Popular Culture in East Asia Elite/High Culture Elite culture in East Asia defines a higher class of the populace that was characterized by wealth, prime education, fine art and music, and greater access to healthcare. The elite went to top schools and was armed with specialized skills. This made the elite more entitled to leadership positions with little interactions with the normal populace. The elite owned businesses, worked in enviable careers like the doctors and engineers, and lived in the classy suburbs of the country. Elite culture sought western methods of healing from illness and shunned the more traditional herbal medicine of East Asia. Elite people maintained shallow familial relations but instead encouraged close ties with like-minded people. They cultivated the relationships to last a long time under mutually beneficial circumstances. Popular Culture Popular culture made up the larger population of East Asia. They remained bound to traditional ways, and their education included the study of basic things. Popular culture promoted popular music, which was much different from the taste of the elite. The culture maintained their respect for…
The rise of a “Me Culture” The rise of a “Me Culture” in post-socialist China has been necessitated by the high number of Generations having knowledge in computer technology. The millennials in China are more educated than their parents, thus seek to develop a high level of individuality and self-expression. Thus, the article develops an insight into the increased usage of personal blogs by the Chinese youth relative to numerous developments in technology (Sima & Pugsley, 2010). So, the authors depict that China’s youth have increasingly utilized blogs to exemplify their symbolic identity as a form of self-identity. Therefore, the Chinese Gen Y bloggers have developed unique notions on consumerism and individualism, which have been crucial elements of entry into the post-socialist age in the Asian country. Hence, the article probes some of the motivators into the increased blogging practices by the millennials. The video shows that Gen Y in China has a low saving rate, which nearly reaches zero but has developed an unprecedented trend to purchase global brands compared to their cautious parents. Consequently, the millennials have contributed…
What is corporate culture? How is it formed? How is it sustained? Explain your answer The corporate culture can be described as the norms, believes, stories, and the experiences which define the companies or the organizations. Corporate culture can also be defined in terms of the management-employee relationships, and how they perform the tasks, they are assigned. Culture is said to be formed over the long period through the business strategies which are constantly used within the organization. The culture may also be during the strategic management period when the business is starting. Those strategies may, in turn, become the culture when regularly used. The culture is sustained when it is helping the business meet its long term goals and the objectives. It is also sustained through healthy communication between the managers and employees. In this case, the managers should understand all the corporate cultural dimensions before they transmit it to the employees. The newcomers in the organization get aware of the culture through training. Review 6-4 Why do some managers have difficulties in delegating authority? Of…
Sustainable Tourism & Indigenous Cultures Prepare a Written Report broadly and thoroughly evaluating the impact of a tourism activity and provide recommendations for enhancing its future sustainability. (Mainly in Australia) 1) Include reference to relevant international agreements, declarations, codes of conduct and similar policy and planning instruments relevant to sustainable development, sustainable tourism and indigenous cultures. 2) Include reference to at least ten (10) quality articles (academic, peer-reviewed, books, quality journalism) – if you wish you can include references from the publications you used in your weekly Learning Log. 3) Be approximately 2500 words (not including title page, contents, tables, diagrams list, reference list). 4) Use APA referencing style https://library.bond.edu.au/help-support/information-skills-tools/referencing 5) Use Arial or Time New Roman with 1.5 line spacing. 6) A reference list includes the details of all the resources you have quoted or paraphrased in your assignment. A bibliography includes details of all the resources you used to produce your assignment, including those you did not quote or paraphrase.[unique_solution] Sustainable Tourism & Indigenous Cultures Prepare a Written Report broadly and thoroughly evaluating the impact of a tourism activity and provide…
how sex scenes in movies have impacted popular culture for the past century Sternheimer explores how sex scenes in movies have impacted popular culture for the past century. He gives the example of Rudolph Valentino obscene sexual actions such as “passionate kissing, occasional female nudity, and sometimes even orgies” (Sternheimer 142). This shows that as early as 1920s sex existed in media and Hollywood, early stars have always been involved in scandalous behavior. After Arbuckle reported homicide cases, religious leaders were concerned that the influence of popular culture would outrun the young people’s familial and societal obligation. The “code” sought to censor more than sex, such as barring interracial relationships to maintain morality in society. Yes, I believe Hollywood has sharply gone off-limits in terms of representing sexuality, where it shows engagement in careless sex is a definition of sexual freedom. The recent controversy surrounding sexting among the youth has been on the rise, with many children being accused of sending raunchy pictures on social media. The sexting has been controversial, with several suicide-related death been facilitated by this new…
ANCIENT CULTURES Objectives: Use mental maps to visualize the location of an ancient civilization Use research to compare mental maps to actual locations You have studied a little about oceans as a geographic feature. This lesson includes rivers, which are another water geographic feature. You have, no doubt, heard of Ancient Egypt, the Tigris River, the Nile River, and the Mayan Civilization. However, many people cannot really “picture” where these civilizations were located. Can you? Think about how people who lived along the Tigris and the Nile Rivers depended on the rivers for their living. Directions: Use mental maps and research to answer the questions below. Part A Ancient civilizations developed around the world. [unique_solution]Using your mental map, answer questions #1-4. 1. Mesopotamia, the region between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, is on which continent? 2. The Nile River is on which continent and empties into which body of water? 3. The Yucatan Peninsula, seat of the Mayan civilization, is on which continent and separates which gulf from which sea? 4. The Huang Ho River (once known as the Yellow…
The Effects of Technology on Oral and Written Culture Folk material delivery, especially storytelling and other folk sculptures like drama, in the past few decades, has writhed proper perceptions and in-depth analysis. This is because they were grim to comprehend or convey contextually or even manifest the same information to printed text and still maintain their efficacy to the informer. Due to this, they suffered from a lack of sophisticated electronic devices like cameras and videotapes, which could be used to record the performances. Most of the traditional activities are only based on the existing environmental circumstances, which were beyond storage and retrieval. To maintain cultural beliefs and customs, it’s essential to ensure such information is passed from generation to another. Failure to create storage materials, traditional ideas are rendered meaningless. The development of electronic devices has created an enabling environment for highlighting the intricacies of contextually centered performances aggregated to the artistic roles in oral narratives. The urban legend is a genre of folklore comprising of the stories assumed as accurate, especially if it has happened to a…
Deaf Culture Report Sign language has existed for over 200 years since the early 1800s. The language has evolved through the integration of different signs accrued over time to form today’s ASL. Children born deaf have grown in a society that has forced them to believe that they live in a soundless world because they cannot hear. The children have no choice but to accept it as the norm and to obey their guardians who were listening and without prior knowledge of ASL (Vpro World Stories, 2017). Sound is common in their lives, and as much as their ears cannot perceive sound waves, they have learned to rely on the non-verbal cues: body language and facial expressions from people around them. People assume that because deaf people cannot hear, they move stealthily like cats. However, this claim is false because they are human and are expected to make sounds when in motion for others to respond (TEDx Talks, 2012b). It is actually the expectation that deaf people are clumsy and make so much noise when moving. They have, however, had…
Healthcare Organizational Cultures The concept of organizational culture is instrumental in the understanding of an individual’s behavior within an organization, given that they are tasked with the management of external demands as well as internal social changes. According to Ball et al. (1995), organizational cultures include the expectations, experiences, philosophies, and values, which are the guidelines of how an individual should behave within an organization. It is prudent to note that it defines what is appropriate in any given situation, the interactions of colleagues at the workplace, and also the extent to which the health care providers within a particular healthcare facility identify with their organization. This paper shall, therefore, seek to analyze a case study concerning organizational structure and leadership. In light of the provided case study, the organizational culture of Central is adhocracy culture, while City’s organizational culture is the hierarchical structure (Sulkowski & Sulkowska, 2015). It is prudent to note that organizational culture can affect the employee’s learning activities, as well as their satisfaction and motivation levels. Additionally, a supportive organizational culture will help an employee to…
Caribbean Global Culture The Caribbean is, according to Richard Hillman, an important part of global culture and the global economy. Many U.S. residents, however, see it as a kind of DisneyWorld with white sands and cheap liquor. What is your impression of the Caribbean as a result of our study and readings for this week? The Caribbean has a global culture that, in most cases, is misrepresented or interpreted. Besides being the provider of sun, sands, and brews, it has other major art and culture that is celebrated globally. The long period of colonization and oppression is always expressed in their music, art, and literature. The writers from the Caribbean islands are recognized both globally and at home. For instance, Derrick Walcott of St. Lucia won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1995. Besides literature, Caribbean music had a major influence on global society. For instance, the Rastafarian movement, which was founded in 1930, has been adopted both globally and locally (Hillman, & D’Agostino, 2009). Singers such as bob Markey, Erick Clapton Beres Hammond, and peter tosh revolutionized the world…