Issue paper on Nursing interventions Issue Paper – Focus on Nursing interventions in addressing the issue o Literature Review o Include Statistics o Community Resources o Implementation of Nursing Actions o Adhere to APA Format o Paper should be 6 to 8 pages and include an Abstract • Criteria Rubric paper Introduction to Problem/Issue (5 pts) 4.6-5 -Clearly identifies health issue/problem -Includes statistics and information from experts Review of Literature (15 pts) 13.95-15 -Information from relevant literature is included within the body of the paper -Articles are from professional sources -Nursing research is included -Analyzes and synthesizes ROL information Analysis of Statistical information (5 pts) 4.6-5 -clearly discusses scope of issue/problem with stats, experts, references -identifies vulnerable groups within the population Describes impact of issue/problem (15 pts) 9.3-10` -addresses impact on *individual *family *community -supports information with literature sources Community Resources related to the issue/problem. [unique_solution]4.6-5 -identifies all resources that are related to the problem/issue Implementation of Nursing Actions (50pts) 46.5-50 -all information clearly included on impact nursing has had on the issue -clearly identifies roles of nursing in relation…


Gregor essay

Gregor essay  Gregor, throughout Part 3, listens to his sister, Grete, playing violin for the three gentlemen boarders, and he “must aspire” to hear it a little. He is described by music as being much more fascinated than the three borders, and he wants her to come “with her violin in his room” and play for him instead of her. His reaction to music is a reminder of his affection for his sister and contrasts sharply with her response that showed him present. This relationship with his sister is the last bond to be broken and reveals his full and irreparable alienation from the family and the former human self. Earlier, Kafka writes in Part 2, that Gregor’s “dirty plan to send (his sister) to the conservatory” was always that he still liked what a “doubtful, articulate violinist” she was. However, she enjoyed more music than him. When Grete starts playing the violin in the living room, Gregor is upset. As the sound pulls him out of his room, “He was hardly surprised at his growing disregard for others; at…

enough spaces for wheelchairs Fourthly, some shops in the mall do not have enough spaces for wheelchairs to pass through, and the racks are not situated favourably to allow wheelchair shoppers to shop comfortably. For example, in the H&M store, there is space for a wheelchair to pass, but the racks were too high for shoppers to pick items. Also, in Steven Madden, it was impossible to pass through the aisle without knocking shoe boxes down. ADA requires that at least one checkout counter in the store and some racks not to be higher than 38 inches from the floor to enable easier access for people using wheelchairs. Also, a minimum of 36 inches between the shelves is necessary for small store size. If the store ‘s aisle is 200 feet and above, a passing space of at least 60 by 60 inches should be available. The heavy items on the racks should be stacked on the lower shelves and the lighter ones on the upper shelves to enhance the accessibility of people in wheelchairs and limited mobility. Lastly, apart…



GENETICS Assignment: Topic: This week you were introduced to the Central Dogma of Life. As the name sounds, it is critical phenomenon that is ubiquitous in life. Your assignment this week is to create a PowerPoint designed to teach this process to a nursing genetics course. Support your content with at least (4) citations. Make sure to reference the citations using APA writing style for the presentation. Include a slide for your references at the end. Follow best practices for PowerPoint presentations related to text size, color, images, effects, wordiness, and multimedia enhancements. Assignment Expectations: Each slide should be self-explanatory and have minimal words. Be sure to include a minimum of 50 words in the Presenter’s Note Page that describes the content of the slide (the title and literature cited slides are omitted from this requirement). View to learn more about good, academic Presentations. Figures are important. Utilize Google’s Image search to find relevant figures for your presentation. [unique_solution]However, be sure to evaluate the quality (both for aesthetics and accuracy) and cite the source of the figure. Required Slides…

Qualitative and Quantitative Nursing Research             Research is a means of progressing nursing care through the provision of solutions to problems. There are two main approaches to research, including Qualitative and Quantitative methods. The two methods exhibit similarities and differences; hence researchers need to understand the differences in practices. In the context of purpose, a quantitative research method aims at breaking down and understanding scientific phenomenon to establish their connects and disconnects. The research studies data that is predictable and controllable in a structured and representable statistically. Qualitative research, on the other hand, it purposes to interpret, understand, and describe social phenomena such as beliefs, opinions, and feelings. Qualitative research aims at answering complex questions to provide explanations and descriptions of phenomena (Bryman, 2017). During the data analysis phase, Bryman (2017) points out that the quantitative research method applies hypothesis in determining representative figures while qualitative integrates abstract concepts in explaining theories. In quantitative research, data analysis is performed on completion of the research study, unlike in qualitative research where data analysis is performed during the study. The methods of…

cropping, changing color saturation, contrast and brightness and applying enhancements Once the image has been taken, many necessary edits need to be done on the photo. These edits include cropping, eliminating red-eye from flash pictures, and rotation from landscape to portrait and vice versa. For numerous individuals, this is almost what they need to print their images, and this keeps things simple and clear. However, to understand the potential of computer-aided photography for the average person, an image editing tool will be required to edit the photo. This is done by transferring your images from the camera to your PC, and then opening them in the editing tool. Then you can start to do all types of edits, involving more advanced cropping, changing color saturation, contrast and brightness and applying enhancements.   The tools and features available in Fotor help you figure out how to make unimaginable updates to photos. Here are just a few of the enhancements you can make your photos. Brighten stained teeth, eliminate scars, softens age wrinkles, reduces skin inflammation, removes imperfections, removes the double jawline,…

How to buy an Affordable riding lawn mower that will last a long time Using a push mower to work on your lawn takes time and physical effort. A riding lawn mower can help you solve your problem, especially if you have a large area to cover. Riding mowers will not take much of your physical energy or time. However, you need to take some time and research to get the right lawnmower that will serve you well. Cheap riding lawn mowers are always on the market. You only need to how to look for one. This article will show how to buy an affordable riding lawn mower that will last long. When buying a riding lawn mower, you need to select the one that matches your needs. Select a mower with an engine size that can handle different tasks such as cutting tall grass, bagging, and leaf mulching. You will find different types of engines such as side and overhead valve engines. Contact a specialist to advise you on the kind of engine that is suitable for your lawn.…

Is Spec Work Evil?             Collaboration is essential in creating the best agency-client relationships. It helps the agency in forming a deep understanding of its goals and the brand. Now considering spec work in advertising, when the agency produces creative without insights of its audience and its brand’s challenges, the brand is used to determine whether the agency has the right team to solve problems and create effective communication with its audience (Oetting, 2015). Over time, spec work has been a point of dispute between agencies and clients. Beyond the increasing queries on whether or not the exercise is ethical or fair, spec advertising is a growing cost in business with lessening margins. The efforts made by most companies to use online design contests and crowdsourcing have caused the spec work to even get worse with time. Therefore, I think the spec process should be eliminated in the industry. Spec work is more of a guessing game since it’s rare for spec ideas to be produced. Also, the spec process is artificially guarded with little collaboration and minimal information provided.…

  Best Cheap Dab Rigs for 2020 All of us had a chemistry course in our lives, which felt useless and dreary when we studied it. A thought always crossed our minds that what’s the use of it in the practical experience? Well, let’s put our chemistry to test and use beakers and glass apparatus to bring out the scientist within ourselves. Here are the best cheap dab rigs for 2020 that one can buy online. What is a Dab Rig? Let us not get ahead of ourselves already. So, what are dab rigs? Dab rig, or sometimes called Oil rig, is a form of a glass beaker. It is a type of bong or a glass pipe precisely optimized for smoking. It is used for smoking recreational drugs, mostly rosin, shatter, ice, glass, and butane hash oil. A butane torch heats the dabbing concentrate on the dab rig nail. Dabbing is considered safe and avoids combustion of the material.  It provides the most concentrated and highly psychoactive effect with a minute amount of cannabis. Why switch to Dab Rig?…

Cladogram of Arthropods A Cladogram is a diagram that is used to show the evolutionary relationship among and between groups of organisms. As such, a Cladogram is based in a phylogeny that is a field of study meant to show evolutionary relationships. As such, cladistics is a form of analysis that focuses on the features of organisms, which are considered as innovations of new features that mainly focus on the purpose of classification. To make a Cladogram, it is essential to look at the animals that are being studied and establish the characteristics, which they share in common and the ones that are unique to each group. The animal’s names are labeled on top of the Cladogram branched as well as the derived characters at the bottom of the Cladogram. The exercise aims to apply the accumulated knowledge of evolutionary relationships of animals to act as a guide to reconstruct an accurate Cladogram of 15 animal species and also to make an analysis of musculoskeletal systems’ diversity within animals. The animals will be observed in or around Seattle. These will…

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