Information and Communication Technology Information and communication technology influences many workplaces, which involve the use of computers to process data. Computers and software are used to manage information through management information services. Managing information includes storing data, protecting, transmission, and successful retrieval of information. Information technology contributes to service design to improve the services of an organization and the interaction between the service provider and its clients. Information technology includes the system of engagement technologies, such as the internet of things and real-time interaction management and systems of insight technologies. Also, Artificial Intelligence and supporting technologies, such as security automation and analytics, contribute to service design and the interaction between service providers and the customers. First, the Internet of Things (IoT) comprises of devices connected to the internet that can communicate with each other to transfer and process data. By connecting these devices with automated systems, information is gathered, analyzed, and action is created. IoT allows devices to communicate across different networks by bringing them together and develop more interconnection through the sharing of data (Ranger, 2018). Smart devices and…

Effective Health Communication Campaign Introduction             Every health communication campaign aims at changing how the public thinks about their health and simultaneously provide them with resources and incentives to improve them. The health communication campaigns are formulated with an ecological model. The approach takes into consideration the physiological health variable, cultural, and social factors that influence health on different levels. The reason why the Truth Campaign succeeded with Youths Truth exposed facts about the health and social outcomes of tobacco use and marketing strategies of the industry behind it. It exposed the daily death toll from tobacco use outside significant tobacco company’s headquarters (Farrelly, Davis, Haviland, Messeri & Healton, 2005). This exposure influenced Youths’ behavioral outcomes for tobacco use. However, The Anti-Drug Campaign appeared to be unsuccessful because they did not add anything significant from the large quantity of anti-drug messages that youth were already receiving. Events in the Campaign that caused the Results             Truth campaign improved their previous research by implementing a pre/post-quasi-experimental design that controlled for potential threats to validity, such as secular trends in smoking prevalence,…

ethical communication skills This is a case of the lady jane, who worked for a position of estimates. She was more interested in higher salary and appraisal than the current work that she was supposed to do. Jane was working at the customer department, assisting in the creation of bids for the customers. She never knew whether she was an average performer or in case she was a top performer since whenever there was an appraisal meeting called by her supervisor called martin, jane was never given any feedback about her performance level. The issues that were not addressed to her were her performance, her progress, and what was expected of her. So she did not worry since she knew that after her two years of experience, she would get a new position as her fellow friends had. Little did she know about the expectations of martin. She wanted to hold higher positions like her fellow estimates, but she was not ready to work up the ranks. Jane waited for the two years to elapse to have an appraisal without…

Proposal of how communication is inherent in specific health care area Each student will propose a topic for your final paper exploring how communication is inherent in specific health care area (example: the role of patient-provider communication and medication adherence among individuals living with HIV). The proposal should focus on a specific health topic that is narrowly focused. Focusing on a problem in your own city or locality will be beneficial but is not required. Proposals should be about 1.5 to 2 pages long.                                                      25 points.   Due March 11, in the dropbox, by 11:55 pm   Your topic can be anything related to health, illness, health policy, health laws, veterinary health, mental health, etc. You can address mental or physical health, injury, chronic illness, etc. You can also focus on animal health, which I would love to see, if anyone is interested. An example could be the stigma attached to dogs who are of the “bully breeds” and the resulting negative treatment they experience. Another could be the role of communication in convincing owners of the need to…

THE IMPACT OF SMARTPHONES ON COMMUNICATION Can the basic interpersonal communication model be used as an aid in understanding the impact of SmartPhone usage? If so, how? The basic interpersonal model can be used as a tool to explain the impact of the usage of smartphones. The reason is that the model comprises of four concepts that play a significant role in the usage of smartphones. The concepts are (Pettegrew & Day, 2015) Communicator – this concept can be mapped on the usage of smartphones to represent the person who is currently speaking on the smartphone. The receiver – smartphones represent the person that is receiving the call on a smartphone. Perceptual screens – it refers to the media through which we interact with people during communication. The medium determines the quality of the conversation, accuracy, and clarity of the communication. In the usage of smartphones, this concept can be mapped to the smartphone. The gadget will determine the quality, accuracy, and clarity of the communication. How have Smart Phones transformed how business people communicate concerning fulfilling their job responsibilities?…

 Nevada System That Eases Communication And Makes Auto Shipping Process Smooth Description: Nevada automobiles are carefully handled for shipping anywhere in or out of the country. guarantees the secure delivery of your vehicles affordably, efficiently, and less costly. Keyword: Nevada Significant Part Of Our Fleet Is Extensive, Nevada Vehicular Capability To Haul Vehicles, Nevada Car Transport Solution With Augmented Trailers, Nevada Comprehensive No Hidden Cost For Car Transport, Nevada Peace Of Mind With Our Logistics Management Team, Nevada Shipment’s Scheduling And Organizing For Safe Auto Delivery We Carry Out Nevada Car Transport Operations 24 Hours Seven Days A Week Our less than a truckload shipping dispatch arrangements will suit your small size car with securing and strapping included, and’s communications and tracking network utilizes state of the art technology to keep you fluently in the loop. During your car, van, or SUV transport, a continental system of dispatch and logistics keeps all aspects moving in complete synchrony to wherever your vehicles are being moved. Your car cargoes are supported by the car carrier’s mechanical suspension that utilizes ten…

Lesson Plan: Communication Skills Introduction Linguistic is mainly a tool for communication. Learning communication skills is essential, especially for students who would pursue a career that deals with dialogue such as journalism. Skills in communication are crucial, but yet most of the students do not have the essentials. Communication skills lessons enable the students to get factual information while different activities such as group discussion and presentation allow the students to practice the skills learned factually. This lesson plan covers the sub-topics in the unit of communication skills unit, which by the end of the group, the student will be well equipped with the skills and ready to practice them. The main section in the unit that enhances excellent communication skills is listening skills. Objectives The main objectives that this lesson plan covers fully are to help the students to understand both problems solving and communication skills. Also, assessing both the spoken and non-spoken ability of the students. Furthermore, ensuring that the students have been equipped with reading, listening, and response skills. Duration The duration allocated for this unit is…

The impact of Nurse’s communication device on a patient Personal communication devices that include smartphones, tablets, and computers owned by individuals, inclusive of healthcare providers offer unrivaled convenience in our day to day activities. Personal communication devices have impacted positively on health care by reducing stress, improving unity, and cohesion among the team members. PCDs also improve one’s ability to focus on work. The use of these devices, in general, can improve the quality of health care as long as it obeys HIPPA laws. However, these devices, in like manner, offer a negative impact on health care. These devices have led to increased cases of adverse effects in healthcare provision. They pose increased instances of medical errors, misdiagnosis, and negative performance, mainly when a nurse uses PCDs to reply to texts when administering service to the patient. The ethical and legal implication The use of personal communication devices like phones and tablets by the majority of nurses for clinical communications, then they stand at a risk of violating HIPPA laws and other related federal laws. If the health providers are…

Effective communication in a healthcare Communication is very vital in delivering safe and effective care. Most of the major incidences of adverse health outcomes arise mostly due to communication failure (Bagnasco et al., 2019, p.457). It leads to ineffective care and could also lead to severe health conditions for the patients or death. Therefore, communication is very vital during a patients`stay in critical care as well as when a patient is being transferred from one department to another. In the emergency department, various health professionals work as a team to save lives and to offer patients optimum care. According to Blackburn et al. (2019,p.31), there were more than 400 serious safety incidences involving poor communication in Australia between the years 2017 and 2019. There are also hundreds of minor occurrences that occur but are rarely reported because they don’t result in severe consequences. Additionally, poor communication has led to more than 1744 death of patients in the last five years in Australia alone. The malpractice costs arising from incidences of poor communication between healthcare workers are more than 1.8billion over…

Works Cited Khalil, Salman, et al. “Impact of Playing Violent Video Games Among School Going Children.” Indian Journal of Community Health, vol. 31, no. 3, July 2019, pp. 331–337. EBSCOhost,,shib&db=a9h&AN=140237292&site=eds-live&scope=site. In the article, a study is conducted on determining the prevalence of video games among school-going children. A sample of 400 adolescent were subjected to the study. However, the research revealed that 83.75% of the sample played video games, and 62% loved to play violent video games. The research indicated that children who played violent video games have a higher chance of becoming violent.   Riddle, Karyn, et al. “‘ It Lets Me Fight the Bad Guys’: An Exploration Into the Factors Predicting Enjoyment of Violent Video Games.” Communication Studies, vol. 70, no. 1, Jan. 2019, pp. 36–58. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/10510974.2018.1438490. In the article, It Lets Me Fight the Bad Guys Riddle, and Karyn researches to find out what motivates people to watch a violent and nonviolent video. The study involved sampling of people watching violent videos and those who watch nonviolent videos. The later results indicated that watching violent…

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