

MY VISION My vision about life was not my childhood dreams but rather a work of consistent consumption of knowledge and learning about the things which are passionate to me. My life has always been about searching a path and to be in a journey to finding my true self. The raw and the rural background at the initial stage of my life tied me down to dream low or even not to dream at all, so the word aspiration was useless to me. But still, I always wondered about becoming an astronaut. I had the curiosity of the things happening around me, the things which everyone finds unexplainable. My uncle was the only engineer in my family, and he used to do this unbelievable stuff that always makes me wanted to be like him. His passion gave me a boost, and the idea of being an engineer struck me. He is the one who led me and gave me direction on which path to choose. He turned me from a guy who used to run the road without any…

What is rank math plugin Hey!you want to know about rank math plugin. Rank math is a free WordPress plugin which help you to write SEO content and which help you to rank higher in search engine. It automate your WordPress SEO and helps you to optimize your posts. Its helps every website owner get access to the SEO tools they need to improve their SEO and attract more traffic to their website. What is rank math Rank math is a plugin that is designed to show the right example at the right time.rank math interface is shown simple but powerful interface there is lots of information which help you to improve your post its is used in multiple fields like Bloggers,eCommerce Store Owners, Niche Sites, Businesses, Local Businesses, Startups, The Real Estate Artists & Photographers, The Solution Offerer, DirectoriesOr any WordPress Website Feature of rank math that beat the competitor in the market 1)Setup Wizard : Rank Math features a step-by-step installation 2) Google Schema Markup aka Rich Snippets Integrated: With the help of 14 types of rich snippets,…

Forensic Biology What is Forensic Biology? Forensic biology is a discipline that focuses on the performance of serological and DNA examinations for purposes of individualization and identification. Materials analyzed is not only limited to blood but also includes: saliva collected at crime scenes or from articles of physical evidence and semen (Gefrides & Welch, 2011). These bodily fluids are typically generated in the process of violent crimes commission such as a hit and run fatalities homicides, assaults, and rape. The aim is usually to identify the type of material present and then, later on, to determine the link of the material(s) to a particular person through DNA. The forensic biology intends to provide the criminal justice system with a timely scientific analysis of biological data. Importance of Serology to Forensic Biology In forensic biology, serology particularly refers to the screening of evidence for body fluids. The identification of body fluids such as saliva, urine, semen, and blood, is generally performed on evidentiary items before DNA examination. Forensic serology plays the role of connecting victims and suspects to each other and…

Statistics Problems Question 6 The hypothesis tests whether the cost of the brunch is independent of the restaurant’s quality. The initial step is to formulate the null and alternative hypothesis. Null hypothesis: Cost and quality are independent Alternative hypothesis: Cost and quality are dependent Chi-square statistic (X2) tests for the independence between variables X2= ∑[(Oi -Ei)2/ Ei] Oi and Ei are observed and expected frequency counts of the variables S $.01-15.00 $15.01-30 $30.01+ Column Total T 4 25 22 38 85 A 3 17 28 35 80 R 2 40 30 25 95 S 1 43 45 22 110 Row Total 125 125 120 370 E1,1= 85*125/370= 28.71 E1,2= 85*125/370= 28.71 E1,3=85*120/370= 27.57 E2,1= 80*125/370= 27.03 E2,2= 80*125/370= 27.03 E2,3= 80*120/370= 25.95 E3,1= 95*125/370= 32.09 E3,2= 95*125/370= 32.09 E3,3 = 95*120/370= 30.81 E4,1= 110*125/370= 37.16 E4,2= 110*125/370= 37.16 E4,3= 110*120/370= 35.68 Oi Ei (Oi- Ei)2/ Ei 25 28.7 0.477 22 28.7 1.564 38 27.6 3.919 17 27.0 3.704 28 27.0 0.037 35 26.0 3.116 40 32.1 1.944 30 32.1 0.137 25 30.8 1.092 43 37.2 0.904 45 37.2 1.635 22…

 role of HPV in cervical cancer cells Abstract Cancer primarily manifests itself through abnormal cell growth that slowly spreads to other parts of the body, where it has different stages depending on the extent through which it has spread. While is it described as killer diseases, especially at the later stages, it can be mitigated through a series of medications. Additionally, there are also preventive measures taken to curb it depending on the nature of cancer. These measures range from lifestyle adjustments to vaccinations. It is important to note that different types of cancers affect specific body parts, and understanding them is essential in drawing up preventive measures, diagnosis procedures, and treatment. This essay draws attention to the role of HPV in cervical cancer cells. It also highlights the causes of cervical cancer, its diagnosis, and treatment. Keywords: HPV, cervical, cell, infection, sexual Introduction Human papillomavirus infection (HPV) is a viral infection primarily passed through skin contact, especially from sexual contact[1]. While a good number of HPV infections have no symptoms, they progress gradually. They manifest themselves as warts and…

Space creative impulse Space creative impulse depicts a sensible approach in appreciating and understanding space. In most cases, these modern buildings give individuals a sense of pleasure and familiarity. In this case, most architectural practices are appealing to an individual’s feelings in the mind that there is existence between performance and practice while in a building, room, or space. Therefore, this paper talks about design theories, and the primary ideas involved the themes involved. The themes involved in this case include language, subject, image, process, and experience. In this regard, the main idea stimulating from the various quotes established in the research question is performance and practice — for instance, performances shape perception of a distinct space either physically or socially. Concerning performance and practice, a broad precedent suffices in most conversations. Through performance, space images are felt by an individual. An inner feeling is an experience categorizing space as a materialization of not only theory but also practice. However, others will argue that areas offer theoretical concepts of art in the sense that the theoretical praxis is indicative of…

SWOT Analysis for Stevens District Hospital Stevens District Hospital currently released its strategic plan. The facility is a 162-bed acute care hospital with a mission of providing high-quality care, comprehensive services, and exceptional services. The hospital looks to expand its scope to six family practice physicians, specialists in cardiology, oncology, and women’s services in 5 years. Currently, the hospital has three family physicians, one obstetrician, one medical oncologist, and one non-invasive cardiologist. The financial goal of Steven’s District Hospital The strengths of the facility lie within its dominating market coverage within the last five years. The market trend, as projected five years ago, reflect trust and preference by the community. Besides, the facility also enjoys relatively fair HCAHPS scores, which they would improve by relative adjustment. The hospital should realize comprehensive care if it can achieve a score of 95% in all aspects of the HCAHPS scores. The facility needs to work aggressively on patient satisfaction (Kapoor et al. 2016). The baseline financial weakness of the facility is influenced by the drop in market volume in contrast to its competitors…

my time pursuing the Master of Science in Project Management Project management, as has exposed me to new experiences which have enabled me to gain new insight into the various ways of how I can apply the broad knowledge into any project that deals with management. The program has proved to be a new experience for me, in a different point of views from the professional view to the personal learning point of view. For the entire period that I have dedicated my time and resources to committing t the program, I have realised that the program has built me in a very positive way; since it has enabled me to learn various personal experiences which range from time management, family responsibility, a balance between the school and work life. Besides, there are some professional experiences which I also gained from the program; I found some classes to be so much relevant to my professional life, and they have as well enabled me to learn certain critical skills which would later become handy in my prospective career. Moreover, there are…

Critical Analysis -Analyzing ‘Bad’ Science Introduction In the article “Where There Are Girls, There Are Cats” written by Li and colleagues, the focus is directed towards understanding the way free-ranging cats manage to live with humans. The study targeted 30 Universities in China, and it has claimed that there is a linear proportion between free-ranging cats and female students within the targeted Universities. The study showed that female students were increasingly concerned about the well-being of free-ranging cats and that the population density of free-ranging cats is dependent on the number of female students within these Universities. The researchers concluded that human gender plays a significant role in understanding how well the population of free-ranging cats can be controlled, based on the concern towards free-ranging cats between males and females. Therefore, in line with these claims, this paper will conduct a critical analysis of this research to understand the correlation and causation and some of the mistakes evident from this research. Background This article has so far been removed and is no longer published. Peer review plays a significant role…

Sometimes later becomes never. Do it now. – Unknown Most of the time, we assume that we have a lot of time. And for that reason, we delay doing our works. However, the fact is we don’t have enough time. If you are passionate enough about your goals, you must start right now. Or else, there is a possibility that it will be too late. And after that, you have to regret for the rest of your life. Well, we can understand that sometimes, the initial effort is pretty tough. But, to witness the desired achievement, you have to start right now. Well, the best thing that you can do is to live an active life. Most of the time, we become lazy towards our initial efforts, because we are living a pretty laid-back life. So, start today by changing your lifestyle. And you will find out that you are closer to your objective. If you think that you will accomplish your goal later, you are living in a wrong notion. There is nothing called ‘later.’ If you surrender your…

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