Crisis Communication (Please note this Bibliography peer viewed scholarly resources and the resources must correspond with the week. There should be two annotated resources for each week 2, 4, & 6. I will provide my coursework documents for you.) Professional Annotated Bibliography: Two or more outside credible resources associated with the weekly topics. For each resource, provide a 2 to 3 sentences annotation of how the resource can be useful in communication praxis. The Annotated Bibliography has to correspond with the weekly topics of the course, for example, I will be using week 2 Internal and External Communication, Week 4 Apology and Corrective Action Plan, and Week 6 Opinion Editorial piece. For Week 2 Internal and External Communication, the citation need to discuss -Communication Leadership -Stakeholder research data -Organizational Vulnerability -Reputation management For Week 4 Apology and Corrective Action Plan, the citation need to discuss -Corrective Action -Apologies -Scenario Building – Media Relations For Week 6 Opinion Editorial, the citation need to discuss How a Crisis Communication professional Manages activists and radical agendas – Managing social media impact.[unique_solution] Crisis Communication…

Communication in writing Section 1 Notably, knowing how to organize an essay is one of the most important elements in communication as it does not make your ideas and themes clear but also attracts readers.  Writing a good and well-organized essay is a process that requires pre-organization, and proper understanding of the structure and flow of a particular essay (Redman and Wendy Maples, 17). Readers will always be interested in the manner in which you have organized your essay including your sentence transition, the strength of your introduction, and theme presentation among other variables. There is one particular way that one can organize his or her essay to make it more cultivating and interesting.  Notably, an essay has three part; introduction, body, and conclusion. The manner in which one organizes these three sections determines the quality of the essay.  The introduction part of the essay helps in introducing the topic gradually and logically (Whitelock, Denise et al 26). Without an introduction, the readers are likely to be confused, and they might miss the connection between the essay and the central…

Communication in Health and Social Care Introduction Communication is an important aspect of life. Without communication, life would be difficult because one cannot understand what the other person wants or what is supposed to be done is a particular situation. All type of communication has an intended purpose and it is therefore important to choose a suitable way of communication to avoid misunderstanding. Effective communication in a health and social care setting is important so that both the service user and the medical practitioner can have a fruitful interaction. Factors that influence communication and interactions in health and social care environments. There are several factors that can influence communication in a health and social care setting. These factors could lead to either a positive or negative outcome depending on the situation. The factors include: proximity, lighting, setting and noise Proximity. This refers to how near or far the patient is. Close proximity could have a positive impact in that the patient will feel comfortable when speaking. Also, there is some sense of confidence that no one can eavesdrop on the…

Communication and Conflict Communication and Conflict: Workgroup Conflict at Fortress Gaming Fortress Gaming (a new guiding case) is in the final stages of releasing the fourth edition of its most popular game, Red Star. Before the work on the new edition began, Fortress changed its work group model. Previously, groups had been defined by skill area: the creatives (responsible for storyline and characters) formed one, and the technical crew (responsible for graphics and coding) functioned separately. The teams shared no physical or virtual spaces, and only came together to accomplish specific tasks. Within these teams, members worked on Red Star, but also worked on other Fortress projects. Twelve months ago, the teams were re-organized by game product. The new Red Star team includes all employees working on the game, both creatives and techs. They share physical space (in the Calgary office) and virtual space (on the company-wide task management software). They meet regularly in mixed sessions, both in person and virtually, with the intention of developing closer links and more efficient processes. The past six months have been challenging, however,…

Communication process Introduction: Communication is the basic part of the corporate sector, and it has great importance in managerial success. It is necessary for exchanging ideas and feedback among employees and leaders in the workplace. Communication is categorized into different types; among them, verbal communication stands in the first position as it effectively minimizes the misunderstandings. Body: The communication process can be described like the steps that people need to follow to establish effective communication in society. The communication process may vary depending on the place, time, and person. However, workplace communication is considered as the professional one in which employees and managers communicate with each other by maintaining some sorts of etiquette and rules. Healthy discussion can only be achieved through effective communication, and the managers in the organization must promote it. Communication is very much essential for managers to deliver the problems and discuss with their employees about that matter. Managers need to practice several ways to communicate with their employees by understanding their pulses. Effective communication can play a crucial role at the time of crisis. Communication…

  Financial benefits of digital communication Article 1 Oldham, G. R., & Da Silva, N. (2015). The impact of digital technology on the generation and implementation of creative ideas in the workplace. Computers in Human Behavior, 42, 5-11. The authors Oldham and Da Silva have mastered the field of It and its usage in a practical sense. The scope of the paper extends to the use of digital technology and digital communication in the improvement of the organizational situation, particularly the financial condition. It is a peer-reviewed article. Intended audience The authors have chosen the employees of the organizations to be the intended audience. Compare or contrast Innovation at the workplace with strategic digital communication engaging employees can enable the facility to overcome the competition in the fierce market. In contrast to the work of Karanges et al. (2015), these authors did not suggest that internal public relations could improve the financial condition rather than the contributions of the employees. Illumination of work The proposed report has defined how employee engagement can improve the financial condition of the organization with strategic…

Effective Communication Question 1 In all Dr King’s speeches and conversation, the language of restraint was evident. In particular, in his “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” he attempts to reveal his purpose and the envisaged effect through his creative use of ethos, logos as well as pathos. Based on the context within which the letter was drafted, the tone portrays King’s remarkable restraint and composure that is rare. All along in King’s career, several of sceptics accused him of engineering for segregation together with other policies inclined toward racism. Nonetheless, using the power of his tone, he appeared committed to stand for different purposes. In the first place, the “Letter from Birmingham Jail” strictly sticks to King’s eventual intention of seeking to justify his hard stand as being the pursuit of justice. Martin Luther King Jr never wished to validate the deep-seated fears of his audience that the movement championed by the Black was an extremist sect seeking to stir-up violence. Consequently, his restraint earned him a sympathetic audience whereby he managed to declare his firm embraces of tension and extremism.…

Strategic Communication Plan: Effect of Communication in Business           INTRODUCTION   Communication is essential in running a business. It has a very significant role in industry because operations not happen without it.  Since companies are social systems, communication would be very crucial because people need to get information’s through written communication. The following are types of written communication in business management: oral and written communication, email, letter, memo, telegrams, faxes, postcards, and email. If discussions were not there, the organizations would have remain stack; therefore communication is essential in the whole world.  A business manager might be in the USA and still operate his business in Africa by sending emails or faxes. If the companies want to advertise jobs, they simply post online, and people applied them either on their websites or sending applications via emails (Zhu, 2005). State your key message. Do not “bury the headline”-the main point should be presented directly. The primary message of this communication is to improve methods of communication in the business department. Many companies in the world they face a lot of challenges…

Managing Conflict in an Organization Through Communication Managing conflicts in an organization is an essential step towards improving the productivity of the company. It is a critical issue because unmanaged disputes might lead to adverse legal consequences to the company. There are numerous ways of managing these conflicts. However, excellent communication provides the most suitable way. This is because it has no adverse consequences to the company and is easy to apply when the manager has the skills. This article will discuss methods of managing organization conflicts through communication. When a company is faced with a problem of poor performance, it calls out the need for the company to apply the different skills to tackle the problem. However, the different choices of these techniques have various consequences. Good communication help in solving the problem and is the best technique since it has provides the solution with no adverse effects. The use of excellent communication reenergizes the employees of the company to work more hard towards improving performance (Higgerson, 2016). This can be done by avoiding foul language by not calling…

Communication Tips for Residents with Dementia Communication is an essential life skill for people to be able to co-exist well. With no communication, there can be no relationships, and a lot of misunderstandings may occur amongst people. However, communicating with people with dementia can be difficult if you do not understand a few tips. This article explains some of the tips to help you communicate with such people. Dementia is a term for describing conditions and diseases that cause memory loss, language, and loss of other skills that affect the ability of a person to accomplish usual everyday activities. Also, a person with this condition often suffers from mood swings and affects their personality. Therefore, since you cannot change them, you can learn how to deal and live with them with their condition. Here are some guidelines on how to communicate, connect, and deal with difficulties faced when caring for such people. Convey a mood for communication Many people think that words are the only means of communication, while in the real sense, your body language and attitude communicate more…

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