Lung Cancer Cancer is a condition where cells grow abnormally, also known as malignancy. Generally, there are over one hundred types of cancer in the world, among them, skin cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and lung cancer. Notably, malignancy symptoms diversify based on the type. Besides, treatment may comprise surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. For thousands of years, scientists have regarded cancer as a human ailment. However, in the past century, medical experts understood the disease and how it develops. Cancer consultants, known as oncologists, have made impressive developments in malignancy diagnosis, control, and therapy (Reedy et al., 2020). Currently, more cancer patients are living longer compared to the past. Nonetheless, some patterns of the disease remain challenging to treat. Luckily, contemporary treatment can compellingly enhance the quality of life and can increase survival. Remarkably, lung cancer is one of the most severe types of malignancy that results in a high percentage of cancer deaths globally. Often but not regularly, lung cancer relates to smoking. When an individual who has smoked tobacco, their whole life ends up with lung cancer, it…

The Space Race between the U.S. and USSR. In 1957 the United States (U.S.) and the Soviet Union, now known as Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), got involved in a cold war soon after the Second World War. Being Cold War rivals, the Americans were afraid that the Soviets could take control of the space when they launched their first satellite, Sputnik. A space race is a competition regarding the achievements of the space exploration between nations. The space program led to the invention of a rocket by the Americans (Dawson, 2018). This marked the start of the space race was on where the Soviets were already winning (Dawson, 2018). The paper explores the significance and effects of the Space Race to the United States, the USSR, and the World as well. What did it mean for the U.S. and USSR during the Cold War? The U.S. and the USSR were competing to achieve the first spaceflight capability. The launching of Sputnik by the USSR raised a worldwide excitement for the progress taken by humankind. Rocket research was essential,…

Operational Planning Planning is an essential concept in day-to-day life. It is the process of making decisions on what activities are required to attain a particular goal or desired result. Planning involves having prioritized objectives which differ in terms of need and necessities (Zwikael & Smyrk, 2019). An objective is a specific goal that one aims to achieve with the available resources and within a given period. Strategic, intermediate and operational planning are the three main types of planning. The paper explains on the type of panning I will use to achieve my objective, pointing out the main priorities. For my vacation to Bora Bora, I would use Operational planning to plan my day to day activities. Operational planning is the art of determining how an objective can be achieved with the available resources over a certain period (Towbin et al., 2018). I will research the transportation fees to the Island as well as other fees charged, such as entry fees to ensure my finances aligns with my objective. My objective is to take a break from my normal life,…

Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky is one of the twentieth century’s most prominent linguists, and he centred his linguistic research on certain doctrinal teachings. His significant achievement in linguistics is the Transition Generative Grammar, which reflects on mental psychology. In 1928, the American philosopher, historian, linguist, political activist, cognitive scientist, as well as a social critic, was born. To many, Noam is also known as ‘ the father of contemporary linguistics,’ even though he is also a pillar in analytic philosophy as well as a significant founding father and contributor to cognitive science (Yang et al. 2017). Chomsky was given birth and raised in a Jewish family of middle income. He went to an unconventional primary academy, where he got motivated to cultivate his passions together with his skills using a study which was self-directed. He wrote an editorial for his school newspaper at the age of 10, lamenting the loss of Barcelona in the Spanish Civil War and the rise of fascism across Europe. Chomsky started to travel into New York City by himself when he was 13, finding publications…

Liposomal CBD Oil: Is It The Best? The CBD (cannabidiol) industry is growing at a supersonic rate, especially after the 2018 Farm Bill that legalized the sale of cannabis products. CBD has become a top recommendation for helping with problems such as chronic pain, migraines, and skin problems such as acne. Even with the demonstrated positive effects, scientists have been looking for better ways to enhance CBD availability, and they have an answer: liposomal CBD oil. So, what is liposomal CBD oil?  What is the best liposomal CBD oil? What are Liposomes? In order to understand liposomal CBD oil is important to step back and establish what liposomes are? Liposome term is a combination of two words; lipo (meaning fat) and soma (meaning body). They are minute vesicles made after the assembly of phospholipids in a favorite liquid medium. They are made in laboratories by altering the structure of phospholipids. They look like small protective bubbles and have been demonstrated to be very effective carriers for pharmaceutical products. Today, the hemp industry has joined the train and created liposomal CBD…

New York mourns amid the Rona outbreak Devastated, New York, one of the world’s busiest cities, has been hit by the dreaded Coronavirus virus that has left a trail of destruction and horror to the once vibrant city. Confined and their movements curtailed, New Yorkers are grappling with uncertainties aggravated by the imposition of total lockdown. But how? You may wonder, did New York get into its current predicament. Why is it the epicenter of this voracious monster? Why are mortality rates skyrocketing threatening to decimate the once populous metropolis? Encapsulated below are answers to these mind-boggling queries and the mechanisms adopted to combat and control its spread.   Why New York is the epicenter Dubbed as the “city that never sleeps,” and one of the busiest metropolitan cities in the world, New York is home to over eight million people robust with diverse languages featuring over 500 tongues. Below are some of its attributes that contributed to its staggering infection and death rates: Enormous population: Population concentration in New York is roof blowing. Coronavirus being highly contagious thrives in…

What are the benefits of telemedicine that support quality initiatives? Telemedicine allows remote and primary care providers to seek professional advice from expert physicians at the tertiary levels (Bashshur &Shanon, 2009). This enables the patients in remote areas receive expert diagnosis without physical contact. Furthermore, more people are reached using telemedicine since large medical centers can integrate their services across many remote health centers. This improves the healthcare system. How can organizations minimize potential risks and maximize safeguards when using telemedicine? Organizations should ensure that they have reliable and accurate technology. Since telemedicine relies heavily on communication technology, accurate and reliable technology would minimize risks of miscommunication and enhance understanding of the diagnosis. Furthermore, the communication technology should be enabled to follow-up on a patient. This would maximize the effectiveness of telemedicine through telenursing a patient who is under bed-rest. What are the educational and training needs for telemedicine? Telemedicine clinicians should assess the most appropriate methods of delivering their services (Loane & Wootton, 2002). The lack of face-to-face communication means that chances of miscommunication are high. As such, these…

Moving to HTML5 In your own opinion, what is the most important takeaway point that you learned from this video? Explain your answer.   The important takeaway point I have learned from this vides is that HTML is the language used by our web browsers to communicate to us on how a particular web page looks like. HTML uses tags and other elements that enable our web browsers to put YouTube video or audio on my screen (Lifelonglearner, 2016). The newest version of HTML, which is the HTML5, consists of many improvements when compared to its prior versions. The HTML5 codes are much easier to interpret and read and built to work on advanced laptops and phones.  With learning of HTML from the various websites such as the will help us in learning what makes a website do what it does and use the knowledge learned and the same tags to develop my web pages. What is one benefit of HTML5? HTML5 is the newest version of HTML, which has improved the codes of prior HTML, making the codes much…

Critique of a Research Article as it Relates to a Clinical Problem  “The Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice (JHNEBP) model is a powerful problem-solving approach to clinical decision-making, and is accompanied by user-friendly tools to guide individual or group use. It is designed specifically to meet the needs of the practicing nurse and uses a three-step process called PET: practice question, evidence, and translation. The goal of the model is to ensure that the latest research findings and best practices are quickly and appropriately incorporated into patient care.” Reference:Don′t click on this website- it will deny access to you.′t click on this site- it will deny access to you). Directions for final Project: Step 1: Refer back to the clinical problem that you identified and made your PIO or PICO question. [unique_solution]″In patients who are admitted medical step down level of care does boarding them in the emergency department when there are no available beds increase the risk of poorer outcomes?″ One of my biggest concern is the medical step down patients that are held in the Emergency department…

benefits of Genetically modified organisms Genetically modified organisms, also known as GMOs, have been a topic of debate amongst households and laboratories across the world, especially within the last decade. Advances in technology and genetics have allowed scientists to change specific genes within an organism and permits the creation of Transgenic entities. Every individual has their own opinion on GMO’s, some believe that it is wrong to play “Mother Nature” and change the genetic makeup of organisms. Uneducated spectators believe that genetically modified organisms can change the genetic makeup of those who consume said organism, however, there is not enough scientific evidence supporting these conspiracy theories. Although, science has suggested that GMO’s actually have numerous benefits for both humans and the organisms. [unique_solution]GMO’s can aid in an increased food supply, as Genetically modified organisms can be grown in a variety of conditions, which allows non native plants to grow in any desired area. GMO’s can provide medical assistance; many of the vaccines and supplements manufactured today are derived from GMO’s, therefore they are essential in the development of new drugs…

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