Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Thromboplastin Time (ACT) The figure above indicates the intrinsic and extrinsic as well as their normal pathway. The ACT and APPT are used to measure the deficiencies in the intrinsic pathway. On the other hand, PT is used to measure defects in the extrinsic pathway, whereas TT is used to measure the fibrinogen conversion to fibrin. Furthermore, all the pathways rely on the fibrin formation (Aruomaren and Obazelu 2015, p.189). Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Thromboplastin Time (ACT) Determination of the time taken by the blood to clot can assist in identifying the coagulation disorder of the blood. Activated partial thromboplastin time and Prothrombin time are amongst the examinations done to regulate the coagulation disorders (Argiriadou et al., 2019, p.1519). Prothrombin time (PT) measures the coagulation pathway of blood coagulation in the outward. Prothrombin is the factor II, which is made in the liver. Vitamin K is required for this process. Prothrombin time (PT) is used to measure factors I, II, V, VII, and X. It is sometimes referred to as the international normalized ratio…



Bitumen Among its usefulness is its cost-effectiveness as it is inexpensive, thereby being economically viable. Furthermore, gasoline-powered cars’ costs of maintenance are low. Despite its versatility, it has several disadvantages, which is not limited to air pollution due to sulfur and mercury emissions. Also, the combustion process of gasoline produces emissions that add to global warming. Bitumen It is highly sticky, dense, and attained from a distillation procedure of crude oil. A high metallic component such as vanadium and nickel, bitumen manufacture originates from crude oil distillation procedure where there are two phases, water phase preparation and emulsion making. Remains from oil distillation mainly form the basis for bitumen component. The process involves the distillation of oil; solvent de-asphalting were lubricants, bitumen fractions in the oil, oxidation process follow then blending. At this final stage, the bitumen is ripe for distribution and use. Advantages and Disadvantages of Bitumen First, it is used as a road construction material because it is economical. The bitumen material is for long without corrosive or sourcing for a new resource. Secondly, it is recyclable as…

Unique Spaces Found in Modern Libraries We live in an age where all the information we need can be found on the internet. One could assume that this makes the library redundant. But, it’s quite the opposite libraries still exist, and even more, are under construction. Modern libraries accommodate more than just books. They are a centre for education and innovation. People are also free to network and socialize within these spaces. Here are a few unique areas within modern libraries. Networking and Interactive Spaces These days, libraries provide space where visitors can engage in open debates and conversations about various forms of information. Such areas allow patrons to process, present and reflect on various topics. Innovative spaces have vibrant energy and accommodate patrons of all ages. They also facilitate book clubs, cooperate events, gaming sessions, youth outreach programs and many more. Quiet Spaces Libraries have remained sanctuaries for knowledge and temples where patron gain enlightenment. The modern library still maintains this status quo. Many people visit the library for some quiet time to hit the books and to contemplate…

Science fiction Science fiction has disputed many religious and cultural practices across the globe throughout its history. The history of science fiction dates back to the period when electricity was invented. Its development has seen three essential stages. The first stage was the romantic, which began early 19th century, the new phase that was there between 1945 and 1996, and the current postmodern stage, which has been there since 1996. Throughout these stages, science fiction has seen significant advancement, especially with the advancement in technology. However, one thing has remained constant: Science fiction has disputed numerous religious and cultural preferences of many people across the globe. In response to the arrival of electricity, many autopsies emerged throughout Europe. Mary Wollstonecraft was one of the earliest authors of science fiction courtesy of her Frankenstein novel. In the book, she attempted how a human being can create other human beings through the use of electricity. The story contradicts the fact that only God can create, something that is widely accepted across cultures. Frankenstein’s story made many people beginning practicing body-snatching where they…

The presence of blue colors always creates tranquility The presence of blue colors always creates tranquility. Blue symbolizes loyalty, honesty, responsibility and trust. Blue color can easily draw anyone’s attention. The color psychologists think that blue also represents someone, who is reliable. The walls of your room, painted with blue color, trigger your confidence and inner security. In your workplace and living room, you can choose blue shade to reflect ordered and organized settings. Both physically and mentally, you will get better feelings from seeing blue objects. This color has the capability of reducing stress and promoting calmness. For instance, the cloudless blue sky creates a serene feeling in us. From spiritual perspective also, blue is one of the colors of wisdom, religious study and devotion. While the surroundings are blue, you can concentrate on your prayer. Concern and worries are negative things in our life. However, you can remove your baseless fears by focusing on blue shades. Blue stimulates us to stay attentive to our present world, while forgetting the stresses. It also creates serenity in the surroundings. In…

Time and patience are the strongest warriors As people grow older, they begin to have a better appreciation of time. Time is one of the most powerful forces and can be summed up by Leo Tolstoy’s epigram, “Time and patience are the strongest warriors.” This statement not only provokes thoughts on the intricacies of time but also shines a light on a universal dilemma seen in everyday life. Time is the most desired resource, but also the most wasted. The start and endpoint of every person’s life is defined by time. Without it there would be no order to life, and unfortunately the impossibility to create more time, makes it a non-renewable resource. In Leo Tolstoy’s epigram, he labels time as a “warrior,” giving it a stronger connotation. Having time on one’s side can benefit them greatly in all aspects of life. A single time increment can mean the difference between getting a job or getting rejected or paying rent and being evicted. A man-made concept dictates many of the most critical scenarios in today’s world. Also, having an understanding…

Opinion on Science in the 17th Century Regarding the view that that the earth must orbit the sun in just the same way the moons orbit Jupiter, I would hold the same idea, only with different justification idea. My focus would be on the view that the earth is a planet in just the same way Jupiter is. Therefore, it is expected that the earth would mimic the same behavior which Jupiter has. Therefore, my interest would not be focused on the moons. Moons have definite characteristics which are different from planets. Therefore, a proper comparison of behavior would be desirable in establishing the routine of Jupiter. Based on the indications which are identified, it is noted that Jupiter revolves around the sun. In the same case, it would be expected that the earth would have the same behavior. It would serve as an indication of why there are constant changes in seasons within the earth, based on its position at a current time when it goes around the sun. The views that the earth could not be moving as…

Hiring Suitable Engineering Companies for Foundations {Your house will be firm depending on the foundation it is made of. | The base the house you have is made of will be the determinant of the strength it will bear. | Your house will be strong depending on the foundation it is made of.} {Nobody would like to have a house that can collapse any time as that could be annoying and a waste of resources as well. | It is not pleasing to construct a house that is sure to collapse as that can cause injuries and waste of money as well. | In most cases, it annoys if you build a house that will collapse due to poor foundation and that will result to losses and injuries.} {However, your foundation can require repairs at times, and that means you need to hire the services. | At some point, the foundation can be in need of renovation, and that means you should hire a company that will fit it. | If your house requires that it should be repaired on…

Type of engine and invented time We chose this item for a lot of reasons. First off, engines are something that the majority of us use in our daily lives. The thing engines are kinds of transportation and automobiles. There are approximately 254.4 million automobiles in America alone. Engines also have existed for several years. The model of an engine could trace back to the 16th century. Engines have evolved nearly daily, and we use them.   Humans have building cars for over a century, and under virtually any internal combustion motor has sat. Its principle has remained the same: fuel and air go in, an explosion occurs in the cylinders, and electricity shoves you onward. But engineers hone the internal combustion engine to go further and faster, making it more efficient than before, making the sort of energy you used to see on supercars. The internal combustion engine’s condition might not have gotten this far without these leaps.   The first person to experiment with an engine was that the Dutch physicist Christian Huygens, about 1680. But no competent…

Report on LNG Part A Introduction The study assignment discusses significant areas of demand, supply and price elasticity analysis in terms of LNG in two parts. The first part discusses the aspect of increased storage use of LNG as well as increased hostile values between the United States government and the other companies involved in the northern streams of the project. On the other hand, the significant government policies and procedures regarding the carbon iron footprint stature have also been addressed in this regard. The increased usage and storage of LNG. The Liquefied natural gas or LNG is processed under -260 degree Fahrenheit for shipping or storage. The liquid stage is smaller to 600 times. A suitable conclusion at the end follows the discussion. Discussion The natural gas pipelines are not feasible, or these do not exist. Thus for natural gas, the production process can be implied from different regions and markets. Such options include in countries like the United States or Ireland or countries like Asia and Europe. Thus these Asian countries the combined accounting process from the largest…

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