Modeling and Simulation of Low-Cost and High-Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells Project Description[A1] Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion is an important technology for generating low-cost electricity to replace coal-generated power. A hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite-based solar cell is a photovoltaic (PV) technology based on applying low-cost materials in a series of ultrathin layers encapsulated by protective sealants which have attracted the attention of researchers and scientists over the world. From 2009 when active research work began on perovskite photovoltaic (PV) applications, efficiencies above 24 percent have been achieved compared to silicon-based solar cells with a current efficiency of around 25.1 percent figure1 since research work on the silicon-based device started in 1954. To bring the cost of the solar energy down comparing to the existing technologies.  A typical planar heterojunction perovskite-based solar cell consists of 6 main layers of different materials figure2 can be constructed in the lab; these are glass transport electrode, an electron transport layer, a perovskite material, hole transport layer, and the gold electrode. This technology can be directly integrated into the building components to achieve highly competitive building…

What You Need to Know about Mobile Phones before buying. Have you ever been curious about the gadget called a mobile phone that you use daily? I mean what it’s made up of,  or where they manufactured from or even specifications that make you prefer using the one you have at the moment and many more about your device? Well, a mobile phone or if you prefer, a cell phone is a portable telephone that can make, receive calls or send messages over a radio frequency link. At the same time, the user is moving within a telephone service area.   Mobile phones are used for a variety of purposes, like keeping in touch with family members, conducting businesses and for emergencies. Mobile phones us on one need; hence different people use mobile phones for various purposes. . Each phone has different specifications, and this means a phone must have a processing spec, which is the CPU, which is the engine of the phone that controls its speed. Feature of importance in a phone regardless of the brand is screen…

Malaria Endemic In Ashanti Region    BACKGROUND Malaria remains one of the endemic health issues in Ghana as one of the tropical countries in Africa. In Subsaharan Africa (SSA), pregnant women and children under the age of 5 are the most vulnerable (Badirou et al. 2018, Owusu Boateng and Autro 2017; WHO 2017). Malaria accounts for 14% of all outpatient cases, 11% of the hospital admissions, and 9% of all deaths among pregnant women in Ghana. (Boateng et al. 2018).  Plasmodium falciparum malaria 0ne of the major contributors to morbidity accounting for 40% of morbidity in the Ashanti region of Ghana. This poses a significant socioeconomic challenge to families living in this region. Method Used to Identify the issue. Several methods were used to identify the issue. One of them is a literature review where several books and articles were read. They provided incite on the current and past qualitative and quantitative data on the state of the endemic in the region. A cross-sectional study was conducted where Questionnaires were used to interview 240 out 1200 women who were in…

 Albert Einstein and his contributions to the field of mathematics Various mathematicians are known worldwide due to their significant contributions to the field of mathematics. In my research, I am going to write about a famous mathematician called Albert Einstein and his contributions to the field of mathematics and how he has been helping people to solve various problems in the real world. Albert Einstein has always been considered one of the greatest mathematicians of the twentieth century. He was an American with a German origin who was born in Ulm, in Württemberg, a state that is found in Germany on the fourteenth day of March in the year 1879(Contributor, 2020). He was one of the best students, which is the direct opposite of what other people typically think about. It is believed that his teacher had once told him that he could not be successful in anything. He is a trained teacher who trained in the fields of mathematics and physics from the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School. He then studied for and graduated with a diploma, and he, later…

 King’s Theory of Goal Attainment The middle-level theory that I am going to put into consideration in this assignment is the King’s Theory of Goal Attainment. This theory describes how dynamic interpersonal relationships between any person and the patients grow as well as develop towards the attaining of the patient’s life goals. The approach puts into consideration the various factors contributing to the attainment of the goals as roles, the time, and the stress on the patient. This theoretical framework has three basic systems which are the personal, interpersonal as well as the social systems of the patient. Each of the three systems has its specific concepts for the perception of the personal system, development, and self-growth. The basic concepts for the interpersonal systems include interaction, transaction, communication, and roles. The social system concepts are power, authority, decision making, and status. The human life revolves around dynamic health changes and experiences, which is an implication that the person goes about adjustments continuously as there is an inherent presence of stressor within both the internal and external environments. The CAUTIs is…

Cleantech Recycling limited (CRL) Executive summary Cleantech Recycling limited (CRL) will specialize with collection and recycling market waste from San Diego city municipal waste processing plant to make such waste products reusable by consumers. Cleantech Recycling limited focuses on recycling human waste sludge from the high population of San Diego City. By recycling such waste product, Cleantech Recycling limited will ensure that, San Diego City municipality have a feasible and cost effect landfilling of the waste product from the city. Further, Recycling of this waste product will ensure that there is enough organic fertilizers as well as natural soil enhancers in San Diego County, and hence this will promote organic farming. Some of our key customers for our products include; farmers, landscapers, some government agencies, fertilizers manufacturers, among other customers focusing on organic soil enhancement to improve its fertility. Focusing on the current state of waste product processing plants owned by San Diego City municipalities, they are facing mechanical problems and hence unable to recycle the current level of human waste from this city as it is one of the…

Analogous cognitive ability and homologous cognitive ability In psychology, cognitive ability could be explained as the mental skills needed by animals to perform tasks, which could be both rudimentary and complex. Delving further, cognitive ability relates to how tasks are learnt, remembered, solving of tasks and attention to detail. Analogous cognitive ability occurs in species that are not evolutionary related and consequent shared genetics between the two species. To answer the question on the paper; chimps and capuchins will reflect analogous cognitive ability as opposed to chimps and humans. The reason why chimps and capuchins will reflect analogous cognitive ability is due to the fact that using primate evolution tree; chimps fall under the homininae line while capuchins fall under the old world monkey line and therefore the evolutionary related degree shared is less, as would have been compared between humans and chimps. Humans and chimps share the same homininae line on the primate evolution tree, so they are closely related evolutionarily.   Tools Van Lawick-Goodall – The use of an external object as a functional extension of mouth or…

The theory of mercantilism International trade is a transactional exchange across territories or physical geographic boundaries of capital goods and services for profits. The purpose of international trade is to enable domestic production within a particular country to be sold in other markets other than its own (Viner, 2016). International trade is desired as it enables a country to grow its gross domestic product (GDP) (Thomas, 2019). Therefore, individual countries seek a bigger share and dominance in order to rapidly grow their GDP. However, international trade is complex to navigate and represented by complicated vested interests (Viner, 2016). Salient theorists have thus come up with theoretical frameworks to help counties to format a strategy of succeeding in international. This paper reviews the meaning and functionality of the theory of mercantilism in the context of international trade. The theory of mercantilism holds that the treasure of a country is directly proportional to its treasure. This treasure is usually held in terms of gold. The general functional principle of the theory of mercantilism is that the exports of a country should exceed…

Doctor-Patient Interactions: An Analysis of Voices Literature Review “Medicine is an art whose magic and creative ability have long been recognized as residing in the interpersonal aspects of patient-physician relationship” – Hall, Roter and Rand (1981).             Originally biomedicine and medicine was ruled by the scientific approach alone, which focussed upon objectivist research in a positivist light. More recently however, the constructivist paradigm has emerged, incorporating ‘objective’ clinical findings and interventions as well as the emergence of recent evidence for the doctor-patient relationship as a contributor to patient outcomes (Wilson, 2000). The rise of social constructivist theories has meant an increase focussing upon the effects of doctor-patient interaction to the extreme. (Greenfield, 2001; Charles, Whelan & Gafni, 1999). The doctor – patient relationship has been stated as one of the most complex of interpersonal relationships due to the influence on patients’ behaviour and wellbeing (Ong, Haes, Hoos & Lammes, 1995). More specifically influences are on; satisfaction with care, recall, understanding of medical information, quality of life, adherence to treatment and state of health (Bensing, 1991; Higginson & Carr, 2001; Squier,…

Does modern architecture have a place for using honest or deceptive techniques in architectural forms? Critical essay arguing the pros and cons of honesty and deception in Architecture and whether it should be used in modern day architecture The argument should be backed up with a few examples of a specific type of honest and deceptive technique previously used in architecture It should be backed also by an additional 2 books that back the argument Main body consists of pros and cons of honesty and deception in architecture Only FACTS and no OPINIONS Examples can also relate to anything else aswell as architecture what needs to be done: I need research being done for my essay based on what I have wrote and all the key information required from authors and books please ensure the argument is based on a specific thing and not a broad range of things also the original source to be used is: Introducing architectural theory : debating a discipline Author: Korydon H Smith 2 more books should be used to backup argument also journals and…

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