Thomas Nagel′s book What Does it All Mean? A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy  The second paper is on a point that Nagel argues for in the second five chapters of the book. Like the first, it must be 3-4 double-spaced pages long. (Again, don′t ″fulfill″ the requirements with, e.g., extra-wide margins or extra-large font.) And, again, it needs three parts, as follows. The first part is a very short introductory paragraph that states a point Nagel makes in the second five chapters of the book, and that states whether you will agree or disagree. The point can be any point he makes, as long as he gives a number of reasons why it′s true (since, as you will see below, the first half of the paper is made up of his reasons or evidence for this point). The point need not be a quote. This first paragraph will look something like this: ″I agree (or disagree) with Nagel when he says that the moon is made of little mice.[unique_solution]″ You must either agree OR disagree, but not both. And…

 Freud defines narcissism  Freud defines narcissism as an adoration, an individual gives himself when in light of being objects of desire. He further argues that every human being possesses this trait in their development. According to Samuels (2019), 1914 was a critical year for Freud to develop his theories on narcissism. He says there are two types of narcissism which are primary, which exists in all human beings and is present from birth. In contrast, secondary narcissism occurs when an individual turns the affection; they have on objects to themselves. For example, the mother’s love for her children is a result of primary narcissism. This trait makes a person to seek self-preservation due to their inability to show appreciation to other people and hence show it on themselves.  Freud argues that in childhood, an individual is driven by different forces; for example, the sex drive, and the need to self-preserve. As people grow in life, their primary narcissism tends to shift to objects because of the much conflict within an individual. When this happens, an individual becomes cut off from…

The Power Distance The aspect of power distance showcases that the people in a society are not equal per se. It showcases that attitude towards the element of culture based on the existing inequalities. Power distance showcases the extent to which the lesser powerful societal members and the organizations in the country acknowledge that the power is unequally distributed. According to Hofstede insights 2020, Netherlands has a score of 38 on the dimension of power distance. This showcases that there is a Dutch leadership style in the country. Other prominent characteristics of power distance in America include; Independence Hierarchy gets established for convenience There are equal rights The superiors in the state are accessible There is a coaching leader There is proper management which facilitates and more so, empowers the electorates Power is decentralized correctly, and the leaders are accountable Individualism The primary issue that gets addressed by the individualism dimension is the level of interdependence. In this respect, it has to do whether people regard themselves as ‘we’ or ‘I’ (Hofstead Insights, 2018). Thus, for the individualistic society, people…

Motivating factors of companies behind international expansion MNCs wish to expand or grow their operations internationally due to a range of reasons. Internal factors of companies influence some reasons, while external or political ones motivate others. However, the company should consider market trends, foreign country regulations, and the degree of investments required before expanding globally. Highlighting the common factors Cultural differences – Culture plays a huge role that MNCs cannot ignore while expanding into new markets. Again, cultural differences of one region motivate companies to expand in another region in order to ensure growth. Before expanding globally, the company is supposed to understand community values. Increasing profit margins– Companies are always focusing on adding customers and increasing revenues. In other words, the executives are keen to take the next opportunity and increase their customer base (Weinzimmer, 1996). Therefore, profit-making becomes one of the essential factors behind expanding its geographical boundaries. Cost reduction – Companies often wish to relocate their offices in order to reduce costs and conduct operations by getting closer to suppliers. The company might get benefitted from doing…


Our Own Kind

Our Own Kind Our Own Kind (2013) by Ann Pancake is a classic review short story and non-fiction written as a parody to the continued increase in the writings of vague pressers and authors who do not fulfill a reader’s desires. The story dwells on the feelings of a thirteen-year-old girl whose reaction to every event is considered manly (Pancake 34). While her brother loves the underworld, keeping it to herself and his books, the character is a go-getter and is more active than her brother. The author presents several themes from the book. They include sexuality and family. Sexuality plays an essential role in the story being the first theme the author presents in the book. She states that his brother is viewed as gay by most people. In one instance, she is asked in school why she is straight, and her brother is not (Pancake 37). She fears that in college, the students would call his brother a fag. However, she does not cast too much clout on the issue but mentions it another two or three times…

The Construction Process in the United States              Reconstruction was necessary for the history of America’s civil rights movement. It took place between 1865 and 1877. During this period, the law and the constitution were rewritten to guarantee the protection of black’s human rights. The people of colour from the south had suffered under the white who used violence to rule. The 14th and 15th amendments were the bases of the reconstruction process (Foner, 2015).  However, reconstruction failed after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. His predecessor Andrew Johnson was unable to sail through the process as envisioned by Lincoln. People of color, especially from the south, were not rescued from slavery. The white ruler continued with their brutality and prosecution. All the federal troops from the south were removed in 1877, leading to former Confederate officials, together with previous slave owners, becoming very powerful. They later passed the black codes with the help of the Supreme Court. Black codes were the most offensive legislation in the history of the United States’ human rights. Besides, other anti-progressive rules such as…

Political actions to improve LGBTQ health Nurses can advocate for the LGBTQ population and convince the federal governments to allocate funds for extensive research on LGBTQ populations. In-depth research on the vulnerable population is necessary for the provision of quality health services, just like other populations. The nurses can also involve in political advocacy on behalf of the LGBTQ population and their associated families for equal rights when it comes to matters of surrogacy and related decision-making. There should be no form of discrimination when it comes to visiting loved ones undergoing hospitalization. The LGBTQ group deserves fairness at all dimensions of life. The general health of the LGBTQ population is vital and should be catered for just like the other populations considered normal in society. Forms of discrimination are likely to discourage the group from seeking health services and, subsequently, death. Nurses should participate in efforts to formulate public policy that is specifically geared to improving health access to the culturally sensitive that is aimed at improved access to culturally sensitive populations, including the LGBTQ (Ding et al., 2020).…

“Paris is burning” “Paris is burning” is a film documentary from the United States that was directed by Jennie Livingstone. The documentary was filmed in the 1980s and captured the balling culture of New York City. It also captured the partying lifestyle of the Latino, African Americans, and the transgender communities that lived in New York. The movie captures the elaborate structures of the ball competitions that involved contestants adhering to particular categories and themes. The contestants were obliged to walk on runways like models and are judged based on criteria including their talents in dancing, the beauty of their costumes, as well as the realness of their drag. In the film, several members of the ball scene are interviewed, including Pepper LaBeija, and Dorian Corey. Most of the participants represented their houses. The house culture gave them a sense of support and community, especially for the flamboyant and the socially shunned performers. The crossing and shifting between genders among the drags are well-played out in the film. Through the various interviews and ballroom scenes, Livingstone underscores the different kinds…

The Deteriorating Usage of Death Sentence Ancient communities have historically sentenced people to death for offenses committed against an individual or a society. Contemporary legal frameworks in different nations also utilize the same approach. A notable similarity between both eras is the preservation of death for specific crimes only. Such constitutional requirements as the proportionality of punishments to the offense committed require juries to conservatively use the death penalty to avoid over-chastising a defendant. However, while legal frameworks allow the death penalty in certain circumstances, its use has significantly declined over the years. The depreciated usage of death warrant is primarily due to the decline of public support, given the inconsistencies in the judicial system.   Outstandingly, executions for offenders sentenced to death has dropped over the years in the U.S. The decline has not only been witnessed with the traditionally conservative states but also in more supportive ones as Virginia and Texas (Garrett, Jakubow, & Desai, 2017). A comparative study of the statics evidenced by current sentences and the past confirms that the nation’s judicial system is increasingly handing…

Same-Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized   Same-sex marriage is a marriage between two persons of the identical sex, which may be a new social phenomenon, resulting in a brand-new kind of family formation. In the contemporary world, this failed to exist until the twenty-first century when an increasing number of countries began permitting same-sex couples to marry legally. Additionally, beginning within the late twentieth century there has been a growing global movement to treat marriage as a fundamental human right to be extended to same-sex couples. Even when a gay relationship is a fact of Indian social life, it’s yet to be proposed one reason couples are bad for the country that’s not supported religion. The standard Indian society has always taken a shabby, narrow and don’t tell about it to anybody kind of look at ‘sex.” But with the import of western lifestyle in metro cities and revolution in information technology (which includes access to satellite channels and electronic media) the outlook of individuals, especially that of younger generations and social activists, towards sex is positively changing. It takes…

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