Problems that low-income countries are facing due to the coronavirus outbreak. The coronavirus disease, COVID-19, an infectious illness first reported in Wuhan, china towards the close of the year 2019, has spread to about two hundred and four countries, making it a global pandemic. Currently, infections from the disease stand at approximately one million persons globally, with a fatality of about seventy thousand (Lloyd-Sherlock et al. 2020). However, the impacts are more severe in low-income countries, LIC, compared to developed countries. Lockdown is almost impossible in these nations since a majority of their population must work daily to afford food. Quarantine in some of the overcrowded settlement areas is also tricky. Low resources and lack of enough borrowing capacities among governments in LIC make it hard for them to deal with the pandemic (Sansa, 2020). This paper focuses on problems faced by these LIC as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. Also, possible solutions on how to deal with the crisis and the role of the developed nations. LICs are experiencing a shortage of resources to deal with the pandemic.…
The different types and scope of business organizations The major types of organization include: Sole trades Partnerships Limited companies Franchise Licensing companies Joint ventures The sole trader This is the most common type of business ownership and has a wide range of activities (e.g. plumbing, electrical work, catering, construction).No ambiguous paper work requirements to start a sole trade business. Decisions can be made quickly and close contact can be kept with ones ‘customers and employees. All profits are enjoyed by the owner who has the responsibility and mandate to build up his business enterprise. It has some disadvantages .As a sole trader one has to make all decisions by himself, working long hours to achieve the business needs which can be even risky if one gets ill. You also have to provide all the finances by yourself. As sole trader you need to act a jack-of all –trade. This may be unrealistic in that one cannot have all the business skills required just because they are electricians for example. The partnership An ordinary partnership is formed by two…
INTEREST GROUPS INTRODUCTION Interest groups are associations of organizations or people that have equal interests or common concerns and are organized formally in order to influence the public policy towards to their favor. These groups vary in terms of purpose, size and tactics, the essay however focuses on political interest groups that try to influence the public policy through their representatives to states. They engage in processes such as lobbying to influence legislation. Political candidates obtain their funding from different sources; amongst them are interest group that contribute largely to their finances. Focusing on finance, insurance and real estate sector; they have been in the lead in funding campaigns of federal candidates in the recent years. Insurance companies, securities and investment firms, real estate interest and commercial banks offer huge amounts of money to parties and candidates(). This sector initially contributed equally to both parties but as from 2010 it tended to bias the republicans. In the year 2014, this industry contributed half a billion dollars to political parties and candidates alike. Out of all the contributions 62% were given…
5W event assessment for Vehicles and Violins Vehicles and Violins organized by Calgary Motors Dealers Association Charitable Fund Vehicles and violins is an annual event organized by the Calgary Motors Dealers Association Charitable Fund (CMDACF), a body formed by the Calgary Motors Dealers Association (CMDA), which is aimed towards providing a better healthcare and educational facilities to the community of Calgary on behalf of its dealer members. Since 2000, this gala has been held every year to raise money for charitable causes. To date, more than four million dollars have been raised successfully by the patrons, members, and donors who have attended the gala and donated. The event is held as a part of an auto show, and the guests are allowed an exclusive view of the auto show prior to the normal exhibition. They are treated to various hospitalities, including dining and entertainment. Auctions are held for donations and raising the fund, and the guests are encouraged to participate in them. This year will mark the 21st anniversary of the event, and the funds will go to Discovery House,…
Blockchain Domains Starter Guide: What Are They and How do They Work? Ever since the introduction of blockchain, the world has seen the technology disrupt various sectors and industries. With blockchain having some commendable success in fields such as supply chain management, health care, and others, experts seem keen to explore other areas where the innovation could come in handy. One such area is domain name registration. Although the internet has been evolving over the years, web hosting and domain registration haven’t had many changes over the years. However, software companies are now looking to change the industry using blockchain domains. Blockchain domains are still a new concept. However, given the technology’s success in previous use cases, we can expect the domains to be a hit in a few years. So, what are blockchain domains, and do we really need them? In this starter guide, we will explore all there is to these domains, how they work, and what benefits they present. Keep reading for some insightful information on the same. What are Blockchain Domains? The simplest definition is that…
Giving out to OLCP Giving and happiness are deeply interconnected. One common religious phrase states “There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. When people offer something valuable, whether in money or in-kind, the world becomes a better place. Everyone always has something to give another. In the end, both the giver and receiver feel satisfied. It is this thinking pattern that inspired the One Laptop per Child project (OLPC). The not for profit organization seeks to promote digital education of poor children across the world, particularly in developing countries. The American organization was founded in 2005 by Nicholas Negroponte and had its headquarters in Miami, Florida. The goal of OLPC is to provide children with low cost and low-powered devices called XO laptops. These computer devices are integrated with hardware and software that children in self-learning. Since its inception, OLPC has transformed the lives of millions of children in over 40 countries in Latin America, Asia, and Africa (OLPC, 2020). Digital education allows children to connect with their peers all around the world. The best way…
Brexit and the coronavirus pandemic “It’s been fifty years since Brexit and the coronavirus pandemic, but England wasn’t able to recover economically. England fell into a recession and then into a depression. The nation that once ruled all the international seas now has one of the highest crime rates. This is because of the massive unemployment caused by economic depression. The place that was affected the most was London. The area where I grew up. I grew up in Newham London, the borough with the highest proportion of people living under the poverty line and the borough with the most exceptional crime rate. There were 2 million documented crimes last year. The police don’t care about us, poor people; they don’t care about anyone; they only care about money. They act as the watchdogs of the rich. You won’t find any of those wretched police officers around here, only around the gates of the wealthy industrialists. There is no order in this country, and there never will be. The vicious cycle continues for us, while the rich bathe in the…
programming and how people are getting obsessed with it You have probably heard about programming and how people are getting obsessed with it, but what is it? Programming is when you give commands to the computer using words that the computer can understand. Programming has been on-demand later. Most students now want to acquire knowledge to get the necessary knowledge required for web design and development. How to learn to program fast Learn by doing – New subjects are coming up every day, and just going through a course or reading concepts and leaving it at that is a big mistake. You need to practice what you have learned so you can familiarize yourself with it. Of course, you’ll scratch your head during your first days, but there’s no hurry, you’ll catch up when you do more practice. Get the fundamentals/ basics – Now, learning is a process, and you need a formula. Learning the basics will help you in a better understanding of complex stages. Most students who usually rush through the fundamentals don’t get…