y AVIATION SECURITY The air operations area is an airport area used for landing or turning of aircraft. Aviation security improvement Act is the amend law tat requires any other airport to use appropriate animals or dogs as a screening passenger to detect the presence of plastics or any other material that cannot be detected by the metal detectors. Behavior pattern recognition is not profiling the passenger on the religion or ace but behavior such as fear or stress. The explosive detector system is a non-destructive inspection that determines whether the bag contain explosives or not while explosive trace detection is explosive detection apparatus that detect small magnitudes of explosive. Transport vetting platforms is underlying software and hardware designed to promote secure flight while transport security officer is the person who conducts the security screening to the passengers. Travel document verification is checking if the passenger has the required travel documents. All cargo aircraft is the airplane that transports goods and mails rather than the passengers. Privacy rights legal traditions that protect one from government threatens or private action. TSA…

Project for MATH     The report should consist of: A cover page including Student Name, Course Code, Title, Date Introduction to the topic Description of the problem Description of the steps involved in solving the problem A detailed solution of the problem showing all relevant calculations Conclusion and analysis of the results Bibliography of all cited sources A more detailed outline of these requirements is given in your specific project. [unique_solution]     Evaluation:   Students will be evaluated with respect to the complexity of the study and use of proper mathematical methods in their project. Marks are based on correct mathematical calculations, clear explanations of the reasoning and proper written and graphical presentations.   The report should be of sufficient length to introduce the topic and describe the problem, show a detailed solution of the problem and include a brief conclusion. The report must be written in scientific report form (e.g., with references indicated by numbers in square brackets). A bibliography of all cited sources should be at the end of the.   This is an individual project.…

Modeling and Simulation of Low-Cost and High-Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells Project Description[A1] Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion is an important technology for generating low-cost electricity to replace coal-generated power. A hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite-based solar cell is a photovoltaic (PV) technology based on applying low-cost materials in a series of ultrathin layers encapsulated by protective sealants which have attracted the attention of researchers and scientists over the world. From 2009 when active research work began on perovskite photovoltaic (PV) applications, efficiencies above 24 percent have been achieved compared to silicon-based solar cells with a current efficiency of around 25.1 percent figure1 since research work on the silicon-based device started in 1954. To bring the cost of the solar energy down comparing to the existing technologies.  A typical planar heterojunction perovskite-based solar cell consists of 6 main layers of different materials figure2 can be constructed in the lab; these are glass transport electrode, an electron transport layer, a perovskite material, hole transport layer, and the gold electrode. This technology can be directly integrated into the building components to achieve highly competitive building…

Electron Beam welding VS Laser Beam welding As a welder, you’ll hardly escape the tricky issue about which welding method to use between Electron Beam Welding (EB) and Laser Beam (LB) Welding. Some welders vouch for the latter while others go for the former. Another group feels it’s all a matter of the welding particularities. The last group contends that in the Electron Beam welding VS Laser beam welding debate, the choice you make depends on several factors, including what metals one is welding. So the question of Electron Beam VS Laser Beam welding remains. This issue is the focus of this article. But for starters, it’s essential to get the primary differences between these two approaches to welding first. In doing so, we are not trying to turn you into a physics guru; that’s why we describe these processes in as simple a language as possible. This understanding will help you appreciate the arguments for and against each of the two welding methods. The knowledge from this is vital; empowers you to know when and how to select the…

theoretical and practical material sufficient for students to master structural programming Introduction Among programmers, there is such a well-known recursive joke: “You need to program to learn how to program.” That is, it is impossible to learn practical programming theoretically – learning is about solving a lot of different problems with the use of a computer. This guide is an attempt to provide theoretical and practical material sufficient for students to master structural programming and to acquire skills that will further help students learn programming independently. The programming language used in the manual is Python 3. This choice of programming language is due to its simplicity, versatility, power and widespread use in the context of modern information technologies. However, it should be noted that most self-study tasks are invariant to the programming language. Therefore, the manual can be used as a compilation of programming tasks in any language. The guide consists of 10 main paragraphs. Each paragraph is devoted to a specific topic of structural programming, accompanied by theoretical material to the extent sufficient to solve problems, contains examples of…



MY VISION My vision about life was not my childhood dreams but rather a work of consistent consumption of knowledge and learning about the things which are passionate to me. My life has always been about searching a path and to be in a journey to finding my true self. The raw and the rural background at the initial stage of my life tied me down to dream low or even not to dream at all, so the word aspiration was useless to me. But still, I always wondered about becoming an astronaut. I had the curiosity of the things happening around me, the things which everyone finds unexplainable. My uncle was the only engineer in my family, and he used to do this unbelievable stuff that always makes me wanted to be like him. His passion gave me a boost, and the idea of being an engineer struck me. He is the one who led me and gave me direction on which path to choose. He turned me from a guy who used to run the road without any…

 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Health Questions One A good research question must have several elements. The first element is specificity whereby the issue must have clear and defined objectives as well as processes. Secondly, the research question must be measurable. This element denotes the statistical or mathematical characteristic of the research question whereby its results remain testable. The third element of a good research question is attainability (Muennig & Bounthavong, 2016). This trait indicates the ability of the item to be attained through the possession of expertise and resources. The fourth element of a good research question is realistic. This element denotes the capability of the item to be attributed to specific rational physics and be completed in a reasonable time frame. Right research questions are also timely meaning the time frame used from inception to completion must be reasonable. Research questions whose conclusion takes too long cannot be considered as rational because of the time wasted and resources. Question Two Economists and financial managers consider opportunity costs as the costs incurred when one alternative gets overlooked for the sake of…

Product Rendering Service Page. Our company’s greatest pride is being the being one amongst the best 3D designing companies in India as a whole. With the most forthcoming 3D renderings all across India, our work has always left customers with a smile on their faces and close to no complains at all. Most of our work is present in a lot of advertisement firms and agencies that deal with graphic designs among other organisations. Graphic design is a new cutting edge in technology and since there are a lot of digital advertisements, then there is a need to implement 3D designs into your digital forms and motion pictures/ videos. 3D Product Visualization. Take, for instance, a scenario where you are to offer a new type of phone. Now, this has been a common market structure, where the company releases #d rendered first impressions of their devices to the public to advertise their looks and features before the actual release date. This is common in smartphone companies such as Samsung and the latter. Now, this type of advertisement is not only…

Digital Pianos             A digital piano is a designed electronic keyboard type that primarily serves the purpose of producing an enjoyable sound. Digital pianos synthesize recorded samples or emulation of acoustic pianos whereby they get amplified through internal loudspeakers. Moreover, digital pianos incorporate keys that are weighted which effectively recreate an excellent feel. Some digital pianos are designed to resemble a grand or upright piano. Digital pianos are small, weigh less, and they cost less (Riola, Michael, et al., 27). The keyboard comes with 88 keys and does not need tuning, but their overall tuning can get tuned to match the tuning of another instrument effectively. This paper is going to discuss various features associated with digital pianos. Important advantages include; Portability/convenience- digital pianos are lighter and more compact. Cost- these pianos are slightly cheaper and cost far much less than acoustic pianos. Versatility/volume- The volume of digital pianos is easy to control, and one can control over wide ranges, and silent practices are made possible by using headphones. Connectivity- Majority of digital computers possess MIDI-based capability to allow an…

A Future Really Big Telescope The technological change and evolution, especially in astronomy, has caused or resulted in more discoveries that no human thought would be possible decades ago. In today’s world, due to technological advancement, humans can tour and explore the universe periodically, which can be done through flying to space or use of modern, powerful telescopes. Astronomy has advanced and improved with time, and it has resulted in more discoveries of what is in space and with that people nowadays have a better understanding of the universe and how it works. The evolution of telescopes have come a long way from the simple gadgets that were invented in the old days to the modern high powered telescope we have today, and the evolution is still happening. The first telescope was built by George Ellery Hale also known as the telescope builder. Hale initiated projects that resulted in the development of the first-ever telescopes used to observe space. The telescopes made by Hale were simple gadgets, but with time, he continued improving the size of his telescopes (Fraknoi, 2017). …

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