Gendering Of Criminal Justice System The criminal justice system is highly associated with equality among all the people who are its subjects. Regardless of who the person is, their race, economic class, or even sex, the expected results are that if the crime is identical, the punishment given should also be the same. The expectations, though, differ in some cases and are met in others. It all depends on the rules that are set by the law-making bodies of the country, agreements by the judges, or antecedents achieved from a previous court decision. One of the main areas where equality in punishment has raised questions is that of gender. Gender is different from sex; in that sex is only about physical appearance while gender extends to the expectations of society and social constructions. Gender is heavily oriented on the lives of the men and the women in the contemporary world rather than their just being male or female. Hence gender requires consideration when it comes to the criminal justice system, considering that it is a focus more than just how…

Self Esteem and Gender Identity             The aspect of gender identity comes to play through conceptualizations of the individual as being male or female. However, it is worth noting how some people experience difficulties in belonging to either side and as such, they cannot define themselves as male or female. Gender identity is closely tied to the concept of gender role. The gender role comes in to define one’s personality concerning gender identity.  Therefore, it follows that society plays a critical role in defining gender identity through assigning male or female’s roles which they have to conform to fit in the society. Boys who have been brought up in the absence of their fathers develop more feminine gender identity and less masculine gender identity which leads to a low self -esteem in the course of the interactions with other members of society (Lange, 2017). Gender identity aligns very closely with social stereotypes in the sense that they both shape mental processes like memory and attention, and in the event, affect an individual’s preferences and behaviors. The aspect of gender and…

Understanding of Gender Feminist theories have currently been in the run to define gender and come up with solutions that can solve gender debates. Social justice debates all over are too trying to give identity to people and place privileges according to their genders. There has been tension in differentiating gender has a spectrum (binary) and non-binary. What we mean when we refer to gender has being binary or spectrum is that there are two extremes in gender that is male and female  and everyone can be placed somewhere while being non- binary views gender as something beyond the male and female confinements. However gender can only be defined referring to the distribution of gender identities present in the group that one finds themselves in not by individuals point of view or self-determination. This distinction groups can be placed in three approaches which are religious, biological and sociological. In the three the idea of gender is viewed and described in different dimensions. Discussing about gender in a religious perspective we will only be referred to gender as a binary. Religion…

BBC GENDER PAY GAP Introduction This paper outlines the ethical dimensions of Gender pay gap in BBC. The paper will bear the introduction of a BBC report on gender pay gap; secondly it will address the nature of ethical issues. Finally, it will focus on the different parts played by business in the Society. The gender pay gap is a moral issue that has a significant impact on the performance of any organization. Gender Pay Gap as an Ethical Question The BBC focused on the difference in pay between a man ranked in the middle payment and a woman from the same group. Gender pay is slightly different from unequal pay, which is offering higher salaries to men compared to women for doing the same job (BBC 2019,p.5). There have been a decrease in the Gender pay gap in BBC as a result of increasing the role of women in the leadership positions and dealing with issues that are directly related to salaries. Changes made in the operations has also contributed in the reduction of Gender pay gap. All the…

Response: Stigma and Gender The video is discussing how a stereotyped matter can become part of the culture and as such, can compel most of the people to believe in such. The issue of gender and sexuality is one of the matters being stereotyped in society. As such, people falling victims of the stereotype most at times find themselves part of the societal discussions, and that can primarily affect them psychologically. The issue of stigma is discussed alongside the levels it appears to victims. That is the matter with sexuality as for this case. In that connection, stigma comes in different levels, and probably it impacts vary with every one of them. I guess the stereotype that one is being straight into their ears is a little bit of high degree when it comes to affecting the victim. I suppose when a stereotype of the like is being said about one’s situation or disease, preferably one they are suffering from or is affecting them in a way, the effect will be adverse. From the video, I guess it is the…

The Effect of Gender and Class on Clay Gender and class have had an immense effect on the development of individuals. These two axes have either worked in favor of various individuals or have been used to perpetuate inequality within society. These two inequality axes of gender and class have been intersected to determine various outcomes that can be academic and non-academic. Gender and class discrimination are detrimental effects that have immense effects in patterning and predicting the outcome of a particular action and the success of an individual. In this essay, we will have a closer look into the effect of gender and class in the developmentof Clay, the protagonist in the story, the concert stages of Europe. The term protagonist refers to any main character in either a play or a film, while an antagonist is a character who is hostile to others more so to the main character. In most of the plays, the authors present both the protagonist and the antagonist to give a flow of events, create conflict, and also capture the attention of viewers…

Gender Performance The media industry plays an essential role in providing critical information to the public, owing to the significant influence it possesses on society. Three types of news media exist; print media, broadcast media, and the internet media, which is growing at an alarming rate. Due to the significant impact the media has on the audience; it influences various social perceptions of gender (masculinity and femininity). First and foremost, the press over represents men in online/news forums and presents fewer women hence creating bias. Secondly, women are more stereotyped compared to their male counterparts, thus limiting their possibilities to venture into the media profession. Lastly, the media promotes content that supports traditionally gendered (dominant-subordinate) relationships between men and women. Issues of gender-based violence are rarely addressed or covered by the media. One particular example of how the media creates gendered content is in the film industry. Hollywood, which is the largest film industry in America, offers lead roles to male actors and few supporting roles to female actors. Another example the media portrays in their content includes men being…

Response: Psychology, Gender, and Sexuality According to the guest speaker, it is evident that gender and sexual matters are kept too private by individuals at the time where openness is required the most. Basing my argument on the hospital statistics presented by the speaker, it is easily notable that people with gender and sexual issues that need to be addressed keep them to themselves for fear of stigmatization to come across. However, we may treat the matter of stigmatization as only a one-sided aspect of the whole affair, but it is ridiculous how we can meet the same thing among the health workers. When the health workers escalate to the level of stigmatizing the transgender persons the same way the community does, definitely the same people will never find peace or security in the process of seeking identity. In that connection, the guest speaker recognized the LGBT community as one that deserves care and support from the rest of the community or the government, if possible. That is because, at times, these individuals do not find the expected reception by…

Household gender inequality For decades now, women have been championing gender equality globally. The various elements of gender equality that women want to including political representation, social fairness, education, and economic justice, which they want to be the same as that of their male counterparts. However, the reality of this truth is far from what it is. Despite the global outcry to have genders equality both in workplaces and at home, women do not feel like they should be equally responsible in the household aspect as the men (Eek et al., 179). In most places across the world, men are the head of the house charged with various household responsibilities that the women. This essay seeks to develop insight into the inequalities that exist between women in the household as a result of the little duties that women do take. Studies across the various states in Asia and Africa does reveal that men are considered the head of multiple households. This is due to the numerous responsibilities which they do take. For example, the study does show that men take…

Transgender support The Canadian gay and lesbian arquives is a group that is situated in Toronto that helps preserve data and information about transgender people. They store the information simply because they don’t want it lost, and they believe it will be of help in preventing homophobic attacks on gay and lesbian people. The group collects information that is useful in fighting for the rights of gay people. They are then presented in the form of exhibitions that display gay activities. Their main concern is the neglect or discrimination of gay people who are maltreated in public or when getting government services. Through the groups’ activities, it has promoted resilience among the transgender people by supporting these relationships, which the community identifies as not in line with the “norms” of the society. The group has fostered the fight against unfair treatment by staging different shows in Toronto, that advocate for civil rights for all transgered people. The gay and lesbian community has benefitted from this support and thus have been able to make demonstrations fighting for their rights. Through the…

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