nearly extinct, form of communication introduction if a big percentage of people prefer using the specific language for their business and easier communication, then the young generation can’t use local languages. Nearly extinct form ofcommunication is a situation where particular meanscommunication is about to die. The means of communication is still in existence with few people who can practice. However, the main idea in this paper is that a nearly extinct form of communication is not about theextinction of certain practice of communication or precise language. nKind of communicating can be evaluated and search for crucial ways to keep practices. Factors which contributes tonear extinction For extan means of communication to become extinct, there are many factors associated with that. Some of these factors can be applied to know the level in which the language is losing its value. Some of the main factors which contribute to the end of communication mean include; Natural disaster Some of the occurrences like earthquakes, a tsunami can lead to loss of language. Some of the languages don’t have various users. When a specific…

Effects of Listening in Communication 1.     Introduction Hearing (a physical ability) differs from listening (a skill). Listening is the act of letting what is being said resonates with you. Many people can hear things being said but fail to listen to the actual message being conveyed. A person is termed a poor listener (inactive listener) if they have a lot of distractions in them. Distractions include bad thoughts in their minds and prejudices effects, among others. Lack of concentration on what is being said (being ‘all ears’) as well as diverts attention in oneself, making them poor listeners. An active listener gets the actual meaning and understands the message the speaker is conveying, and this helps reduce information asymmetries. Active listening translates to new experiences, less defensive behavior, and a more democratic attitude, which brings changes to people’s bad characters. Listening has a lot of effects on interpersonal relationships with our colleagues, bosses, subordinates, etc. How we listen to them (colleagues, bosses, subordinates, etc.) determines how we relate to them. This paper explains, from personal experience, the effects of both…

Verbal Communication Topic 13: Verbal Communication Based on the INSTEAD article, language shapes human expectation about the roles of females and males in society. Kesebir (2017) illustrates that language influences and reflects gender role perceptions. The author demonstrates how individuals use phrases that join two gendered words, such as “her and his.” Individuals generally do not pay caution to the language they use. However, research indicates that the way people use personal pronouns and gendered words expressed their beliefs around men and women. The nature of use also shapes how people view the social world and their place in it, as a man or a woman.  People read word order choices as cues, indicating the relevance of those described by the words. Word order also reinforces or convey beliefs about gender. According to Kesebir (2017), the topic of gendered words is essential because language can alter individuals’ viewpoints when people choose their words carefully. For instance, ordering words in one way instead of the other conjures up a certain mental model in the audience’s mind to slightly puncture an existing…

HUMAN COMMUNICATION, PUBLIC RELATIONS AND ADVERTISING Human communication is a relational mechanism in which people create meaning by exchanging verbal and nonverbal information in particular situations, shaped by personal and social factors and rooted in culture (Alberts, Nakayama, & Thomas, 2016, p. 6). Communication is a dynamic process where substantial thinking and preparation can be needed. When planning a productive conversation, one has to understand the nature of interactions, purpose, environment, participants, platforms, disruption and possible feedback. Charee desires to travel to a different nation to start her Master’s degree in the article “Human Communication,” but she thinks her father will be against it. She wanted to have face-to-face contact with him, to reassure him. Charee arranged to meet at her father’s favourite cafe in the middle of the afternoon as the venue for their discussion because her father would be more inclined to feel comfortable and in a good mood in a familiar place he liked. Second, she chose the middle of the afternoon to give them more privacy and fewer disturbances. She preferred a public environment as she…

insane patients who are oppressed and are looking for systemic social communication, social change, and critical pedagogy Having read this week’s assigned chapters, I would use the term insanity instead of mental illness. The authors of these chapters echo of the improvement of the psychiatric survivor movement, as they remain vigilant on the problems, appropriation, and co-option, also attending to the dynamics and pressure in the campaign and the social struggles like class, gender, sexuality, and immigration among others. Therefore, these chapters are all about the insane patients who are oppressed and are looking for systemic social communication, social change, and critical pedagogy. For example, chapters 10 and 11, Shimrat (1997) and Burtstow and  Weitz (1998) critiques the violence, discriminating nature, insanity, and abuse of psychiatric treatment, which is there up to today. This clearly shows how madness is still there up today. Therefore, using the term mental illness does not clearly illustrate what insane people go through. Mental illness does not depict the situation in which these patients undergo. The humiliation and the damage which the psychiatric patients’ experience…

Gender Barriers in Internal Communications for Multinational Organisations Introduction Internal communication is the transmission of information among the workers in an organisation taking different levels and units in a company. In this regard, communication in an industry assists in ensuring that all members of the business work collaborative in achieving goals. The conversation is useful in developing a cohesive culture and empowering workers in making right choices according to the organisation mission. Communications barriers in an industry may result in misinterpretation in the business because of the difference in language. Additionally, a lack of knowledge by employees can result in issues created by barriers as employees lack skills about the company’s products and the jobs. Communication Process The communication process starts with the sender who initiates the conversation by conveying the information to others. The sender encodes the information by selecting, symbols, words or gestures to use, thus composing a message. The report refers to the outcome of the encoding taking the form of written language, verbal or non-verbal sent through a medium. The receiver gets the message and decodes…

Internal and External Communication Strategies   The internal and external communication strategies depict the exchange mode of communication with the organization as well as outside the organization. The fundamental purpose behind the communication within or outside the organization is to understand the function. They are always considered as an essential resource of communication. The primary purpose of making internal and external communication strategies is to protect the integrity if the ERA-LGBIT association. (Novak, M., 2019) Also, they are the critical resources for promoting the mission and vision of the organization. Organization vision admission gets growth and strong values due to these parameters. There are some basic principles of communication mentioned below: Truth Efficiency Confidently Efficiency Promptness Clarity Reliability Conciseness Internal Communication   In the internal communication system, messages are exchanged within the organization through telephone, letters, mail and such type of sources. There are three ways of processing the internal communication system mentioned below: Vertical (Among Employees, (Upwards or downward) ) Horizontal (Among Individual) Diagonal ( Depends upon the vertical upward and downward channels integrity) A business thrives, and success…

intrapersonal communication for self-disclosure I use intrapersonal communication for self-disclosure. Generally, self-disclosure is essential to analyze the existing skill, strengths, and weaknesses. It should be used as a self-analytical tool to address existing faults. Intrapersonal communication must be practiced to enhance knowledge about self. Interpersonal communication is conducted between two or more people. Interpersonal communication is a useful tool for the disclosure of ideas, opinions, and perceptions. It is conveying one’s view and advice to another person. Interpersonal communication is two-way communication. I prefer to share my thoughts and feelings with others. It helps me in the process of self-analysis. Sharing existing feelings enhances the scope of exploring new areas of knowledge. Moreover, it supports me to mend my personality issues and unwanted characteristic traits.

THE CAUSE MODEL OF RISK COMMUNICATION The Cause model of Risk Communication is a communication approach between the parties involved in the communication process, which entails exchanging meanings and information about nature, advent, magnitude, significance, and the control of prospective risk. In the CAUSE model of communication risk, public relation practitioners struggle with challenges of Confidence, Awareness creation among the public (the target audience for the risk communication message), Understanding of the message, the Public’s Feelings towards the communicated solutions to the risk and their cause of action as they await Enactment of the postulated solutions (Rowan et al. 2010). Confidence, Awareness, Understanding, Solution, and Enactment are, therefore, the five basic tenants of the Cause model of Risk communication, and each tenant affects the risk communication process distinctly. The model thus intends to increase the public’s confidence despite the risks posed by the subject at hand, and create awareness and understanding of the phenomenon among the public. The model aims at producing more effective solutions and actions towards risk or crisis and helping the general public into enacting the appropriate…

The strategic role of Internal Communication and the part of IC position holders Introduction Internal Communications (IC) is the responsibility for effective communication within an entity between members. The scope of the task ranges from the creation and delivery of communications and promotions for management to the facilitation of a two-way dialog and the development of communication skills for members of the organization. It has the theory and practice of similar fields, not least journalism, information administration, public relations (e.g., media relations), marketing and human resource, as well as broader organizational research, management theory, social psychology, sociology, and political science. Modern understanding of internal communication is an area of its own. Corporate culture involves beliefs and attitudes, leading to a company’s particular social and psychological environment. Organizational culture affects the interaction of people, the context within which knowledge is developed, the resistance to changes, and, ultimately, their way of sharing (or not sharing) information. The common values, beliefs, and principles of organizational members are reflected by organizational culture. Factors such as context, product type, competition, technology, strategy, employee type, management…

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