Why you are for or against genetic engineering  What is genetic engineering and how it happens Genetic engineering is the use of rDNA (recombinant DNA) technology to alter an organism’s genetic make-up. It is when genetic material (DNA), from various biological species with different properties. Cut and put together-encoding different features- to be reintroduced into an organism to create new hereditable genetic material combinations (Oliver 1997). This begins by isolating cell DNA, cutting the DNA with sequence-specific restriction endonucleases, mixing the individually isolated DNA and using DNA ligase to join the DNA molecules. Finally, the DNA is reintroduced into cells where the cells carrying the newly joined DNA molecules are identified. Describe what CRISPR/CAS9complex is and how it is used in genetics. The CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)/CAS9 complex is a tool for genome editing that enables researchers to target and modify any gene sequence with increased specificity and efficiency. It imitates how bacteria naturally identify and targets foreign DNA injected into the cells by viruses. The system uses CAS9, an RNA-guided nuclease, and gRNA, a guided RNA,…



Epilepsy  Epilepsy is one of the most common neurobiological disorders that cause seizures, usually referred to as epileptic fits from overactivity of the brain. Epileptic seizures being the most common symptoms of the disease can occur across different degrees, causing few muscle twitches or a convulsion of the whole body. According to the world health organization, the condition is chronic and affects over 50 million people worldwide (WHO, 2019). Over the years, there have been significant strides in developing the cure for the condition, although its prevalence varies from one patient to another. Characterized by recurrent seizures that may lead to unconsciousness and loss of bladder functions, people living with the disorder are at risk of premature three times higher than the general population(Manford). This paper develops a broad examination of the condition to examine its causes and risk factors, pathophysiology, symptoms, treatment options, and historical development of its clinical approaches. Epilepsy Symptoms Epileptic seizures are the primary symptoms of the disorder, and they are categorized into two major categories; generalized seizures and focal (partial) seizures. Generalized seizures occur to…

Colloid cysts Abstract Colloid cysts do account for 0.5-1% of the entire brain mass. They are typical third ventricle lesions that are found on the interior end of the brain within the ventricle. When the colloid cyst affects the ventricle of the brain, it is termed as the intraventricular colloid cysts. The patient of the condition does experience headaches, which are secondary to the persistent or in other cases, intermittent obstructions of the foremen monro of the brain. The obstruction of the disorder in acute hydrocephalus has been termed as the resultant cause of the sudden death among the patients.  In most cases, the cell of origin is still a subject of debate; however, studies have found out that it has the endodermal background.  According to the findings of this study, the colloid cyst usually presents its clinical signs and symptom among adults between the age of 40 and above. It is considered rare among people below the ages of 30, and for a patient, they do form fluctuating or in other cases, a progressive form of dementia. It, however,…

Financial accounting Financial accounting is a branch of accounts that keeping track of financial transactions of a company. Financial accounting has been challenging since it involves a lot of calculations that need one to be proficient in mathematics for accuracy and speed. Also, one has to master the various rules in financial accounting; each branch of accounting has its own rules, while financial accounting rules differ depending on the entity where there is a non-profit organization or a profit organization. Understanding the technical terms used in financial accounting has been hectic for me. Most of the financial accounting incorporate technical terms in calculation and analysis. To overcome his challenges, I realized I had to take an extra maths class. The maths class has helped me increase my speed in calculations, understand the underlying assumptions and rules in various functions of algebra and algorithms. Speed in financial accounting is crucial, and it is through being proficient in math that I have overcome my accuracy and speed issues. Also, I have taken the time to study the various laws involved in financial…

Guide to All that an Empirical Research Article Entails <Description: When you are assigned an empirical research question you are expected to base your findings on observational or experimental evidence instead of logic.> What You Need to Know about an Empirical Research Paper So what is an empirical research article? What does empirical research entail? What are good examples of empirical research topics? These are common questions most students find themselves asking whenever a research paper instructs them to read and analyze empirical articles or evidence to answer a particular question. If this points out your current dilemma, then you are in good company because below is a well-detailed guide on all you need to know about empirical research. Definition of Empirical Research Empirical research is a type of research whose findings or conclusions are mainly drawn from empirical or verifiable evidence rather than rationality. Simply put, empirical research is any research whose findings are based on observable or experimentation evidence rather than through reasoning or logic alone. For instance, if a scientist wants to find out whether soft music…

Fermi Paradox Lab Report The presence of Earth-like planets outside the solar system presents a possibility of the existence of other intelligent life across the universe. The Fermi paradox attempts to find out whether aliens exist and where they are (Prantzos, 2013). No alien species exist on earth owing to factors such as challenges in interstellar travel. One can conclude that we are the only species in the universe hence the absence of other intelligence. The paradox suggests that civilization integrated with cross-cutting technology would result in colonization of the whole galaxy. Interstellar distances may restrict movement in the universe. Advancement in technology would allow for colonization through the use of robots (Wiley, 2011). Progress in space exploration will aid in ascertaining the theories and deriving concrete evidence of the underlying reality within the galaxy. Current technology and physics estimate ten million years to colonize the universe. Spiritual beliefs support that humans exist since the beginning of time; hence, we are the only surviving race. Different generations present contrasting revolutions in reasoning and disorganization of past paradigms to evolve. Cultural…

Influence of Physics in Sonography             During the second half of the 20th century, the field of medical imaging has evolved rapidly with advances in ultrasound and sonography. The contribution of physics, especially in technologies such as nuclear magnetic resonance, X-rays, particle accelerators, Ultrasound, and radioisotope tagging, have revolutionized medical techniques used in the imaging the human body and treating diseases.  Ultrasound medical imaging also known as sonography is an example of an imaging tool that applies high-frequency sound waves in developing the images of the body structures. A probe and ultrasound gel is placed on the skin to capture the real-time images of the body part being examined.  The purpose of this paper is to enrich our understanding of the contribution of physics in the development of medical imaging technology. Medical physicists have contributed to the use of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) in medical imaging. This technique utilizes light released from the plasma generated from the interaction of matter with powerful laser beams. The spectroscopic analysis of the light emitted displays useful information about the structure and underlying physical…

Political Science Questions Question 1: Cracking and Packing Congressional districts in the United States are a requirement of the constitution for there to be reasonably uniform elections, especially in the continuity of the geography. The districts are therefore redrawn every decade to accommodate the changes in the populations. Cracking of congressional districts entails the spreading out of voters from one voting bloc in the district for them to lose the power of voting in masses. In most cases, cracking weakens the voting power of the electorate and allows reduces competition among the people that are being voted for. Cracking causes the division of supporters of a given party for them not to reach the majority needed for a party to qualify as a winner in the elections. Packing, on the other hand, involves the concentration of voters who have similar opinions in one voting bloc for them to reduce their influence in other districts. Packing concentrates voters from one party so that the district on which they are packed gets a huge win and hence improves their chances of winning…

Pituitary apoplexy PA  Abstract             The terms apoplexy is often defined as sudden a neurological kind of impairments, usually due to the vascular processes[1]. The pituitary apoplexy is characterized by a sudden onset of the headache, visual symptoms, and in other rare instances, hormonal dysfunction as a result of illness or infraction of the pituitary gland[2].  The visible symptoms my in most cases include the element of visual acuity impairment and the impairment of the visual field from the involvement of the nerves of the brain or the dysfunction of the ocular motility[3]. It is; however, it is critical noting that pituitary apoplexy among the pediatric patients may be divided into the haemorrhage or ischemia, each with the unique neuroimaging findings[4]. The study did find out the PA is major issues of the pituitary system of the body, and the diseases have a higher prevalence both in male and females in the same capacity with a higher prevalence on the person below eh age of 20 years. From the study, it is evident that the disorder can be life-threatening if…

Conducting time series research paper Traditional experimental research dictates that there must be one or more experimental groups (groups receiving a treatment or intervention) and a control group (which does not receive the intervention). Participants are assigned randomly to the experimental and control groups. Although experimental designs may be preferable to other designs, even in action research, they are not always feasible for practitioners for many reasons. There may be ethical issues regarding withholding an intervention from a client group; or time, financial, or logistical constraints may make it impossible to include random assignment into groups. In such cases, the use of time-series research can provide a meaningful alternative to true experimental research. [unique_solution]Time-series designs are quasi-experimental, meaning that they still seek to evaluate the impact of a treatment or intervention on a target group (or individual) but do not include random assignment to treatment and control groups. Researchers still have control over admittance criteria to the treatment group (e.g., mothers under the age of 21). Times series then allows researchers to take measurements of treatment effectiveness at various intervals…

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