Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research Introduction Research refers to a term used profusely for an investigation that is anticipated to find new or interesting facts or proofs. As with all activities, the thoroughness with which Research is executed will be mirrored in the quality of the outcomes (Walliman, 2011).  It is possible to develop two fundamental approaches in scientific Research. These approaches include quantitative and qualitative Research. The qualitative Research The qualitative approach is thought to have existed before the quantitative approach as the method tries to describe frequently through observations on how and why things occur, or individuals behave.  Qualitative approach advances its roots to such fields as sociology and psychology.  The qualitative area attempts to clarify through subjective analysis and observation the reasons a phenomenon arises (Miles, 1994).  The qualitative approach entails a range of interpretative approaches that seek to explain, decode, translate, and then come to terms with the meaning and not the frequency, of particular more or less naturally occurring occurrences in the social domain. Qualitative approaches are used in both the data analysis and data collection…

A projectile motion under air resistance Physics Introduction We set the initial value at rest. Provide the velocity and the mass of the object. For the first case, we are using a grain of different mass under free fall. When the grain is released from a height of 5cm, air resistance acts on the grain. The time it takes for the object to reach the surface increases, whereas the velocity also increases. The higher the velocity of the object, the higher the resistance. The graphs illustrate how air resistance acts on the objects under free fall. The initial velocity for the grain is zero(0), and it increases as air resistance works on the object. The same applies to projected objects except that the velocity reduces due to the action of air resistance. The graphs show how air resistance acts on the project’s objects. The ipynb files contain the python code. You can open them using jupyter notebook available online. For exercise one, we have attached the function.ipnyb file. The graph has been plotted with the quantities bv and cv2, both…

Health benefits of Greenhouse Gases Mitigation Introduction Greenhouse gases have proved to be a nuisance in various parts of the world because of the numerous negative impacts that they cause to living things. Human beings, plants and animals always get affected by the emission of these gases. To get a better understanding of the gases together with their mitigation, it is good to understand that greenhouse gases absorb and, at the same time, give out radiant energy. The gases bring about the greenhouse effect. There are various gases in the atmosphere, including carbon dioxide, ozone, methane and water vapor (Montzka et al. 2011). Human activities have led to an increase of these gases in the thermosphere leading to global heating Leading causes of the abundance of these greenhouse gases are human activities, including mining, farming and industrial emissions. People tend to pollute the environment because it is a cheap way of disposing of goods that have been used and produced. The gas concentrations also increase in the atmosphere because of smog caused by the emissions from vehicles and industries. It…

Dark Scholes model Abstract It is hypothesized that price charts can be observationally categorized into two parts, namely random and non-random. The non-random segment, which can be treated as around customary conduct of the prices (trend) in an epoch, is a geometric line. Therefore, the random segment varies around the non-random portion with different amplitudes. Besides, the state of a trend in an epoch might be diverse in another epoch. It is further hypothesized that statistical evidence can be found for different relations between a few sorts of trends and the course of the following developments of the prices. These hypotheses are tried on the verifiable information of the DJIA (Dow) and affirmed. In addition, it is statistically demonstrated that various trends that have happened in the close past course of the Dow can be used to foretell the distant eventual fate of the index. Therefore, there is an upcoming recession in the DJIA, which may predict an overall monetary emergency. In this thesis, the historical changes in the Dow Jones Industrial Normal index are analyzed. The distributions of index…

Eliot Noyes and 20th Century Architecture   Modern Architecture: 20th-century architecture, or the so-called modern architecture, followed a minimalist style of construction, mainly based on the philosophy of “form follows function” (Craven, 2018). The maxim was first coined by Louis Sullivan and meant the rejection of ornament in design and the introduction of simplicity. The use of steel and iron, first highlighted by Viollet-le-Duc, and new foundation techniques such as metal skeleton frames, were prominent. Tall buildings and skyscrapers, improvement in safety systems based on techniques developed by Elisha Otis, and newly available technology progressed in America. Simplicity-based architecture also flourished in Europe and Russia after the first world war. It was led by notable architects such as Le Corbusier in France, Melnikov in Russia, and van der Rohe in Germany. Eliot Noyes: Eliot Noyes was a notable American Harvard-trained architect and designer. Born in Massachusetts, Noyes initially wanted to be a painter, before setting his mind towards architecture when he was 19 years old. He received his architecture degree from Harvard in 1938 and is considered as one of…

The Story Behind The ‘Controversial’ Yamashita Treasure. The Yamashita’s treasure is a name given to all the alleged money that was stolen in South East Asia by the forces of Japan during World war II. The money that was stolen by the Japanese was hidden in different places like caves, tunnels and underground complexes in the Philippines. Generally, the Yamashita was tasked with the hiding of the loot in dozen of the caves in the Philippines (Cohen, 2009). During the war, looted treasures were shipped back to Japan to finance World War II. When the naval patrol of America was shipping of treasures back to Japan there was a rise of high risk with due to certain loss, and as a result, an alternative plan was created. In 1943, during the Second World War, the loot reached the Philippines when Field Marshall Count Terauchi was the leader of the Japanese Imperial Forces in the far southeast area of the Pacific Ocean (Cohen, 2009). After there were rumors which said that there was a certain team of secret intelligence officers from…

Alien and Sedition Acts             Notably, the Alien and Sedition Acts violate the freedoms stipulated under the First Amendment. The Aliens and Sedition Acts were intended to bar people from criticizing the Federalist government and assembling for the purpose of opposing the administration (Yale Law School, n.d.). Moreover, the legislation muzzled the freedom of the press by prohibiting them from publishing any material that was against the government (Yale Law School, n.d.). The passage of the new law triggered widespread outcry to the point that Jefferson described them as a “reign of witches” (Foner, 2017). Eighteen persons encompassing various editors of Republican newspapers were prosecuted based on the Sedition Act. Ten people were sentenced to jail for spreading “false and malicious” content concerning the government (Foner, 2017). In addition, Mathew Lyon, who was a member of Congress from Vermont, and an editor of a Republican-inclined media outlet, was imprisoned for four months and fined 1000 US dollars (Foner, 2017). Moreover, the Alien and Sedition Acts permitted the executive to expel any foreign national who was considered a threat to the…

Understanding Statistics Coursework   Statistics means the numbers that are used to describe data or relationships. It is a branch of mathematics that deals with numerical data collection, organizations, analysis, interpretation and presentations. Students are required to understand statistics to identify the best methods to use while collecting data, analysis and presentation. The coursework requires students to research the topics they are studying. The examiner gives the guidelines to be followed in the statistical process to enable learners to provide the expected results. Below are steps to follow while composing your statistics coursework. Selecting the topic: the student should choose a topic that he/she understands and has interest on. It should cover areas that have statistical applications. Planning: before starting the coursework, the student should develop a plan on how he/she will approach the statistics work. Below are segments that you can include in your plan: You should mention the objective of the coursework; the well-stated goal is easy to achieve. Identify the area where and when you will collect your data Identify the sampling method to use. State the…

Plastic Pollution Plastic pollution in ocean water has turned out to be one of the major concerns affecting the environment globally. The Biology Professor, Emeritus, from Howard University, has presented an excellent solution to this menace, which is the application of fungus. Emeritus argues that only the fungus can ‘eat’ the plastic present in the ocean, putting an end to this dreadful condition. Essentially, the idea of fungus in ocean water has positive effects on society as reduced plastic pollution saves the water and land animals from getting affected (Schwartzman). The application, however, when analyzed, has several limitations since the fungus is placed on water by the help of machines or humans, which at times might not be enough to ‘eat’ the overwhelming plastics in the ocean water. Additionally, another remedy to plastic pollution includes the bioremediation approach that treats the accumulated plastic in the water system leaving it 90.45% clean for use. Pollutants such as leaking methane have been reported since time immemorial to have polluted the water in various ways. The products will often settle in the grounded…

What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know The world of pregnancy and childcare is intriguing for a pregnant woman or someone who plans on getting pregnant. Not only do you get to experience childbirth, but you also get to know how it feels to carry a life inside you. Besides that, there are several essential things that every pregnant woman should know. Things such as proper nutrition, exercise, body changes, birth, and complications are all part of pregnancy that you shouldn’t ignore. Having this information will help you navigate through the pregnancy journey without a scare. Continue reading to learn what every pregnant woman should know during and after pregnancy. Pregnancy Pregnancy is a beautiful journey that lasts about 280 days or simply 40 weeks from the first day of your last period. However, you might deliver early to a premature baby due to unavoidable factors. These factors include previous preterm deliveries, diabetes, stress, high blood pressure, obesity, blood clotting disorders, and illegal drugs in the body. One of the best things you can due to avoid some of the causes…

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