The Impact of Communication in Healthcare Sector   There is no doubt that communication is critical in the healthcare sector. Physicians have to convey their diagnostic results to the patients; they also need to inform the patients on the best way to take care of their health conditions. At the same time, patients need to be in touch with their care providers whenever they detect any anomaly. Different scholars have proposed different views on the issue of the significance of communication in the health care sector. It had been presumed that the communication approach in the healthcare facility is general for all patients. However, Hyatt (2015) suggests that delicate patients, like the LGBT community, need a special type of communication. In the article “Improving LGBT Healthcare communication,” the author sought to find out how specialized and effective communication would help in improving medical uptake by the LGBT group and other patients with special health or social complications. The author conducted stratified research on the LGBT community through an interview survey on sexual orientation and how they perceived the approach by…

COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE Introduction The annotated bibliography aims at identifying the critical role played by communication competence in the healthcare industry. As such, a relationship between communication and performances by the nurses would be developed as a strategic approach to managing healthcare problems (Włoszczak-Szubzda & Jarosz, 2013). Also, the annotated bibliography provides a deep insight into the use of modern developments in technology as a means of improving communication between healthcare providers. Such platforms are increasingly being used to spur information sharing between relevant stakeholders, such as the nurses in the healthcare industry. The structure follows the recommended guidelines while writing in APA format with proper citations. For every annotation, a comprehensive summary based on the research findings is provided while outlining the target audience in each context. Kirsebom, M., Wadensten, B., & Hedström, M. (2013). Communication and coordination during the transition of older persons between nursing homes and hospitals still in need of improvement. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(4), 886-895. The article outlines the importance of communication and coordination while providing healthcare services to the elderly. As such, the authors stipulate…

Corporate Communication Strategy Corporate communication strategy can be described as a particular plan of action developed within an institution and focused at implementing essential organization objectives, mission as well as vision and attain long-lasting success. The establishment and evolution of the communication strategy within a particular institution may be described by several phases and practices that the institution should implement. The phases might contrast based on the organization and its industry, as well as the objectives that the organizations have set to accomplish. An effective corporate communication strategy is fundamental to ensuring the most recent, concise information happens to be always accessible and is forwarded to both internal as well as external audiences. To build an understanding of an organization and also, to improve its reputation with individuals whose attitudes and practices impact the success of the organization, a corporate communication strategy framework happens to be necessary. Henceforth, the present study focuses on evaluating the corporate communication strategy in Connolly Hospital as well as to propose effective communication strategies that may be implemented within the organization to accomplish its objectives.…

How Communication Influence Behavior Change             Communication is one of the essential factors influencing employee’s behaviour, and perception towards the organization. Communication enables employees to understand what their organization wants as well as changing an individual’s attitude and thought process. In other words, it influences greatly in the change of one behaviour in an organization environment. Informal communication informs an employee in the organization in understanding the perception. Through this, managers understand the behaviour of their employees by addressing the different problem they face in the daily operation of an organization. Through informational communication, attitudes towards organization management change, especially when there was the communication of change in the organization being administered. The way managers employ different strategies of communication gives the employee an understanding of why given change is being communicated. This approach, in turn, influences the attitude of the employee towards management when they understand the benefits of a given change in the organization they work. This helps in changing the overall behaviour of the employee in an organization. Similarly, informal communication plays a critical role in influencing…

Effective communication with today’s Athletes & Positive Discipline             Achieving better performance and positive discipline for both athletes and coaches in sports requires a mutual understanding and connection from both within and outside the field. The attitude portrayed by the team members towards the leadership with their coach is essential for shaping and promoting their sports performance, even when faced with challenges. Communication in sports is crucial between all parties involves; hence, achieving unity among them is essential. The paper, therefore, exhumes the effectiveness of coach-athlete relationship, type of communication portrayed in the field, the personality traits and individual differences, gender differences, and student-athlete involvement in promoting effective communication with today’s athletes and generates a definite discipline. The coach-athlete relationship is essential for creating effective communication through a secure and mutual interpersonal relationship between them. The coaches and their athletes must have a shared feeling and emotion towards one another in the field. In essence, the coach-athlete link is crucial in ensuring that both parties achieve success for their efforts in the sport (Mageau & Vallerand, 2003). The relationship between…

Developing Strategies for Overcoming Communication Apprehension Capture the idea that your paragraph will be about YOUR new barriers to an accurate self-concept. On this part, I will capture the idea of overcoming communication barriers to gain confidence.  For I to gain confidence, I should avoid self-defeating assumptions. This is the ability of me thinking that I can’t do it the act of fearing to speak out my ideas. This barrier has affected me on recent moments whereby I find it hard to speak out when being with others. I decided to change my perception and gain the confidence to communicate my views when in the company of others. The other barrier that I want to capture is the perception of the thing that my goals are too big. The gap between a giant target and today’s reality can be depressing. I learn that confidence originates from small repeated wins. I decided to set small goals that I could win that help me gain confidence. I thought to myself the idea that for one to be the winner, he/she has to…

Communication             Communication as a tool that plays a very integral role that keeps projects on tasks. A project manager is expected to guide every aspect of a project, which also includes a communication plan. Understanding all parts of a procurement communication plan is vital. This particular plan is essential to each project since it outlines all expectations concerning when and how communications will take place in the whole project. Proper procedures that are solid gives room for higher consistencies concerned with how a project gets handled in the hands of a project team. This particular step ensures that every stakeholder receives the same kind of information based on project needs and necessary changes required. Regular project communications yield productivity since individuals feel highly valued by project managers (Tadele, 2019). Good communication plans allow project managers to effectively lead their team in a direction that will boost the achievement of every desired outcome. Without a proper communication plan, a project might not achieve its targets, leading to a massive collapse. Another importance concerned with a communication plan is the fact…

Analysis of Interpersonal Communication in Green Book Interpersonal communication is the process of sharing information, thoughts, and emotion, and this can be through verbal articulation or non-verbal communication techniques such as body language or gestures. In other words, the social world can be creative and alive as a result of interpersonal communication. People can function in groups and teams as they work on different projects due to their ability to communicate and understand one another regardless of the means that the person uses to pass the message across. The effectiveness of interpersonal communication can be seen through the relationships that are shared between closed ones such as family members and those of people in romantic relationships. These relationships are also known as personal, and its mainly because they impact a person directly. Wood (2015) defines that “a relationship defined by uniqueness, rules, relationship dialects, commitment, and embeddedness in contexts. Personal relationships, unlike common ones, are irreplaceable” (194). These types of communication impact on the choices that people make, including the process of making decisions, especially in contemporary times. Communication is…

Communications in Air Traffic Control Communication refers to the transfer of information from one entity to another. The intention of communication is delivering the message to the recipient in the same terms as the sender intended. Communication is a very crucial element in the field of aviation. It greatly determines the safety of operations in aviation. In air traffic control, traffic controllers use radio as a medium of communication. Communication in ATC takes both verbal and non-verbal formats. Verbal communication facilitates cooperation between pilots, air traffic controllers, cabin crew, ground handlers, ramp operators, airport operators, construction workers, security, airline staff, civilians, and a collection of many other airport specialists. Miscommunication, poor communication, and technical glitches in communication in air traffic control have been the cause to blame for the plane crashed and the deaths of over 2000 people since the mid-1970s (Joao, 2019). Given the gravity of communication in the field of air traffic control, it is necessary to learn what role communication plays in the area and what entails effective communication in air traffic control. Roles of Communication in…

Communication Skills and Stress Every person experiences stress; it is defined as a body’s reaction to both internal and external experiences. The reaction might cause strain to the individual emotionally, either mentally or physically. Stress sometimes can have a positive impact since it aids the body in protecting itself against danger. Stress can trigger motivation, which leads to productivity. Moreover, stress is also experienced when one gets a job promotion. The chronic stress, which hurts someone, is a result of anxiety. The anxiety is because of expecting a problematic situation or experiencing one. It is, therefore, necessary to manage stress,to avoid severe issues concerning the health of the individual. Stress affects the communication of an individual. Some of the symptoms experienced during stress include increased heart rate, tightening of muscles, and increased breathing rate. During diagnosis, some of the signs include headaches, low immune system, sweating, and stomach upset. If the stress is not managed, it becomes chronic. At this stage, it can cause high blood pressure and other heart diseases. Moreover, stress has adverse effects on the communication skills…

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