violence does not solve problems but instead causes more problems Introduction Violence is an aspect that causes distress in every part of civil society. Some people use it to solve the conflicts that occur in society. However, it has never resulted to a solution but instead; it brings in more problems and losses to the people affected. The following content proves that violence does not solve problems but instead causes more problems. Main body Conflicts are part of our everyday life, and people have different ways of resolving the latter. Some people use violence to solve them but instead, make the issues worse than they were. Abuse has been identified to bring down different aspects of human relations as people end up being hurt and bitter against one another. More pain is impacted by the people that involve in the violence. They get to an extent to go to a hospital and hurt physically (Wallensteen, 2018). There are also forms of violence that are verbal, which lead to poor psychological health. For instance, when couples end up in verbal abuse,…

A novel structure for actual-time action recognition, evaluation, and detection of motion capture information Abstract A novel structure for actual-time action recognition, evaluation, and detection of motion capture information, is conferred in this study. Kinematics and pose data are utilized for information description. Dynamic and automatic weighting, changing joint information significance depends on action participation, and kinetic energy-depend description sampling is applied for competent action labeling and segmentation. The automatically recognized and segmented activity examples are afterwards fed to the structure action valuation segment that matches them with the interrelating reference ones, proposing their similarity. Capitalizing on fuzzy logic, the structure thereafter provides a semantic answer with guidance on executing the actions more precisely. Experimental outcomes on MSRC12 and MSR-Action benchmarking datasets, as well as a recent, publicly accessible one, give confirmation that the planned structure compares cordially to state-of-the-art approaches by 0.5-6 percent in each of the 3 datasets, exhibiting that the scheduled method can be definitely utilized for unsupervised action or gesture training.   Introduction Self-starting human action detection and recognition comprise two broadly studied problems, primarily because…

Short Biography Elizabeth Helen Blackburn is an Australian American winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, research and former president of Salk institute for biological studies. She was born on 26 November 1948 to physician parent in Hobart, Tasmania. They lived with her family in Hobart, Tasmania until when she was four years when her family decided to relocate to Launceston. At Launceston, she attended grammar school at Broadband House Church of England Girls for the next 12 years until when her parents again relocated to Melbourne. At Melbourne, he attended University High School and scored very high grades in the national matriculation exams. After this, she joined the University of Melbourne and studied biochemistry. She acquired a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry in 1970 and Master of Science in 1972 from the same university. In 1975 she joined the University of Cambridge as a PhD student and developed procedures of sequencing DNA and RNA with Frederick Sanger. While researching and studying in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in the university, she met john Sedat who later became…

The technology advancement in the production of cameras The technology advancement in the production of cameras has advanced in many ways. Today there are many electronic cameras as well as cameras on devices such as phones, tablets, computers, and even air pods. Recently we have seen the advancement in photographic accessories such as selfie sticks and selfie cameras in devices that enable people to take pictures on their own without necessarily needing a photographer. Many mobile phones and tablets have cameras that have a vast photographic lens and megapixels of up to 32. This aspect enables the devices to take a high quality picture, which can even surpass the traditional cameras which need an experienced photographer. Many people are calling themselves photographers with a few ‘good’ photos they took on a vacation or a date with friends. Personally, even though I am good at taking photographs using my iPhone and camera, I still find it hard to call myself a photographer due to various reasons (Kelsey, 2015). This aspect of people calling themselves photographers has affected the growth of photography…

Pathophysiology of Ulcerative Colitis Introduction (Criteria 1 & 2): Ulcerative colitis affects the colon or the large intestines and involves the inflammation of the lining of the colon leading to ulcers or small sores. The ulcers generate mucous and pus, causing abdominal pain plus the feeling to empty the bowel frequently. It develops as a result of various factors that are not appropriately understood. Some of the causal factors for ulcerative colitis include genetics, microbiome, abnormal immune response, as well as the environmental factors. The interaction between bacterial or viral infection and the immune response of the body triggers ulcerative colitis. It comes at any age, although various people are identified or diagnosed at around the mid-30s of age. Both the women and the men are affected almost equally, but it has been reported that the older males are at risk than aged women. Among the two main inflammatory diseases, ulcerative colitis is one of them, and the other is the Crohn disease. The condition is life long and involves the development of profound social and emotional impact on the…

Statistical Tests Analysis Study A A researcher wants to know if there is a relationship between reported level workplace stress and reported Level of dispositional mindfulness (awareness of thoughts and feelings in the present moment).  The research recruits a sample of 100 participants and asks them to complete two self-report surveys:  the Workplace Stress Scale (WSS) and the Mindfulness Awareness Scale (MAS).  Both of these surveys consist of several questions with Likert-type responses. What are the Independent (IV) and Dependent (DV) variables in this study? The independent variable, in this case, is the Level of workplace stress while the dependent variable is the reported Level of dispositional mindfulness. What are the operational definitions for the IV and DV in this study? The researcher wants to assess whether individual feelings and thoughts in the present moment, which form the dispositional mindfulness can be influenced by the level of workplace stress. Workplace stress is defined based on the assessment of different elements within the workplace. What are the most appropriate measurement scales for the IV and DV? Both of the independent and…

Product Life Cycle Stories Introduction Each product has a real existence cycle story standing by to be told. Right now, going to record the narrative of an item, item class, or brand that has advanced through the four-item life cycle stages. Introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. The item I picked is the iPhone. Since the telephone is so well known, “Apple expects iPhone proprietors to supplant their telephones at regular intervals” (McGoogan, 2016). This falls directly in accordance with the telephones’ life cycle. Additionally, apple even offers an impetus to trade up to another iPhone from an alternately advanced smartphone. “Get up to $250 in credit when you exchange your qualified smartphone” (Apple, 2016). During the introduction phase (2007), the gadgets being discharged have been narrowing the current product offering with remodels to past flaws. The conveyance of the new devices will, in general, be constrained to significant stores before being made accessible through online retailers. The value purposes of the most up to date gadgets are quite often higher than the past models, and the advancement of the device…

Biological Psychological Perspective Definition Biological psychological perspective involves studying things such as the brain of the animal or the person, the nervous system, the immune system and genetics. This perspective major on the how nature or the environment has been able to influence the behavior of a human being (Ramezani, Ahmadi & Mohammadi, 201). For instance, a person behaving abnormally aggressively the biological viewpoint could consider things such as brain injuries that might have caused the person to act aggressively. Also, another option to consider might be either the person has some genetic factors that contribute to him behaving in such away. With the increased research, this branch is now closely linked with other areas of science, such as genetics and biology.  Biological perspective is critical in studying psychology through the comparative method, physiology and a more in-depth investigation of inheritance. Under the comparative method, different animal species are examined and studied and this can significantly help in the research to understand human behavior. Physiology deals with the study of how the hormonal and the nervous system works, how the…

ARTICLE REVIEW ON COMMON CORE ISSUES According to the article Common Core Standards by Lillian Mongeau 2014, she discusses the changes brought by the introduction of the new Common Core Standards to elementary math. For example, kindergartners must count to 100 in their first year. The article discusses the challenges teachers face due to the adoption of these standards. The critical point of the Common Core Standards is, it emphasizes more on the application than memorization. Another crucial point is the multiple strategies it provides for students to aid them in coming up with their answers. The striking thing about these vital points, they make learning maths more fun and more relaxed. The goal is to ensure that my students learn effectively and in an environment that is warm. These key points help me understand the different reasoning of students on a particular math problem. Though this concept has its benefits, I do not agree with how it is being introduced. Teachers must be given time to adapt to the changes. This article has influenced me to be open to…

Some historians call the Renaissance the birth of “modernity.” Why?             Renaissance is referred to the birth of modernity due to the renewed spirit of investigation, curiosity, and discovery amidst the Western Europeans in the same spirit that is moving the world and humanity at present more than ever. The period represents the most imperative error in the history of human development following the fall of Ancient Rome (Mattingly, 1958). The period was seen as the birth of modernity as it changed the universe in every manner that a person could think of where every intellectual progress created the way for more advancement. During those times, new regions were colonized, while new continents were discovered, and new cultures were found. The period is referred to as the birth of modernity, also because it resulted in new values, beliefs, and ideas. At the time of the renaissance, the folks sought and desired to re-establish and bring back to life the wealthy and the rich culture of classical Rome and Greece (Mattingly, 1958). Scientists like Copernicus and Galileo were developing unprecedented comprehension…

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