedding Photographer A professional photographer will know what photos to take at a wedding. But, you must discuss before the material day on what shots you want to capture. Doing this will enable the photographer to plan and make things easy for both parties. You come up with a checklist of the photos and give it to the photographer.…

What are the intricate details that you must know about medical malpractice? If you or your loved ones have fallen prey to your trusted medical professionals and failed to get the adequate services from their end, then it is time that you begin to provide yourself with detailed information about medical malpractices happening all across the globe. We understand how you devastated you might feel right now, and all you want to seek for you and your family is justice. Hence, make sure to hire the best professionals from the reputed law firm near you to help you file appropriate as well as substantial medical malpractice case against the organization or the healthcare professionals to get you justice efficiently. However, before you proceed for the same, know a few essential details of medical malpractices happening around you: Limited time Remember, you have a time limit to file your case against the medical malpractices around you. That is because, according to the state laws, there is a restriction in the period beyond which you might not be able to file the…

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