Claim Fact-Check spec sheet   As we’ve learned from our Language of Argument readings, every claim is only as reliable as the facts that support it.  Sometimes readers can be manipulated by faulty inductive and deductive reasoning, logical fallacies, shaky authority, questionable statistics, or just really persuasive language that appeals to our baked-in belief systems.   THE TASK Your task is to find a current, single claim relating to a free-speech issue at a public school or college campus and check it for accuracy and reliability. To do that, you’ll need to track down the claimant’s supporting evidence and reasoning and then examine that proof for reliability according to the 6 forms of argument found in our readings. This paper will be in the form of a logical syllogism: first paragraph is the major premise (claim) and research question, body of the paper will be the minor premise (analysis of the evidence), and the final paragraph will be the conclusion (your supported judgment about the claim’s reliability). Your research question for this paper is given:  Is this claim reliable?  …

Writing Your Rough Draft and Final Reports-Cell Biology Section of BIO 375 General Overview   You will be writing a short “scientific paper” on your findings from the first half of the semester.  Background, data, and references for the paper will be assembled during the course of the lab and included in the paper.   When is the Report due? The Rough Draft Report and Final Report due dates are listed on the Summary of Due Dates for your semester and section. The due dates will also be announced in class.   What will be included in the Rough Draft Report? Morphology of proband, mother, and father nuclei Quantification of proband, mother, and father nuclei-abnormal and normal   What is the Final Report and what is included in it? -The Final Report is the revision of the Rough Draft Report that has been commented on by your instructor. -The Final Report will also include additional information and data that is added to the Rough Draft Report.  This includes: Western blot analysis of LMNA and Determination of MW -Details of the…

  Chemical Reaction Rates A chemical reaction occurs when two or more elements or compounds combine chemically. The rate at which reaction occurs is determined by thermodynamic factors and concentration of reacting substances.  When one or both factors increase or decrease, the reaction rate also changes. Literature Review In chemistry, reaction rates are used to evaluate how fast chemical compounds are formed under controlled conditions. Two major factors that control reaction rate include temperature and concentration of reactants (Holman and Stone 230). The higher these two variables are, the higher the rate of reaction. Therefore, less time is spent to transform reactants into products. Higher temperature increases the rate of reaction. As explained by Houston, the kinetic energy of reactants’ particles increases with increased temperature, resulting in increased particulate collisions (48). When particles collide more, the reaction is rapid, and it takes a shorter time to complete, contrary to the reaction rate at lower temperatures. In essence, higher temperatures fasten the reaction rate, hence making chemical production more economical. Hypotheses Increase in temperature will lead to an increased rate of…

Reasons for the Patients Contracting Urinary Tract Infections Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common and dangerous. Vulnerable people to UTIs go through multiple infections including, acute pyelonephritis, uro-sepsis as well as asymptomatic bacteriuria. Following the results from diagnosis which show both father and daughter to have contracted some form of UTI, different hypothesis can be used to point out the reason that led to the two getting infected. Sexual intercourse, E.coli, as well as genetics, stand out as the primary causes that might have led both individuals contracting UTI. Sexual intercourse can lead to one getting a urinary tract infection if bacteria from a partner’s anus, fingers, genitals as well as sex toys penetrate into the other partner’s urethra. As much as UTIs cannot be passed on from one individual to the other through sexual intercourse like STDs, engaging in sexual activities can result in UTIs or even worsen the infection. Engaging in sexual activities does not necessarily lead to UTIs, but anything that leads to bacteria making contact with the urethra can result in getting infected (Mohiuddin, 2019). Seen…

Responding to Stacy Adam Hello, You have well identified the condition the 16-year old boy suffered. Strep throat infection is a condition that can get worse when not controlled due to the bacteria that causes it, the Streptococcus bacteria. However, contrary to what you have mentioned, I believe the infection has a special genetic relationship. The disease can indeed spread with a close association between people indoors since it is airborne. However, its repetitive nature, especially in children, has a link between genetics and immunological factors. Genetics influences a repetitive A strep to evade the throats of particular individuals time and again. It is the combination of the genes with the immunological factors that cause recurrent strep throat. I agree with you that the test confirmed strep throat infection and that the response was his body’s initial inflammatory response to the bacteria, and the reaction to the antibiotic got influenced by the lgE antibodies that aim to reduce or prevent the impacts of the reactions of the drugs.  You have demonstrated a great understanding of this concept. Great post! Regards…

Discussion of the dislikes The reason I would say I dislike the content above is that increase in competition within the organization can lead to poor strategies in the corporations and result in power performance. Nevertheless, traditional accounting measurement is too outdated in such a way that they do not have enough powers to grant the well-doing companies their actual recommendation; thus, they end up rewarding the wrong behaviours. Also, the cooperation of the BSC process of multi-criteria decision making can cause errors that can be fatal to an organization due to their complex nature. Essay question How can performance measurement and the BSC model be used to assess the efficiency of an organization?   Citation   Overview of the article 100 words The article tries to understand the life cycle marketing strategy and the extent of the issues facing marketers and firms implementing such strategy to improve the sustainable ecological system. Life cycles strategy is seen to have an essential link to new product development. It is vital in the event of new products that can be utilized in…

Chaos and Order Human experiences emerge from past experiences depending on the direct cause and effect. Dancers use their dance moves to tell stories they create through music, choreography, light, music, and scenography. In dance, a dancer can develop a new move that is not in line and not considered a dance move. However, as time goes and the dancer continues to make this dance move, it eventually becomes a recognized dance move. In art, chaos arises from the introduction of one idea, followed by another. Painters begin painting and are suddenly hit with a new wave of inspiration, utterly different from their initial inspiration, resulting in chaos. Paintings created in chaos exhibit randomness and unpredictability. Often, the order is re-established after chaos, man cannot exist in chaos alone; there is a need for balance. Random dance movements eventually evolve and become recognized dance moves; thus, re-establishing the order. In art, the unpredictability and randomness in chaos eventually generate new patterns that become acceptable and ultimately re-establishing order. Humans cannot exist in either order or theory but ultimately thrives in…

Forensic Investigation Report Executive Summary Digital forensics is one of the critical fields of Cybersecurity, and often employees usually steal data when they want to depart from a particular company or organization. Many forensic studies typically show that employees often have a sense of ownership over the data they copy from the companies that they have been working. Many of the intellectual property include source codes, strategy documents, and other trade secrets. This type of information is usually used by the former employee against the company for a competitor or decides to start a new company( Du, Le-Khac & Cyclone,2017), Our case about investigating Mr. Roberts for performing unauthorized removal and possible theft of companies documents.   Requests phase Before we play out a digital forensic examination on Mr. Robertson, we need to ask for and ask around not many systems that he was performing at the company, throughout the procedure we have to have the logs of the organization PCs that we were utilizing at the company.  We need to have plans to lead the examination efficiently ( Dardick…

Steps for the selection of Architecture Mostly, there are multiple design phases in support of developing architecture. These might include the iteration model, waterfall model, and the spiral model. The key steps when it comes to selecting architecture, incorporate the following: Clear problem definition Initially discussing and interviewing the designer to reach the top-notch solution Collecting information for the initial discussions and documentations Brainstorming, analysis and acquiring notions Commence developing with the obtained solutions and start putting up the test models Getting feedback for the extended test models Through the use of collected feedback, transform the model concerning what is needed. This enables the designer to get the appropriate model in support of the architecture.     Architecture and software system The model under discussion is spiral. It is similarly known as an incremental model having greater emphasis being placed on risk analysis. The model is based on the four major phases, as discussed below. Like any software project, the spiral model passes through various iterations known as spirals. Planning phase- in this phase, all the things needed are collected…

Daniel Pink Motivation Video Analysis In the TED motivation talk by Daniel Pink in 2009, he tries to show the difference between what sciences suggests for worker and what the organization does.  Daniel states that the organization does not follow the scientific rules that are meant to develop a human’s function holistically to achieve his or her optimal performance. He states that the organizations are still rooted in the traditional way of conducting operations instead of adapting to the new scientific methods, and that is the course of the economic collapse. I agree with the sentiments of Daniel pink because organizations of today only care about the profits and not the well-being of its staff. Science suggests that for a worker to be productive, he or she needs to have psychological safety, but that is contrary to what the organizations give their works. Due to the competitive nature of the market, organizations create a competitive environment that induces fear in the minds of the workers due to their job security, for organizations to recover from the economic collapse, they need…

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