genetic mutations are inherited from the parents There is no known single factor cause for autism spectrum disorder. Due to the complexity of the condition, the symptoms will vary, and therefore, it has various causes and risk factors that exacerbate the development of the disorder, especially in the children. The environment and genetics are key causal factors. Concerning the genetics part of it for the syndromes like fragile X syndrome and Rett, the genetic mutations are responsible for the changes that increase the risk of developing autism. Some of the genetic mutations are inherited from the parents and affect the development of the brain and its communication (Christensen et al., 2018). For the environmental factors infections, the complications and medications used during pregnancy, as well as the pollution of the air, contribute to the initiation of autism spectrum disorder. Age of onset The disease is common in the children of around two years and is associated with social communication problems like having poor eye contact and may fail at victims to respond when called by their names. Some repetitive behaviors…
Maritime transport security Discuss the Maritime Security Act The Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) was passed by Congress in 2002 with the aim of increasing security in the country’s seaports. The act provides for guidelines that vessel owners, port and vessel facilities are expected to adhere to. It is a comprehensive safety program, which was an Amendment to the Merchant Maritime Act. The MTSA regulations covers; security personnel for vessels and facilities, establishment of restricted areas, installation of surveillance systems in the facilities, procedures necessary in implementing security measures put in place, security plans, and security assessment protocols (Gasperetti, 2018). The regulations provided in the Act have been very important in improving the security of the country’s waters. Discuss OECD: Security in Maritime Transport The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has since its formation been recognizing the importance of maritime transport in world trade and spurring economic growth. The security concerns of OECD are terrorist attacks involving maritime transport since these vulnerabilities would cripple the world economy. The report by OECD on Security in Maritime Transport: Risk Factors…
Why Political Scientists Don’t Study Black Politics There is a divergence of thought in political science concerning whether the driving forces influencing racial actions in politics are material or ideational. Racial inequality across different spheres of life is undeniably evident but a consensus on the reasons that have made it prevalent in the society has not been achieved. From the white scholars’ perspective, the explanation has revolved around the structural conditions like the laws and economy or the self-interest of those in charge deflecting the blame from a conscious decision to entrench division. Those who study the racial politics consisting of the majority of blacks, on the other hand, regard the contributing factors to the issue as the aspects of ethnic identity and conflict. From the perspective of ethnic divisions, the structural conditions and the racial disparity are then used to explain the structural conditions that have made the perception of divisions in the society dependent on the approach. This paper will explore the aspect of identity politics explaining the reason there is little emphasis on black politics in political…
VARSITY BRANDS AND STAR ATHLETICA COURT CASE Varsity Brands litigated Star Athletica in the supreme Court of appeal for violating copyright Act. Varsity Brands designs plus fabricates clothing plus accessories expressly to be used in many athletic undertakings, comprising cheerleading. Varsity Brands acknowledged patent registration for the dual dimensional sculpture at the subject in this incident, which were analogous to the ones publicized by the Star Athletica (Shipley, 2018). The subordinate law courts distressed as to if the design of the sculpture might be alienated as of the serviceable purpose of the uniform deliberately to be appropriate for the patent. The United States Supreme Law court apprehended that the design which had been used by the Varsity Brands can be acknowledged discretely, hence inferring that these designs can occur autonomously of the cheerleading uniform, and therefore being suitable for the patent. Mutually the parties funneled cues for the instant verdict. Star claimed that Varsity was deficient in lawful copyrights merely because the designs of the artwork stood for “useful articles,” which could not be patented. Accordingly, this denotes that the…
Importance of Audi servicing on time A vehicle like an Audi requires special attention and maintenance. This means that its servicing must be timely. Most of these Audi cars are found on the northern beaches. However, most of them tend to overlook the fact that they require regular servicing from time to time. Audis are known for their comfort and sporty nature; therefore, they tend to take up a lot of oil. The car oil requires to be replaced from time to time. Mercedes service in northern beaches requires the best expert in dealing with this. For your car to keep running like a new one without defaults, you must do the servicing from time to time. Why then is it necessary to continue servicing these cars. Benefits of servicing Audi on time Boosts your safety This is the most crucial reason why you need to get your car serviced from time to time. Getting a regular oil change from time to time is a very critical issue. This should be done by a professional who will check if everything…
Hydration process Concrete is a mixture prepared by mixing cement, aggregates, and water that forms a workable paste. The paste is molded and consolidated as desired before being left to harden. The concrete acquires its strength through a series of chemical reactions between water and the cement compounds. The process by which the cement compounds react to form chemical bonds with the molecules of water is referred to as hydration. The hydration process is critically important in concrete manufacture. Ordinary Portland Cement constitutes five major components; tricalcium silicate, dicalcium silicate, tricalcium aluminate, tetracalcium aluminoferrite, and gypsum. An addition of water to the cement initiates a hydration reaction with each of this compounds. The hydration of calcium silicates contributes more to the overall concrete strength in comparison to the other compounds. Upon addition of water, there occurs a rapid reaction with the tricalcium silicate, resulting in the formation of calcium silicate hydrate crystals and calcium hydroxide. As the process continues, these crystals grow thicker and prevent water from reaching the tricalcium silicate. Due to this, the process is slowed…
The Issue of Staff Shortage and Layoffs Introduction Staff shortage is a growing concern in the health care organization. A recent demonstrate that the United State will be required to recruit about 2.3 million new health care practitioners by 2025 to address the shortage of staff due to aging and rising patient load. Most organization are not in a position to manage supply of professional due to increasing patient load. Moreover, most organization are forced to lay off workers to survive. Layoffs is due to reduction in revenue that is caused by combination of sequester cuts, expansion of Medicaid and reduction in patient volume. The main objective of the paper is to explore the issues of staff shortage and layoff in health-care organizations, its impact and measures to address the issues. Challenges Faced by Health-care Organization Staff Shortage The health-care industry is facing shortage of skilled and qualified staffs. The shortage is seen in professions such as nurses, physicians and technicians. The rate of graduation of students in these fields cannot address the issue. The industry is growing but the…
The Chemistry of Anxiety Chen (2013) defines anxiety to be a state of negative mood that is characterized by fear about the future and symptoms of physical tension. Imbalanced brain chemicals can contribute to mood and anxiety disorders. According to the chemical imbalance theory for panic disorder, chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters are responsible for sending messages throughout the brain, which can lead to anxiety if one or more is not balanced (Colckovic & Nazir, 2019). These neurotransmitters include; Serotonin- controls sleep, appetite, and mood. Norepinephrine- controls movement, energy, and attention. Dopamine- controls flight responses and how a person responds to stress. GABBA- balancing relaxation, excitement, and agitation. How Anxiety Involves Chemistry Chen (2013) suggests that among students, chemistry has a reputation for being a boring, complicated, and highly theoretical science. As a result, many students resort to memorization instead of seeking to understand concepts. This negative attitude causes chemical anxiety in them (fear of chemicals or chemistry as a subject/ course). Students perceive the subject to be too abstract, challenging, and only for the bright students resulting in pre- university-level…
Hair Color Shades for Pale Skin Having a pale skin is not always a win-win situation; it can often be a difficult task to organise the other aspects of your personality according to your skin tone. When it comes to choosing a hair colour that complements your skin the best, there are several factors that you need to consider. The first thing that you need to figure out before getting your hair coloured is the tone of your skin. The tone of your skin varies according to your makeup. If your skin is cool-tone, then you have got pink and olive undertones. Similarly, if you have warm-toned skin, then you have yellow and golden undertones. Your eyes can help you determine your skin tone. If your eyes are blue or green, you might have a cool skin tone. If your eyes are golden, then you have warm-toned skin. Blonde Faded colours are some of the best options to go with for your pale skin. When it comes to colour composition, the best thing you can do…
Technology & Trend Monitoring Introduction. Technology is defined as a body of knowledge applied in different areas such as making of objects, processing of different products, and the extraction. Technology is a broad term as it has been defined differently by different people. Nowadays, technology is widely used in accomplishing various operations in daily activities. Technology is essential as it is used to simplify work, for efficiency, improve the quality and quantity, and reduce the costs involved in performing the activities. The technology uses scientific skill to solve the problems involved. Although both technology and science work together in solving different issues, they are two different subjects. Over years, technology has been improving rapidly on the operations in the daily activities. In the ancient days the production process to a very long time to be accomplished, production cost was too high, the products were of poor quality, consumed too much time, insufficient quantity and generally inefficiency in the whole production process. The introduction of the technology then started shedding some light to the improved way of performing daily activities in…