Paranthropus Paranthropus is among the family of a robust australopithecine. In their adaptation to the diet they ate, they had a sizeable megadont cheek teeth associated with thick enamel and focused their chewing in the back of the jaw (Ungar & Grine, 1991). They possessed a large zygomatic arch which allowed the passage of large chewing muscles to the jaw and gave Paranthropus robustus individuals their face being full and dish-shaped. They also had a sizeable sagittal crest that provided them with a large area to anchor the chewing muscles to their skull. Their solely tooth and face size offered them the adaption to grind down tough, fibrous foods. It is therefore presumed that Paranthropus robusts’ diet was tough vegetation because they had extensive wear comprised of molars and premolars, enamel chipping in posterior teeth and massive bone accumulation around the roots of their molars and premolars teeth. Also, P. robustus was a seed predator and was capable of side to side grinding of the teeth. This is due to their anterior dentition that had tough enamel for grinding. This…

coinhill’s statistics today as of 00:47 (UTC) According to coinhill’s statistics today as of 00:47 (UTC), the US dollar is the most traded national currency for bitcoin. Almost 77.49% of bitcoin transactions and trading performed using the US dollar, which makes the US dollar the most dominating currency for crypto to fiat trading, which almost covers all the major trade of global fiat-to-BTC.   There are many currencies used in the transaction, and trading of bitcoin major fiat currencies and their market share are listed below:   US dollar (77.8%):- USD is the most significant trading currency among all. It covers more than 77% of trade and transactions for particularly bitcoin. statics show that USD uses in the trade have gained a significant growth which makes it most prior currency for trading   Japanese yen (12.27%):- Japanese yen is the second most used currency, which dominates almost 12.27% bitcoin trade. As we all know, Japan is a technology hub. Although yen is in second place, many people from japan use to invest in cryptocurrencies, and as very few are familiar…

Why should you consider using a paper straw the next time?   Straws are used in almost all seasons, may it be during summers when ice creams and cold drinks are produced in significant quantities or during the winter season to sip on your coffee. Every gathering has straws, and you must have generally come across the plastic ones.   Plastic straws are often used at food joints, restaurants, events, etc. and they all end up in the oceans at the end. Tons of straws are found in lakes and oceans every year. It takes forever to break plastic down and make it biodegradable. It can never fully biodegrade, and it is now high time that people understand the hazards that plastic poses to human life. Metal and glass straws can be used as an alternative for personal use or for domestic purposes.   Choose biodegradable paper straws instead. People nowadays realize that paper straws can be conveniently used as the best alternative to plastic ones though many big companies have reported that paper straws are expensive.   But to…

Business of spaceflight – The 7 biggest moments of the year 2019 was a good year for the space industry, with more than 5 billion dollars invested in various projects. There were many hits and misses with many vehicles successfully tested, while others either malfunctioned or exploded during testing. Let us look at the 2019’s most significant moments for spaceflight: Astronauts to be sent to Moon again: Mike Pence, the US Vice president, declared that NASA should aim to send astronauts to Moon in five years. NASA also seeks to send the first woman to the Moon as a part of its mission. It had previously set a deadline of 2028 for its next Moon landing but has had to reschedule the target. NASA is collaborating with Boeing to produce a rocket that will help it achieve the task. SpaceX tests prototype: Elon Musk’s SpaceX made some progress towards its vision of creating a reusable interplanetary spacecraft named Starship. In 2019, it tested the first prototype, called Starhopper, at a site in South Texas. Some tests were made to see…

Continuous Integration on Cloud Versus on Premise: A review of integration tools   INTRODUCTION   1.1 Continuous Integration Overview   Globally, computing technologies are emergent. Businesses are paying close consideration to cloud computing technologies to attain a competitive edge through the deployment of efficient and cost-saving mechanisms in their companies.  Cloud computing brings with it the complexities and paradigms of infrastructure, interface, software development.  To scale down on time, businesses need to market new features of their products. They have turned to modern development practices, including continuous Integration of the cloud infrastructure.  Continuous Integration of the cloud is dependent on business goals.   Continuous Integration commences with software integration. Software integration as part of the development cycle is the practice of linking components of software together to attain a single unified system [1].  Continuous Integration is, therefore, a process of software development, a software engineering concept where developers release their design codes more frequently (continuously) to identify and correct issues earlier as they occur [2]. Continuous Integration is one of the extreme programming (XP) practices that help to reduce efforts…

Omanization paper Table of Contents Abstract 2 Chapter 1: Introduction. 3 1.1 Introduction. 3 1.2 Statement of the problem.. 4 1.3 Research Significance. 4 1.4 Research Objective. 4 1.5 Research Questions. 4 Chapter 2: Literature Review.. 6 2.1 Introduction. 6 2.1.1 What is Omanization?. 6 2.1.2 History of Omanization. 6 2.1.3 Main Goals of Omanization. 7 2.2      Implementation. 7 2.2.1 Education reforms. 7 2.2.2 Labor laws and industrial diversification control 9 2.3 Alterations that have occurred. 10 2.3.1 The inclusion of women in the policy. 10 2.3.2 Government aggressiveness in the implementation of the policy. 11 2.3.3 Mixed approach. 11 2.4 How has Omanization evolved?. 11 2.5 Outcomes of Omanization. 12 Chapter 3: Research Methodology. 16 3.1 Introduction. 16 3.2 Research Strategies/ Approaches. 16 3.3 Methods of Data Collection. 17 3.4 Sampling and Population. 17 3.5 Method of Data Analysis. 18 4.0 Conclusion. 19 References. 20     Abstract The Sultanate of Oman has relatively high unemployment, particularly among women and youth, while its economy keeps on depending on imported labor (expatriates). To reduce reliance on expatriates and tackle unemployment,…

 my occupation as an industrial engineering technologist I would use the available information in my occupation as an industrial engineering technologist to measure my exposome by inspecting the various hazards I am exposed to daily. Determining the kind of exposure in my workplace will help in calculating my exposome in that particular working period. My environment plays an integral part in the level of exposure to hazardous materials throughout my lifetime. According to Bliss (2019), “Your exposure starts before birth and includes the exposures of your biological parents to occupational and environmental exposures that may shape your life” (52). This means that to calculate how the environment affects my exposome, I have to look at my parent’s environment too. My personal life revolves around the gym and cooking; thus, this can influence my exposome, which will be measured on the exposure in my house. The social life of hanging out with friends and family can affect my well-being because of the environment I interact with on this particular part of my life. The environmental factors relate to my social life…

Quantum mechanics Quantum mechanics is one of the major branches of physics. Physics, as a discipline, is a science that deals with study observed natural phenomena about matter and energy. The definition is a science. Eleven branches of physics have profoundly enriched most of the technology used today. The eleven core branches are Classical physics, Modern physics, Nuclear physics, Atomic physics, Geophysics, Biophysics, Mechanics, Acoustics, Optics, Thermodynamics, and Astrophysics. Mechanical physics is a branch which deals with motion and energy changes denoted as the force on the dynamics of the study. There are two branches of mechanical physics; Classical mechanics and Quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics deals with the behavior of microscopic particles like neutrons, protons, and electrons (Alsaleh, 2017). Quantum mechanics have five significant areas of study quantum field theory, Schrödinger equation, scattering theory, quantum statistical mechanics, and Path integral formulation. The core concepts that make quantum mechanics a significant discipline in modern technology include black-body radiation, free particle, wave property, wave-particle duality, Hilbert space, quantum harmonic oscillator, and quantization. In general, the primary feature of quantum mechanics and its…

 excretion and metabolism To begin with, it is vital to understand that both excretion and metabolism constitute the processes through which drugs are eliminated from our bodies. The major drug elimination routes are often liver metabolism and renal excretion. It is also worth noting that genetic polymorphisms are one of the various drug-metabolizing enzymes, and it includes cytochrome P450 enzymes. It is worth noting that mutations in the gene coding regions are highly likely to result in alterations in the protein structure or gene expression, and this has a direct impact on the quality and the quantity of the proteins. Concerning the enzymes, similar mutations are likely to affect the rate, protein function, and kinetic constants. On the same note, it is also evident that changes that happen in the drug-enzyme and the drug-receptor interactions as a result of the structural alterations of enzymes or receptors are also highly likely to result in the variations in the drug responses. Polymorphisms that occur in the genes that are responsible for the transport of drugs can also affect the pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics…

Relational models theory (RMT) Relational models theory (RMT) is one of the theories written by anthropologist Alan Fiske that explain about the interpersonal relationship. Under this theory, Alan Fiske suggests that all human interactions can be described in four specific relational models that are authority ranking, market pricing, communal sharing and equality matching. Within the communal sharing division, people always feel that they have something essential, and it is shared commonly. On the other hand, those people who do not exist in communal sharing, things are incredibly different. Individuals categorized in the authority ranking association always find themselves as ordered in a legal linear chain of command from the top downwards. Under the equity matching category, people have the responsibility of keeping tracking of whether each specific individual is treated fairly and equally. In market pricing, there is the frequent use of rates or ratios by the people following various standards of due magnitude such as cost. Different people from different cultures use a combination of these four models to plan almost every interaction from close, casual and distant relationships.…

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