Science shows no link between games and violence BY KAREN STERNHEIMER & MICHAEL D. GALLAGHER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2010 AT MIDNIGHT The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments on a 2005 California law that bans the sale of allegedly violent video games to minors based on the premise that violence in video games causes children to become violent. In fact, despite claims to the contrary, there is no valid or reliable scientific evidence that virtual violence causes real-world violence. In order to uphold the law, the court must accept this premise. But the premise is false. In rejecting the California law, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declared that California “has not produced substantial evidence … that violent video games cause psychological or neurological harm to minors.” The court said the research presented by the state’s lead expert witness, Dr. Craig Anderson, “has readily admitted flaws that undermine” California’s case for regulating video games sales to minors. In fact, there is a mass of compelling scholarship that challenges the linkage. One recent example is a 2009 study by…
Worksheet on Dementia Normal aging Anatomy and physiology The process of normal aging in human beings has various effects on their brains. These changes are manifested through various aetiologies demonstrated by changes in vasculature, cells, gross morphology, cognition, and even the molecular structure (Román, 2005). The human brain actually shrinks in size and develops white matter lesions among other changes that affect it from both molecular to morphological ways. Such changes brought about by age affects the brain’s abilities in terms of hormones, memory impairment, and even functioning of the neurotransmitters. At the most basic considerations, old age in human being brains causes changes as the vasculature deteriorates causing rise in blood pressure and introducing risks. These risks include ischaemia and stroke as the white matter develops lesions (Mori, 2016). Brain activation assumes a more bilateral presentation as the organ attempts to compensate by recruiting more neural networks since the old ones no longer function well. Additionally, the memory functions become compromised as the brain ceases to be able to access certain areas in the normal memory recall process (Boyle…
The Moral Theory Introduction During childhood period human life depends on the guidance and influence of the parents who dramatically plays a part in the formation of ego and superego. The impacts of the parent naturally do not only include the personality but also entails elements from family, ethnic and national traditions which are acquired through interactions. Therefore conscience is considered to be learned social character which is not determined by any form of morality and absence of God. Sigmund Freud developed a theory that illustrates that human psyche comprises of three components namely the id, ego, and superego. The identifier is considered to be the inner mind which consists of human feelings and desire. The ego is part of human consciousness which portrays what we offer to the world and our public behaviors. The superego entails the things including traits which we acquire from parents, community and other social concerns. According to Sigmund Freud argument, he refers to “conscience” as the conflict that exists between superego and Id. Freud considers religion to be obsessional neurosis and argues that the…
ENVIROMENTAL SCIENCE Introduction Basically heat transfer refers to process of thermal exchange between different systems. Generally the heat transfer from two systems will be from the hotter region to the cooler one. Now when we discussing about heat transfer in buildings it is important due to the fact that it’s used for designing fabric and also for designing passive and active systems necessary to deliver the required thermal conditions for minimum consumption of resources. Very broadly mechanisms of heat transfer can be described as convection, conduction, radiation and phase change. The thermal behavior of a system is a function of dynamic relationship of the mechanisms. Describing Building Heat Mechanisms conduction; this is the diffusion of internal heat within a body as a result of temperature difference across it. Conduction in building is important where there may be temperature differences between the inside and outside of a building for instance in a heated building during winter(Chadderton, D. 2013) . This mechanism is the main potential heat transfer in which internal heating and cooling can be lost to the outside resulting into…
Response to intervention Abstract Response to intervention is a multi-level way to deal with the early recognizable proof and support of students with learning and conduct needs. The RTI procedure starts with excellent guideline and wide spread screening of all kids in the general training classroom. In the past, recognizing learning inabilities included inspecting a student’s IQ and his achievements. However, the practice led to numerous misdiagnosed learning inabilities and made trouble in remediation due to the limited data accessible to professionals. To address these limitations, new language was consolidated into the 2004 changes to the Individuals with Inabilities Education Act (IDEA), expressing that areas “may utilize a procedure that figures out whether the child reacts to logical, look into based mediation” as a component of its assessment methodology for recognizing learning disabilities. Struggling learners are furnished with mediations at expanding levels of force to quicken their rate of learning. These services might be given by a variety of personnel, including general instruction instructors, exceptional teachers, and specialists. Advance is monitored to evaluate both the learning rate and level of…
Computer Major Personal Statement Since my childhood, I’ve always been keenly fascinated by computing. Being introduced by my father to the computer systems at his workplace that initially sparked this interest. I can never forget the feeling of aspiring to not only learn how computers worked but also why they worked as well as what else they were capable of accomplishing. My zeal for computing never left me but only increased profoundly as with so much passion with every discovery I made. In distinction to seeing the internet admirations for the first time to the communication with artificial intelligence, I’ve been intrigued by the great extent and mystery computers are capable of attaining. My pursuit of A-Levels has greatly assisted me in improving myself as well as have more awareness of the subject. Through different subjects such as Physics greatly assisted me in comprehending the functioning of different parts of a computer while computing provided me with better judgment towards the business demeanor of the computer sector. Chemistry, along with Physics, has both assisted in advancing my analytical together evaluative…
Things to consider when buying a brad nailer Selecting the best brad nailer is not always an easy task. Some buyers do not know what to find in a brad nailer to determine whether it will be convenient for the work they want to use them for. Here are some things that you need to consider in a brad nailer. The weight of a brand nailer. The weight of the cordless nailer determines in a big way how long you can work comfortably with the nailer. A brad nailer that is too heavy for you may cause fatigue, especially if you need to hold it for a longer time during work. The capacity of its magazine Loading magazine time and time again is troublesome and time wastage. A brad nailer with large magazine capacity holds a large number of nails, thus allowing the user to continue doing his work without requiring to break to reload the magazine. The comfortability of the brad nailer’s grip This tool is hand handled. Therefore, the comfort of the handle cannot be undermined. A nailer…
Principle of Electromagnetism The relationship between magnets, electricity, and light has been one of the fundamental discoveries in physics. Dating back to the sixteenth century, the knowledge about these phenomena was scanty, but in the nineteenth-century development of electromagnetism, it described the relationship between magnetism and electricity. James Clerk Maxwell established the relationship where he stated that one force mediated the interaction between positive and negative charges. Maxwell’s equation broke the barriers that had previously existed between the phenomena establishing light as a phenomenon under electromagnetism. Faraday’s discovery preceded maxwell’s work that the plane of polarization of a ray of light is rotated when it passes through a magnetic field. The connection he established between electromagnetic and optical phenomena later lead to the development of the theories of light and electromagnetism. In Maxwell’s theory, magnetic and electric forces are the same thing manifested differently. He further established in his argument that electric fields are produced by oscillating charges such as the ones in alternating current (AC). In his theory, Maxwell described light as a wave propagated by electric and magnetic…
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis Introduction In the United States, tuberculosis is among the infectious diseases that offer the healthcare industry a significant challenge to diagnose, treat, and control. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2018, the incidence cases of TB were reported ever with 2.8 cases per 100,000 persons. Since 1993 the cases of tuberculosis have dramatically reduced with Non-U.S. born population being the ones with most such incidents (Horsburgh & Rubin, 2011). Tuberculosis is an acute or chronic disease that is caused by bacteria/germs that bout mainly lungs and other critical parts of body organs such as the kidney, spine, and brain. The bacteria/germs lead to the creation of tiny tissue masses that are referred to as tubercles. The tubercles in the lungs they grounds impaired breathing, coughing, and production of sputum. Tuberculosis causes bacteria may recur after a prolonged latency if the treatment is not provided correctly. Causes and mode of transmission TB is regarded as a bacterial infection that is caused primarily by Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Mycobacterium bovis. However, Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the primary…
Bio-Statistics paper The key feature of the data set is 32 observations included 34 male patients and 60 female patients. The average length of stay for male patients was 2 hours and the most extended body position change for male patients was 3 hours. Consequently, the shortest period of rest for male patients was 1 hour (Chair, Thompson & Li, 2007). Also, the average length of stay for female patients was hours, and most extended length of stay for female patients was four days. Hence, the shortest period of remain for female patients got analyzed to be 2 hours. Another characteristic of the Data set is the median of male patient length of visit, which was approximately 2 (Chair et al. 2007). In this case, the median of the female patient length of stay got established to be 3. According to the data obtainable from the 32 observations, the time of body position change for male patients is less than that for female patients. The data graphs do not represent a normal distribution. The tables represent a positive skew for…