Organization Culture and Organizational Structure Zendesk Inc. is one of the leading players in customer service software business alongside the likes of Freshdesk. The firm is headquartered in San Francisco, California, in the United States of America (Zendesk, 2012, 1:56). A constituent of the Russell 2000 Index, Zendesk is listed on the New York Stock Exchange represented by a symbol ZEN. Zendesk is among the most successful business today and it is unquestionable that the bulk of its success has emanated from its corporate culture. This paper assesses the organization culture, competitive advantage and organizational structure of Zendesk in a bid to understand its path to greatness. Organizational Culture Also known as corporate culture, organizational culture is characterized by the underlying values, dogmas, assumptions, and ways of interacting within an organization, which contribute to a unique psychological and social environment of the firm (Principles of Management Module 9). Zen’s first core value team orientation. It has various departments such as the engineering team and the support crew just to mention a few (1:03). Thus, the firm organizes its practices along…

literary culture and history POEMS / PASSAGE (available on Blackboard under Assessment Material):   John Donne, Sonnet 10 (“Death, be not proud, though some have called thee”) William Blake, “Holy Thursday” [I & II]   Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “Kubla Khan”   William Wordswoth, “Nuns Fret Not at Their Convent’s Narrow Room”   Marcus’ speech to Lavinia (Titus Andronicus, II.iv, 11-57)[unique_solution]   You are strongly advised to read the Stallworthy chapter, “Versification” (on Blackboard under Assessment Material), before attempting this assignment.   LENGTH: 900 words   DUE: WEEK 6 (Friday 7th April)       Rationale:   This close reading exercise is designed to assess your skills in critical analysis and close reading of a text.   Students will choose from a selection of passages in response to one of a choice of three questions. Students must engage with the passage on the basis of both its context of production and reception, with an eye to genre and historical period, as well as its semiotic, technical components.   The task is designed to develop skills in literary criticism and critical thinking…

Deaf culture identity             Various people from different socioeconomic and geographic backgrounds are affected by hearing challenges. Guidelines to asses and manage hearing loss in children have evolved from a failure-based approach to an Evidence based practice (Winiger et al, 2016). Despite this milestone, very little research has been conducted on children diagnosed with minimal hearing loss (MHL) and how to address the needs of these children. Children with hard of hearing constitutes almost 65% of children with hearing impairment. The purpose of this paper is to expand our understanding on the importance of identity development in DHH children. The Herrera family is an example of a family with a hard-of-hearing child (Lathom-Radocy, 2002). Their daughter, Angelica was enrolled into a toddler program at a nearby school for the deaf after she was diagnosed with unilateral hearing loss. After getting her cochlea ear implant, Angelica has demonstrated great progress and is soon set to start preschool. Her teacher notes that Angelica still needs to be evaluated to determine her areas of need in preschool. It is equally important for parents…

Economics In Pop Culture Why did you choose this particular example of economics in pop culture? Why did it resonate with you? I chose Vinnie Paz’s Writing on Disobedience and Democracy as he chronologically gives details to several economic situations that took place in American history and the politics behind them. Economic inequality, especially among people of color, is emphasized in the song. Paz explains how President Reagan got rid of benefits for the poor, which mainly consisted of people of color, to fund the war. The effect trickled down to unemployment, where about thirty million people were unemployed. What do you think the creator was trying to express, and how did s/he accomplish that? Paz was trying to educate people on what really took place historically, the things not accurately taught in classes. He wanted to show that the economic inequality that is taking place in the current world against people of color has a historical aspect. He accomplished this by narrating the events chronologically, giving the problem and the cause. What are some of the benefits of using…

Differences in Culture and Diversity In the modern era, there are economic changes, growing population, and behaviors in the organization that reflect culture and diversity in workplaces. It is likely where there are more than two employees differences in background and culture that may arise in the workplace. The culture and diversity were nothing of value, but through organization behavior, employers have placed importance on it since it may affect the performance of work by employees. Some organizations have organizational cultures that are meant to guide practice, shape values, and attitudes. On the other side, those organizations have a high value on diversity, which means every individual is treated separately. The differences between culture and diversity are elaborated below and the impact they have in a working environment. Organizational cultures are the values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment in the workplace. Culture applies to two different areas which include the staff culture and the workplace. All these do influence each other and plays a significant role in the momentum for the business. A culture…

Culture and Caring Theories Which of the Culture and Caring Theories Most Resonates with You for Your Practice as an NP? The culture and caring theory that resonates with me for my practice as a nurse practice is the Jean Watson theory of human caring. How Does the Theory Integrate the Nursing Paradigm?   This theory encourages nurses to focus more on caring for their patients as opposed to curing the condition the latter have. The theory believes that the field of nursing differs substantially from medicine. While medicine focuses on curing patients, nursing aims at caring for the patients. According to Watson, her theory of caring entails nursing caring for self and others, using caring to forge transpersonal relationships, reflection, and developing caring moments (Butts & Rich, 2018). As such, Jean Watson’s theory views nursing as a field of practice founded on caring relationships that benefits both the clients and nurse professionals and which transcend the restoration of the patient’s health. What Parts of the Theory Do You Identify With? To begin with, I resonate with how Jean Watson’s…

Culture issues and trends in healthcare Introduction Culture be described as shared or learned behaviors and beliefs that can be passed from one group to another or from one community to another. Culture includes ideas, thoughts, communication styles, how people interact, people relationships and roles, practices, customs, and values. The fundamental aspects that shape culture include race, gender, language, nationality, and ethnicity. Still, it may extend to special social status, occupation, sexual orientation, mental ability, and other factors (Betancourt et. el 2005). These aspects can be described as sociocultural factors, which modifies or values in our day to day activities, for example, the influence of culture in the health sector. Culture is attributed to affect the healthcare system across the world. The health care sector has a credible input toward the achievements of 2020 goals and strategies by participating in general health, the social well-being of the people, and the whole society. In developed countries, Health policy is much concerned with improving while assessing the worth of health care services. In particular, the United States has articulated concerns over quality…

Organizational Culture Introduction Good leadership promotes a culture of excellence that improves the quality of services offered. Such a culture also builds a good relationship between shareholders. For instance, competent leadership in health care improve the quality of care that is given to patients and ensure respect and dignity of patients is maintained. One of the methods of ensuring a culture of excellence in health care is by onboarding all health practitioners and support teams to the mission and vision of the facility. Every employee should be conscious of the values of the organization for them to work towards excellence. Characteristics of Culture of Excellence Culture of excellence in health is defined as an approach that encourages everyone working in health care to pursue improvement in the quality of service delivery. The strategy focuses on maintaining the values of the organization as well as working towards a shared vision. Any organization that wants to achieve a culture of excellence has distinct characteristics that differentiate it from any other ordinary organization. The first characteristic is shared values, mission, and vision by…

SINGAPORE’S APPROACH TO MANAGING CULTURE AND CLASS Introduction Singapore’s initiatives to manage culture has been facilitated by the presence of different ethnic groups in the country. Hence, the nation has been compelled to develop a common national identity taking into consideration the cultural heritage and beliefs of the diverse social groups. The Singaporean government has developed initiatives to create sense into cultural studies since its independence in 1965. As such, culture in Singapore has been utilized as an attempt to create a national identity through an authoritarian approach. The government has taken upon itself to promote culture relative to the response from its citizens on nation-building initiatives. Thus, the state has adopted distinct popular national discourses to allow for further liberalization on the importance of culture in the modern Singaporean society. Therefore, Singapore has utilized a cross-cultural approach to managing culture and class since its independence. Singapore’s approach to managing culture and class differences Singapore’s government has developed a multicultural landscape to help manage culture and class disparities experienced in the island nation (Ortmann, 2010). The state articulates that managing…

Culture and Perception: Hispanic/Latino Different cultural groups conform to a particular identity, which is symbolically represented in the cultures, language, values, communication pattern, art, pastimes, architecture, behaviors, societal systems, and relational roles. These symbolic representations differ considerably via a culture’s media, the United States media, and academic research or literature. Besides, channels of mass media significantly impact intercultural communications, interactions, as well as perceptions. This paper examines these lenses of cultural identity as they apply to the Hispanic culture. Hispanic or Latino are terms denoting to Americans tracing their roots to Spanish countries. Hispanics include Cubans, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, South, and Central Americans. Latinos, on the other hand, are Spanish speaking individuals of Latin American descent. Hispanics trace their origin to a collectivistic norm where responsibility becomes shared, group activities are dominant, and individuals assume collective accountability. Kemp & Rasbridge  (2004) posit that the patriarchal and traditional structure of the Latino/Hispanic families grants the highest authority to the father or the elderly male. Total submission, however, is expected from women. The Hispanic culture considers becoming ill is a more significant…

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