Politics of Genetic Engineering         It is clear and without reasonable doubt that technology has really shaped the world we are living today. Advancements which have been seen over the past two decades in technology are both bountiful and endless in numerous aspects of life. Many are advancements which have been registered in scientific field, and specifically in genetic engineering (Blank, 81). The advancements in genetic engineering technology have created the possibility of almost surpassing the natural human beings and entering into a realm of some human beings who have been enhanced genetically, a regime in which the fate of human beings is at hand. Discussions on genetic engineering impacts to humanity have however remained controversial; let’s have a look on two examples before embarking on what several researchers have expressed their opinions on the matter (Blank, 81). Many people who have been in United Kingdom for a while must be aware of the outbreak of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), also commonly referred to as a mad cow disease. A decade after the disease had been identified in the year…

The Goal review The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt is a book revolving around Science and education. According to Eliyahu M. Goldratt, these two words have been abused so much that they no longer mean what they are intended to say (Goldratt, 1). For instance, Science, according to him, and some known scientists is not solely about the enigmas of natural surroundings or even about facts (Goldratt, 1). Goldratt asserts that Science is a method we use to explain the existence of beliefs that can explain logical deductions that are present in many phenomena of nature. The name science comes up when we deal with subjects taught in school, such as physics and biology, when several aspects of life do not fall under these two. The Goal, therefore, is a trial illustrating the suggestion of a small number of expectations and their usage in trying to justify a large area of industrial occurrences. Attempts to show no particular thinking is required to develop a different science or expand the one present now (Goldratt, 2). “The Goal” “is about New global…

 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Health Questions One A good research question must have several elements. The first element is specificity whereby the issue must have clear and defined objectives as well as processes. Secondly, the research question must be measurable. This element denotes the statistical or mathematical characteristic of the research question whereby its results remain testable. The third element of a good research question is attainability (Muennig & Bounthavong, 2016). This trait indicates the ability of the item to be attained through the possession of expertise and resources. The fourth element of a good research question is realistic. This element denotes the capability of the item to be attributed to specific rational physics and be completed in a reasonable time frame. Right research questions are also timely meaning the time frame used from inception to completion must be reasonable. Research questions whose conclusion takes too long cannot be considered as rational because of the time wasted and resources. Question Two Economists and financial managers consider opportunity costs as the costs incurred when one alternative gets overlooked for the sake of…

Nanocarbon aerogel synthesis Nanocarbon aerogels are the products of the self-assembly of discrete carbon nanostructures, such as graphene, graphene oxide or carbon nanotubes, into continuous networks [31]. Various synthetic strategies to create carbon nanostructure aerogels have been investigated over the last 5-10 years. An important method of manufacturing nanocarbon aerogels is chemical vapor deposition. This manufacturing process is based on the decomposition of carbon-containing gaseous precursors on sacrificial porous foams (e.g. metal foams, metal oxide foams) to form porous graphitic foams and aerogels. More commonly however, nanocarbon aerogels are produced by wet-chemical assembly of individualised carbon nanostructures in solution. In this approach, a homogenous suspension of fully dispersed nanocarbons is produced and used for self-assembly. This method is usually carried out in aqueous solution, therefore the nanocarbons are oxidized before dispersing them in water. After a stable exfoliated suspension is formed, nanocarbons can form a 3D network in solution (nanocarbon hydrogel), where crosslinking of the carbon nanostructures is based on the intermolecular forces between the nanocarbons or aided by gelling agents, such as polymers.  Subsequently, a mild drying process is…

Fertilizer  paper Abstract   Fertilizer is one of the main sources of nutrients given to plants. In the process of growth, development and reproduction process every day plants need nutrients in the form of minerals and water. Potassium silica is an element that contains Silica (Si) and Potassium (K) elements, both of these elements are needed by plants. For example the benefits of silica are to increase the oxidation of plant roots, increase the activity of enzymes involved in photosynthesis, and increase the thickness of cell walls as pest protection. While the benefits of potassium for plants include, forming and transporting carbohydrates, as a catalyst in the formation of protein, increasing carbohydrate and sugar levels in fruit, and improving fruit quality due to better shape, content, and color. To find out the composition of potassium silica fertilizer products made using bamboo leaf ash as raw material with KOH reagent. Variable variables are KOH concentrations of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 N and stirring concentrations of 100,125,150,175, and 200 rpm for 120 minutes with a weight of 30 grams at…

Types of Conflict anticipated and their Resolution Conflict is an integral part of human interaction. Conflict refers to any situation characterized by opposing beliefs, views, opinions, or perspectives between different opposing parties that facilitates the development of an antagonistic relationship between the rival parties involved (Evans, 2013). Conflict is anticipated in transition stage groups composed of recovering addicts from various substance use and alcohol abuse disorders. There are three types of disputes that have a high likelihood of manifesting in transition stage groups, namely, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and intragroup conflicts. Intrapersonal conflicts are those limited within the confines of an individual’s mind due to opposing or contradictory views and beliefs held by the individual that challenge or question the individual’s perception of reality (Evans, 2013). Moreover, interpersonal conflict scenarios involve disagreements between two individuals within the group, while intragroup conflict is a situation where more than two parties within the group differ with each other regarding specific or multiple subjects associated with the group’s purpose and processes (Evans, 2013). Due to the dangers related to conflict-avoidance in a group such as…

Genetic Counselling Genetic counseling helps in studying the family history into details, thus asserting the probability of contracting a genetic disorder in future. The risks are calculated so that the potential severity of the genetic condition is affirmed and the patient is adviced accordingly. For example, in our family tree, hypertension is a big problem which has affected both my grandfather and uncle at the same age in their lives. Potential Reactions The patient may become so afraid because there are no prevention blueprints when it comes to genetic conditions. However, genetic disorders do not affect all members of the family hence further tests can help in asserting whether he or she is affected. Therefore, the patient has to go through screening, diagnostics and prognostics to affirm that the or she is affected. Secondly, the patient is likely to rejoice at the fact that healthy living can help in reducing the severity in the long run. Hence, the patient can advice members of his family to live healthy through dieting and exercise so that they are not grossly affected. Thirdly,…

Analysis of Hydrocarbons Comparison of Alkanes, Alkynes, and Alkenes Reviewed literature shows that despite alkanes, alkynes, and alkenes being hydrocarbons, these elements have varied structures, physical and chemical characteristics. For instance, Alkanes refers to saturated hydrocarbons, thus have a single bond that holds carbon atoms. However, alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons hence have a unique or more double relationship that contains carbon atoms together (Murdoch, 2015). Lastly, like alkenes, alkynes refer to the unsaturated hydrocarbons with single or triple bonds that hold together carbon atoms. In terms of formula, alkanes exist as CnH2n+n, while alkenes, especially a non-cyclic compound is CnH2n. Besides, the alkynes, mainly a non-cyclic mixture, has the formulae CnH2n-2. Regarding the difference in stability, alkanes stand aside as the most robust or stable hydrocarbons because of it its hard-to-break carbon bonds. This feature has facilitated its permanent status over the centuries. Second, on the list is alkenes with alkynes closing the bracket as the least stable hydrocarbons (Gadani & Vyas, 2011). Concerning reactivity, alkynes lead both alkanes and alkenes. Examples of these hydrocarbons are; alkanes that exist as…

Effects of Oil Spills Environmental catastrophes, for example, oil spills will bring unprecedented challenges, especially on water systems. Oil spills have been a significant issue for our environment, and something must be done to prevent these from happening since every day the oil is in the water the more effective it will have on the habitat of all sea life and even human life as it creeps closer to the coasts. The effects of oil spills and leaks like the one that is happening in the Gulf of Mexico pollute hundreds of thousands of gallons of water by the hour (Lavrova, & Kostianoy, 2011). Now the slick is creeping dangerously toward the shore while researchers and cleaning crews are frantically trying to keep the oil out of the sand and surrounding beaches. There must be something that we can do to be more proactive with situations like this in the future. The government should have been assured that BP and other companies had a better alternative, to begin with rather than allowing them to drill or explore without a backup…

Genre Comparison Scientific articles published in popular magazines tend to use simple diction to reach out to more people. Most of these articles aim at attracting larger masses, and therefore using a simple language is the most effective way of achieving the goal. It should, however, be noted that the articles base their ideas on scientific peer-reviewed journals. The language used in the journals is quite different and professional because it is addressing a specific area of expertise that involves empirical studies. As such, scientific terms are prevalent in the journals. However, it should be noted that the same cannot be applied to popular articles. Although the articles base their ideas on the findings of these journals, their language has to be eye-catching and simpler to reach a greater audience. As such, the paper provides a comparative analysis of a published popular article to its parent peer-reviewed journal article. Article Summary The article discloses that stress can lead to grey hair. The article explains that a study using mice was used to unearth the finding at the Harvard Stem Cell…

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