Role of Culture in Influencing Social-Economic Growth of People Introduction There have been several correlational studies that have been done to establish the role of culture in the social, economic growth of a given people or society. Most of the studies that have been done have stated that positive cultural underpinnings have a key role in the promotion of social, economic development of people hence the need to understand how vital the culture is in spurring economic and social growth of the people. There have been cases where cultural practices have been described as limiting. There have been several countries that have relied heavily on their socialistic cultures which have certainly ended up lagging when it comes to the social-economic development. In such societies, people try to do things as a society as opposed to individual success (Pudianti et al., 2016). This is to mean socially, they may perform quite well, but when it comes to the other aspects, it may surely have been indeed different in the capitalist society. A huge number of people in the case of East…
Traditions and Cultures of Egypt Introduction The name Egypt is part of the folklore in many societies that many young people associate with so many different things. It is indeed hilarious unbelievable that many people still think that the things talked about Egypt in the bible are still the same. Imagine a case where Pharaoh is your leader, and the pyramids are part of history, this is what Egyptian culture has had to offer for several years. I have had the pleasure to learn about the Egyptian culture firsthand; hence I have a great recollection of some of the key facets of this unique and great culture. There are key aspects of culture that I managed to learn. One of the most fundamental things that I would like to concentrate on would certainly be the fact that the Egyptian culture has three main segments. The most vital segment is religion. The second one is indeed the issue of family and family structure as well as food. There are other minor aspects of Egyptian culture, such as hospitality, among others. Based…
Leisure and Culture What is Conspicuous leisure Veblen explains that human beings can choose what they do with their time, and this affects the way they perform. He states that previously in the earlier days and societies, people were more concerned with creating something tangible. The main aim was to strive to become productive in all that one did, as this was a labor class that needs to be well defined, and there was a need to create a better society. But as the society grew and people got wealthier, there developed a social class who had all they needed and thus felt no need to ensure their creativity. Leisure is described as any activity that is done, and that does not yield any visible productivity that is tangible. Conspicuous leisure, as defined by Veblen, refers to those activities that people engage in just as a means of displaying their social status. This was a result of the growing social class, and it is purely motivated by social factors, as they always aimed at making other people aware that they…
Introduction to Hispanic Culture Why I am a cultural being According to Brook Peterson, Culture refers to what is both socially and morally acceptable in a given community. It contains the dislike or disgust for a particular moral behavior which is attached to aesthetics of the community (Brooks Peterson, 2014). Each human is termed as a cultural being simply because they are attached to a certain belief which either in one way or the other, dictates on the mode of operation. For instance, each one of us has a common language which we use to converse with our people on daily basis. Consequently, we are brought up by being introduced to different kinds of foods which are unique, only for our community. Also, we have different religious beliefs and practices which differ from one community to the other. Travelling from one community to another may be difficult to someone, unless is well conversant with the culture of the new land. Brook Peterson continues to argue that our intelligence is a product of our culture and thus the reason as to…
INTEGRATION PAPER-IMPACT OF CULTURE OF CAPITALISM The major part of the world observes and has been following the culture of capitalism. The culture has not just extended in the business world, but it has also expanded in the making of organizational and government principle s. The net effect of capitalism in different societies is that it has increased business activities and made people adopt ownership of property and industries. Capitalism has reflected as one of the most necessary cultures for innovation and a growing world. However, societies that uphold the culture of capitalism experience resistance and protests and massive opposition[1]. The culture is believed to have vastly negative environmental, economic, social, and political effects[2]. Consequences of the culture such as inequality, hunger and poverty, financial instability, population growth, environmental destruction, and corruption have been rampant in capitalistic societies.[3] Capitalism has been witnessed to be dealing with the problem it creates to some way since it supports and enforces democracy, rallies for the empowerment of marginalized groups; it seeks for equality and seeks government support[4]. The culture of capitalism has created…
Consider yourself as a manager in a modern workplace with diversity of experience and cultures Details of the Assignment Consider yourself as a manager in a modern workplace with diversity of experience and cultures. Using theory to support your answer, prepare a report that explains, critically evaluates and justifies the techniques you would use to motivate your employees. Work should be underpinned by theory, examples and supported by extensive references. Students should use the readings and many web sources provided as well as the material to which reference has been made in the lectures. Your own supported synthesis and interpretation should be offered. Learning Outcomes to be assessed This assessment assesses how well you can do the following (as outlined in the module specification): • Understand and critically evaluate theories of leadership, motivation and change management and their effective implementation in an international context. • Understand and critically evaluate theories of managing diversity and their effective implementation in a cross-cultural context. • Promote a professional and ethical approach to organisations. [unique_solution]Key Skills to be practised / assessed This assessment assesses…
CROSS CULTURE MANAGEMENT National culture National culture is the way people do their things and they believes that they have (Adekola at el 2016). National culture is a vital aspect when it comes to community development and the creation of projects in a specific country, especially when working from outside countries. Like Jones in the Tanzanian dam project, involving the community in decision making was a meaningful gesture that helped to make the sound go ahead without interfering with their daily activities or working against what they know best for their country. Therefore, respecting the culture of other people is a paramount thing. Jones, when he was deployed for the construction of the dam and his businesses, he had to get support personnel who will help him in meeting the speculations of the dam. There are formal guidelines that he had to do in order to meet the lifestyle and ways that they used to conduct their issues (Bird at el 2016). There are practices of putting the Nation ahead , considering development apart from self-gain was one of the…
What are the differences between the US and China cultures Cultural activities vary from one country to another and therefore the US and China show a definite perspective of differences in their cultures. Generally, in all societies, there is something that motivates people to act in a similar way. Things that motivate people include; money, achievements, recognition, satisfaction, comfort, and security among other things. But each culture achieves this by following different paths. In every society, people are driven by something to behave the way they do, the way they talk, wear, how they judge what is wrong and right and several other deeds. China has a culture that dates a thousand years back and it has been noted to poses a unique sense of individuality and it has managed to preserve its uniqueness despite there being numerous influences from outside the country. The United States is a society made up of different people with different cultures because of its high percentage of immigration to other countries. It’s said to be ethnically and racially diverse. There is no one culture…
How does the Popular Culture Stereotype You? Introduction Popular culture, also known as pop culture, is a set practices and beliefs that are dominant in a society at a given period of time. Culture changes from generation to generation with each generation exhibiting a different culture from the former. Pop culture also includes the feelings produced by the people as a result of interactions with the practices and beliefs. This implies that the culture one is born to will greatly influence the way one thinks and performs day to day tasks. The areas that pop culture exhibits major influence include entertainment, sports, news, politics, fashion, technology and slang or language. These trends are propelled by social media and by seeing the way other people are living, one feels the need for an upgrade in lifestyle in order to keep up with the trends. For instance, in fashion, earlier like in the 19th century there was a dictated dressing code for each gender where men and women had different dressing modes. This is quite different from the 21st century where everyone…
Culture jamming The Washington Post ran a media piece about the graffiti that was scrawled along the walls in the subway stations, city buildings, roadsides, and billboards. These graffiti held statements and specific drawings that are very impactful when admiring them up-close. The Washington Post described this graffiti as a form of advertisement. Culture jamming refers to the practice that is meant to disrupt the nature of people’s everyday life and the observed status quo using art and satirical or comical acts. The nature of subvertising, just like the graffiti, is a form of culture jamming which relies upon the traditional advertising models, which are meant to target the customers in a setting that is public. This public setting is done for the purpose of reaching as many people as possible through a single means of art. The advertising industry keeps changing, moving from the ordinary and mass targeted billboards to the individualized spheres of the internet where people can easily engage with the advertisements. This transformation of advertising tactics will affect the future of culture jamming. Advertising companies are…