ways that managers and leaders use communication to guide their organizations For this assignment, you will research the different ways that managers and leaders use communication to guide their organizations. Feel free to use the same organization you researched for the Unit VI Case Study. You are not limited to this organization, but it may be easier to complete the assignment since you have already researched the organization in Unit VI. You can use the same sources for both assignments, if applicable. BBA 2026, Organizational Communication 5 Find an instance where the organizational leader communicates directly with his or her employees, investors, or customers. Analyze the message, the channel, and the potential for feedback. Do you believe that it is effective? Do you believe that it is the same type of message that a manager would send? Why, or why not? Remember to focus on the communication styles of both leaders and managers. Strive for an equal balance between the two types of communication styles in your assignment. Example: The Apple events that occur in Cupertino whenever Apple unveils a…

Problem Solving and Communication In each institution, leadership plays a leading role in steering the organization towards attaining its goals and objectives. The leader represents the company and what it stands for among its peers and other stakeholders. As such, their responsibility goes beyond running the day to day activities within the organization. While there are desired academic and experience credentials needed before an individual is appointed or voted in as a leader of an institution, there are skillsets that leaders must possess to perform their tasks. Communication and problem-solving skills are core skills that leaders must possess and know-how to disseminate. This is because, in times of crises, effective communication, and problem-solving make the difference between adequate mitigation of the issues at hand or disintegration of the organization to levels, it cannot recover. This essay draws attention to how leaders can best address conceptual blocks. According to Whetten and Cameron (2016), the barriers to unproductive thinking include having one viewpoint, the unwillingness to seek alternative perspectives, the definition of a problem using inconsistent ways as well as the lack…

Managerial Communication Chapters 13 Use the narrowed topic you chose in Activity Sheet 8 and your search results to write a 5-page trend report in APA documentation style. Your trend report must include sources found at the college library. Follow the steps below to complete your trend report. Imagine that you work for a company that is seeking recommendations on how to solve a business problem or overcome a business challenge related to the narrowed topic you chose in Activity 8. Jot down a clear statement of the business problem. Keep in mind that your report will be saying to top management “Here is the problem we are having, here is what I found, and here is what I recommend we do to solve the problem.”[unique_solution] The only aspects of your report that will be factual are the trends, facts or best practice. You can fashion the rest to complete the report. Write a 5-page trend report. Use APA formatting.* Your trend report should follow the outline below. Include descriptive first level headings in your report. Cite your sources. Executive…

ACCOMMODATION COMMUNICATION THEORY Introduction Communication theory, just like the known communication discipline seems to have a long history, but when evaluated and analyzed, it has a little past. Through Checking on communication as a discipline, it is traced to date from the year 1950s, whereby it started in the US. In this case, it incarnates several cognate fields such as the German Zeitungswissechaft also named the newspaper science. Considering on US communication field, it is clear that the first readers that involved using textbooks can be based and referenced on the communication theory. Through analyzing the history of social sciences, communication theory seems to have an account and thus was used during the early period by collage and on other media-related activities.  However, the communication theory was first claimed to be used in a speech by the rhetoric scholars in the year 1960. During this period, the different campus started using the communication theory as based on the social sciences as an organized filed though it was an infant subject. Meanwhile, to comprehend and disintegrate communication as a theory, the…

Role of Communication in Organizational Crises. This paper will introduce a special issue about the crisis of communication, and it aims to bring together diverse methods and approaches in the field of analysis. In this paper, we are going to discuss connection in the pre-crisis (issue management) and the post-crisis (issue management). There are some significant theories too that overlook at this crisis communication and their approach in different methodologies. Through contrasting and comparing the crisis communication, we would know much on rich diversities in the branch of business communication and its characteristics. The research on communication can give different meanings depending on the type of approach you used in your study. Communication affects the society in which the organization operates, the organization, stakeholders, and employees. The crisis occurs in all industries, organizational structures, and social contexts, and they are generally disruptive and unexpected to the routine functioning of any organization. Crisis varies depending on the extent of damage, the degree of company responsibility, the number of stakeholders, and the kind of industry involved. For instance, a crisis that occurs…

Communication between hearing-impaired patients in radiologic technology Abstract Hearing-impaired patients form a significant percentage of the United States population. Some seek health care while other cases remain undiagnosed and endure the hard times with their conditions in society. The radiologic technology department is among the healthcare departments that provide care and services to hearing-impaired patients when they seek diagnostic procedures to aid their diagnoses and treatments. While in these departments, the front line healthcare provider that hearing-impaired patient will interact with is the radiologist who will provide consultations services, conduct a physical examination, and finally take the patient through the diagnostic procedure. During these interactions, the radiologist enters in a therapeutic relationship with the hearing impaired patients, which require effective management to promote outcome. The radiologist must explain to the patient the procedures after acknowledgment and introduction, meaning the two must objectively converse. Some hearing-impaired patients may communicate but cannot hear. Others may have more problems and only hears when or respond with the help of hearing aid or assistive devices. Some cannot completely talk or hear, thus use primarily…

Communication in business Introduction Communication refers to the act of relaying or exchanging information from one person or group to another by the use of a mutually understood medium. Communication can be through speaking, writing, signs, and symbols and a medium such as a telephone, television, and radio. Management is the process of organizing and controlling people or things within an organization to achieve specific goals. Communication in business is very vital because achieving goals is dependent on how one uses the information they have to plan on the best course of action that is to be taken. Employee engagement A lot of work in terms of research has been done about employee engagement, and business scholars agree that employee engagement is not a stand-alone subject because it is drawn from psychology and organizational behavior. There are multiple ways in which employee engagement can be looked at. The forms include; behavior, cognition, and effectiveness. According to Kahn (1990), personal engagement refers to “the harnessing of organization members’ selves to their work roles; in engagement, people employ and express themselves physically,…

DIFFERENT WAYS MANAGERS USE COMMUNICATION TO GUIDE THEIR ORGANIZATIONS                                             INTRODUCTION Communication is the act and process in which people pass intended meanings from a particular entity to the other, through words, sounds, signs and many others. In each organization, communication is essential in the realization of the organization’s goals and visions. Most importantly it enhances a clear understanding between the team’s management and all the employees. Managers and leader typically operate the teams. Managers are the highly positioned professionals in the organizations who deals with particular challenges and changes due to the current situations. Leaders in any organizations are the people who concentrate mostly on the overall view of the organization and try to expand the standards of work by motivating, mentoring, and building relationships with employees for the realization of the long-term goals. There are various useful forms of vertical and horizontal communications that managers use in organizations. Verizon Wireless, a leading mobile operating network in the United States of America, uses various ways of communication to pass the crucial information to their employees. The CEO, Lowell C.…

Healthcare Communication   Obesity is a complex healthcare issue that involves an excess increase in body weight due to an excessive amount of fat in body tissue. Not all people that are fat are considered obese as there is a measure of the condition. Obesity is determined by the use of the body mass index (BMI). BMI is the weight of an individual divided by the square of their height.  When the BMI is over 30kg/m2 then he or she is considered to be obese (Dudhamal, & Patil, 2017).  Notably, obesity increases the likelihood of other conditions and diseases such as diabetes, depression, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The condition is mainly caused by lack of physical activities, excess food intake and genetic susceptibility (Mehrabani, & Ganjifar, 2018). Obesity is mainly manageable by a combination of both personal choices and social changes.  In this regard, change of diet and exercising are the major treatment approaches for the health condition. Also, medication can be used to reduce the level of fat intake and suppress the appetite of the patient. In extreme cases,…

Social Media and Oral Communications Introduction Social media itself isn’t word of mouth — it’s one way that word of mouth spreads. #wordofmouth. This hashtag shows how powerful social media has become in conveying any message. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter cannot replace word of mouth, but they have characteristics that word of mouth has. This essay discusses how social media is a hybrid marketing element that combines traditional and digital marketing. Characteristics of Social Media Social media has many forms of communication. There is the use of pictures, written message and short videos. Such means of communication share the same similarities with the traditional way of word of mouths. For instance, speech and the assurance that your message has been received. In addition to the conventional speech communication’s, social can spread the voice and video messages to many people and at the convenience of the receiver. This is one quality that makes social media better than word of mouth. A video message shared on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter will live there for as long as the sender wants and the…

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