Gender Violence Against Women             Violating the Human Rights of women is increasing in the modern world, despite the campaigns held by several anti-violence activists and groups in different parts of the world. Estimates show that one woman out of three is or has been affected by violence in their lifetime, and approximately thirty-five percent of ladies have experienced either physically or sexually by their partners in the world. Another survey indicates that seven percent of women globally were sexually assaulted by different people other than their partners. The saddest part is that nearly thirty-eight percent of women who were killed, the acts were from their intimate partners, making it the highest ever-homicides in the current world. Other countries still practise Female Genital Mutilation on young girls and women. All these are issues affecting women in many locations and regions of the world. In this study, I put my focus on intimate violence happening to women in society and will suggest the possible solution to addressing this problem. Culture and tradition play a significant part in contributing to the violence…



Gender Gender refers to the socialized roles of being male or female. Conformity refers to the urge people have to try and conform to social behaviors that are generally accepted by their gender peers. Various scholars have focused on finding out how gender affects people’s alignment of attitudes about issues and behavior. Skinner et al. investigated whether gender typicality affected the self-esteem of 203 African American students towards conformity. Male and female participants ranging from 16 to 19 years were selected for the study. Issues such as racial centrality, self-efficacy, and social pressure were used as measurements in the study. The results depicted that male participants were more gender-typical of their other males when compared to females. The study also revealed that male participants felt more pressure from their social environment to conform to traditional male roles than females. The study, however, noted that girls gave in more than boys to conform to gender roles than boys despite the pressure being even. The study also showed that youth who were more aligned with their racial groups had lower self-esteem in…

IN COLD BLOOD BY TRUMAN CAPOTE For this analysis paper, we will read In Cold Blood written in 1965 by Truman Capote. You have some options about the theoretical lens to use for analysis for this paper. You may use gender criticism, possibly examining Capote′s representation of masculinity. You may also use ecocriticism to examine Capote′s use of the natural environment. This will be a formal, scholarly paper targeted at an academic audience. The paper will be 1,000-1,250 words and a works cited page. MLA style is required. The paper will contain an academic title, an introduction with a thesis, a method of analysis section, analysis, and a conclusion. You should cite at least three sources. The first two must be scholarly works about In Cold Blood, and the third must be a scholarly source about the analytical lens. For this analysis paper, we will read In Cold Blood written in 1965 by Truman Capote. You have some options about the theoretical lens to use for analysis for this paper. You may use gender criticism, possibly examining Capote′s representation of…

Five Genders The Bugis community has a different way of classifying gender compared to Western culture. Traditionally in the West, only two genders are identified, and that is the male and female. Any additional class from the male-female binary is often strange and less likely to be accepted by the community. I learned the Bugis are an ethnic group in the South Sulawesi of Sulawesi island with five different and acceptable classifications of gender (Anderson, np). Other than the male gender, also referred to as oroané and the female gender, Makkunrai, there are three more genders in the Bugis community who are equally important in their culture. Among the three Bugis’ gender classes are; the Calalai who are biologically female but identify with the roles played by men, the Calabai who recognize themselves as females despite their male biological backgrounds, and finally, the Bissu class who possess spiritual powers and are a combination of all genders, making them more powerful(Anderson, np). I was mostly fascinated by the Bissu class. The Bissu blended gender identity allows the gender to communicate with…

Crime Frames and Gender Differences  The article’s story is about the examination of differences in gender crime frame concerns and responses to crimes concerning human trafficking.  Crime frames raise high levels of interest that can activate the criminal justice system crime response. Gender difference discrimination is a cause of human trafficking; hence, human trafficking is a crime framed by policymakers, the media, and NGOs in which women are at increased risk of victimization. Frames are presented as powerful tools for elites in politics to activate concerns in public and motivate support of government action. It exemplifies how public alarm and fear of crime exaggeration in the media leading to an increased range of crime solutions. Criminalization of human trafficking is not a new phenomenon. It serves as a useful tool to prioritize abuses of human rights through framing on public opinion, the creation of gender-sensitive policies and criminal justice issues. The demographic characters involved in the article study include about 52% male aged between 16 and 49 years and 48% female of age between 17 and 49 years in the…

Analyze the influence of ideas about gender on the reign of Elizabeth I and explain how Elizabeth responded to these ideas Introduction Throughout the course of history, people have been persecuted for their choice of religion, ethnicity, and gender. One of the many leaders that experienced a type of oppression was Elizabeth I, the Queen of England from 1558 to 1603, and she voiced her responses about this inequality clearly for her challengers to hear. Opposes of the idea of a female ruling a country, such as religious figures, could not agree with the idea of Elizabeth leading England, and felt that it was a straight path to destruction. Other citizens of the country, specifically personal associates of Elizabeth, were completely behind the queen, supported her actions, and admired her bravery and confidence in herself and her country (Heisch pg 110). Elizabeth also had some reservations as well as strong opinions on the pressing issue that she faced and responded authoritatively. Challengers of Elizabeth mostly consisted of church officials who felt that she should not be leading the country and…

War and gender Introduction The politics of war and peace have historically been perceived along gender lines where men are mandated to participate in a war and make peace as soldiers or guerillas or peacemakers and nation builders (Jansen, 2006). Such an approach to war portrays men as the perpetrators of atrocities, while women are portrayed as victims and are always assumed to have a strong desire for peace (Jansen, 2006). Goldstein (2001) defines war as dangerous intergroup violence. On the other hand, Goldstein (2001) argues that “gender” generally entails masculine and feminine roles and bodies alike, in all their aspects. The purpose of this paper is to explain Patricia Collins and Dorothy Smith’s approaches to gender. Thereafter, the two theories will be applied in the historical context of gender and war. Collins and Smith’s approaches to gender Collins uses the term matrix of domination to emphasize that the position a person holds in society is comprised of several contiguous standpoints instead of just one essentialist perspective (Collins, 2000). For example, women perform many different roles in the course of…

CORRUPTION IN GOVERNANCE: THE GENDER BALANCE PERSPECTIVE. EVIDENCE FROM NIGERIA USING SVAR MODEL   INTRODUCTION The subject of corruption has been a topical issue on the front burner of developed and developing economies. Corruption is observed not only to limit the functional implementation of both monetary and fiscal policies but also has widened the income equality gap, thus leading to reduced economic growth. In recent times, corruption has led to public and private officials increasing public expenditure in what is often termed as “budget padding” to accommodate personal income and luxurious lifestyle. This obnoxious trend has regularly featured high budgetary estimates of spending on paper, which does not often translate to actual physical infrastructural development. Thus, corruption, in essence, reduces the amount of revenue income available to the state for public and private investments, reduces the citizen’s trust in governance and weakens the performance of macroeconomic policies.   In some countries where corruption has severely prevailed, governance is being impeded, and citizen’s trust eroded. Democratic governance, which is “government for the people and by the people,” has suffered a severe…

Women and Gender in Western Political Thought   Guidelines Topic proposal​: (10%)   Research question   Paragraph on why this is interesting to you Specific research you have done so far:   what search terms have you used in what search engines?[unique_solution]   what are some of the academic sources that have come up?   what books relate to this topic?   what other kinds of sources have you found that might be relevant to answering your question?   Research plan and annotated bibliography​: (15%) Two paragraphs on ​how​you plan to address your question. Is it a question that requires statistics? Are you looking closely at one case? Are you offering a close reading of a text/set of texts? These are some examples of ways you might go about answering a research question. These paragraphs are also where you should also be thinking about why you selected particular stats, cases, or texts. Why are your selections better for answering the research question that others you may have considered?   Your annotated bibliography should have at least seven sources, and for…

 ways in which women′s /gender agency is handled My short paper MUST: highlight the specific ways in which women′s /gender agency is handled in your reading. What are authors saying about issues like empowerment, choice, agency, and power? Are the practices of dressing or consumption or protest opening out new spaces of expression and agency? Are they reinforcing existing systems of power? Are they obscuring social inequalities or preventing us from acknowledging these? identify the major theoretical ideas or concepts raised in the readings. You can do this just by listing keywords. Eg: capital flight, globalization, neoliberalism, gendered labor etc. [Be prepared to answer questions about why you′ve identified these concepts as important to the reading in the discussion!] If I needed to list the bigger concepts and ideas explained or addressed in this essay, or that article, what would those be? My short papers must discuss a MINIMUM of two of the assigned readings (or two chapters). [unique_solution]That roughly means that you′re writing one double-spaced page on each reading you select–not much at all! My short paper MUST: highlight the specific…

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