Spanking as punishment for children             Spanking denotes the use of hands to strike the buttocks of another person to cause physical harm. It can also involve the use of objects such a cane, belt, or whip to beat another. It is a controversial means of discipline for several reasons. It may cause injury to the child, as its sole purpose is to inflict pain. According to the American Psychological Association, spanking relates to such outcomes in children as an increased aggressive behavior, antisocial instances, and also damage to their mental health. Research by Pace, Lee & Grogan (2019) covering 69 countries in the low to medium-income bracket showed that there is a correlation between spanking children at a young age and their socioemotional development in later years. The means of punishment is controversial because despite all the study into its negative impacts, some parents, especially in low-income backgrounds, believe in its effectiveness. I do not support the use of spanking of children as punishment. It is a violent form of correcting children that, in most cases, hurt them more…

Barack Hussein Obama II Barack Hussein Obama II was the 44th President of the United States of America from 2009 to 2017. Obama was the first American President with Afro decent.  He was born on 4 August 1961 in Honolulu, Hawai USA (Wallenfeldt & Mendel, 2020). He started his early education in Jakarta but later joined Punahou School in Honolulu, where he graduated in 1979. He joined Occidental College in Los Angeles, where he studied for two years before joining Columbia University in New York and graduated with a Bachelors’s degree in Political Science (Wallenfeldt & Mendel, 2020). He attained his magma cum laude from Harvard University in 1991.  Obama was Illinois Senator from 2005 to 2008 before running for the presidency in 2009. He settled in Washington, DC, after the presidency. Obama’s presidency promoted racial equality towards African-Americans in the United States and made the United States be the most influential country in the world. President Obama was an effective policymaker who created laws to protect all Americans regardless of their social status or racial affiliations. His legislative achievement…

And The Band Played On And the band played on is a non-fiction movie that was directed by Roger Spottiswoode. This film was centered on the emergence of the aids epidemic back in 1981. The main character in the movie is Dr. Don Francis, an immunologist who, together with other staff of the Centers for Disease Control are trying to understand the emergence of this strange that is affecting a vast population leading to deaths. Through the research, Francis discovers that the disease is affecting men more than women as most of the victims happened to be gay. The study finds that the virus is transmitted through sexual intercourse. During the research, they faced some challenges, such as time factors. But the respondent was free and willing to give information about their sexual life. Francis develops a negative effect on homosexuality after listening to a television preaching film when he had the preacher saying that God will judge us if we brake the law. In the film, the gay representative is requesting the democratic government to recognize them as human.…

Social fallacies Equality Illinois Equality Illinois is a not for profit civil rights organization that supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Illinoisans. It is also an organization that has been vocal about human rights. The organizations have also expressed its public support for a bill in the state legislature that would decriminalize and regulate the recreational use of CannabisCannabis by anyone that is 21 years or older. It is an organization that doesn’t seem to support or promote fundamentalist Christian morals. Relevancy marijuana Only a few numbers of citizens in the United States agree that marijuana is a serious issue facing the country today. Studies indicate that a third of the population considers marijuana as an essential issue among them. Even though half of the people assert the subject of marijuana as something significant, the same people were against the legalization of marijuana. The weight of the issue has become more important than those that are for the legalization of marijuana (citation needed). Besides, decriminalizing and regulating marijuana could bring in upwards of about a half-billion dollars in a…

Oak Ridge National Library Survey Introduction This article is a summary of the following specific areas of ORNL, where the facility is involved in solving several major human problems: Advanced Materials ORNL is a national leader in the development of some of the most advanced materials in energy generation, storage and use. ORNL engages in some of America’s most comprehensive material research programs. Advanced materials research and development at ORNL rely on three main areas, namely; material synthesis, characterization and synthesis. National Security ORNL engages in the processes and practice of National Security by providing science-based solutions that help’s the government address complex national security issues. The organizations focus in areas such as public health, national defence, energy infrastructure and the economy. The organizations apply complex research-based solutions to critical areas of national security such as uranium and nuclear science, cyber-crime and data science, and advanced manufacturing that counters enduring and emerging threats to national security. Nuclear science Despite being a sub-branch of research that ORNL conducts on National Security, Nuclear science is one of the library’s main focus because…

support the thesis that religious freedom should be limited Many amendments in the constitutions of different countries in the world acknowledge religious freedom. In the United States constitution, the first amendment states, “Congress shall make no laws in respect to an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The clause in the American constitution protects Americans against religious discrimination by providing and protecting religious freedom for every American. However, the protection of religious freedom remains controversial. The disagreement stems from the analysis of how the privilege should be expressed. Individuals of faith believe religion surpasses public concerns, including government essentials like education and the law. For most believers, religion is unique, regardless of context or company. On the other spectrum of the controversy are believers of public space over religion. This group of range and believers advocate for the separation of church and state. In this essay, the focus is to establish why it is essential to limit religious freedom. There is a need to separate church and state. The initial separation of church and state is intended…

What is Pornhub? le: Pornhub What is Pornhub? PornHub is one of the biggest porn sites in the world, and bills itself as the number one free porn site on the internet. It features a wide range of porn, from general interest, to specialist content. The site also includes HD quality videos, a community, a Roku channel and a members-only area. The site also features live cams, a ‘fuck now’ feature to meet local girls for sex and a large selection of premium gay porn content. The site boasts literally hundreds of thousands of videos across all genres. The site is also one of the biggest in the industry for virtual reality porn, and interactive porn. The site even has a sexual health feature and aims to educate, to demystify porn and to make it more mainstream. How much is Pornhub? Pornhub charges 9.99 per month for membership, and although a lot of content is free, this membership gives subscribers access to the community, a wide selection of HD videos, and the ability to save videos, create and share playlists,…

Descriptive and Analytic Epidemiology Part 1 Malaria is considered a worldwide health concern. It is one of the greatest causes of death in the world. Countries have been collaborating with NGOs to control and eliminate malaria. However, the biggest challenge facing the control of malaria is the increasing imported cases of malaria (Tebernero, Fernandez, et al., 2014). For countries to effectively control malaria, they need first to know how to manage imported malaria cases. This can help them to sustain malaria control. Anopheles mosquito transmits malaria from an infected person to non-infected one. A person infected with malaria demonstrates symptoms such as fever, chills, anemia, and so forth. Children and the minority are highly exposed to malaria. Basic symptoms in children include impaired consciousness, convulsions, hypoglemia, and so on (Tebernero, Fernandez, et al., 2014). Malaria is mostly transmitted in dawn and dusk. Malaria epidemiology changes from one geographical region to another, and this depends on the intensity of local malaria transmission. In 2015, Africa recorded 395,000 malaria deaths (Tebernero, Fernandez, et al., 2014). Malaria impacts are felt within health facilities,…

Stage Social Identity Developmental Model The model that pertains to men identified as gay is the stage model of the social identity proposed by Cass. The model constitutes of six stages which assume movements in self-perception from the notion of heterosexuality to gay (MacDonald, 2016). The first phase in the model entails identity confusion.  In the first stage, individuals’ initial perceptions of thoughts, attractions, and feelings towards people with the same gender manifests. Identity comparison is the second identity of the model, whereby individuals counter social alienation and stigmatization.  In the third stage, identity tolerance entails an acknowledgment of the group as being gay and tend to seek out other gays within the community. Identity acceptance follows, which involves a positive connotation of being gay (MacDonald, 2016). Identity pride allows individuals to focus on contacts with their peers to identify with activities and issues relating to gays orientation. Ultimately, identity synthesis will enable individuals to judge the range of individual qualities other than sexual identity. Strengths and Weaknesses for Theory Models There exist myriad strengths and weaknesses for the Cass…

A global health issue -incidence, etiology, and impact Global health initiatives mainly involve humanitarian efforts aimed at collaborating with regions and allocating surplus resources, particularly funds for infectious diseases and other global health issues- such as tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, malaria, immunization programs, maternal and child health, among others. HIV/ AIDS has remained a challenging global epidemic. HIV infection is caused by a virus called human immunodeficiency virus that gets transmitted through infected body fluids, including blood, vaginal secretions, and semen. According to UNAIDS (2019), it was estimated that 37.9 million HIV/AIDS known cases were reported globally in 2018. Among them, approximately 36.2 million cases were adults, and the remainder were minors below the age of fifteen years. The annual HIV infection incidence was 1.7 million cases in 2018. During the same year, approximately 770000 deaths as a result of HIV/AIDS-related illnesses got reported worldwide. Regionally, the impact of HIV/AIDS is more rampant in developing countries. A Global Health Agency to manage the issue The International AIDS Society (IAS) is known to be the world’s largest agency dealing with HIV/AIDS. IT includes…

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