Hacienda archeology Hacienda plain lay at the edges of the east line of the hills situated on the volcano summit in the western region of modern Puebla. Over the years, this plain gave a home to Spaniards, who grew wheat, giving rise to habitation by Haciendans among other communities seeking a place to cultivate. As a result, the modern age relates to the identifiable ruins that archeologists use to explore the patterns of the livelihood and memories of inhabitors of this plain. The present study of the area provides insights into the day-to-day activities as well as the way of life of Acocotla’s indigenous workers. Further, Newman, 30 says that the two-season excavations and intensive architectural study in this area provide detailed recordings, test excavations and ground surveys.   Hacienda plains artifacts recovered from excavations   The Hacienda plain has massive flatlands in which early inhabitants planted wheat. The history of this area indicates that the first inhabitants utilized these lands for domestic activities, including rearing animals and building shelters. Recent research in the indigenous community demonstrates that there is…

Meat Grilling Safety The largest populations of in the world tend to have a high affinity for grilled meat because of its appealing taste. However, Incautious practice of grilling meat is associated with high levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons refers to the kinds of chemicals that are formed when muscle meat is cooked or exposed to direct and high temperatures which include grilling the meat over direct flames (Lee, 2016). Thesis: Reduction of smoke during cooking of meat is a crucial practice to lower the levels of associated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. There is a large portion of the human population who are in love with grilled meat. It is, therefore, of a concern to address the issue of the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in meat because thousands of people consume grilled meat daily. The frequent and prolonged consumption of grilled meat means that more and more people are exposed toPolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons daily. In that context, the exposure to the chemical could significantly compromise the health of the consumers. That is an adequate justification for this paper. The…

Problem-Intervention-Comparison-Outcome-Time (PICOT) Approach to Nursing Research Introduction Problem-Intervention-Comparison-Outcome-Time (PICOT) is a strategy that aids in formulating clinical questions and provide guidelines in the search for evidence. PICOT approach helps find detailed evidence in a quicker, effective, and more efficient way. PICOT act as an evidence-based model in the framing of questions, carrying out assessment and evaluation in an orderly manner (Kang, Zou, & Weng, 2019). The paper attempts to develop a PICOT plan focusing on depression in the geriatric mental health population and carry out research on non-pharmacological mechanisms such as exercise food and social support that can help mitigate the condition. Geriatric health care is concerned about promoting health and providing treatment to ailments and disabilities that occur with old age. Depression is a dominant neuropsychiatric syndrome in neurodegenerative disorder (ND) familiar with the ageing population. One individual turns into 60 years in an estimate of eight seconds, with nearly 15% of the world’s population above 65 years as of 2015 (Manning, Gunning,  Aizenstein, & Steffens, 2019).  Statistics show that depression as a physiatric disorder affects approximately 18.8 older…

Pathogenesis  Lung cancer pathogenesis is a complex process that involves several risk factors. For instance, smoking, exposure to toxic air pollution, and drinking water with high arsenic content increase the risk of developing lung cancer (Chen & Wu, 2020). A combination of these factors poses a significant threat to people. Besides, the prevalence level of diseases increases with age. Findings from a qualitative study showed that older adults face a higher risk of developing lung cancer. The risk remains higher among women who smoked at least 100 cigarettes (Chen & Wu, 2020). The findings imply that women exposed to causative factors can develop the condition when compared to men. Such relationships make then pathogenesis a complicated process. Therefore, a combination of different factors cause lung cancer. Diagnosis Testing people with a high risk of lung cancer is an effective way to diagnose the problem. Doctors use low dose CT scans to older adults with a high risk of developing the condition (Chen & Wu, 2020). Effective testing processes lead to earlier identification and management of lung cancer. In some instances,…

Space Tourism: Its Your Turn to Be the Astronaut It is about five decades since the first person, Neil Armstrong, went to the moon and came back. Now, can you imagine yourself on space, but of course on a comfier, more advanced craft than Apollo 1?  That is no longer a myth – space tourism is already happening, and you can book your place. Here, we are going to tell you about companies ready to take you to the space. It will be one fine ride! A Brief about Past Space Tourists Before we can look at where you can book your place for the next travel to space, it is important to answer the question: “What was the past tourists’ experience?” The first space tourist to visit was Dennis Tito, an American businessman who spent eight awesome days away from the earth’s atmosphere. At first, Tito wanted to use NASA, but the organization declined. So Space Adventures approached Roscosmos, a Russian agency that got Tito a seat in a Soyuz. After Tito, other six tourists have toured the outer…

Sociological Sciences Journal             Interpersonal conflicts are common across all professions, and nursing is not an exception. Nurses may have conflicts with novices, especially when their education levels are higher (Brinkert, 2010). As a result, experienced nurses might have issues trying to help novices, knowing they might have higher ranks than them once they catch up with their respective skill sets. The readings for this week focuses on sociological sciences, including the social factors and issues that constrain and shape health behaviors. Nurses with adequate knowledge of sociology can understand how to effectively interact with other nurses as they provide care in the healthcare setting. Nursing theories are fundamental in healthcare as they equip nurses with the appropriate knowledge across diverse fields as they interact with patients and provide quality care.  This week’s case study reflects on the conflicts that take place in healthcare, with related theories that can be used in solving the conflicts. The case study also sheds light on the theories that can be applied in conflict resolution involving healthcare professionals. Natalie, a novice nurse with a…



Race Race is a sensitive issue which affects most individuals, and some have experienced it from time to time. Race health disparities from a health perspective is primarily a social construct since poor whites in the United States are faced with the same level of infant mortality rate when compared to other countries despite the huge U.S medical care expenditure. The birth outcomes in any countries are primarily affected by the voter turnout. It may sound crazy, but according to David et al. (2007), the more voter turnout, the lower the levels of mortality rate and vice verse. Besides, when the comparison is carried out between the past and the current generation, it shows that substantial secular change. For example, the low birth weights for black infants in the European nations is not the same as birth weights for infants from current immigrants from Africa. Those two scenarios on the voter turnout and the geographical movement of blacks clearly illustrate that race should be considered a social construct when it comes to health issues. Reference David, R. & Collins, J.…

Efficiency in Eupa, according to Adam Smith. In the historical records of Eupa, the company has acknowledgment as one of the significant company in the world, according to data released by the company management. This company’s ability, as illustrated in the documentary, is prudently visible in Smith’s work, where Smith considered that the efficiency of work intensively depends on the division of labor. Division of employment, as illustrated, is whereby labor is divided depending on specialized individuals in that field in making that product (Qu et al., 2019). The division of labor strategy in Eupa has resulted in appropriate management that maximizes the produce where everyone gets specialized in the areas. As the documentary suggests, Eupa system employment is likely distinguished in a manner that every employee gets placed in the best-specialized area. Solidarity in Eupa, according to Durkheim. In his literary work, Durkheim suggests that the division of labor has its impacts that need considerations precisely because it will indicate the outcome of the whole operation. Durkheim suggests solidarity that promotes working together to attain a specific purpose, in…

Why Marx believes most people are alienated and the relationship between the Proletariat and Bourgeoisie. Marx believes most people are alienated because they are separate from most of the things in their lives, such as; people separate themselves from there carrier lives. Marx’s idea of alienation is we are separated from ourselves. It, therefore, means we become alienated in the following ways: nature, ourselves, species being and each other. I believe the effect on the relationship between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie is adverse (Newman & Smith, 2017). Workers were not demanding their rights as expected. For instance, they paid for every wage to save their lives as some of the things they made were sold. What I will do to the scenario and why? The problems I am experiencing is the urgent need of money for my family, my classmate Rob offers me $200 every two days if I successfully deliver a brown paper bag to his friend. I immediately rejected the offer. From the stoicism school of philosophy, I would not be tempted to harm humanity to solve…

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: Ethical Issues Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein mythical novel addresses ethical issues. Over the years, there has been controversy about how Mary Shelley’s defines human nature and how a human reacts in various situations. To explores, Mary Shelley’s build utilized the relationship between morality/faith and sciences, which she brings it throughout the novel with the advancement of science. As science improve, Frankenstein continues to explain the controversies. Mary Shelley’s address the limit and restrained the society had placed on scientific in defining the quantity of human. The novel wrote in the early 19th century, still foreshadows the world’s most scientific research today. Therefore, this paper will concentrate on the definitions of nature, the controversy of science and morality, the limits to scientific inquiry, and how Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein ties in with today’s society. Frankenstein uniquely explores human nature through character development and the creature.  Also, as the human creature, he established the limits on what he does in response to his deformities. According to Jara et al. (2018), human beings are born with innate ideas, that there existed an…

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