Principles of Health and Sciences How is the gram stain used to classify bacteria? Gram staining is a method used to differentiate large groups of bacteria depending on their cell wall constituents (Bruckner, 2020). Gram staining usually involves thee processes: Cells are stained with a soluble dye known as crystal violet. Next, an iodine solution (potassium iodide and iodine) is added, forming an insoluble complex layer between iodine and the crystal violet. A decolorizer such as acetone or ethyl alcohol is added to dehydrate the peptidoglycan layer hence tightening and shrinking it. The large crystal violet is not able to pass through the peptidoglycan layer and is trapped in the Gram-positive bacteria. Contrarily, the outer membrane of the Gram-negative bacteria is broken down, which makes the thinner peptidoglycan layer not be able to retain the crystal violet-iodine, and the color becomes lost. A counterstain is added to the solution staining it red. The safranin is lighter compared to the crystal violent and does not affect the purple color in Gram-positive cells. Nonetheless, the decolorized negative cells get the red color.…

Perception and Attention The cognitive process of perception Perception is the capability of capturing, processing, and making sense of any information that our senses receive (“CogniFit”, 2020). The cognitive process makes it possible for the surroundings to be interpreted with the stimuli through our sensory organs. Perception is important to our daily lives as it makes it possible to comprehend our surroundings. The perception process requires a bottom-up and top-down processing, which means that the stimuli we receive does not only direct us (bottom-up) but also expect to anticipate specific stimuli, which control perception (top-up). A mistake that may happen in visual perception           Change blindness: Change blindness is a condition whereby people miss to notice any changes that happen in their visual environment. It happens when a bigger visual transient like an eye blink, screen flicker, saccadic eye movement, or a cut in a motion picture conceals the visual transient that is produced by a change. The areas of the brain that is responsible for visual perception The occipital lobes are one of the regions in the cerebral cortex…

Critique of a Qualitative Article Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the making of computers that think and act rationally and like humans (Jackson, 2019). AI is believed to result in several advantages, which include a reduced error rate compared to humans, and the ability to work in and explore dangerous conditions (Jackson, 2019). Brougham and Haar (2018) explain that while AI implementations are advantageous and especially to the management of organizations, there are issues that are raised by employees on whether or not their jobs can be retained. The research conducted pertained to the implementations of AI in the workplace, and further exploration was done concerning talent acquisition, leaders, and employee retention to prevent business conflict and failure through AI. Previously, it was noted that other research conducted in this field merely focused on assessing the impact of Artificial Intelligence, as can get observed later in this article. This paper aims at critiquing research conducted by Brougham and Haar (2018) in proving that AI implementations in the corporate world have impacts on the employees, which further prompts the study…

Criminal Defense and Prostitution Any person accused of a crime is required by the law to appear in court for trial. The accused person in such a situation is called a defendant. The defendant and his/her criminal attorney in court will try to establish that a criminal defence to avoid the judge from ruling that he/she is guilty. Criminal defense is an argument that is angled toward the attempt to prove that the prosecution evidence not valid that sufficient to warrant criminal charges against the accused. There are different types of criminal defenses in criminal law that are considered before the court pass judgment on the accused. They include Insanity, justification, and duress. Criminal defense of Insanity In case a person accused of a crime is found to have been insane during the time of the criminal act, the court will entitle such a defendant in criminal defense of no guilty due to Insanity. However, people have used this defense for years to escape guilty verdicts. The general public has raised concerns that the defense is used by many people…

color-blind racism America has become undisputed from the idea of race being a factor determining the life chances of Americans. Barack Obama’s elections America has led to the significant change of the racist perspective.Many white people believe that race has declined insignificance. the color cannot determine capabilities.The existing racial inequality in the United States is a product of the new racial regime which labels the new racism. In the recent discrimination has seized to be racial, and it has anchored new system labeled color-blind racism. Colorblind racism rationalizes the status of minorities as a result of market dynamics. Apparently, prejudice continues to plaque America. It is expressed subtly or symbolically. Color-blind racism is not Vewe as prejudice grounded on individual levels, but it is a collective expression of whites’ racial dominance. Therefore, racial relations in America are into two dimensions. One dimension is where the Americans figure out racism as wrong and unconsidered by many. However, in the other aspect, the fact of having prejudice and color-blind racism it depicts that racism still is in the hearts of the Americans.…

relative patterns and magnitudes overtime Understanding In the reading, the authors focused on examining the relative patterns and magnitudes overtime. The study described the cognitive, social, and physical changes across the life span through an evaluation of the stages of grief. The five divergent grieving trajectories from pre-loss to eighteen months post-loss include chronic depression, chronic grief, common grief, resilience, and improvement during bereavement. By developing a foundation on a study by Wortman and Silver, the researchers strongly disapproved of the necessity of one stage in the grief theory, based on the premise that depression is not an inevitable reaction to loss. The results of the study identified normal patterns of grief processing over time among individuals who had lost their loved ones. However, it was evident that disbelief among the participants was not the initial and dominant indicator of grief. Accordingly, the results of the findings imply a reference for future research on the field to distinguish between abnormal and normal responses to loss. Linking Be right Back appropriately links with this week’s topic because it understands the fears…

Criticism and Analysis of Modern Medicine One of the greatest risks to modern medicine has been rampant corruption within health institutions, which has jeopardized the delivery of health care services. Also, widespread corruption has deviated the focus of health care from health promotion to health corruption. Doctors and insurance companies have exacerbated the situation. The primary source of corruption has been the norm by doctors to overcharge patients and the tendency by the insurance companies to overpay the insurance premiums. As a way of augmenting our understanding of this subject, this study will assess the reasons and the players who have contributed to modern medicine is for purposes other than health promotion. The story of Alexa Kasdan perfectly elucidates the state of private health care today (Harris, 2019). It encapsulates how doctors and medical insurers are working in unison to defraud the patients. The fact that Alexa was significantly overcharged for just a sore throat that was remedied by taking some antibiotics exhibits the utter greed that exists in private health facilities in the world today (Harris, 2019). Also, the…



Rotofarm planting vegetables, microgreens, and herbs. The gadget was founded by Tom Farmer, who is also the founder of Bake. This device was designed to help homeowners who do not have space to plant their fresh herbs and greens in their compounds. Rotofarm has a circular design that allows you to grow plants in a small area. Plants grown in this device tend to grow faster as compared to those planted in the yard because gravity has less affected them. The effect of gravity is minimal to the pant because the device rotates every hour.   Main Features of Rotofarm Light Settings The indoor garden kit comes with an app that you use it to adjust light settings. This is because various plants need various light rays and wavelengths. The light is always placed at the center to ensure that it is distributed uniformly to all plants in the garden kit.   Zero Gravity Technology AS stated earlier, the zero gravity technology helps the plants to grow faster together with the sunlight spectrum lightning. At the base of the Rotofarm…

Spanish flu verses Covid-19 epidemic Hi Hayler, Your work was excellent. It was quite insightful to derive the connections between the occurrences that happened during the Spanish flu epidemic that left many people dead. In the present day, some of the strategies that were used to handle and curb the epidemic will be used to manage the Covid-19 pandemic. As the Covid-19 cases increase, most of the hospitals will run out of space hence convert other facilities into medical rooms as a measure to treat the affected patients.   Hi Gabrielle, I find your work and passion interesting. Most of the young and aspiring politicians do have the required potential to run and make laws that would help and provide better lives for the citizens. If they can have the opportunity to air their thoughts, then they have the power to turn around laws such as equal rights, promote peace within the society, among other possibilities.  

Discussion Biology What Can We Do To Protect Ourselves From Resistant Strains Of Bacteria, And How Can We Control Pests, Like Rats And Mice That Are Now Becoming Immune To The Poisons Developed To Keep Them Under Control?   The first step in protecting ourselves from resistant bacteria is knowledge of the risk of infection and taking the necessary measures like asking the right questions to healthcare professionals. For instance, cuts need to be kept clean and covered until they heal. One effective way to control rats and mice is by eliminating all potential sources of food and water (Environmental Health Division, 2019). Since such pests follow potential sources of food, they need to be sealed well, preferably stored in metal containers. Surfaces also need to be kept clean as such pests are attracted to dirty areas. Discuss Whether You Support or Oppose the Supreme Court Ruling on Gene Patents in the 2013 Case  Yes, I support the Supreme Court ruling about the DNA segment being a product of nature. This is due to the ruling being supported by the ‘Laws…

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