GENDER EQUALITY Bennett, S. E., & Bennett, L. L. (1992). From traditional to modern conceptions of gender equality in politics: Gradual change and lingering doubts. Western Political Quarterly, 45(1), 93-111. This book talks about the disappearance of gender difference turnout during the 1980s, which was an essential development in American politics. The book illustrates the various research studies which all showed an improved voter turnout for women by 1987, as compared to the gender parity that existed before the ratification of the 19th Amendment just before the 1920 elections. It also talks about the many changes in women’s involvement in society and politics during the past quarter-century. Squires, J. (2007).The new politics of gender equality.Macmillan International Higher Education. This book discusses the concern with parity of political participation and the resulting emergence of institutional mechanisms to promote the political equality of women, focusing on gender quotas, women’s policy agency and gender mainstreaming as three key strategies that have come to define the increasing widespread commitment to gender equality within the political sphere. It talks about the rising number of women…

Anthropology: Sex and Gender It is worth noting that sex and gender have been a critical concept in the anthropology discipline. Perhaps, sex is grounded on the perceived biological differences while gender is perceived to be cultural constructions that are observed, performed, and understood in the society, and it’s based on the perceived biological differences. Anthropology, which is the study of human behavior, has created sex and gender imbalances in society. This proposal aims to investigate the political leadership and differences created by sex and gender inequality in society. In many societies, political leadership has been grounded on a gender basis, which in turn has continued to create social differences in society. Studying human behavior based on political leadership helps to understand the role of men and women in society and the differences therein. Notably, women have been neglected and discriminated in leadership positions in society, which in turn has created a big gap in the political landscape. However, there has been social and political integration, which in turn has changed the perception of people towards leadership in society. Thus,…

Environmental, Biological Factors and Gender Gender behavior or the differences seen when considering gender behavior will focus on both biological and environmental influences. The biological factors will focus on the sex chromosomes that the child will have as well as their sex hormones. The sex chromosomes can be used to determine whether the child is a boy or girl since a girl will have XX chromosomes while the boy will have XY chromosomes. The environmental factors will revolve around socialization, that is, who the child socializes at school or home. The primary biological factor that will govern gender behavior or lead to gender differences will focus the sex chromosomes. The sex chromosomes will contribute to the development of gender identity. Gender identity is highly essential since it will be linked to gender roles that have been established by society. The gender differences when it comes to gender behavior will focus on gender roles that have been established following the development of gender identity. Certain roles will apply to a particular gender. Girls will be expected to wear dresses while the…

Gender equality and women empowerment Women’s economic empowerment is central to realizing women’s rights and gender equality. According to the current statistics, it is indicated that the issue of gender equality and empowerment in women is so sensitive. As a driver of economic empowerment, those in authority are requested to respect the rights of the women and give them gender equality. For instance, it is so painful the moment we see our young women being mistreated based on their gender reason. Giving women poor wages will affect their economic, wellbeing, and it is so painful, if women spend equal working hours as their male counterparts, but receive differed amounts of salaries’ social class is going to be developed, the poor women will be excluded and given less attention in a matter of business. The women also may suffer from poor treatment and consideration from their male counterparts. Women operating a global business might receive bad reactions and comments from the people in society, their business gets rejected, and even the rich might manipulated their business by buying products at lower…

Variations of Socialization Based on Gender, Ethnicity, Class, and Religion Introduction Socialization is an essential issue in the world at large. Socialization is referred to as a process of life that enables individuals to interact with one another (Cole, 2020). This is highly beneficial to them since they gain skills and self-identity through growing physically, mentally, and general growth in all spheres of life. Socialization is also important since it helps people to improve in terms of cultural heritage. Human beings, therefore, need to socialize to know various issues concerning their culture. Religious Socialization Religion is profoundly affected by Socialization. For instance, it helps youth in developing their beliefs on religion and is also referred to as the theory on religious specialization. Parents mostly help the youth in their religious beliefs by encouraging them to attend church activities and committing themselves in studies on spiritual matters (Lisa, 2015). Parents also assist the growth of their children during childhood by living harmoniously and keeping their families together through religious beliefs. Religious specialization works in two ways both parents and children can…

     Gender equality and women empowerment. Women’s economic empowerment is central to realizing women’s rights and gender equality. According ,to the current statistics it is clearly indicated that ,the issue of gender equality and empowerment in women is so a driver to economic empowerment ,those in authority are requested to respect the rights of the women and give them gender equality. For instance it is so painful the moment we see our young women being mistreated based on their gender reason. Giving women poor wages will definitely affect their economic ,wellbeing, it is so painful, if women spend equal working hours as their male counterparts, but receive differed amounts of salaries’ social class is going to be developed ,the poor women will be excluded ,and given less attention in matter of business. The women also may suffer from, poor treatment and consideration from their male counterparts. Women operating global business ,might receive, bad reactions and comments from the people in society, their business get rejected and even the rich might manipulated their business by buying products at cheaper prices, since…

factors influencing thoughts and behaviors related to gender Different factors influence thoughts and behaviors related to gender. For example, a choice for a child to play with a doll or a truck or to be involved in an active play or passive play is more contributed by innate desires developed by biological factors. In most cases, female kids are mostly attracted to playing with dolls, while male kids are primarily invited to playing with the truck. This could be contributed by biological factors in that women are useful in children nurturing while men are good in physical works. In some other cases, most male kinds are found to be associated much in active play as compared to females. This shows that there is an internal force that controls the behavior of the young ones. In my view, gender identity is mostly influenced by biological factors. One can be able to identify if a child is a male or a female when observing its behavior without consulting any other person. Prompt 2 There are different language development theories that have been…

The discrepancy in leadership between genders The discrepancy in leadership between genders is diverse, and all leaders deliver their skills of leadership in different ways. Many factors affect leadership style. No one can conclude that men’s leadership skills are better than women’s abilities or vice versa. The experience and exposure people have to influence leadership skills. Therefore, this paper will discuss how men and women differ in their leadership styles as it relates to power and the approaches to the latter. Women’s leadership has advanced, and many women have been on the rise in direction. Women’s managerial skills are prudent, possibly because of responsibility duties bestowed to them by society. Also, some research has shown that female leaders are more willing to make an extra effort to deliver quality skills. Women teams are more efficient in most cases in comparison with the male manager. However, male leadership is more authoritative compared to women’s leadership. What matters is the passion for leading and the intrinsic motivation to perform duties. Therefore, contextual guidance is dependent on the attitude of the leader and…

Gender Roles in Mr. Clean Super Bowl Commercial: Essay Outline   Introduction   Lead-in Imagine a world with no stereotyping? The future of the cultural environment extensively depends on the ideologies and cultural practices that are being fostered.  The media and other social platforms consistently promote discriminatory ideologies (Shibuya 2); there should be counter initiatives to eliminate discriminatory norms that could be classist, sexist, or racist. Background This paper presents an outline for the roles of gender in the Mr. Clean Super Bowl Commercial. The thirty-second commercial fosters the discriminatory ideology that cleaning the house is the responsibility of women. The act of cleaning conducted by Mr. Clean is so fascinating that the woman becomes sexually attracted; such stereotyping is not appropriate. Thesis The Mr. Clean commercial promotes a discriminatory ideology that belongs to a precise albeit population, that is culturally dominant; in a bid to eliminate essentialist stereotyping, the society needs to adopt the strategy that addresses females and male differences in a much less discriminatory manner. Body Paragraph   Topic one: The woman in the advertisement cannot control…

Continuing impacts of traditional gender Gender role is defined as the human character encompassing a series of attitudes and behaviours that are amicably considered appropriate desirable or else acceptable for people that is based on their sex. Gender roles are centralized under the concept of femininity and masculinity despite variations and specifications of these gendered expectations are seen to vary substantially among cultures. At the same time, other traits may be mutual throughout a series of cultures. Traditional gender roles have in the living today lost impact in some scene and others not. The discussed scenarios happen to support or criticize the statement based on the lives of men and women today Culture the acceptable behaviour defines it according to gender, which is variable among cultures and era, with some aspects of the same receiving extensive attention compared to others. It happens that in some cultures it seems to be healthy, not rare to find men having same-sex relationships with the modern lifestyles having no issues with the cases where men show interest on their fellow mates in the…

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