Does Knowledge Require Certainty? Knowledge refers to an understanding of facts, information, and skills acquired from education, personal experience or researching someone or something. Through knowledge, people can make important decisions in their lives like solving certain problems occurring in their day to day activities. However, Epistemologist traditionally defined knowledge as justified true belief, which means that our beliefs have to be certain to justify a certain idea and be considered as knowledge. The statement that knowledge is a justified true belief is not clear. Therefore, discussing several types of knowledge will bring out clarity whether knowledge requires certainty or not as they will each illustrate how knowledge is obtained and how the individuals can implement the knowledge in their daily activities. Knowledge is classified in several types one being mathematical knowledge. Mathematical knowledge is   an understanding of solving mathematical formulas and applying them in real life situations (Pino, 96). Mathematical knowledge is acquired through the study of the growing mathematical literature. Mathematical knowledge is further classified as mathematical knowledge for teaching, which refers to both the mathematical knowledge used…

It is Time to Put a Stop to Affirmative Action Affirmative action is the strategy of giving special treatment to minorities, as well as other underrepresented people. It s applied in the effort to not only remove discrimination, but to correct the impact of past discrimination. Affirmative action should be stopped since the policy is no longer required as it brings about more problems than answers. The following essay will argue why it is time to end affirmative action. Affirmative action should end since it leads to reverse discrimination. The policy was developed to put an end to discrimination and give each person a level playing field, however in the real sense, it does the opposite. A large number of white students, in spite having excellent grades and having better qualifications, are having a hard time getting into higher learning institutions since many colleges prioritize the minorities. Such kind of policy in unjust in the moral sense and facilitates reverse discrimination. Not only does it unfairly treat the majority group in the employment and high education sectors, it also punishes…


iPhone 6

iPhone 6 Introduction The world of technology has become revolutionary. The use of mobile technology has been increasing tremendously since 1973 after the invention of Motorola as the first prototype. Several inventions have sprouted leading to the revolutionary technology in Android and Apples for mobile operating systems. iPhone is a product from Apple Inc. Companies which was also invented in the late 1970s. Apple iPhone is one of the most precious cellular devices anyone person may think of owning. As the mobile markets become complex, Apple manufacturers are not complacent. There are various versions of iPhones, which have been pumped into the market. Various iPhone proponents admire these versions of iPhone depending on their effectiveness and quality. Of interest to this work, is iPhone 6. iPhone 6 has excellent camera quality, and a colossal software integration, which allows for extensive compatibility with other devices. iPhone 6 attracts a high number of consumers due to its extraordinary camera qualities. One of the reasons why iPhone 6 is Apple product is due to the camera. “The phone is equipped with auto image…

Data and Descriptive Statistics The incorporation of descriptive statistics is a summary of coefficients for a given set of data. The data could provide the representation of a sample or the whole population involved in the analysis. This type of statistics is useful in understanding and describing the features found in particular sets of data. The description is carried out by summaries of the measures and samples of the given data. The standard categories of descriptive statistics are inclusive of the measure of central tendency, which involves mode, median, and mean. These are the primary examples utilized in all levels of statistics and mathematics. Sampling Method The method of data collection intended for the research is the use of questionnaires among college students found in the university. The selection of the respondent will be random among the chosen sample population for conclusions and discussions. The use of the internet would also assist in issuing the questionnaires, and some of the respondents are to be reached by telephone. Questionnaires will be issued randomly, but care will be observed to avoid being…

Kinesiology             Kinesiology is the study of the movement mechanism of the human body. Kinesiology is applied in biomechanics, orthopedics, and neuromodulation. Neuromodulation technology allows the use of electrical stimulation to reduce neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain is a chronic pain that is resistant to conventional pharmacological therapeutic treatment. Neuromodulation is a technological technique that can be used in the treatment and test of neuropathic pain. Other nonpharmacological methods have been used in the treatment of chronic pain, but their outcome has side effects on the patients. Neuromodulation technology involves the use of daily electrical stimulation in the test and treatment of neuropathic pain caused by nerve injury. Neuropathic pain is a chronic pain that is resistant to normal therapeutic interventions. The chronic pain is mostly caused by damage of the nervous system (López,2019). The pain has a continuous effect that resembles electric shock. Neuropathic pain is caused by damage of nerve, which is mostly caused by burning, pins and needles sensations. Neuropathic pain is also associated with football players whose nerves may be damaged due to intense physical contacts. Neuropathic…

Incest and Related policies I am writing to express my great concern on the policies and regulation that that have been put forth against incest. I feel that the policies be reviewed on the basis of rationale, logic and ethics. In my writing, I am not categorically stating that incest is good , but I argue that just like other moral related issue such as homosexuality, there is the need to scrutinize incest  because just because something is morally wrong to people, it does not imply it is bad.  I believe that people who are caught in the act of incest receive unfair punishment and the current laws and policies are against the progress of the society by limiting individual’s choice and freedom. I have noted that when people here of incest, what come in their mind is rape and pedophilia. This is a misconception that needs to be done way with and we should view incest of people who are of age as a form of social interaction. For instance, when a brother and sister have sexual intercourse and…

various inquiries towards giving an insight into some of the essential concerns to facilitate timely and effective counter-response to the influenza epidemic Living with a number of around 500 inmates is catastrophic, especially when there is an emergence of infectious diseases. The vulnerability of the inmates during such situations makes it essential to formulate some of the best approaches to alleviate the probable menace resulting from the spread of such diseases. Being a corrections nurse, there are several considerations to facilitate the realization of immediate and effective counter-responses. The paper reflects on various inquiries towards giving an insight into some of the essential concerns to facilitate timely and effective counter-response to the influenza epidemic. Q1. There are several considerations needed towards improving the rate of vaccine adherence and curb the menace. Organized community efforts aimed towards preservation and protection are fundamental considerations when reflecting on community health (Allender et al., 2013). The level of education is one of the significant factors since it gives an insight into whether the population is aware of the fatality of the disease or not.…

The advantages of offering a disabled child medicine or doing surgery by a medical doctor to prevent their growth To appreciate why many doctors would take the stoppage of growth of the disabled children, you first need to understand the work that goes into the caring of the child. Most parents of this children are aging as their children are growing. It therefore becomes hard to take care of a child who is for example 95 pounds, needs to be moved from maybe a wheelchair to their bed or even be taken to the bathroom for short calls or long calls. The aging parents would therefore prefer to have a child that has their growth stopped than have to take care of them daily, which is tiresome and hard for them. The medicine that will be offered will only stop their growth of height but not their cognitive abilities. The medicine, which is estrogen, that is offered in daily doses only stops the growth of the bones. When the medicine is offered at an early age, the growth of the…

Article Review: Egg Coloration is Correlated with Female Condition in Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia Sialis ) Citation for the paper assigned Siefferman, L., Navara, K. J., & Hill, G. E. (2006). Egg coloration is correlated with female          condition in eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 59(5),           651-656. Determination of if the hypothesis explicitly stated or implied, the alternative hypothesis, and the understanding of the hypothesis The hypothesis has been explicitly stated that egg coloration is correlated to a condition in the eastern blue birds. The alternative hypothesis would be that the older female eastern bluebirds and female eastern bluebirds in better conditions are highly prone to lay blue and more colorful eggs. Based on the reading, the hypothesis implies that the female eastern bluebirds that are healthy are highly prone to lay eggs that are colorful compared to their counterparts who are not in better health conditions. Moreover, the hypothesis can also be understood to propose that the color of the eggs of the female eastern bluebirds is a determinant of the health conditions of the birds…

pursuing Masters in Renewable Energy in the UK India is the second-largest producer and importer of coal in the world wherein two-third of coal consumption in the country is in the arena of electricity generation that is produced chiefly using fossil fuels. Further, there is a significant demand for addressing the throw-away Indian culture, management of waste and its conversion into fuels. This is a matter of anticipation for me being an electronic engineer, a nature-lover, possessing empathy for humanity and extreme desire to work for the welfare of the society and the man-kind. My life-aspiration is to work for the organisation that deals with the projects ensuring the provision of energy, implementing sustainable energy resources and developing strategies to make our country carbon-neutral and protecting our environment for the future. Therefore, I want to pursue Masters in Renewable Energy in the UK from your prestigious university and gain a solid grounding in the principles of energy production and develop practical skills to pursue a career in the ever-growing field of renewable energy.   My enthrallment with the subject started…

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