effective communication, qualitative critical thinking skills, and developing a sense of trust A business is successful if it can attain the set goals and objectives as planned. Several factors can enhance business success, but the three principal agents that contribute to success are; effective communication, qualitative critical thinking skills, and developing a sense of trust. This paper thus seeks to discuss in detail the three main elements (Akaeze & Akaeze, 2016). Carrying out effective communicator to the people inside and outside the business serves as a benefit to attaining success. Good communication assists in reinforcing the connections that exist between the different stakeholders, and offers several aids to the business. Communication benefits include; enhanced decision making, improved negotiation messages, strengthened business relations, and ethical decision making. Besides, when companies compete to win customers that they require for the consumption of their goods, the ability to communicate well with the customer is essential. In this case, communication entails listening, speaking, and writing well in different business settings (Akaeze & Akaeze, 2016). All business contexts involve making several decisions that impact the…

Satpathy and Mohapatra (2012) on communication Communication is a fundamental skill in healthcare settings that, if performed, competently and efficiently creates an environment of trust between the patient and the healthcare team. Although difficult to master, communication and interpersonal skills for nurses are essential. Communication can be defined as the exchange of information between an individual or a group of people sending and receiving it through writing, speaking, or by using other mediums. Nurses exchange information with people with varying social, cultural, and educational backgrounds. When communicating with patients and their families, it must be clear, valid, professional, and caring because it has a significant influence on patient outcomes. According to Satpathy and Mohapatra (2012), communication is not just about words but involves sharing meaning, emotions, feelings, and attitudes. For instance, there are instances when a patient may be unable to speak or advocate for themselves and, therefore, need a nurse to speak for them. In nurses’ professional roles, they are regularly exposed to other human beings who may not share the same cultural background. In such situations, interpersonal communication…

Annotated Bibliography on role played by communication in building internal and external relationships in organizations The main focus of this article is the role played by communication in building internal and external relationships in organizations. The artic points out the communication strategies and organizations discourse practices that have been studied by other researchers. By pointing out strategic communication as a theory, Şeitan performs his literature review in academic articles of human resources to observe information of employees with relation tole communication. By defining the theoretical and conceptual framework of organizational communication, this article outlines the role of organizational communication in achieving common goals. The study in the article adds value to the research topic. Keyton focuses this article on the study of organizational communication as a subarea of communication as recognized by the International Communication Association (ICA). The author says that before understanding organizational communication, it is essential to learn about communication first. Keyton also describes organizational communication from a philosophical perspective. By describing the practical implications of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behaviour (OPOB), the author can obtain promising areas…

Positive parent-school communication Positive parent-school communication is vital to both the caregivers, learners, and parents as well. How an institution communicates and interacts with parents influences the extent and quality of parent’s home involvement with their kids’ learning. For instance, a school that communicates unpleasant news such as student’s failure more often than appreciating student’s effort discourages parents’ involvement by making then feel that they cannot adequately help their children. Parents equally benefit from being involved in their kid’s education through attaining ideas from schools on how to assist their children, and by learning more about the school’s academic program and how it works. Perhaps most important, parents benefit by becoming more confident about the value of their school involvement. Parents develop a greater appreciation for the important role they play in their children’s education. Achieving this excellent relationship requires effective communication between the educator and the parent. The educators need to employ effective strategies to achieve effective open communication in a parent conference. The bellow strategies are vital for educators to attain effective open communication with their parents. Understanding…

Strategic Communication Plan Background Bryant University is an institution of higher learning, and it offers magnificent opportunities for the student to take active roles in academic and extra-curriculum activities. Several activities of interest within the institution would adequately engage the interest, such as making an active part of the basketball team. Within the University, playing basketball games is the most lucrative game within the institution, and many students admire it. The basketball team is composed of young and energetic comrades because they do a lot of physical health activities. Such physical health exercises enables the students to keep fit at all time and remain young with joyous moods in most occasions. The teams are made up of people who are willing to take every action for their perfection of character, maintain a healthy lifestyle and to play the basketball games as a hobby. Basketball games is very popular within the school and the basketball court is always filled with spectators, the players who continuously practice to perfect their skills and abilities. It provides the most entertaining moments within the University,…

Mass communication, propaganda and persuasion In the modern and globalized world, there are rapid changes in technology and the way people are adopting it. More so, the way people entertain themselves, communicate, and influence each other through the mass media has evolved rapidly. The authors explain that communication may lead to persuasion, which consequently brings about change in opinions, attitudes and behaviours. Beliefs and biases play a very crucial role in persuading a person, especially when there is a choice. For instance, our phones have changed the way people transact their day-to-day business. Phones are used for entertainment, getting directions through GPS, booking air travel, shopping and doing research. Perhaps this is why most people spend more than 25% of their wake hours glued on their phones. The drastic advance in the mass communication sector has led to increased concerns about social interactions and well-being of the people concerning media consumption. The mass communication advancement has brought about improved social interactions in one hand and deteriorated them on the other side. In page 155, the authors’ states that mass communication…

Modes of Communication The key intention of this memorandum is to present comprehensive modes of communication that would assist in obtaining direct feedback from peers and subordinates about any raised issue. The objective of the communication strategy is to illustrate the leadership style applied in Mexico, and if there exists miscommunication on how managers typically conduct themselves. The feedback may not be received directly due to the mode of communication applied; there is a need to put into consideration the trial of other various techniques of communicating. Communication should be conducted differently or not, as usual, to come up with the intended results. Writing is my preferred mode of communication. Existing methods of communication such as private and weekly meetings have become too prevalent, and individuals are not ready to give feedback through them may be due to fear, etc. Thus, writing will be suitable as an individual will express his/her views freely and widely. A decision should be made that would enhance positive communication within the firm; this will make sure that all members come back to the schedule.…

OMAN TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANY (OMANTEL) ISSUES INTRODUCTION Omantel Company takes the lead in the telecommunication sector in Oman and has been bringing people, families, and organizations together for more than four decades. Moreover, the company has effectively associated all aspects of the Omani people groups to one another and also with the other parts of the world. Omantel’s developing corporate client base incorporates both the financial and banking administration services, besides oil and gas organizations, independent ventures, and Government Ministries. The administrations offered to the corporate portion include ADSL, versatile postpaid and paid ahead of time, rented lines, 3.5G web plans, IP MPLS, Internet Leased Lines, Email and Web Hosting, and International Private Leased Circuits. Omantel is the premier broadcast communications organization in Oman and has been bringing people, families, and organizations together for four decades and has effectively associated all pieces of the Omani people group to one another and with the remainder of the world. Omantel has been ranked as the leading organization in Oman for the fourth back to back year in the yearly OER Top Twenty organizations…

Literature Review of Effective Business Communication Issues  During our interactions with other people, we may find some difficulty to get along with, especially at the workplace. A myriad of explanations is available attempting to explain why these tendencies occur, like interrupting, or lack of proper listening skills. Most researchers attribute this breakdown in willingness to communicate to a lack of practical listening skills. Therefore, there is a need to train employees and equip them with practical listening skills to increase efficiency and ultimately improve productivity. Academic research on workplace listening skills is limited because it is currently irrelevant despite the growing need to improve listening skills at the workplace (Flynn, 2008). Flynn further posits that listening is a skill that is highly sought after in potential employees from as early as 1952, according to the Harvard Business Review (2008). Active listening implies hearing and understanding, coupled with the ability to perceive and understand to react accordingly adequately. Active listening at the workplace also entails organizational listening to enhance interpersonal relations between management, staff, customers, and other businesses (Flynn, 2008). Even…

execution, control, and closure aspects of the new communication system of the newly merged University AB Introduction The implementation of a new system requires adequate planning of the various project lifecycle phases. To accomplish this goal, there is great importance of a stepwise analysis of all the parts. In this paper, we shall analyze the execution, control, and closure aspects of the new communication system of the newly merged University AB. Discussion Summary of Project With the merger of University B and A, there is a need to overhaul the communication system of the new university. To enhance efficiency, the new university requires a new outlay of its communication processes. Efficiency looks at reducing costs and improving quick and affordable communication to all stakeholders. To meet this efficiency, there is a need to have appropriate suppliers. The new system will have various features which include a voice over the internet protocol hardware and software, a universal G-suite program by Google, and the use of new smartphones that are adaptable to the new system. Challenges of the Project One of the…

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