Nursing process- approach to care Introduction The nursing process entails a systematic approach to care by applying the fundamental principles of critical thinking, goal-oriented tasks, patient-centered procedures to treatment, and evidence-based practices. Holistic and scientific methods are also integrated to provide quality based health care. It, therefore, functions systematically to give a guide to client-centered care with five sequential steps. These steps include assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and, finally, evaluation. Through these steps, nursing knowledge is put into practice. Nurses are also able to examine the health care needs of individual patients and offer personalized care. The study herein seeks to explore how the nursing process can be utilized to provide safe and quality care to cancer patients across the life span through education and support. To effectively provide safe care for patients with cancer, its diagnosis process and staging are elaborated. Also, complications and side effects of the methods of cancer treatment are significantly explored and discussed. Diagnosis and staging of cancer Cancer is one of the significant causes of death in the entire world to the extent of…
Association of blood groups with body mass index in medical students Introduction Blood is a significant fluid of the human body that is responsible for the flow of essential nutrients, hormones, enzymes, as well as oxygen in our body [1]. The term blood group discusses the complete blood group system that contains red blood cell antigens, a series of allelic genes or linked genes controls the specificity of blood group system. Blood type refers to the precise pattern of reactions to test antisera in the specific system [2] In the 20th century, many types of blood groups were identified but ABO, as well as Rhesus (Rh), are the most important blood groups. Human blood groups were discovered for the first time by Karl Landsteiner at the University of Vienna in 1901 [3]. Rh blood group was found in 1941 by Weiner and Landsteiner. ABO blood groups, as well as Rhesus, are significant for blood transfusions. Blood groups are essential for blood transfusions, organ transplantation. Blood groups antigens can be used in forensic pathology, genetic research and anthropology [4]. ABO gene…
historical changes in the Dow Jones Industrial Normal index Abstract It is hypothesized that price charts can be observationally categorized into two parts, namely random and non-random. The non-random segment, which can be treated as around customary conduct of the prices (trend) in an epoch, is a geometric line. Therefore, the random segment varies around the non-random segment with different amplitudes. Besides, the state of a trend in an epoch might be diverse in another epoch. It is further hypothesized that statistical evidence can be found for different relations between a few sorts of trends and the course of the following developments of the prices. These hypotheses are tried on the verifiable information of the DJIA (Dow) and affirmed. In addition, it is statistically demonstrated that various trends that have happened in the close past course of the Dow can be used to foretell the distant eventual fate of the index. Therefore, there is an upcoming recession in the DJIA, which may predict an overall monetary emergency. In this thesis, the historical changes in the Dow Jones Industrial Normal…
Dry Brushing before a Sauna; Why You Should Try it Next Time While a sauna on its own, whether Finnish or traditional, provides immense health benefits, dry brushing is an excellent trick to enhance these benefits. Also known as skin brushing, or garshana, dry brushing is precisely as the name suggests. That is, it’s the act of running firm bristles of a natural brush across your skin when it’s dry. It is a beauty technique that has been around for ages, and one that you should try before using a sauna at natural hot springs in California. Benefits of Dry Brushing before a Sauna Dry brushing before your sauna session in natural hot springs in California usually Stimulates lymph drainage. As you may know, the body’s lymphatic system mainly delivers cell nutrients and also helps in waste removal. Even though effective, this system works solely on its own. This means that unlike our circulatory system, it doesn’t have any pump to inspire the movement of nutrients or waste. Therefore, the more the amount of toxins in your body, the harder…
Reflection of Past Assignments Over the past weeks’ assignments, I have learned including exploration of energy and how it is captured and utilized by Prochlorococcus, analyzed the termite’s patterns in savanna landscape, the keystone species and trophic cascades and the bird flu in Alaskan water. For me, the most interesting topic is the keystone species. The concept of tropic cascade gave me an insight into how predators play a vital role in maintaining ecological factors. The concept of green hypothesis and how the herbivores are controlled on both up and bottom upfronts. It explains the energy transfer and ecological balance between the organisms. Through the video, I can understand how or why the Whales affects the coastal ecosystem. Additionally, I found the topic of Prochlorococcus as very interesting. The organism plays a significant role in ocean photosynthesis and were it not for them, then human beings would not be living. The rattlesnakes and squirrel case offers an insight into medication and resistance which is crucial for human diseases eradication. Although analyzing the termites’ patterns in savanna landscape showcased the concept…
Wal-Mart Globalization Strategy Introduction Wal-Mart, as presented in the case study, is a Retail Company that initially started in the United States. It became an international company by the establishment of Sam’s Club near Mexico City in the year 1991. This paper presents the early global expansion and the cultural problems that Wal-Mart faced in its growth. It will also analyze the opportunities and challenges presented to it by the Russian market and the best strategy to use to enter the Russian market. The ideas will be presented logically to better present the real picture of a multinational corporation, Wal-Mart, in this case. Wal-Mart Early Global Expansion Strategy In the 1990s, Wal-Mart International Company employed its initial expansion strategy, which was a low price model. The company believed that the policy would be as successful as it was in the local market, the United States. Since the adoption of the strategy, Wal-Mart has been successful in several foreign markets. However, owing to the complexity of the different international markets, the impact of the strategy was not universal. An example of…
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy: A Critical Review Abstract For many decades, there has been knowledge of progressive neurological deterioration that is linked to boxing and other contact sports. It was initially termed as the “dementia pugilistic,” more recently the Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. Neuropathological chronic traumatic encephalopathy is often coupled by atrophy of the brain’s cerebral hemisphere, medial temporal part, thalamus, and the mammillary bodies. Potential signs of chronic traumatic encephalopathy are problems that are usually associated with issues of memory, personality changes and the changes in individual behaviour such as aggression and depression. People with the disease, according to this survey, may not at all the time experience the possible signs of chronic traumatic encephalopathy until years after the damage. The research also finds the clinical implication of the disease is so severe, mainly aiming at elderly persons. The condition has been found to affect those in contact sports over a more extended period. Through the various cases analyzed, it has been established to have affected professional athletes and military veterans almost at the same level. The report details some of…
SWOT Analysis – The University of Tennessee at Martin The Company The University of Tennessee at Martin College of Business and Global Affairs is a public institution. The number of students, the programs, and the resources under its command has grown for a long time. That is because of the increased number of people that need education in the locality, as well as foreigners that seek its education services. Over time, there has been a change in the type of activities that take place in the learning institution. First, there are learning activities; which have changed to suit the changing times; regarding technology, business and policy frameworks. The college operates based on a hybrid program of studying; whereby the students can start their studies at any time or place, and still enjoy the privileges that the rest of them have. The college also leverages of technology; whereby there is a variety of options to choose from. The convenience of the students and quality of education are the primary factors that the college considers in the design of its various…
An unruptured aneurysm Abstract The term aneurysm refers to the weakening or the enlargement of the walls of the artery that creates a bulging or the enlargement of the arterial wall. Most of the aneurysm does not show dangerous symptoms, but the severe stage can rapture that leads to life-threatening internal bleeding. An unruptured aneurysm is characterized by sudden server headache, which is the key symptom, often described as the worst headache. Other common signs and symptoms include difficulty speaking, loss of balance, and visual disturbances. It is vital noting that most aneurysms do not show symptoms and are not dangerous, but at the severe stage, some can rapture and lead to life-threatening internal bleeding. Keywords: Unruptured, aneurysm, arterial Introduction An unruptured aneurysm is the ballooning in a blood artery in the brain that creates a bulge or the enlargement of the arterial walls. The key symptom of the unruptured aneurysm is a sudden severe headache, loss of balance, difficulty speaking, and visual disturbances. The unruptured aneurysm is also likely to cause internal bleeding. The risk of this disease developing…
Hazardous Materials Incident Annotated Bibliography Connelly N., Damhus T., Hartshorn R., & Hutton A. (2005) Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry IUPAC Recommendations 2005. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Connelly N., Damhus T., Hartshorn R., & Hutton, in their recommendations to the IUPAC state that Chemical nomenclature ought to showcase the community needs which use it. More specifically, the nomenclature has to be developed to explain new compounds; it has to undergo modification to solve ambiguities that may come up; and must be clarified where the confusion is seemingly evident as regards to how the nomenclature ought to be used. Nomenclature ought to be made as systematic and less complicated as possible to make it easier for the users who are not familiar with it, for instance, those who are new to chemistry or the non-chemic experts who have to handle chemicals at work. The staff at the workplace need to understand the nomenclature of the chemicals they are handling to ensure that they do not expose themselves to toxic chemicals and that they are safe in case of…