Conformity and gender Literature review Gender refers to a set to roles that people are be construed towards within human society. Thus one can be considered either male or female. Social conformity refers to giving in to social pressure to fit into society. Most often than not, people’s attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are influenced by their gender group’s son that they can be accepted. Failure to conform to what is considered acceptable often attracts ridicule and embarrassment with an aim to force the person to confirm. Various past studies have shown just how gender influence affects social beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of people. Oosten, Vandenbosch, and Peter investigated a group of 1,467 adolescents in the Netherlands to determine if gender affected their social networking behaviors. The survey was built on a previous study that claimed that gender roles directly affected how males and females perceived themselves and how they presented themselves on social media networks. The participants in the survey were required to support and align themselves with the hyper-masculinity of hyper-femininity. Afterward, the participant’s gender alignment measured whether it…

Body, Gender, and Sex Introduction According to Oakley, gender is the traditional psychological, social, and representational distinctions between men and women, which are determined in the social sphere and vary from one culture to another. This definition of gender has been the basis of many studies that seek to reveal how most of societal actions and practices or behaviors characterize maleness or femaleness of an individual are due to socialization or social learning rather than inherent. Also, the definition stated above allows us to study the relationship between the biological body, which is categorized as either female or male and the learned experiences of gender embodiment. This paper focuses on the human body as the most significant element as to what gender is. Besides, the article discusses the importance of this element that defines gender as a foundation of social meaning and influence. Body Societies tend to use the terms sex and gender interchangeably. Although the two words relate in meaning, they are not the same. When a child is born, people assign the newborn’s sex as either male or…

Social Conformity based on gender Literature review Social Conformity based on gender means that people change in order to align their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors with that of the larger group in a bid to belong. For example, one may conform to certain gender roles or with masculinity and femininity in the way they behave, which means that they give in to pressure to conform to the greater traits of the subset. Indeed, there has been massive past work by scholars who have tried to explain how gender pressures individuals to align themselves with certain attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs in society. Gender has affected the way people perpetrate or become victims of physical aggression in relationships. Men and women behave differently and try to conform in interesting ways according to past research. In fact, it is expected that men conform to masculine roles of being the perpetrators while women conform to being victims. However, according to a study by Berke et al.,. Men who least conformed to masculine roles were more likely to show greater aggressive behavior towards women. The…

Gender issues Abstract The existence of gender issues has been associated with adverse effects on both men and women. Women fall under the most affected population since most of the gender issues affect them.  This argumentative essay focuses on the need for women programs concerning gender issues that affect them. The essay gives an insight into why women’s programs are increasing each day. It also identifies the relationship between gender issues and stress in women. Although women’s programs are formed based on helping women, men’s issues are neglected and should be addressed. Introduction The issue of Guaranteeing equal rights and opportunities to females will help them in meeting development objectives as well as achieving gender equality. Gender issues are hitting societies very hard since women believe that their rights are not observed.  Lack of women emotional is the leading cause of this issue since Empowered women are contributing a lot of the community. Gender refers to roles constructed socially by societies by assigning them to women and men, respectively. Gender equity comes in when men have equal powers with women…

      StoreFront or Sting Program                     Student’s name Institutional affiliation Course number and name Instructor name Assignment due date         StoreFront or Sting Program The field of criminal justice is often faced with the responsibility of dealing with various crimes. The crimes tend to include cybercrime, sexual assault, property crimes, and robbery. Each crime will require particular techniques or methods to assist in finding a criminal. For instance, the techniques utilized to handle cybercrimes will differ from those used in solving property crimes. For example, property crimes often utilize the method referred to as a storefront or sting program. The method is often considered due to the outcomes. The paper will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using a storefront or sting program in solving property crimes. The sting program is a technique that is often used to recover stolen property and detention of the individuals involved. In the method, police officers often take the identity of fences (Lushbaugh C & Weston P B, 2016). Fences…

Sampling and Sampling Distributions Sampling is one of the main concepts that are used in modern statistics. This process can be described as the selection of elements from a certain set in which elements have some common qualities. This activity is based on the assumption that it is possible to understand the properties of a certain population by examining a part of this population (Allen 51).   This is the main premise that statisticians rely on. One should bear in mind that in this context the term population is applied not only to a certain group of people. It is used to describe a collection of entities, for example, automotive parts, households, products, or any other elements (Allen 51). Thus, one can say that this concept is applicable to various fields. This is one of the main issues that should be considered. Overall, researchers should take several steps in order to ensure the validity of their studies.   In particular, they should identify the characteristics of the population and choose the elements that have these characteristics. For example, one can…

The Tempest: Performing gender             The Tempest alludes to a play that was written by William Shakespeare in the 1600s, and it is thought to be among the last plays that was scripted by Shakespeare. The play is also known to have been previewed in a plethora of movies like the one directed by Julie Taymor in 2010. This play contains numerous themes like hatred, love, power, forgiveness, retribution, allusion, as well as revenge. When it is contrasted to the actual play, there are several dissimilarities seen in the movie, like Prospero being reflected as a woman instead of a man in the film. The differences in time between the film and the play and how the spirit in the movie is depicted as a white man is also another point of difference between the movie and the play. This essay entails the analysis of performing gender in the play as well as the movie itself. Twelve years ago, Prospero was Milan’s Duke. However, because he was more of a bookish deposition, he was more drawn into his studies, thus…

A summary of identity practice: Racial Passing, Gender, and Racial Purity in Puerto Rico. To sum up, Puerto Rico’s argues that racial passing is part of the toxic universe. Clearly stating how a culture practice belonging to a set of cultural norms and values have been “taken for granted” and common sense has been highly undisputed. The disparate and at times jumbled pattern of racial and ethnic reporting in the 2000 US census results from a conceptual quagmire. The main ideas of this sharp divergence between the geographic definitions of ancestral envisioned by the farmers of the current classification system and the “de facto” measures of race and ethnicity-based on subjective, socially constructed identities. Expansion of this census race included many national origin groups from Asia, not including anyone from the European continent. This was majorly an artifact ideology and politics. This action highly brought separation to the ones with the Hispanic origin. It highly led to the creation of a quasi-racial Hispanic group under the SOR “some other race.” By 1980 those politicians who wanted to test their powers…

Human Trafficking in South Africa: Exploring the Effectiveness of Legislation and the Impact of Gender Roles The US Department of State has ranked South Africa as a Tier 2 state about human trafficking. This shades light to the menace of trafficking that has hit the country. The cases of human trafficking continue to increase steadily in post-apartheid South Africa. Most of these victims are from within the country, while others are from all over sub-Saharan Africa, Thai, and china. Women, men, and children are trafficked to, from, and through South Africa, with statistics showing that only about 50000 to 100000 cases are documented each year. Analysts dispute these numbers saying that millions of cases go unnoticed or ignored by the government. Female victims are traded to serve as sexual slaves, commercial sex workers, or domestic servants. At the same time, their male counterparts work in mining, factories, are recruited as militia or soldiers, among other tough jobs. The common thing among the victims across both genders is that the working conditions are usually very dire. This warrants the research to…

GENDER BINARY critical points I have learnt are: issues concerning gender binary, trans discrimination, trans violence, transgender transformation, and how to handle and address the trans gendered people. I have learnt that some expressions of masculinity are linked to violence and trauma. From Cox’s speech, I also came to learn that gender binary affects all people, not only the transgender people in the society (htt3). I have also learnt about the correct language to be used while addressing the transgender people. Feinberg explains it better by elaborating how language is about naming a common experience and finding community (Feinberg 6). The familiar thing about all these stories is the discrimination these people face in the community.I am also familiar with Feinberg’s opinion on how people should express themselves regardless of their gender of which the community does not acknowledge it (Feinberg 7). Trinity’s mother who transitioned at four years old terms this form of discrimination as Child Abuse, because, for her, she does not view the transgendered issues especially among child as an abnormal issue (htt4). Gender binary dominates in the communities,…

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