importance of data science and scenic communication Science Communication Background Information Data science is defined as an interdisciplinary field based on the use of scientific methods, algorithms, systems, and processes to extract knowledge and insights from unstructured and structured data. It has a huge correlation with big data and data mining. Typically, data science is a concept that unifies statistics, machine learning, and data analysis so as to analyze and understand natural phenomena Data science employs many skills, which are adopted from computer science, mathematics, and other disciplines. Generally, data science is essential in enhancing the abilities of scientists to communicate with fellow scientists and non-scientists. To show the importance of data science and scenic communication, an article by Stephanie, Xiaolu, and Pernilla will be discussed. The title of the article is “Single-cell tracking demonstrates copper chaperone Atox1 to be required for breast cancer cell migration”. The main research question in the article investigates breast cancer cell migration as a function of antioxidant 1 copper chaperone (Atox1). According to Stephanie et al., copped ions are hallmarks of different types of…

why it is of importance to use feedback to our advantage, and different communication skills can be employed Feedback is an essential tool in our working environments as it helps us develop our skills and improve on them. Whether it is negative or positive feedback from a manager or a coworker, one gets to know his abilities and where he stands performance-wise. When an employee has behaviors or attitudes that are troubling, it is of the essence to give the right feedback. When presented properly, it can have significant changes in an employee and help in building a positive work environment. Similarly, when delivered in the wrong way, it can hurt a coworker and cause demotivation (Sheffield, 2016). This shows why it is of importance to use feedback to our advantage, and different communication skills can be employed: When delivering feedback to a colleague associated with troubling behavior, it is good to start with positive feedback. According to Maier 2016, recognizing a colleague’s strength will help in balancing your feedback and also boost his confidence. He states that it is…

Effective communication between teachers and parents Effective communication between teachers and parents is a positive critical aspect as it influences a student’s performance as well as their quality of life that a student lives while studying. Teachers and parents need to ensure that they actively listen to one another and remain respectful to each other for the greater good of the student. Although this is the case, when it comes to teachers dealing with parents from a culturally diverse community, there are different challenges that these teachers may face. In the end, the teachers have to ensure that they use effective techniques to learn about the family that students come from as a way of learning how to communicate with their parents properly. Cultural differences are one of the primary challenges that teachers experience when communicating with parents. Students come from different cultures and ethnicity, and as a result, this could make it hard for teachers to communicate with parents effectively. For example, while some students come from high context cultures which value close relationships and ensuring every individual in…

Communication Before Death The phrase “Set things in order” has been utilized passively regarding end of life preparations. Many societies adopt a rebellious approach to death, refusing to acknowledge its inevitability until they lose a loved one. Such denial can be characterized by avoidance of contact, reduced verbal exchange, and a general absence of meaningful interactions, thus limiting the opportunities to discuss the concept of death and its implications. However, studies on the psychological impacts of death confirm the worth of final communication and relations for both the victim and relatives. End of life communication can significantly improve the dying process as well as the after-experiences for the grieving. Factors Affecting End of Life Communication Identifying and overcoming obstacles to effective communication during the end of life can improve the lives of relevant stakeholders. Primarily, many cultures, including those of communities in the United States of America, regard death as a taboo or misfortune (Keeley and Yingling 3). Despite the general knowledge that every individual, at some point, must die, people continue to deny death as part of the life…

Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition When deciding on price and quantity in a monopoly market, there are essential factors to consider. First, it is essential to note that there are only one producer and many customers.  This is the case with Tesla in which it is the only producer of electric vehicles, and it has no competitors. Further, due to the lack of economic competitor, Tesla controls the price of electric vehicles. It is the price market price determiner hence decides on the quantity to produce. Lastly, since there are no substitutes for electric vehicles, consumers have no choice and have to buy at a price set by the monopolist. Profit maximization for monopolist implies that they want to increase the difference between revenues and spending. This requires that that look check on marginal revenue (MR) and the marginal cost. If the marginal revenue is more than the marginal cost, then the company is making profits.  It, therefore, means that profit maximization involves equating marginal revenue and marginal cost (MC=MR). (Alexander, 2001). From the graph, monopolist maximizes profits at price and…

LEADERSHIP IN SMALL GROUP COMMUNICATION INTRODUCTION Leadership can be defined as the art of influencing the activities of an organized group in the efforts to goal setting and achievement. Therefore, a leader tries to influence the actions of others in a goal-oriented group activity. A leader must have the ability to motivate others voluntarily. The purpose of leadership in group communication is set to meet three challenges (Surname page 1). These challenges are one, to set objectives, provide strategic direction, and lastly, to provide a shared vision. Leadership is a communication factor and complex of a belief that is associated with a high-status position formally recognized by group members. This paper aims at conducting research on leadership and how it can be applied in small group communication. WHY PEOPLE BECOME LEADERS Leaders emerge because of the situation. Situational contexts that surround a group determine the kind of leaders that are best suited. Research shows that leaders with high task orientation are likely to emerge like in a highly structured context such as a factory. Additionally, relationally oriented leaders are likely…

Communication in Hong Kong Part 1 There are different ways through which students can be encouraged to incorporate stress and intonation in their speech. One of the methods is by identification of the context. The other means to include weight in speech is knowing who the student is talking to, and the number of people in the setting. One of the problems the teacher identified for the students is a failure to note the context. In a regular setting, it is essential to use calm tones, but in a serious argument, it is essential to stress on various factors. One of the tactics that the student-teacher used to show how to use this form of speech and intonation is by offering examples. The teacher provides clear examples of where to include stress and areas where to avoid the same (Microvideo, 2019). An alternative that I can offer the students is having them increase their training by watching more American and the United Kingdom videos to understand the areas where to apply some of these speech tactics. Through an understanding of…

Communication, Privacy and Security Over the years, communication has been a core section in the evolution of man and man-made features and industries across the globe. Media has emerged as one of the most powerful tools to communicate a variety of messages to people in the globe. Various platforms have developed which delivers urgent messages to a lot of people across the world. Media can be described as a two-edged sword. It has both the advantages and disadvantages as well.  However, the paper explores the intense level of development which has resulted in several challenges to nations as well as individuals and private businesses. As a result of this, this study will be standing on the crossroad of communication, privacy and security which happens to be the main topic in the United States which has been dubbed the United States of Secrets (FRONTLINE). This study will be reviewing a FRONTLINE documentary on how the United States has been violating the privacy of many of its citizens as well as tapping into a number of the well-known global private companies based…

effectiveness of unified market communications Introduction Global marketing has significantly evolved with the involvement of digitalized hybrid elements like social networking and social media. The social media and networking services have expanded the range of global marketing opportunities with more integrated approaches of communication through positive word of mouth. The study will analyze the effectiveness of unified market communications, positive word of mouth, and the degree of controlling frequency of shared information. Analysis Improvement of updated technology has paved the way for global marketing concepts. Social media and social networking play a significant role in conveying the organizational message to the target audience (Kasemsap, 2018). It helps to develop a positive word of mouth which can ensure a monumental success to an organization. Yes, it can be argued that social media and social networking are hybrid elements of promotion because of their efficiency in exhibiting the characteristics of products in a more integrated manner. For example,- Nike created an advertising video for social media to inform its consumers about their athlete products in more detail. The exhibition of products and…

 ACONTEMPORARY ETHICAL CHALLENGE RELATED TO THE PRACTICE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS OR COMMUNICATION Overview of Author’s Primary Thesis Nicholas Sandman, a student from Covington Catholic High school, was falsely alleged to have harassed Nathan Philips, a Native American native, at the Lincoln Memorial. With the help of his Attorneys, Sandman decided to sue The Washington Post for what they claimed to be a misrepresentation of facts. According to his Attorneys, The Washington Post unlawfully targeted and bulliedSandman on the ground that he is white and was wearing the MAGA (Make America Great Again) cap during their school trip in Washington, D.C. It is during which Nathan Philips unexpectedly comforted him, beating a drum and singing loudly near his face. Attorneys representing Sandman were asking for $250,000,000 for damages, which is equivalent to the amount Jeff Bezos parted with to acquire the firm. On a different but relevant look at the matter, there is a political dimension towards this case. Bezos is often looked at as President Trump’s critic, while the supporters of Trump see The Washington Post as a collaborator of…

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