: COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA Introduction The banking sector has been in existence for quite an extended period. Even though it began in the 14th century in Italy, the notion had already been practised during the past periods of the Babylonian civilization, whereby farmers used to borrow grains from the wealthy merchants so that they could trade goods in other towns. Nonetheless, banking, as we all know currently, actually started in 1472. during this time is when the Monte dei Paschi di Siena, which is the oldest bank presently, was established. In the not long ago, decades, technology was merely accessible in the banking sector. It signifies that banking clients had no control over electronic dealings or transactions that generally took place amid the banking institutions themselves. The ATM machines, as well as the credit and debit cards, are some of the remarkable inventions in the current decades that revolutionized the banking sector (Brunnermeier, 2019). However, their impacts are less remarkable as compared to the current technology experienced today. Loans A bank can assist in optimizing growth, minimizing risk, and assist…

Question 2 Process and technology for setting up a secure communication session between the main office and a remote office using both symmetric and asymmetric methods.             Symmetric and asymmetric methods are methods that employ the use of symmetric and asymmetric keys for encryption and decryption. Symmetric keys are more classified though the keys are allocated with the users that require them, and they both share the key. Mass encryptions use symmetric keys, for they have the most history in file transfer and offer confidentiality to the users. An asymmetric key is the most used key, for it uses a separate key for decryption and encryption. Anyone can use the encryption key in asymmetric while the decryption key is private; hence only the receiver can decrypt the message. When the two methods are used together, symmetric and asymmetric methods, the communication session becomes secure. When symmetric keys are used alone, they are weak, for, with time, one cannot tell where the original message came from. The reason for the weakness is due to the broad masses that the symmetric key…

Communication in Elderly Care Denmark experiences may challenges. A quarter of the population is over 60, with a life expectancy of 80. The retirement age is 65. Most people are on retirement schemes. Most older people’s care is publicly funded and free. The institution is referred to as a home help system. It consists of caregivers visiting the aged in their homes and providing them with care. Admission to the hospital is made only when their condition is dangerous eg.in Alzheimer’s. Older people undergo a socialization process when entering a care institution. It can be illustrated by looking at how the visit is initiated, how food and drink are “exchanged,”; and how the giving of advice is managed. The initiation of interaction is the first instance in which participants can define their respective identities and their interpersonal relations, for example, entering without waiting for permission may thus be a reflection of familiarity. In principle, food and drink or any other gifts need not be offered, but are there for the taking. Besides, physical disabilities of the care recipient may have…

Personal Reflection on a Communication Difficulty Recently while going for my practice, I came across a young girl just sited alone while filming her surroundings. I decided to check on her to cheer her up or offer any assistance if she needed it. I opened the conservation. Me: Hey, what’s up, are you okay. You are alone. Her: Thanks for asking. I am fine. Thank you. What’s your name? Me: (I gave her my name looking uneasy) Her: I am Gia (smiling confidently). Me: Beautiful name! Her: Are you are a badass photographer because I need to show my OOTD, but I am at home alone. (Silence as she seeks my eyes curiously). This is my best place. I don wanna miss it. My chin dropped because I could not figure out what OOTD was, and secondly, badass was way crude coming from a 10-year-old. I went blank for almost a minute until she interrupted the silence. Her: Sorry, did I say something wrong? I want to be an avid social media influencer for teens, so I have to show…

Oral and Written Communication             Oral communication, alternatively known as verbal communication, implies communication that makes use of spoken words, including people conversing with each other, whether it be telephonic conversations or direct conversations. Discussions, presentations, meetings, interviews, conferences, lectures, and speeches are all forms of oral communication. Generally, oral communication is recommended when direct interaction is needed (Juneja, 2020). Written communication, on the other hand, involves messages that use written words. In internal business, some forms of communication include emails, memos, job descriptions, reports, instant messages, employee manuals, and bulletins. Other forms of written communication used among businesses or with clients include proposals, letters, internet websites, contracts, advertisements, brochures, telegrams, postcards, and news releases. Although written and oral communication vary significantly: they are both effective. Oral communication is most effective when instant communication and immediate feedback is required (Prabavathi & Nagasubramani, 2018). Secondly, oral communication is most effective when the individuals conversing want to keep the subject of their conversation a secret. Written communication can leak secrecy since messages are passed from hand to hand (Prabavathi & Nagasubramani, 2018).…

Project Congregation Development of Communication Methods While the idea of printing begun initially in China, Johannes Gutenberg’s programmed print machine, alongside progressions in printing process and ink, permitted large scale manufacturing and appropriation of composed archives to a wide exhibit of society and not simply socialites (psprint, 2018). The print machine changed how data was gathered, put away, and advanced Johannes Gutenberg’s adjustment of the print machine was at first disapproved of by the respectable class because of the way toward making the print, mass delivered versus hand-inked. The written words were prevalent among individuals with a lower class standing, and because of the less expensive value, the mechanical progression immediately spread (Harry Ransom Center, 2018). The print machine turned into an approach to spread data to immense spectators quickly and without the cost of a hand-inked book. “Gutenberg’s printing innovation immediately spread from Mainz to Subiaco in Italy (1465), Paris (1470), and London (1476). By the start of the sixteenth century, there were around 240 printing shops in Europe” (Harry Payment Center, 2018). Before the print of content, oral…

The deployment of controller-pilot data link communications (CPDLC) in the United States faces several potential risks The technology employed for the communication between the pilot and Air Traffic Services Unit is accessible to hackers. This vulnerability exposes the system to a risk of manipulation and interference than before. The availability of affordable tools such as the software-defined radios has posed a severe threat of system access by unauthorized people. This equipment can monitor and decode messages. This information can be shared on various platforms revealing the aircraft ownership, flight plan and destination. Private and confidential data can easily leak by tapping communication using these gadgets (Di Marco et al., 2016). Below are some of the cyber-attacks against this technology. Eavesdropping: It involves listening to data traffic without permission. It’s the easiest method of attack and poses very minimal risk. Jamming: It involves blocking communication between the communicating parties (Di Marco et al., 2016). A jamming attack affects all the users communicating through the same network. Alteration: It involves modification of information on transit. Modified data is challenging to identify, meaning…

Developmental Changes in Parent-Child Communication throughout Adolescence Annotated Bibliography Glatz, T., & Buchanan, C. M. (2015). Change and Predictors of Change in Parental Self-Efficacy From Early to Middle Adolescence. Developmental Psychology, 51(10), 1367–1379. https://doi-org.db20.linccweb.org/10.1037/dev0000035 Glatz & Buchanan (2015) conducted a longitudinal study to assess the mean-level changes in Parental Self-Efficacy (PSE) and various predictors of developmental changes among parents of adolescents. Using longitudinal data set from 398 parents, the study performed a latent growth curve analysis and hypothesized that “theoretically driven predictors reflecting the developing child” and ecological context could be applied to predict the level of PSE (Glatz & Buchanam, 2015). Although the study recorded high levels of PSE, the level, and amount of change in PSE, the parent had a decrease in PSE during the developmental period of the child. Some of the predictors of changes included physical changes in the adolescent, quality of parent-child communication, target-based anticipations of parents for risk-taking during adolescence, and ethnicity (Glatz & Buchanam, 2015). The study is applicable in the research subject matter, mainly because it shows how increased difficulties in communication…

Business communication D and A Chapter 1 In all organizations, conflict arises, and it is the duty of the conflicting personnel and the management to solve these conflicts amicably without any compromise or any of the party feeling short-changed as it may raise another conflict in the future. In the article Conflict Management: Difficult Conversations with Difficult People by Overton and Lowry (2013), they provide proper information on the benefits of conflict management and resolution, skills used in conflict management, and ways or steps necessary in a successful confrontation conversation. In operation rooms, conflict is described as high tension event which lasts in most cases between one to four hours. The conflicts in the operation rooms frequently occur up tofour conflicts per operation between the operation room members. Toxic personalities exist in the workplace and are described as the people who regularly display behavior that incapacitates individual teams and the organization in the end or over the long term. In managing conflict that may arise in a workplace, a person has to understand their emotional and physical reactions to situations…

Business communication D and A Chapter 5 A co-worker accuses you to ingratiate yourself with the boss I accept I work closely with the boss, but it would be more appropriate if you provide further information on how I ingratiate with the boss in an unprofessional way. The boss is available to oversee what we do, and I cannot do the wrong thing. I would instead consult the boss. Our relationship is strictly professional; any perception apart from that is your own opinion. By providing more information about this point, I will be glad to respond to it accordingly without hiding any detail. Thank you. A hard to please client snaps at you for not returning his phone call in a timely manner. I am sorry for not returning your calls in a timely manner. The delay is associated with finding finer details regarding your queries for more precise response. It would be best if you were a little patient as the relevant team deals with your issue. It would be inappropriate to call you without any explicit intervention to…

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