Organizational Culture in Kinder Morgan Introduction Organizational culture is defined as all the values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization. These values and behaviors can affect an organization either positively or negatively. Positive organizational culture motivates the employees who in turn increase their productivity and this translates to a profit for the organization. On the other hand, a negative organizational culture demotivates employees, reduces their productivity and this becomes a loss for the organization. An example of an organization is the Kinder Morgan company that has a large employee number. Kinder Morgan is one of the largest energy infrastructure companies in North America. It deals with natural gas as well as refined petroleum products, crude oil, carbon dioxide and other energy products. Kinder Morgan has as estimated 11,000 employees across all branches. This paper will look at how organizational culture of Kinder Morgan company and how it has affected employee performance and the organization as a whole Based on the organization you selected, describe the organizational culture, applying concepts from the course.…
Analysis of affecting factors on patient safety culture in private and public hospitals In response to the journal published on December 30, 2019, patient-safety culture has been outlined as one of the most effective ways of providing quality services in healthcare. Studies on patient safety culture have been on rising due to increasing levels of errors, which have caused adverse effects such as death to a large number of sick people. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Medicare activities have created tens of million injuries and deaths among the sick (Khoshakhlagh et al., 2019). For instance, in the USA, 44,000 to 98,000 hospital deaths are caused by hospital errors every year. In developed countries, it is estimated that errors from care practitioners lead to injuries for 1 in every ten patients (Khoshakhlagh et l, 2019). As such, the issues relating to healthcare errors need to be rectified through the introduction of an efficient patient-culture. Strategies on development of patient-safety culture The management of healthcare should define the patient-safety culture as part of their beliefs, behaviors, norms, and values. Such…
Popular culture Popular culture entails or promotes some aspects of racism in society. As we learned last week, popular culture implies a set of practice and beliefs that are generally accepted in society. It further involves objects that are dominant and prevalent in a community in a given time. Popular culture is about activities and feelings cultivated due to human interactions. In many ways, racism has been promoted through popular culture. Today, the most current popular culture is entertainment which involves activities such as movies, music, video games and television. Other forms include sports, technology, fashion and slang. Popular culture promotes racism in many ways. For example, let’s look at the presentation of women on television in North America. Most advertisements over the TV in the region are done by white women who are believed to be more beautiful than black women. The aspect of women beauty is idealized in a specific direction in the context of race. By using only white women in the entertainment industry, televisions shows and advertisements is a shred of valid and concrete evidence that…
racial politics expressed in popular culture In what ways are racial politics expressed in popular culture? How is whiteness presented as the norm in North American culture? Racism is prevalent within popular culture, as was discussed in the week study. In many ways, racism is presented through popular cultures in most societies. Through an examination of the effect of idealized norms of women’s beauty within the context of race, it is clear that racial politics are dominant in popular culture. For example, let us look at the standard presentation of the beauty of women in the television, movies or any other advertisement, in most cases, the women presented are shown to be white and not coloured people. This is a valid and concrete reflection of racism in popular culture. Lichtenberg (1998) noted that when the television organizers present whiteness as the only norm with powers and ability to be beautiful as shown, a diverse perspective is developed that only the white women are beautiful. They are given the privileges and power to overrun the beauty seen in other women of…
Creation of a corporate culture Abstract Introduction Every business operating in different locations across the world is faced with the challenge of cross-culture. The difference between a successful and unsuccessful organization lies in the ability of the organization to manage the corporate culture aspect. Creating an organizational culture is unlike any other business endeavour. Usually, it involves creating an intangible set of indirect rule and ideas that are hard to manage. A healthy corporate culture values each employees working for a team in an organization regardless of the job duties, which do results in the organizational employees work as a cohesive team to meet the organization and their personal needs. The challenges of the creation corporate cultures are often amplified when employees work in multiple locations, but there is the tactical decision that can make an organization’s employees feel even more aligned with the vision of a company. Influential corporate culture will keep turnover rate low, productivity high and employees happy whether they are in the company’s headquarters or half the work away. This reports looks at the leadership…
CONTEMPORARY POPULAR CULTURE Overview: We analyze many things in our world on a regular basis. This is your chance to delve deeper into the analytical process. Your task to analyze a specific element of contemporary popular culture–a film, TV show, song, book, podcast, piece of art, etc.* While a rough draft is not required, I strongly suggest you carefully plan your writing, complete a draft, and engage in focused revision before submitting. I am happy to give you feedback on your ideas or draft if you wish. Final drafts will be processed through Turnitin. Be mindful to submit your own original work that has not be submitted for a previous class. Format: Write your analysis in MLA format–four line heading, header with last name and page numbers, double-spaced, one-inch margins, Times New Roman, and a Works Cited pagewhich should include the specific piece you are analyzing). Integrate quotes, paraphrase, and cite sources according to MLA guidelines.[unique_solution] Directions: Write a 800-1375 word (3-5 page) analysis of one of a specific piece of contemporary pop culture. First, select a contemporary (meaning something…
cultures and divisions in terms of our skin colour, mode of dressing or religion The society comprises of different cultures and divisions in terms of our skin colour, mode of dressing or religion will always play a significant part of our identities are defined. Smurfette’s Roots by Rachel Klein explores the idea of otherness in how society is tailored to judge and behave towards a specific community. The author examines how smurfs have been used to depicts the identity of Jewish Women and sexualize them because of their distinct physical stature. The smurfs which were brunette and had a long nose were used to illustrate a person who has come to destroy the male-population of the male smurfs and bring chaos to the community (Klein). According to the author, the “evil brunette” was used to sexualize the Jewish women living in Europe because they attracted men by casting some form of a spell. The idea behind the smurfs was to create a sense of “others” because some people claimed that the Jews was in fact, not white. The desire to…
Reflection Question: How Culture, Disparities of Health, and Health Equity, are Relates to Public Health Field? Culture is a type of symbolic text where behavior, substances together with beliefs of human being interrelate together in some ongoing dramatic production which presents issued and the notion of definition of a specific society. Health disparities are defined as the gap that is there when accessing health services in different populations. Health disparities occur as a result of inadequate education, low income, poor housing, unhealthy environment, mortality rate, lack of health insurance, morbidity, among other factors. Health equality is defined as social justice, where all the patients are given regular health care despite their differences in terms of capability to pay for medical expenses. Finally, public health is defined as a vital role within the health equity movement. It is meant to ensure there is equality and that all services needed by the patient are conducted smoothly. The definitions of the three terms have a connection with the public health field. First, culture is among the main determinants of the field of…
A reflection of “A theory of mass culture.” By Macdonald, Dwight The “A theory of mass culture,” by Macdonald argues that two cultures have characterized the western culture for the last 100 years. According to Macdonald, these row cultures include the Mass Culture (Popular Culture) and the High Culture. The article argues that Mass Culture growth starts as early as the 1800s, and the factors which perpetuated its growth are well known. Advancement of technology is a core contributor to the growth of the Mass Culture in the western world because it led to the cheap production of music, pictures, periodicals, and furniture, just mentioning a few. The development of technology led to new media such as television and movies, which are well adapted to mass distribution and manufacture. More importantly, Mass culture is regarded as a continuation of the Old Folk Art (the common people culture) until the Industrial Revolution. Gresham’s law in culture is one of the striking contents in the reading. This law dwells on the differences between High culture and Folk Art on a fair correspondence which…
Transforming Culture with Truth Culture includes the customs and social behavior of a certain group of people that entails their way of life. The introduction of Christianity has seen to it that a significant shift in the culture has occurred with some aspects of culture being under attack for contradicting the Biblical truths. Most religious leaders and scholars argue that having a biblical understanding can restore culture to the point where everyone is viewed as having true worth and value. With the power of culture to influence human behavior, it, therefore, takes the biblical view to pervade culture to transform it through various practices. Carrying out evangelistic works in the community is one of the practices that can help in transforming culture. Evangelism is the act of publicly preaching the gospel truth to the members of the society. It can be done through preaching in churches, holding seminars, or even moving from house to house preaching to the people. The main intention of evangelism is educating the masses on what religion says on what is right or wrong. It thus…