Why mars is the best planet by Rebecca Boyle Introduction If life ever evolved on any other planet then, mars is the likest candidate to be opt for. After earth mars is the only planet which inhabitant the primitive bacteria like life. But few simple changes turned earth into flourishing and bursting with life while mars into barren land. But still res earchers claimed that it is possible to have the presence of life on Outline of essay THESIS STATEMENT Four billion years ago planet earth and planet Mars  were having some similarities   in their infancy. Rivers and lakes etched their surfaces, craters pockmarked their faces and volcanoes rose from their plains. Though  something seems to have changed on one and not on other. Body Topic Sentence 1: – Mars could be the best planet but due to some changes earth become better Main supporting point 1: – Our human culture on earth come into existence ,due to the bubbling of warm water and chemistry which combined and formed molecules giving rise to raised single cells and our culture started.…

y AVIATION SECURITY The air operations area is an airport area used for landing or turning of aircraft. Aviation security improvement Act is the amend law tat requires any other airport to use appropriate animals or dogs as a screening passenger to detect the presence of plastics or any other material that cannot be detected by the metal detectors. Behavior pattern recognition is not profiling the passenger on the religion or ace but behavior such as fear or stress. The explosive detector system is a non-destructive inspection that determines whether the bag contain explosives or not while explosive trace detection is explosive detection apparatus that detect small magnitudes of explosive. Transport vetting platforms is underlying software and hardware designed to promote secure flight while transport security officer is the person who conducts the security screening to the passengers. Travel document verification is checking if the passenger has the required travel documents. All cargo aircraft is the airplane that transports goods and mails rather than the passengers. Privacy rights legal traditions that protect one from government threatens or private action. TSA…

When My Watch Finally Said It’s Time for Swimming Lessons Introduction Thesis statement: I’m sharing on an instance when my watch finally said it’s time for swimming lessons. My lovely watch spoilt while I was in the river because I didn’t know how to swim. If I knew how to, maybe it could be running up to date. Body Back home from boarding school I was at home form a boarding school After spending a few days, my friends Khaled, Ibrahim, Nasser, Abdullah, and Ali came seeking me. They were up to an adventure. The adventure The adventure was about swimming in a nearby river. The weather was sunny, thus favoring the idea. Though I had not mastered the art of swimming, I agreed to the idea. At the river, my friends swam, but I was left on the river bank. Me into the river Sitting there by the riverbank, there was a shiny substance in the river that drew me, and I found myself in. I began sinking immediately. In that helpless condition, my friend Ibrahim held my hand…

Genetic engineering of E.coli to biofuels Biofuels and crucial chemicals have been produced from genetically engineering strains of ECOLI through fatty acids synthase deregulation in the microorganism. The deregulation makes the organism to produce useful chemicals. Lubricants, detergents, and the potential use of methyl ketones as potential fuels are some of the known benefits of the products. In earlier studies, scholars carried studies that were based on highly regulated enzymatic processes. Still, recombinant technology has been pivotal in enabling scientists to beat the initial limitation production associated with E.coli. The technology has enabled e development of an alternative fatty acids synthase system where enzymes from other microbes work with the original Fatty Acid Synthase from E.coli to boost the chemical producing capacity. Bioethanol is one product that the bioengineers can produce from E.coli. Despite the low energy and high corrosiveness associated with ethanol. Production of ethanol for a long time has been through fermentation that uses S.cerevisae and Zymomonas mobilis in the process. The microbes were punctuated with the inability to ferment hexose sugars and pentose sugars, limiting the maximum…

Linguistics Definition of Terminologies Dialect: A variety or form of language based on region, social background, or occupation. An example of an idiom is wheat, as referred to in England and Oats in the case of Scotland. Language: A structured system of communication employed by particular groups or communities and consists of written symbols or a set of sounds. An example of a language is the Zulu language. Pidgin: A form of communication that arises between persons with different languages and involves simplified grammar and speech. English pidgin is pervasive in West African countries such as Nigeria. Creole: A language that arises when two simplified languages are merged over a considerable time. A creole language typically evolves from a pidgin. Neurolinguistics: The study of the neural mechanisms of language production, storage, comprehension, and acquisition. Phonology: The branch of linguistics concerned with the study of sound patterns and the meaning of sound patterns within and between spoken languages. Morphology: The branch of linguistics concerned with the study of the structure of words, word formation, and their association with other words in…

Goldsmith- Wasting time on the internet English 1010 503: Essay 1 Assignment Over the course of the next couple of weeks, we’ll be examining the rhetorical strategies at work in the texts we’re reading. We’ll examine how each writer constructs his/her argument, how that argument succeeds, how it fails, what the implications of the argument are, including not only are they applaudable insights, but the terrible dangers implicit (or explicit) in each. In an effort to hone your engagement with these texts, you will learn to recognize and deploy what are called “the rhetorical appeals”. You will be introduced to the three kinds of appeals we see in text—the logical appeal (logos), the ethical appeal (ethos), and the emotional appeal (pathos). As such, for your first paper, you will “read” one of these texts (of your choice from the list below) examining how one or more of the appeals work in that text in regards to the writer’s argument. To explain, you’ll pick a text you’d like to explore, choose an appeal you think is used in some interesting/effective/dangerous way…

HOW TO TEST SPEAKER WIRE WITH MULTIMETER Speaker cables are wires that are used for electrical connections of your speakers to amplifier sources. Speaker wires have three main electrical properties: one is resistance, another is capacitance, and lastly, inductance. Resistance is usually an essential property to look for. Wires with low resistance normally allow more source’s power to pass through them into speaker coil; this means that more sound and more power. From music lovers to public speakers, having correctly working speakers is essential. Since the majority of speakers do not come with wires, speaker wire then remains to be the most common cause of speaker problems. So, what are the common symptoms of a faulty speaker wire? Factors that affect the wire’s resistance Wire material Bi-wires or single wires Terminations Wire length   SYMPTOMS OF A FAULTY SPEAKER WIRES Mostly, systems that have speakers that are spreading for long distances, wires that are broken, or speakers that are poorly connected can often occur when lengths and lengths of wire are in use. Fixing these types of problems may not…

How to measure amps using a multimeter If you are using any electronic gadget, amperage is one of the things you need to check to determine the amount of current flowing regularly. For example, if an element in your vehicle is draining your battery, you can conduct an amperage test in such a case. A multimeter is the best tool to use when measuring amp. A multimeter is an electronic device used to measure resistance, voltage, current, and other values. Multimeters are of two types; a digital and an analog multimeter. Analog multimeter As the name depicts, this multimeter uses analog procedures to exhibit measurement readings. Analog multimeter has a progressed scale and a needle that moves over it. These kinds of multimeters are mostly used to detect slow voltage variations. Digital multimeter It is an electronic multimeter whose measurements readings display on a screen. They are preferable due to their high accuracy, high digital resistance, and the fact that they are easy to read. Measuring amps using a multimeter is quite easy. This article explains the procedure you need…

How to test a geyser thermostat with a multimeter A geyser, also known as a water heater, is an apparatus used to heat water. The main principle of how a geyser works is converting electrical energy into heat energy by using heating elements. A thermostat, on the other hand, is the part that assists in controlling and maintaining the water temperature obtained when the geyser does its work. It automatically powers the geyser on and off once it reaches the set heating level. A geyser comprises of a water tank with two pipes fitted on the tank. One pipe act as an inlet of cold water while the other is an outlet for the hot water. The water tank contains heating elements that are regulated by thermostats. The main purpose of the thermostat is ensuring the water does not heat above the temperature value that is set. The water tank has a covering of insulating material bounded inside a metal covering. The heating elements in the geyser do not work at the same time, and each has its particular thermostat.…

Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness   What are the title, author, source, and date of publication? Make a one- to two-sentence summary of the work. The title of the book is The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. Michelle Alexander authors the book, and it was published in the year 2010 to enlighten citizens about the unfair treatment African-American in US. What is the key issue or point the author is trying to address in the chapter? The author is trying to address the issue of race discrimination, race relations, and Criminal Justice in the USA. Many Black Americans were denied the right to vote, and the most basic freedom for all citizens. Jarvious Cotton, her father, and all the grandparents before were denied that basic right (Alexander 19). The author in her work is trying to enlighten the people to know that caste system exists in USA. Chapter 1 analysis         Chapter 1 of this book is entitled The Rebirth of Caste. It is a brief review of the racism in…

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