Reaction Paper on Interpersonal Relationships and Communication  Communication develops on an adaptive approach depending on the relationship between two communicating people or entities. In interpersonal communication, one has to establish specific characteristics of the other person as the basis components to guide their communication. This task develops an assessment of a friendly relationship with my friend Justin applying the concepts of the study in describing the aspects of communication in our relationship. Relationship Background I have known Justin throughout my childhood since we grew together from Kindergarten throughout High School. Through that period of our friendship relationship, we have developed interactive features that have significantly shaped our level of relationship and communication. We grew up in the same neighborhood, attended the same schools, and shared most of the childhood landmarks while internalizing our friendships with different environments of our origin, both cultural and familial. As we came of age, we had established a strong and lasting friendly relationship while adapting to our different life paths, professionals, and ideologies. Through an understanding of self and each other, communication has been critical…

Interpersonal Communication Introduction Communication is one of the essential skills in a person’s life. For any meaningful human progress, there must be communication for most failures, communication part of the causes of the failures. Friendships and relationships thrive on communication, and a breakdown in communication causes the end of such relations. In a survey of more than a thousand people, 53% cited communication problems as the primary cause of marriage failures, above finances 38%, and in-law interferences 14%. Warren Buffet, one of the wealthiest people in the world, once said that to become 50% more worth than one is now, one needs to hone their communication skills. This paper explains the various interpersonal communication theories and discusses and analyses the series Parenthood concerning interpersonal communication. Theories of Interpersonal communication Interpersonal communication (IPC) has many theories, divided into three. There are individual-centered theories, interaction centered, and relationship-centered theories. Individual centered theories of IPC These are theories that help in the understanding of how humans plan, produce, and process IPC messages (ref1—). An example is the Imagined interaction theory (II), developed by…

Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) AFCEA is a nonprofit and a member-based organization of experts that offer leadership, networking, and engagement opportunities. Currently, the association has 1,687 corporate members, 34,255 individual members, and 140 chapters (AFCEA “What is …,” n.d.). Its focus entails computer and intelligence, cyber, communications, control, and command to mitigate domestic and global security issues. In particular, this association creates a forum for government, military, and industry to work hand-in-hand in aligning strategies and technology with the needs of people or industries being served. The mission of AFCEA (“mission statement,” n.d.) is “to increase knowledge through the exploration of issues relevant to its members in information technology, communications, and electronics for the defense, homeland security and intelligence communities” (para. 1). In the future, AFCEA wants to become a leading information technology, electronics, and communication organization of professionals in the domestic and global arena of governments, academia, and industry. There is a lot in AFCEA that interests me. As noted in the AFCEA’s (“What is …,” n.d.) website, I am interested in this association because it…

why thinking about distinctive features is vital in communication Introduction In the contemporary world, society is made up of people from diverse walks of life. There is no country, location, or even workplace that has individuals that conform to a single ethnic, racial, or sexual orientation. The diversity is ubiquitous as the society slowly transforms to multi-ethnicity, and the differences in language also give people their identity. Further, the civilization in most of the western cultures permits absolute freedom of various individuals in the society, leading them to adopt different sexual orientation and identity. However, despite the diversity that exists in our current societies, there are still contentious issues that characterize such aspects. In most cases, the LGBT community, minority groups, and females are subject to victimization or sexual objectification. Therefore, during communication, there is a need to take into account the distinctive features such as age, gender, sexuality, race, and ability. The following are the reasons why thinking about the above distinctive features is vital in communication. First, taking into account all forms of diversity during communication dispels the…

  communication skill training If an organization wants to improve its bottom line, then effective communication skill training is essential. It is often labeled as the “soft skills,” excellent communication delivers a tangible return on investment for the organization. In an organization, communication skill training can help in allowing employees to exchange ideas, views, and facts without any issues. Furthermore, it will enable employees to communicate with upper-level management and share ideas. What exactly communication skill training involves? The communication skill training in an organization involves training of an individual in different areas for necessary skills. For every organization, communication skill is vital. This is why trainers from a reputed training institute train employees on specific skills which are missing in them. This training further helps the organization in its growth. Reputed institutes offering communication skills training in Gurgaon are equipped with strategies that create desires among employees to bring out their best. Let us now check areas where communication skill training focuses on- Increase in Sales- More than 90 percent of company success depends on sales, which directly connected…

Technology advancement in communication Part A Technology advancement in communication has created the general idea of a global village. Currently, communication around the globe appears cheaper, faster and more reliable; all thanks to the existence of communication networks. Communication networks exist differently and apply to different levels of communication (Kermarec et al. 2015). Most communication networks define themselves by the geographical areas they cover, interconnections and their modes of operation. An example of the different networks that this assignment works to explain is the Wide Area Network, in most cases abbreviated as WAN. A vast area network is one of the telecommunication networks and interconnects computers over a large geographical area. The area covered by a vast area network includes a radius of approximately not less than one kilometre. An extensive area network commonly applies in businesses, educational institutions and government entities to relay data and information to their clients or partners, students or employees and citizens respectively over extended geographical positions. The internet itself is an example of an extensive area network as it connects computers over a large…

Verizon Communications, Inc. Verizon Communications, Inc. is an American multinational telecommunications holding company, which engages in the provision of broadband and communication services through wireless and wireline segment. The company is based in New York City where it is incorporated in Delaware, However, its corporate functions and executive leadership are located in Basking Ridge, New Jersey. The company was formed on June 30, 2000, with the merger of the Atlantic Corp and Bell GTE Corp. Verizon Communications, Inc., employs its marketing mix to maintain a top position in the telecommunications market. This method of marketing specifies the tactics and strategies to be used to implement its marketing plan, inclusive of the variables of place, promotion, price, and product. Also in order to advertise their products the company develop their products with high-quality standards; a way to differentiate its services from the services of their competitors in the market Verizon Communications, Inc faces stiff competition from AT&T Inc, T-Mobile Us, Inc, AAPL, and sprint corporation in terms of overall sales, gambling for the employees in the market, market cap, final profitability…

COMMUNICATION STRATEGY THAT FOSTERS CHANGE AND INNOVATION IN AN ORGANIZATION Introduction Communication strategy is a well detailed and written plan on the channels of communication in a particular organization. Change communication program will help reach the organization’s vision and the long term goals as far as the firm’s existing condition is concerned. In order to help solve the organizational issues and help meet the needs of the society, the organization needs to abandon their ventures and the procedures laid in place that has failed to help the company deliver. These procedures were abandoned and surrendered will help to create room for new and dynamic practices in the organization. For this to be realized, the organization must then ingrain a certain feeling of possession. According to (RIECK, 2014), A proprietor mindset makes an effective motivation for the needed change and innovation. In order to create and foster the needed change and innovation in the organization, There are two major strategies that need to be concentrated on( Tidd, J., Bessant, J. R., & Pavitt, K. (2014).). This involves improving each worker’s understanding…

Project Communications and Closure The project was successfully conducted and the old version replaced with the new version that most consumers like and prefer. The latest version e-mail upgrade Version 9.0 has been tested in the market and approved by many technology experts. Version 9.0 is expected to replace version 7.0 drastically in the market due to its quality features. The project provided the viability and cost involved in transforming the E-mail from Globalugrades version 7.0 to version 9.0. The project focuses on a software upgrade and network modification with the help of local technology employees in 15,000 states and throughout eighty-eight countries. The entire process of the software upgrade is expected to take long, given the complex nature of the latest version 9.0. For many years, customers and users of the E-mail have longed for a significant upgrade that creates a new face. Due to such demand, the Ohio Department, through respective agencies, implemented strategies that out phased the oldest version 7.0 and replaced it with version 9.0 with has more features and meets customer specifications. In order to…

Journal Entry: Communication Climate and Culture The communication of an organization plays an essential role in achieving set goals and objectives. On the other hand, culture, which includes the norm and attitude workers have towards each other and toward their organization. The attitude and behavior portrayed while serving customers is also considered a vital aspect of promoting business and enhancing growth. Therefore the climate-adapted by an organization predicts whether its performance in the organization improves.  In addition, it essential to include the demographic make-up of the business in decision making and the overall culture. In enhancing the climate of ethical communication, the role of managers is considered among the top positions that influence the integration of an intercultural environment and other ethical dimensions. Diversity awareness in an organization involves employee and management teams that embrace uniqueness in terms of race, social background, religious beliefs, race, gender, and age of an individual. Here, an organization supports intercultural ideas, including team members, decision-makers, and lack of discrimination, and stereotyping within an organization. On that note, communication diversity awareness in a company through…

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