Genetically Modified Humans? No Thanks Summary Richard Hayes wrote the essay, “Genetically Modified Humans? No Thanks” in response to Professor Richard Green’s article, which explained the procedure for developing human embryos through specific gene selection.  In his essay, Hayes deconstructs the scientific principles and ethics that Green uses in his analysis of this new approach of developing genetically modified human beings, which Green fondly refers to as “designer babies”. Hayes affirms his support for the scientific research that Professor Green describes in his analysis. However, he is quick to point out that he disagrees with it. In his view, this use of neo-eugenics to create a human embryo will have a far-reaching negative outcome for the survival of human species. Hayes condemns the modification of human genetics through the use of neo-eugenic methods. Hayes asserts that allowing parents to modify the genetic makeup of their children to their liking will have devastating effects on human species in the long run. The outcome is a vulnerable species that would not cope effectively in the prevailing environmental conditions. Hayes mentions the probability…

Getting to Yes in Negotiation Conflicts are common occurrences in human relations and can be a cause of tension. Excellent conflict negotiation skills, however, can lead to positive outcomes in relationships. Most parties to conflict commit the mistake of maintaining positions and thus curtail the process of achieving solutions. The negotiation method adopted must produce a wise agreement, gain efficiency, and yield positive relationships between parties. When parties decide to take positions, they set their minimum conditions that only destroy relationships. There is a need for conflict resolution strategies that deal with the problem but maintain good relations between parties. An individual who takes positions in a negotiation exercise jeopardizes the settlement of the matter under contention. Good negotiators do not begin the activity by firmly stating their views and are keen on making substantial concessions aimed at obtaining agreement. Relationships between parties can be maintained if the parties jointly work on a mutually acceptable solution. Parties can achieve higher degrees of efficiency when they commit to initiating the negotiation process with openness and a readiness to make concessions for…

Developing a trading strategy using Fibonacci Fibonacci (Leonardo Pisano Bogollo) was a 13th-century mathematician from Italy who come up with the Fibonacci numbers. The Fibonacci sequence is a string of numbers with different ratios and unique mathematical properties. These ratios are widely present in the universe. Their unique precise features are present in biology, architecture, and nature. Due to their presence in nature, it is believed that they can be used in financial markets to identify reversal points in the market. Their extensive use in financial markets has led to what is known as a Fibonacci trading strategy. Fibonacci trading strategy The Fibonacci number series consists of numbers that start with 0 and 1. After 0 and 1, the next number can be calculated by summing up the two previous numbers. The sequence continues to infinity, as shown below. 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377……… These numbers relate uniquely,and a Fibonacci trading strategy is built based on their relationship. Let us look at the essential ones that you need to know to master forex trading using Fibonacci. If you take any number in the sequence…

Anthropologist Chagnon’s work   Outline of the film “The Ax Fight.” The combat happened on  February 28, 1971, which is the second day of Asch and Chagnon’s arrival to the village. The documentary film begins by showing a map that shows the village location. Then, the film proceeds with footage of a duel between a deadly group of people that are well armed with dangerous weapons such as clubs, machetes, and axes. The documentary presents a fight as chaotic violence, similar to what was experienced by filmmakers and anthropologists present during the recording. Chagnon, in the next part, explains the identity of the duellists and their relationship with one another. The fight between the villagers and visitors turn out to be one of the most exceptional displays of hostility between the two groups. What caused the conflict is different from what the anthropologists thought; they thought that it was caused by an abusive relationship between two different tribes. Chagnon describes the duel as “a ritualized contest” in which the people that are fighting with progression from weapons that aren’t lethal…

Data science and big data analytics One of the studies that have used time series analysis is that which was carrying out a meta-analysis of the minimum wage. This study was entitled; Time- Series Minimum Wage Studies: A Meta-Analysis by David Card and Alan Krueger. This study was a meta-analysis whose aim was to determine the effect that the minimum wage has, with the effect being on employment. Time series analysis was used, in this case, to determine the trend that the minimum wage had on employment over time. The study was a meta-analysis type of study. The purpose of it was to summarize a set of related studies and, at the same time, evaluate the reliability of the findings of studies captured in the statistical literature in the two involved variables, which are minimum wage and employment. The findings to this study in relation to the two variables were that a reduction in employment of between one to three percent led to a ten percent increment in the minimum wage. In a nutshell, the minimum wage increases with a…

Closing Disparity Gap in LGBTQ Communities There is a need to eliminate health disparities among the minor communities in the society that should be under public health support. There are various health outcomes among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. In-depth studies have to be done in this area, such as through the health equity promotion model to cover both their mental and physical possible health outcomes. These individuals have the risk of being in adverse health conditions, early death, and disability (NIH, 2010). These disparities are said to be on unfortunate health situations to challenged communities on a social, environmental, and economic basis in health (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). The LGBT populations are under alienation, desperate and underserved because they are not on consideration sexually and in gender, and this should be on the attention to reducing the disparity gap (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). An essential step is opening an LGBT office. It will help this group so much that there will be coordination and a consistent scientific effort to solve…

Retailing Data Team activity Responses Q.36 (a), Customer Table Customer Id Customer name Customer phone Customer Address Order number Delivery person 154 K jones Lll720 148 15 Michaels 158 V banes Lll103 369 47 john 143 L jones Lll142 741 19 Paul 117 A Kimberly Lll987 259 09 Kennedy         b)         Pizza                  Delivery               Time       Address     Customer                       Delivery person The DBA measures in maintaining customers’ data are faced with the loophole of security and accuracy. The database has no secure password, and any person can assess their customers’ data and information while their storage method does not distinguish the enormous availability of information looking alike. Therefore there is a tendency of administering the wrong drugs to different people since they share similar names, and the database does not distinguish the customers’ details. They need to ask themselves how secure is the data protected. How simple is the database to enable quick retrieval of information required by the customers? How is the site protected against enormous malware dysfunction to safeguard the system break down? Case Questions…

Corporate Strategic Management Business is all about being able to make profits and overcoming the challenges that come along with the industry. Business seeking to be well-established companies, they must take a lot of effort and skillset to ensure that the management and the development teams in the firm are on their toes with their eyes on the marked price of nothing but success. This requires a business to have a high level of corporate strategic management, for this is the core section that empowers a business to grow and develop over time. Thus, this study will be looking at the various aspects of corporate strategic management and how they are conducted in such a manner that ensures a business can succeed at all costs. This study will be breaking down a number of the techniques that are applied under corporate strategic management and relating them to the primary theories that support the actions and structure of this management strategy. The study will also look into Starbucks and use it as a learning case study on the various applications of…

Are universities still worth the time, effort and cost incurred             One of the main advantage of people struggle to achieve a higher education degree is that it provides a financial security for the future through the steady proffessional development and income obtained. Enrolling for a university degree is regarded as an absolute route for an individual to be enlighten and achieve success. In the United States of America, the pressure on young people to enroll and complete college is high and increasing every day (Oreopoulos & Petronijevic, 2013). As such, the American government through the leadership of President Barrack Obama acknowledge the significance of college education as an economic imperative that should be made accessible by all Americans by 2020 (Oreopoulos & Petronijevic, 2013).  As such, the need for obtaining college education has increased exponentially as a way of achieving financial security. Individuals with a university degree earn 65% more than high school graduates while those with higher qualification are paid twice or three times more.  The worth of university education has complicated the contemporary society and markets, which…

Dimensional Analysis Analysis of dimensional input is the mathematical method in which units of measure are changed and are used to solve a mathematical problem. It is a universal way that is used to solve mathematical problems and help students get through nursing school with ease (Craig,2019). Nurses are expected to understand and learn how to relate so they can easily recognise errors and quickly know when a problem arises example, an IV dosage or change in rate. Dimensional analysis is applied in different ways in the nursing schools for learning and by the nursing practitioners. This includes methods like, to check how correct the formula used is, to evaluate and find the dimensions of dimensional constants and to convert the physical quantity from one system to another to help in its application in nursing. Dimensional analysis is used by the nurses and pharmacists in finding out the right dose a patient should be given. Depending on the extent to which a patient is sick, then the calculations are done and the analysis of the dosage they should be subjected…

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