Cursive writing is Outdated Cursive writing, also known as pen ship, is no longer a requirement in the current world. Education institutions have significantly transformed, scrapping off cursive writings. The reason, cursive handwriting is unnecessary in modern communication, and it is a waste of time. Cursive uses loopy letters joined together in a flowing manner, which is a useless skill. It is no longer a requirement for its role is not essential in the new generation. Therefore, most of the schools dropped cursive as a required skill to get taught in public elementary schools. Moreover, there are wide cited criticisms that students are no longer required to write in cursive. According to a tremendous technology change in the developing world, learners do not find the need to learn cursive. H2: Reasons Cursive Writing is Outdated Cursive is not a skill. It explains why it not implemented in many states. The report states that students who got forced to study cursive missed other types of knowledge I as it is out of date. Therefore, there rose several reasons to support it…

Realism and Anti-realism debate Thomas Kuhn, in his book, “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,” he believed that linear progress of knowledge accumulation is not always the case in science, but rather periodic revolutions termed as paradigm shifts (Kuhn, 2012). A paradigm shift is a change in the fundamentally accepted basic concepts of a scientific field. This was a response to the already existing scientific realism. Realism proponents seem to be optimistic about the outcomes of scientific progress in solving scientific problems. It is the belief that science will eventually answer questions regarding what the world is like and that scientific theories are accurate and predictive successful in explaining scientific phenomena. Some of the characteristics of scientific realism include commitments; that science aims to give an accurate account of the universe, that the advancement of science is sequential on a real account, that accepting a theory is believing that it is true, among others (Mladenovic, 2017). However, since the onset of modern science, realism has been disputed, and scholars, including Kuhn, have attempted to find a more objective way of approaching…

Race and Human Genetics They expected that people of the same race have the same genetic formation; that race was a biological phenomenon. But from the study, it reveals that it is not so. People of the same race could have completely different genetic formation, and their genetic composition could be the same from people of a mixed race.   Race doesn’t represent examples of the hereditary variety. Human beings keep on moving and mixing for over a long period throughout history. Our human ancestry began in Africa. Around 2,000,000 years prior, little gatherings of early primates – not present-day people – started the first movement out of Africa to the furthest reaches of the globe, rearing confined heredities. It was for quite some time, though, is still accepted by a few that those first genealogies prompted hereditarily unmistakable races that are with us today.   It is, however, not true that the movement of people overtime produced races that we have today; from studies, human populaces have not been detached from one another long enough to develop into isolated…

QSEN essay QSEN is a significant concept for nurses which aligns nursing education and nursing best practices while also guiding nurses to redesign the ‘What’ and ‘How’ to deliver nursing care (Committee on the Health Professions Education Summit, & Board on Health Care Services, 2003). It is, therefore, a concept that improves the quality and safety of care and represents a unified high standard of nursing care. The QSEN competencies include patient-centered care, evidence-based practice, teamwork and collaboration, safety, quality improvement, and informatics, which are critical in ensuring quality and safety standards (Brady, 2011). Every competency involves the necessary skills and knowledge base that nurses must have to deliver quality care. For patient-centered care, a nurse ought to understand the diverse cultural, ethnic, and social backgrounds of patients and provide care with sensitivity and respect for the patient’s background as well as eliciting patient values, preferences, and needs (Brady, 2011). In teamwork and collaboration, a nurse is expected to value the perspectives and expertise of other healthcare provides, respect the centrality of the patient, and acknowledge the unique attributes that…

Qualitative research methods Qualitative research is a situated activity that locates the observer in the world. It is made up of material practices that make the world visible. The practices are involved in the transformation of the world. This means that they change the world into a representation series, including the interviews, field notes, conversations, recordings, photography, among other methods. This method of research entails a naturalistic, interpretive approach to the world. Qualitative research is more of a systematic collection, interpretation, and organization of textual information. Through such a method, a comprehensive description of the processes, setting, or mechanisms is generated. In this paper, a discussion on two main types of research methods which are participant observation and interviews. Observation is a type of qualitative research whereby a researcher is involved in observing the ongoing behavior.  This method is mainly appropriate for the collection of data on the behaviors which naturally occur in their usual contexts.  Areas such as the social sciences, as well as marketing, mainly employ observational research in data collection. It is therefore different from the experimental…

Revolving fund social enterprise in Japanese urban areas The situation in urban areas across the globe is getting complicated based on the ever-growing population. Rapid urbanization trends, high population growth rates, urban poverty, as well as urban-rural migration, are the primary factors that contribute to this problem. Based on the rate at which these factors are spreading, they seem unstoppable in the foreseeable future. It is quite unfortunate that the high growth rate experienced in urban centers is more compared to new employment opportunities. In this regard, many people in these regions live below the poverty line and are unable to meet their basic human needs. It is a problem that is getting worse every day, and therefore something needs to be done to find a lasting solution to this problem (Kim, Yamaguchi, Kimura, Ko, Ikeda, & Shimoda, 2019). Most challenges in urban centers and big cities are associated with insufficient income. The majority of people in the urban centers lack the revenue required to meet their immediate basic needs for shelter, fuel, foods, essential health care, and to meet…

Warping As the word suggests, warping is the bending of something. When applied in psycholinguistics, it essentially means that the way words are learned is warped rather than being simple and straight forward. For this reason, warping creates a warping perceptual space. With such a perceptual space present when learning new words, it gives learner boundaries. These are boundaries within which some words exist. The motivation of the world warping was, therefore, to ensure that learners have a key focus and a standardized way they can use when learning new words. The methods of learning new words via warping entail three main steps. The first step is the learning of new words. Such knowledge expands with time as one grows up or in school when exposed to many other concepts. The next step is the representation. In representation, the learner recognizes that many words vary either in spelling or sounding. It is a situation known as quasiregular. The last and most crucial step is a generalization. In this final step, the learner is then able to use the existing knowledge…

Lifespan Perspective Human development from childhood to adulthood is characterized by numerous different changes that make up the functioning of the individual in an environment. Due to the differences in development among human beings, Baltes, Reese and Nesselroade (2014) believe that the human lifespan development can best be understood by evaluating the different principles that make up the beliefs that define the nature of development. The first principle is that development is lifelong. This implies that human development continues beyond infancy and even in old age. Thus, one may witness new development processes later at adulthood, illustrating that development does not stop, but continues at adulthood. Another principle is that development is multidimensional. Baltees et al. (2014) explained that development cannot be viewed only based on a single dimension, such as physical development. This is adequately illustrated when a lady begins her menstrual cycle. She is likely to depict changes in a physical body, emotions and cognitive abilities, all within the adolescence stage. All these dimensions represent development towards teenage hood. Another principle is the multidirectionality of development. This means…

The unique structure of the professionally-accredited M.Eng Electrical and Electronic Engineering program The unique structure of the professionally-accredited M.Eng Electrical and Electronic Engineering program offered by your prestigious university, which integrates theory with practice, will provide me a solid grounding in computing, analogue, and digital electronics, communications, electromagnetics, control systems, robotics or sensor systems. The course offers a wide range of core and specialist modules, allowing me to tailor-made my degree, and my specific interest lies in learning subjects like Robotics and Intelligent Sensors, Machine Vision, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Neural, And Fuzzy Systems, Computer Control System and Computer Networks. Rigorous and engaging classroom experience will not only impart knowledge of software tools and techniques like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence but also provides me with an opportunity to cement it through practical applications of them. M.Eng program is the research-based program which provides a wide range of topics to research like Control system of a stair-climbing robot, Artificial Intelligence in Visual Search, Recognition and Retrieval, Deep Feature Representation and Learning Methods in Visual Analytics, Deep Learning in Visual Action Recognition…

The ACV in a digital multimeter and its purpose A digital multimeter is an electric device that measures resistance, current, and voltage in an electrical appliance. Digital multimeters have the following features which make them a better option over the analogue multimeters; Their display is digitalized. It may be LCD or LED. It has buttons that will serve various functions, including the on/off switch. It also has a rotary knob or a dial to select measurement value. And have several Sockets where the probes are connected. Digital multimeters are used to measure voltage current resistance and continuity of both alternating current and direct current. If you are and electrical work enthusiast, a digital multimeter is a tool that you should not lack. When you meet the device for the first time, it may seem not very easy because of the symbols and figures on its face. For starters below is a list of the symbols and what they stand for V-: when the multimeters knob is in this setting, it will be measuring quantities of direct current voltage e.g., a…

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