Dissertation: A comparative analysis on the effects of domestic violence victims in terms of gender differences Dissertation based on a comparative analysis on the effects of domestic violence victims in terms of gender differences. – use harvard referencing. Structure/ Layout: abstract table of contents introduction literature review methodology results discussion conclusion reference list appendices – once finished send via email: stefanie.agnoli@hotmail.com Attached are some links to use in order to help with the research Dissertation: A comparative analysis on the effects of domestic violence victims in terms of gender differences Dissertation based on a comparative analysis on the effects of domestic violence victims in terms of gender differences. – use harvard referencing. Structure/ Layout: abstract table of contents introduction literature review methodology results discussion conclusion reference list appendices – once finished send via email: stefanie.agnoli@hotmail.com Attached are some links to use in order to help with the research[unique_solution] Dissertation: A comparative analysis on the effects of domestic violence victims in terms of gender differences Dissertation based on a comparative analysis on the effects of domestic violence victims in terms of…

politics in United States are still influenced by factors such as gender, religion and race Introduction Although democracy has been emphasized in many countries across the entire world when it comes to politics, it is beyond reasonable doubt that there are many external factors away from what is perceived to be the real politics influencing the outcome. United States is one of the good examples which can be scrutinized to affirm the trend. I mean, how often do we hear men testify that they can’t vote in women to lead them? Christians testifying that they can’t allow Muslims to lead them and majority race in a democratic country swear not to support a certain candidate just because of his or her race? Then, this a clear indication that politics in United States are still influenced by factors such as gender, religion and race. Different scholars have had different approaches to explain the phenomenon. https://mvelestoque.atavist.com/contributing-factors-to-political-views The oxford research encyclopedias for instance have pointed out how diversity in ethnic groups among the western states has become prominent in most of the contemporary…

Review the Racial and Gender Report Card at  HYPERLINK https://www.tidesport.org/ What is the purpose of this report (in your own words)? What type of information is included/assessed? What does TIDES stand for? How and why do they assess Super Bowl ads? Review the MLB, NBA and NFL reports. This analysis will be 4 paragraphs (one per league and a concluding/comparison paragraph). Consider which area appears to be the area of concern for diversity/gender issues, which league has most diversity/gender represented, etc. Comment on female representation in sports leadership roles after reviewing the report on this topic. You must present three statistics within your analysis.[unique_solution] Diversity initiatives are listed at the end of the league reports. Choose a specific league and review one initiative specifically. Here you must have three paragraphs of analysis (one that introduces the initiative, one that presents content from another research source on this initiative, and one paragraph that assesses the impact of this initiative using numbers/grades to conclude) Module 6 Activity      

Response analysis of “Doing Gender” Response analysis of “Doing Gender” Author(s): Candace West and Don H. Zimmerman. In their writing West and Zimmerman examine and criticize the societal gender role concepts. I like their proposal essay which is presenting an overall understanding of sex, gender and sex category in the society. The authors believe that doing gender is an action that is accounted by the organization, interestingly the creation of the gender roles in the nation is based on community judgment on the practices and activities assigned to people in the society. They clearly state: “Our purpose in this article is to propose an ethnomethodologically informed, and therefore distinctively sociological, understanding of gender as a routine, methodical, and recurring accomplishment.” West and Zimmerman discussion shows the differences between the sex category, sex, and gender. “Sex, we told students, was what was ascribed by biology: anatomy, hormones, and physiology. Gender, we said, was an achieved status s constructed through psychological, cultural, and social means. “I support the author’s discussion since it is very accurate that generality people understand sex being a…

Sexual Orientation and or Gender Identity Should sexual orientation and or gender identity be explicitly added to the list of federally protected classes? The response to this the above questions requires one first all to understand the meaning of sexual orientation and gender identity correctly, respectively, and how they differ in various contexts. While sexual orientation concerns the romantic, emotional, or sexual feelings one has towards the opposite sex, gender identity on the other side is how one feels himself or herself and to express their gender through behavior clothing and personal appearance. This kind of feeling usually begins at an early age of life. However, it is worth noting that gender identity is far much different from sex and gender. While gender identity is about the recognition of oneself, sex, on the other hand, is the label of female or male that one is assigned at birth by a doctor based on the genital he or she born with and the chromosomes. Gender is somehow complicated since it revolves around legal or social status and different expectations from the…

sociologist views the association amid the core social variables of gender, race, social class, and health Sociology is still vivacious and composed of a broad range and is entertaining scholarly enterprise in the twenty-first century. Sociology refers to the analysis of society, sequences of social associations, community interactions, and social culture of each day life. The study is social science centered that utilizes numerous mechanisms of empirical research and core analysis to establish a segment of knowledge concerning social structure, acceptance, modification, or community evolution. Additionally, sociology may be explained as the overall science of a specific society. Also, some sociologists carry out a study that might be relevant directly to community policies and wellness. Nevertheless, other scholars concentrate on refining the theoretical comprehending of community processes. Subject issues under sociology include the micro-sociology position of personal agency and the association to the macro rank of systems and the community structure. Currently, sociology varies from its perception during the 1950s and 1970s because it is presently extremely diverse in both speculative and in its particular subject issues. For instance, currently,…

  Why gender inequality is ethically problematic and gender equality ethically desirable Gender inequality and gender equality have been the subject of intense discussion and debate for decades. Many schools of thought have been brought into play by various stakeholders to make their cases. However, discussing these two concepts using an ethical lens makes the discussion most interesting. Among many consequences of this course of action is the agreement by majority of the people involved that gender inequality is ethically problematic while gender equality is desirable. Gender inequality is problematic because of many issues associated with the oppression of one gender or the other. However, looking at the discussion from the perspectives of ethical theories and the articles given, we find that the hypothetical standpoint holds water. One ethical theory that supports this premise is that John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism Theory. This theory holds that mankind is supposed to act in a manner that provides all stakeholders with the most benefit. Therefore, an ethical existence at the workplace should benefit all stakeholders regardless of gender.  Looking at this presumption using…

CRITIQUE OF GENDER PAY GAP-A MACRO PERSPECTIVE Details Of The Article The authors of the article include Akiko Terada-Hagiwara, Shiela F. Camingue-Romance, and Joseph E. Zveglich, Jr. The article got published in March 2018, volume no 538, and the publisher was Asian Development Bank and has not been reviewed yet. The title of the articles is Gender Pay Gap: A Macro Perspective. In the course of this assessment, our main area of concern will be to critique the article and give its perspective regarding the main idea which the authors are discussing. Appropriateness Of Title The title of the article is appropriate because the main idea which the authors are discussing is about the factors which influence the pay gap between gender. It’s evident that the male earns more compared to the female, and the authors are concerned in giving more details as to what brings up the gender gap. The authors have analyzed more 53 economies and identified the gap and therefore makes the title of the article to be more suitable. Purpose Of Abstract The abstract of the…

Psychology and Sexuality Gender Provide an example. This can include a photo, a link, a song, a video, etc. The society has expectations for both the male and the female, and this is what we call gender placement. It has norms that it requires the men and women to conduct themselves in a particular manner. There are socially constructed activities, attributes, and roles that society gives the variant categories of sex, and this is gender. The figure below indicates that the majorly the society has two genders though there are minor cases of transgender. https://www.google.com/search?q=Psychology+and+Sexuality+Gender Briefly explain how this connects to this week’s topic on sexuality and gender Sexuality and gender have interrelation, and whenever we talk of one, the other presents itself. The people in the society require that the other conduct themselves in a specific manner. Hence, gender influences sexuality in a big way. According to society, family comes from the male and female we cannot separate them (Oakley, 2016). Both genders should portray particular behaviours based on their biological sex. Society needs to consider each gender as…

Changing the sex and gender of Polycarp The legal status and set of expectations from the society about behavior, characteristics, and thoughts of a person defines gender. In gender definition, the nation notes personality traits such as confidence. Sex is the sticker of either being a male or female is the biological differences existing between males and females. Changing the sex and gender of Polycarp Changing the gender and sex of a character in Polycarp’s narrative means affecting the description and the story’s outcome. In this case, I choose to change the sex of Polycarp, who is the main character of the description. The narrative gives the sex of Polycarp as male. The new identity of Polycarp in my responses is female. Giving Polycarp a female representation will change the themes of the narrative. i quote Polycarp courageously. He removes his garments and loosens his belt, ready for persecution in most cases, and females are inferior. When the inferiority applied for Polycarp, it then means his courage will not be of use anymore. I strongly feel that Polycarp would have…

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